Sussex Spaniel Association Championship Show 25 September 2010
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DCC and Best in Show Bowe's Sh Ch Belcam Willie Gofar SH CM RDCC Harrison's Glenbrows Scrumpy Jack
BCC, RBIS & BOS Ashcroft's Sh Ch Meggamooch Lucky For Torscha RBCC Graham's Sh Ch Nyliram Old Peculiar JW ShCM
Best Veteran Wakefield & Fordham's ShCh/IR/NED/LUX/INT ShCh Zaphod of Tonispada at Norriss
Best Puppy in Show Boswell's Marquell Mia Nesta
Having served the SSA for so many years in various capacities it was indeed a great honour to once more join the club for a wonderful day. The happy atmosphere and very strong numerical entry of 64 competing dogs with 8 absentees, all exhibiting bags of unique breed character, gave me much pleasure. I thank everyone who travelled to present their dogs to me – it was very much appreciated I can tell you. As time passes nothing remains the same and in the interval since I last sat on the wool sack I was struck by two very basic changes. First a fundamental breed point: the correct stop is disappearing and therefore the head pattern is becoming quite untypical in more cases than I was comfortable with. Secondly a conformation point: one thing most exhibits always had in this breed was satisfactory shoulders and sadly the lovely sloping, free shoulder is deteriorating too. Here’s the thing - If we do not have a good layback of shoulder then we do not have ease of movement for the upperarm and the resulting restriction in this area gives a bounce – not a roll when the exhibit moves. Please have a look at your stock and try and improve these areas if the comments apply for the sake of the breed. It has to be said that this indoor venue is not ideal for assessing gait but I certainly found what I was looking for in my main contenders and I very much enjoyed judging the breed on this special occasion and I was encouraged by the good exhibits that keep me optimistic for the future of our delightful breed. Finally thanks to my very efficient stewards.
Special Veteran Dog 7-9 years (2) 1st Perkin’s Quarr Woodlander at Quintic presenting well as this breed continues to do without making many concessions to age, of good make and shape with a true breed coat smooth and close, very good in skull and foreface and spot on expressionwise which gave him the class 2nd Wakefield’s ShCh/IR/NED/LUX/INT ShCh Penygader Olympas by Norriss scored in neck and is another likely sort, good in bone and fits the standard just a little softer all over than 1
Special Veteran Dog 9+ years (2) 1st Wakefield’s ShCh/IR/NED/LUX/INT ShCh Zaphod of Tonispada at Norriss an old friend of mine having won a ticket from me in the past and who I understand has beaten some recent health problems. However sentiment could not dictate here and this quality dog scored in outline having the height to length ratios that immediately scream Sussex, lovely arched neck, best of shoulders, correct rear quarters and good head properties Best Veteran 2nd Sh Ch Nyliram Night on the Tiles ShCM different type, put down in superb condition, merits close inspection but just preferred winner on the points mentioned above 3rd Oldholbans Golden Gagea
Minor Puppy Dog (1) 1st Hughes’ Quintic The Countryman. Worthy of his red card. Sussex are slow to mature and this is a raw baby but he is built on the right lines to finish well. Skull overly domed at present but this will continue to develop, pleasing in chest and rib and body generally, inclined to pace but when he was persuaded to concentrate moved reasonably well for age
Puppy Dog (2) 1st Basey’s Yorkham Beaujolais well boned puppy, good outline, lovely coat with excellent texture and golden tips coming in well, very soft expression, just as he should be for his age, preferred his front over 2nd Quintic The Countryman
Junior Dog (1) 1st Maddran’s Papplesett Marquis VSOP at Narddamway Very immature juvenile which was highlighted by the lack of furnishings, sufficient bone and needs to deepen in body to create a more balanced picture, sound and typical mover and has a very nice head piece
Yearling Dog (1) 1st Shankland’s Jubilwell Mars at Nyrrela would not want a lot more of him but in very good nick with lovely golden tips to the silky, close coat which so typifies this breed when correct, shapely throughout and still has lots of time on his side to deepen and develop, ok in skull and foreface, satisfactory legs and feet
Debutant Dog (1) 1st Ryan’s Narddamway Shoot The Moon at Wilbragmagna In very good fettle with correct coat texture, of good proportions and likeable head although I would prefer a more positive stop nevertheless does not detract from expression, not a bad sort but just fails in outline due to incorrect shoulder construction which is a pity
