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A.P. practice test e. Stated the loyalist position during the American Revolution 1. Which of the following was the most broadly based labor organization in the late nineteenth century? 8. The fear of left-wing subversion during the 1920’s was a. American Federation of Labor reflected in the b. Knights of Labor a. American first committee c. The Grange b. Trial of sacco and vanzetti d. Congress of Industrial Organizations c. Scopes trial e. Industrial Workers of the world d. Palmer raids e. Army-McCarthy hearings 2. The Seneca Falls “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” dealt with 9. The trial of tears refers to a. The abolition of slavery a. The removal of the Cherokees and other native b. Colonial opposition of British taxes American tribes to Oklahoma c. Working conditions of children in factories b. The difficulties new immigrants faced in getting to d. The concern of farmers over railroad rates the united states e. Women’s rights c. The migration of freed slaves to the north after the civil war 3. The principle of separate but equal facilities for blacks and d. Child labor in nineteenth-century factories whites was set down in e. Conditions on slave ships coming to the colonies in a. The Dred Scott decision the seventeenth century b. Bakke v. Board of Regents c. Brown v. Board of Education 10. At the Teheran conference in 1943 the United States, d. Plessy v. Ferguson Great Britain, and the Soviet Union declared that e. Roe v. Wade I. The soviet union would enter the war against Japan when Germany was 4. All of the following statements about indentured servitude defeated in colonial America are true EXCEPT: II. Information on the atomic bomb would a. Indentured servants were primarily young men be shared by the international b. Indentured servants provided most of the labor in community tobacco cultivation in the seventeenth century III. The invasion of France would be c. Indentured servants could not be sold as property coordinated with a soviet offensive in d. Indentured servants came primarily from the the east unemployed and lower classes IV. Free elections would take place in e. Indentured servants were replaced by black slaves in Eastern Europe the southern colonies by the early eighteenth century a. III only b. I and II only 5. Woodrow Wilson won the presidency in 1912 largely c. I and III only because d. III and IV only a. There was a broad support for his New Freedom e. I, II, and III only program b. He promised to keep the United States out of a European war Questions 11-12 refer to the following table c. He received the endorsement of the Socialist party Unemployment in the United States, 1929 - 1941 d. The Republican vote was split between William H. Number Unemployed Percentage of Taft and Theodore Roosevelt (in thousands) Labor Force Unemployed e. The political bosses in the cities paid recent 1929 1550 3.2 immigrants to vote twice 1930 4340 8.7 1931 8020 15.9 6. The mood of the beat generation is best reflected in which 1932 12060 23.6 of the following? 1933 12830 24.9 a. Jack kerouac’s On The Road 1934 11340 21.7 b. J.D Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye 1935 10610 20.1 c. F. Scott Fitzgerald This side of paradise 1936 9030 16.9 d. James Joyce’s Ulysses 1937 7700 14.3 e. Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman 1938 10390 19.0 1939 9480 17.2 7. The Virginia Resolves 1940 8120 14.6 a. Declared Virginias secession from the union 1941 5560 9.9 b. Created the house of burgesses c. Protested against the stamp act of 1765 d. Put forward Virginias claim to the western lands 11.According to the information in the above table, the worst d. Most of the Supreme Court justices were year of the Depression was conservative a. 1931 e. The Court was declaring too many New Deal b. 1932 programs unconstitutional. c. 1933 d. 1938 18. The compromise of 1850 provided a concession to the e. 1940 South by. a. Allowing slavery in New Mexico and Utah 12. The most likely explanation for the decline in b. Permitting the slave trade to continue in the unemployment between 1940 and 1941 is district of Columbia a. The new deal public works projects c. Having a slavery in Nebraska and Kansas b. That fewer people were looking for jobs determine by popular sovereignty c. Mobilization of industry for world war 2 d. Creating a new Fugitive Slave Law d. That more women were going into the labor market e. Determining how new states would be admitted to e. The 1940 presidential election the union
13.Which of the following historians is most closely 19. Dorothea Dix is most closely associated with which area associated with the idea that the economic factors have shaped of social reform in the first half of the nineteenth century? American history? a. Temperance movement a. Frederick Jackson Turner b. Women’s rights b. William Bradford c. Settlement house movement c. Charles Beard d. Abolitionist cause d. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. e. Prisons and asylums e. Alfred Thayer Mahan 20. The income tax amendment to the Constitution adopted in 14. The first proprietary colony was 1913 a. Jamestown a. Applied the same tax rate to all incomes b. Carolina b. Redistributed wealth from the rich to the poor c. Maryland c. Recovered revenue lost by reducing the tariff d. Massachusetts Bay d. Paid for the social-welfare programs of the Wilson e. New Amsterdam administration e. Was repealed at the beginning of the depression 15. Which of the following was the LEAST significant factor in the demand for restrictions on immigration from 1880 to 21. The United Nations was able to provide military assistance 1924? to South Korea in 1950 because a. Immigrants were a threat to jobs of American workers a. The USSR opposed the North Korean invasion of the b. Immigrants could not assimilate into American south Society b. The USSR boycotted the session of the Security c. Immigrants were radicals and threat to the Council at which the decision was made government c. The United States outvoted the Soviet Union d. Immigrants were racially inferior to Anglo- d. The General Assembly approved the decision Saxons e. Other nations in Southeast Asia pledged their support e. Immigrants owed loyalty to the Pope 22. Which of the following statements about the Emancipation 16. Gerald Ford’s main liability in the 1976 presidential Proclamation is NOT accurate? election was a. His inexperienced in foreign policy a. It immediately freed all slaves living in the United b. The republican party’s position on civil rights States. c. The war in Vietnam b. It freed slaves only in the Confederacy or in areas of d. The Watergate scandal active rebellion e. His support for a national health-insurance plan c. It led to the creation of all-black units in the Union Army 17 Which of the following was NOT a reason given by d. It was issued in part because slave labor was helping President Franklin Roosevelt in his attempt to “pack” the the Confederate cause Supreme Court? e. It gave the North a high moral reason for continuing a. He believed he had a mandate after the 1936 the war election. b. Most Supreme Court justices were interpreting the constitution too broadly. 23. The Pendleton Act was enacted in response to c. He wanted to ease the work load of the Court’s older members a. efforts to raise tariffs on imported cloth b. the assassination of President James Garfield a. North and South America were no longer open to c. protests against civil service examinations European colonization d. complaints about currency deflation b. Existing colonies would not be bothered by the e. the loss of public support for both political parties United States c. The United States would intervene in the problems of 24. According to the Proclamation of 1763, South American countries had with other nations d. The colonies Europeans had had in the Western a. colonial militiamen were required to put down Hemisphere were forever lost Pontiac’s Rebellion e. The United States would not involve itself in the b. colonial paper money cold not be printed affairs of European nations c. contact between colonials and Indians was strictly forbidden 30. The most significant increase in immigration in recent d. settlers were prohibited from crossing the years has come from Appalachians e. speculators were allowed to purchase certain lands a. Latin American and Southeast Asia from trans-Appalachian tribes b. Eastern Europe c. The Middle East 25. The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 represented a d. Newly independent states of Africa significant change in policy because it e. Northern Europe
a. ended the government’s allotment policy 31. The Pilgrims were also known as Separatists because they b. divided Indian lands into individual plots c. weakened the legal basis for tribal sovereignty a. wanted to separate Plymouth from Massachusetts d. undercut existing barriers to the exploitation of Bay Colony Native Americans b. believed in the complete separation of church and e. expanded the role of Bureau of Indian Affairs state c. broke all ties with the church of England 26. The term “scalawag” was used to describe d. were the first to declare independence from Great Britain a. homeless unemployed freedmen in the South e. tried to isolate the Native Americans from white b. former plantation owners who had lost their lands settlers c. native white Southerners who cooperated with the Republicans 32. In Marbury V. Marbury, Chief Justice John Marshall d. Union soldiers who occupied the South during argued successfully that the Supreme Court could Reconstruction e. Northerners who came to the post war South to take a. declare federal laws unconstitutional lucrative federal appointments b. remove federal officials who would not or could not perform their duties 27. Which of the following is a direct social change brought c. determine cases involving interstate commerce about by the American Revolution? d. decide whether debts should be considered in contracts a. The emancipation of slaves who fought against the e. uphold the authority of the federal government over British the states b. The elimination of property qualifications for voting c. An end to religious requirements for holding political 33. Which of the following best illustrates government office support for the construction of the first transcontinental d. Recognition of the right of women to inherit property railway? e. Complete separation of church and state
28. Which of the planks from the 1892 Populist party platform a. Open immigration from China showed a concern with issues raised by organized labor? b. The exchange of the Union Pacific stock for federal bonds a. Graduated income tax c. Creation of the Credit Mobilier construction b. Restrictions on immigration company c. Government ownership of railroads d. The grant of hundreds of thousands of acres of public d. Unlimited coinage of silver lands to the railroads e. Direct election of senators e. Preference in hiring to the Union Army veterans
29. The Monroe Doctrine stated all of the following policies 34. The most important consequence of the Boston Tea EXCEPT: Party was the
a. repeal of the tax on tea 40. The south hoped to gain diplomatic recognition and active b. failure of other colonies to support Boston’s action support from Great Britain because c. opening of negotiations between Britain and Massachusetts a. Slavery was still legal in the British Empire d. enactment by Parliament of the Coercive Acts b. British public opinion generally supported the south e. reopening of the Port of Boston to foreign trade c. British factories needed Southern cotton d. Britain wanted the help of the South to regain the 35. The outcome of the disputed election of 1876 was Oregon Territory significant because it e. The north had placed high tariffs on British goods
41. The theory of nullification according to which a state can a. was the last victory for the Radical Republicans reject a federal law, is associated with b. meant the end of Reconstruction c. marked the beginning of a long line of Democratic a. John C. Calhoun Presidents b. Daniel Webster d. demonstrated that black voters held the balance of c. Andrew Jackson power in Southern politics d. James Madison e. showed that the North and South were able to e. John Marshall reconcile 42. Which of the following was the principal target of Thomas 36. All of the following were New Deal agencies EXCEPT Nest’s political cartoons?