Graduate Dog (3) 1st Boniface’s Belcam King's Ransom Covered the ground well with required roll, shapely and well proportioned throughout, coat of good texture but needs to lighten 2nd Vowles’ Jubilwell Beast of Bodmin felt rather tense and therefore was tending to roach however when he relaxed his topline was much improved. Better in forehand than 3 and liked his head properties generally. Discovered afterwards that it was his first show so felt he found his feet well in the circumstances 3rd Narddamway Shoot The Moon at Wilbragmagna
Post Graduate Dog (4) 1st Belcam Kingsmark at Bowswizzler Very sound dog, free and true, moving out in real Sussex fashion to take the class, good length of body although a tad stuffy in neck and shoulder , good bone, satisfactory backline, legs and feet 2nd Bowe’s Belcam Percy Verance. Preferred colour of this individual, appealing open, friendly temperament just as it should be, similar remarks apply to the neck and shoulder but much to like and made a promising pair 3rd Belcam King's Ransom Reserve Judge’s Deanway Dark Sky at Opalreef
Limit Dog (8) 1st RDCC Harrison’s Glenbrows Scrumpy Jack A fine example of the breed, lovely legs and well cushioned feet and well made forehand generally with excellent neck and shoulders flowing into good topline and well made rear assembly free from exaggeration, handsome well moulded head with correct frown and kind, soft expression, never flagged in the challenge just felt the Open winner had the edge on maturity and colour 2nd Maddran’s Meggamooch Jester at Narddamway Unlucky to meet winner, another very nice example with really pleasing head properties and well proportioned throughout, not quite as confident moving on parts of the floor and coat slightly longer but nevertheless appealing on many levels and will continue to mature well 3rd Kenyon’s Rangatira Gladstone Reserve Cadwell’s Jubilwell Thor VHC Ashcroft’s Torshca Teddy Ready Go
Open Dog (5,1abs) 1st DCC & BIS Bowe’s Sh Ch Belcam Willie Gofar ShCM Masculine dog secure in the knowledge of his own worth, beautifully made to present complete picture with an underline that can only come in this breed with maturity, satisfactory front assembly with lovely head well set on good neck and shoulder, good width and depth with pleasing topline, strong loin and well developed quarters used to move just as a Sussex should, coat in gleaming condition, of a super colour with real golden shading to the tips of each hair, softest of expressions, well deserved the top spot 2nd Bailey’s Nyliram Old Ember at Daelyb this male is very good example that fits the standard well with good bone and substance but nothing overdone, head correct with best stop here and well shaped skull and muzzle, good height to length ratios, sunny disposition, it was a close decision for the RCC and missed only by a whisker 3rd Alderson’s Meggamooch Legend Reserve Hasting’s Sh Ch Bardings Brown Bear
Special Working Dog (1) 1st Judge’s Deanway Dark Sky at Opalreef Could never be mistaken for any other breed, low to the ground with required substance and typical head with frown, tends not to stand balanced relaxing overly into his topline and coat past it’s best but a charming character who gave every impression of preferring to be doing something entirely less boring but still in a very polite manner
Special Veteran Bitch 7-9 years (6,1) 1st Edge’s Niriti Lady's Mantle of Tawnyka A good class of likely Sussex all presenting with correct length of neck which was pleasing, lead by an exhibit correct in most departments, tended to relax her topline in repose but moving with real drive and purpose because she is made so well 2nd Brown’s Rangatira Exquisite another smasher, most feminine without losing any of the desired strength and substance particularly appealing in head with well moulded skull with every feature correct including the indentation and stop that are so distinctive when framed by expressive brows 3rd Alderson’s Sh Ch Waldmeister Sammie of Meggamooch Reserve Maddran’s Waldmeister Abracadabra of Belheddon VHC Appleby’s Quarr Tanywood
Special Veteran Bitch 9+ years (1) 1st Walsh’s Millcroft Firedancer dear old lady completely underwhelmed by the occasion, coat on the long side texture-wise but of correct colour, built on the right lines, stands a little wide in front but good in rib, head ok, not at all disgraced despite her ennui