a. CCC a. Slavery b. RFC b. President Andrew Jackson c. WPA c. New immigrants d. NRA d. Boss Tweed e. TVA e. The trusts
37. “If I’d only bought a hundred instead of fifty shares, I’d 43. The Chautauqua movement was be up two hundred dollars. I’ll buy fifty more now. Doubles or quits. If I lose what I’m ahead now, I’ll quit. 44,43 ½, 43. a. An early form of adult education Now I’m behind a little…. Why am I so greedy? No one ever b. An effort to prevent the teaching of evolution got poor taking a profit. 43 ½, 44, 44 ½, 44 ¾. Come on, boy, c. A late nineteenth-century religious revival right through the roof.” d. A literary movement of expatriate American authors The above quotation was most likely written in e. A school of fiction based in the Midwest
a. 1837 44. Which of the following statements about colonial politics b. 1920 in the eighteenth century is true? c. 1928 d. 1931 a. The right to vote for representatives to the colonial e. 1985 assemblies was severely restricted by high property qualifications 38. The outcome of the election of 1824 between John b. The colonial assemblies controlled taxes and Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson was decided by expenditures c. The colonial assemblies had the right to elect the a. the Electoral College governors b. a plurality of the popular vote d. The governors had unlimited authority as agents of c. The Senate the king d. The House of Representatives e. The requirements for office holding were the same e. The “corrupt bargain” as those for voting
39. In addition to the Embargo Act of 1807, a significant 45. The battle of Saratoga resulted in factor in the development of American industry in the period 1800-1820 was a. An embarrassing defeat for the Continental Army b. An unsuccessful peace overture from Lord North a. The invention of the cotton gin c. - b. The developments of railroads d. Renewed efforts of the loyalists to enlist colonial c. The availability of cheap immigrant labor support d. Protective tariffs e. The treason of Benedict Arnold e. The Louisiana purchase 46. The decline in agricultural prices after WWI was due primarily to a. Overproduction a. that American businessmen should invest in b. Lack of overseas markets underdeveloped countries rather than lend those c. Decline in small farms countries U.S. dollars d. Crop failures in the Midwest b. that American government money be loaned to e. High transportation costs underdeveloped countries c. purchasing foreign-owned territories 47. Which statement best summarizes the open door policy? d. the rejection of the Open Door Policy e. encouraging foreign exports by reducing tariffs a. The united states should have its own sphere of influence in china 53. In responding to the Depression, President Hoover placed b. Japan should be excluded from trading with china primary emphasis on c. All nations should be granted equal rights in china d. China should be punished fir its support of the a. reducing the tariff Boxer Rebellion b. cutting federal taxes e. The united states should control international trade c. regulating the sale of stocks in the pacific d. increasing federal income tax rates e. encouraging private volunteer efforts 48. The Neutrality Act of 1939 54. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense a. Maintained the ban against trade with countries at war a. was a call for the abolition of slavery b. Was passed by congress in response to the outbreak b. insisted that the British allow the colonies to elect of war in Europe their own representatives to Parliament. c. Provided for exchange of naval bases for destroyers c. Criticized the weaknesses of the Articles of between the united states and great Britain Confederation d. Was enacted over president Roosevelt’s veto d. Blamed George III for the colonies problems and e. Provided for the cancellation of war debts urged Americans to declare their independence e. Demanded that a strong executive be included in the 49. Ratification of the Constitution constitution
a. required unanimous approval of the states 55. After 1815, such factors as time, cost, and distance in b. was put to a nationwide referendum moving people and goods c. was agreed to by the delegates to the Constitutional Convention a. were increased because of the lack of internal d. was determined by electors from each state improvement e. needs the approval of nine states b. resulted in excessive land speculation c. were significantly reduced by the transportation 50. Which of the following was justified on the basis of a revolution loose construction of the Constitution? d. mattered less as new market centers were developed e. caused a downturn in the growth of eastern cities I. Bank of the United States II. Louisiana Purchase 56. Hinton R. Helper’s book The Impending Crisis of the III. Establishment of the postal service South was intended as IV. Creation of the federal court system a. a refutation of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s a. I and II only Cabin b. I and III only b. an argument against slavery as an economic c. II and III only institution d. III and IV only c. a rallying cry against abolitionism e. I, II, and III only d. a condemnation of the violent acts of Preston Brooks e. a rational defense of the practice of slavery 51. Which of the following states seceded the union first? 57. Which of the following was the main issue in Munn v. a. South Carolina Illinois? b. North Carolina c. Kentucky a. Suppression of a major strike by the federal d. Georgia government e. Virginia b. Monopolistic practices of the Standard Oil Company c. State regulation of labor unions 52. When President Taft called for dollar diplomacy, he d. State regulation of grain elevator operators and advocated railroad rates e. State prosecution of a federal official 63. After the Civil War, the practice of sharecropping a. Turned African-Americans into a labor force with 58. The participation of the United States in World War I was housing and supplies provided by white planters ended b. Taught African-Americans and whites to work together as farmers a. through a separate treaty with Germany alone c. Made it possible for African Americans to save b. by a treaty with all the Central Powers enough money to buy their own farms c. when the Senate ratified the Treaty of Versailles d. Required African Americans to form groups to d. through a joint resolutions of Congress work as gang labor e. by a treaty with the other members of the Big Four e. Forced African Americans to migrate to the north
59. The Opposition tells us that we ought not to govern a 64.President Lyndon Johnson received authorization for the people with their consent. I answer, The rule of liberty that all use of force in Vietnam through just government derives its authority from the consent of the a. The southeast Asia treaty organization governed, applies only the those who are capable of self b. The Truman Doctrine government….And, regardless of this formula of words made c. The gulf of tulkin resolution only for the enlightened, self-governing people, do we owe no d. A declaration of war by congress duty to the world? Shall we turn these people back to the e. The united nations security council reeking hands from which we have taken them? Shall we abandon them, with Germ\any , England, Japan hungering for 65. The first federal agency established to regulate business them? was the a. Pure food and drug administration This speech is referring to b. Federal power administration a. territory acquired from Mexico as the result of the c. Federal reserve system Mexican War d. Interstate commerce commission b. land included in the Louisiana Purchase e. Securities and exchange commission c. the purchase of Alaska by Secretary of State Seward d. colonies acquired after the Spanish-American War e. Americans intervention in the Caribbean and Central America
60. Which of the following best describes the position of William Lloyd Garrison? a. Immediate abolition of slavery with compensation to slave owners b. Immediate abolition of slavery without compensation to slave owners c. Compensated liberation of slaves over a period of time d. Prohibition of slavery in newly acquired territories e. Freedom for all slaves in the states that had seceded from the union
61. The decisive factor in bringing about the resolution of the dispute with Great Britain over the Oregon Territory in 1846 was a. The Lewis and Clark expedition forty years earlier b. The major influence exercised by Hudson’s Bay Company c. The American claim of prior discovery d. The heavy influx of American settlers after 1818 e. British reluctance to go to war against the United States
62. Andrew Jackson’ view of the presidency emphasized 66. According to this cartoon, the trusts a. Strong cabinet leadership a. Were good for the economic growth of the United b. Strengthening the power of the states States c. Support for the nullification doctrine b. Were too powerful and contributed to the d. Congressional partisan leadership impoverishment of the country e. Leadership by the executive branch in the interests c. Were in control of the food industry of the people d. Opposed restrictions on child labor e. Were positive examples of Social Darwinism at work 67. The novels of William Faulkner are set in 73. The Sherman Anti-Trust act of 1890 was a. Paris during the 1920’s b. The south a. effective in restoring competition c. The frontier after the civil war b. declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court d. New England c. supported by John D. Rockefellar e. Small towns in the Midwest d. not immediately successful in limiting business concentration 68. Which of the following made the Soviet Union suspicious e. passed by Congress over the veto of President of the motives of the United States and Great Britain during Benjamin Harrison World War II? a. The delay in the opening the second front in Europe 74. The key issue in Youngstown Sheet and Tube v. Sawyer b. The refusal to grant the soviet union lend lease aid