Minor Puppy Bitch (3,1) 1st Hunter’s Glenbrows Patience very babyish and therefore dark enough and raw but still with all the essentials to finish like she should needs time or should I say patience? 2nd Swietalski’s Quintic Vogue of Bowswizzler high on the leg with long pasterns fore and aft, many of the remarks addressed to the winner also apply here but more so, however still felt she was essentially a Sussex
Puppy Bitch (3,1) 1st BP Boswell’s Marquell Mia Nesta Typey individual of correct maturity for age, lovely coat texture, good neck, satisfactory topline, needs to straighten in front as is often the case with normal patterns of development but likeable quality puppy 2nd Glenbrows Patience
Junior Bitch (2) 1st Appleby’s Quarr West With The Night shapely and feminine has the edge on maturity and stands more balanced than 2, lovely legs and feet and forehand assembly generally, well ribbed and good topline, excellent silky close coat of good colour 2nd Maddran’s Papplesett Remy Martin to Narddamway not as forward and altogether as 1 but scores in head which is just as it should be and very feminine and expressive
Yearling Bitch (2) 1st Bowe’s Belcam Miss Demeanour Workmanlike specimen, a tad plain but still has work in the head with all the fundamentals and soft eyes spoke volumes, still in course of development generally but well proportioned, good well padded feet but could stand straighter in front, ideal coat texture complete with lovely shading, should progress well 2nd Kenyon’s Jubilwell Mishona at Pindani needs to lighten in colour and is a little upright in shoulder and upperarm but has plenty of breed type with good chest and rib and strength of loin into well made rear assembly would just prefer a shade more length of bone to avoid exaggeration
Debutant Bitch (1) 1st Judge’s Deanway Foxtail Lily at Opalreef pretty headed bitch with lovely expression, up to size and of the make and shape one tends not to see so much nowadays but often made the best broods, sound as a bell and moves like she would happily work all day in any conditions
Graduate Bitch (2) 1st Belcam Miss Demeanour 2nd Perkin’s Quintic Damson Preferred winner in front and rear construction, good firm topline with sufficient neck, good in rib and loin and correct coat texture to do the job she was bred for
Post Graduate Bitch (6,1) 1st Moon’s Deanway Day Lily headed a nice pair, good example combining femininity with substance, well proportioned and very pleasing in head properties she looks at you just right 2nd Prince’s Narddamway we’ll go Dreamin Likeable exhibit with all the essentials, of good type and moved sensibly not as good in underline as winner but still maturing and a very useful sort 3rd Brown’s Rangatira Good as Gold Reserve Deanway Foxtail Lily at Opalreef
Limit Bitch (4) 1st Edge’s Tawnyka Golden Caramel A bitch of quality, more settled than 2 with a typical outlook, scored in underline, backline and tail set, well bodied with good width and depth of chest and rib and strong loin. Typical head proportions and good expression, my only real thought was that her coat could be a tad brighter but I liked her a lot and she featured well in the challenge 2nd Appleby’s Quarr Topaz Not far behind winner. Slightly lighter framed individual but typical and very shapely, not quite in her best bib and tucker as she was short on furnishings but her coat was an excellent colour and texture and she moved as she should and felt pleasingly fit 3rd Swietalski’s Bowswizzler Heiress Boudica Reserve Mulder’s Quarr Tigers Eye
Open Bitch (8,2) 1st BCC, RBIS & BOS Ashcroft’s Sh Ch Meggamooch Lucky for Torscha For depth of quality this was the class of the day. Headed by a bitch built on classic lines that was really first-rate to handle and put down in great form. Good size, best of legs and feet, has the true demeanour of the bitches of the species, being ever so slightly disinterested in the proceedings but friendly, covered the ground so effectively with all the essential qualities that a Sussex should display, excellent in head and expression, always holding a firm topline when standing and moving alike she had to be a really good one to beat 2nd RBCC Graham’s Sh Ch Nyliram Old Peculiar JW ShCM I have given her a CC before and she is a true champion who pressed hard here. My previous remarks apply and I had no hesitation in endorsing my previous high opinion in this further august company. What a pity she has declined to properly enter the maternal stakes thus far but I do hope she gets an opportunity to take time off to concentrate and pass on her many special virtues before it is too late to do so 3rd Bailey and Boswell’s Marquell Jibby Bean Reserve Watts’ Jubilwell Teaser of Stoweridge VHC Boswell’s LUX CH Marquell Kitilla Ice
Sally Leslie (Judge)