was the c. The American monopoly on atomic bomb technology d. The adoption of the Europe first strategy a. constitutionality of the Taft-Hartly Act e. The failure of the west to accept changes in the borders b. right of the President to seize private of Poland property c. power of the states to limit the number of 69. In the post civil war period, the idea that African hours worked by children Americans should concentrate on economic betterment rather d. authority of Congress to impose quotas for than political or social equality was advanced by hiring based on race a. W.E.B. Du Bois e. validity of state right to work laws b. Frederick Douglass c. Booker T. Washington 75. Which of the following was the most significant foreign d. Marcus Garvey policy accomplishment of President Jimmy Carter e. William Lloyd Garrison a. Paris Peace Accords 70. Which of the following best represents the Realist school b. Panama Canal Treaties of American literature? c. SALT I Treaty a. The Red Badge of Courage d. Camp David Accords b. The Gross Clinic e. Mayaguez incident c. Looking Backward d. The Grapes of Wrath e. Moby Dick
71. Which of the following colonies was founded as a haven for Catholics?
a. Pylmouth b. New Amsterdam c. Pennyslvania d. Rhode Island e. Maryland
72. Which of the following is in the correct chronological order?
a. Bay of Pigs invasion, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, U.S. intervention in Dominican Republic, limited nuclear test ban treaty b. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Bay of Pigs invasion, limited nuclear ban treaty, U.S. intervention in Dominican Republic c. Bay of Pigs invasion, limited nuclear test ban treaty, s Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, U.S. intervention in Dominican Republic 76. The countries shaded on the map were d. Bay of Pigs invasion, U.S. intervention in Dominican Republic, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, limited nuclear a. acquired by the United States as a result of the test ban treaty America-Spanish war e. U.S. intervention in Dominican Republic, Gulf of b. U.S. protectorates at various times between 1898 and Tonkin Resolution, Bay of Pigs invasion, limited 1933 nuclear test ban treaty c. Places where the United States intervened to prevent Communist take over 83. Which of the following events occurred during the d. The only countries in the Caribbean to join the Coolidge administration? Alliance for progress a. Teapot dome scandal e. Locations of important American military bases in b. Ballinger pinchot controversy the 1960’s c. Palmer raids d. McNary-Haugen Bill 77. Which of the following is properly considered the main e. Washington Naval Conference purpose of the Navigation Acts? 84. Margaret Sanger is best known as a. the promotion of trade among the colonies a. The founder of the League of Women Voters b. The protection of American manufacturing from b. The first woman elected to the senate foreign competition c. An advocate of birth control c. To guarantee that England alone would profit from d. A supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment trade with the colonies e. A pacifist during World War II d. To raise revenue for maintaining the British Empire e. The regulation of the slave trade in the colonies 85. Middle class concern for the conditions of the working class in a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization 78. The principle of freedom of the press in colonial America was shown in all EXCEPT was established by the a. Social gospel a. Articles of Confederation b. Salvation army b. Bill of Rights c. Settlement house movement c. Virginia House of Burgesses d. Social Darwinism d. Trial of Peter Zenger e. Young Men’s Christian Association e. Mayflower Compact
79. Michael Harrington’s The Other America (1962) had a significant impact on public policy because of it a. Vividly described the plight of native Americans on the reservations b. Address the problems of environmental pollution c. Drew attention to the persistence of poverty in the United States d. Dealt with the effectiveness of the Jim Crow laws in the South that denied African-American voting rights e. Highlighted the difficulties faced by migrant workers
80. The economic program that emphasizes increasing government expenditures to spur growth and employment is known as a. Supply side economics b. Deficit spending c. Protectionism d. Voodoo economics e. Stagflation
81. Which of the following civil liberties protected by the bill of rights was in the constitution as originally ratified? a. Freedom of press b. The right to bear arms c. Freedom of religion d. Protection against self-incrimination e. Trial by jury
82. During the 1920’s, a significant factor in the growth of cities was a. Immigration from southern and eastern Europe b. The migration of African Americans from the rural south c. Improvement in the interstate highway system d. Court decisions that allow cities to suburbs e. The growth of intra-urban commuter transportation