Colour the Clothes. Then Write Sentences About the Clothes

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Colour the Clothes. Then Write Sentences About the Clothes



1 Complete the puzzle.

1 2 3 Across  2 6 7 8 4 5

6 Down 

1 3 4 7 5


2 Colour the clothes. Then write sentences about the clothes.

skirt • coat • jacket • dress • hat • sweater • shirt

1...... The dress is black. 2...... 3...... 4...... 5...... 6...... 7......

3 Circle the correct answer.

1. My dog isn’t active. He is lazy / optimistic. 2. The holiday is great. I feel so relaxed / sensitive now. 3. Red is a stubborn / strong colour. 4. I work / enjoy hard at school. 5. I try / rest new sports. 6. Pat is happy. She is cheerful / sad.

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4 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verb to be. Make the sentences true for you.

1. I ...... strong. 2. My mum ...... from Ireland. 3. My friends ...... from France. 4. My trainers ...... black. 5. My coat ...... white and orange.

5 Write the questions. Then answer them.

1. thirteen / you / are Are...... you thirteen? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 2. big / school / is / your ...... 3. are / red / tomatoes ...... 4. relaxed / are / you ...... 5. trousers / green / your / are ......

6 Answer the questions about yourself.

1. What’s your name? ...... 2. How old are you? ...... 3. What are your favourite colours? ...... 4. When are you at school? ...... 5. Who is your English teacher? ......



Circle seven adjectives and seven types of food. Copy them into the chart below. 1 a c c a r r o t a c d t a x s a l t y h h e t k m p k j f i e d l r e s o u r c a y b i a z w i e k l g f h c c q c s e t t b x n i t e h n h a p p l e o i g a y s w e e t m u v g c u c u m b e r s e

Adjectives Food

2 Circle the correct answer. 1. The milk doesn’t taste good. It is ...... a. sweet b. sour c. delicious 2. I don’t want ...... pizza. a. attractive b. fresh c. cold 3. Vegetables and fruit are ...... food. a. healthy b. spicy c. hot 4. The ...... makes food in a restaurant. a. artist b. musician c. chef 5. The ...... likes the music. a. vegetable b. audience c. market 6. I love salty ...... a. ice cream b. chocolate c. chips

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3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences using has got, have got, hasn’t got or

haven’t got.



1. Joe and Anne ...... fruit.

2. They ...... vegetables.

3. Joe ...... two apples.

4. Joe ...... a jacket and a hat.

5. Anne ...... a hat.

4 Write questions with the words below and answer them according to the picture in

Exercise 3. Use have got or has got.

1. Anne / coat

...... 2. Joe and Anne / ice cream


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5 Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective or possessive pronoun.

1. I have got a red bag.

The bag is ...... mine .

2. They have got two sisters.

...... hair is brown.

3. My dad has got an old car.

The car is ......

4. We have got fish at home.

The fish are ......

6 Write phrases using the Saxon Genitive.

1. Joe / hat ...... Joe’s hat

2. Chris / apple ......

3. the chef / knives ......

4. the students / boxes ......



Match each beginning of a sentence to its ending. 1 1. Nails are ...... a. in your mouth.

2. A ponytail is ...... b. in your hair.

3. Your tongue is ...... c. on your hand.

4. A beard is ...... d. on your feet.

5. Your toes are ...... e. on your face.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

plan • distance • record • tall • grey

1. We ...... to travel in the summer. 2. His dad is very ...... 3. The ...... between the two cities is 200 kilometres. 4. What colour is that insect? Is it ...... ? 5. Who has got the Olympic ...... for running 100 metres?

3 Complete the sentences according to the picture. Use prepositions of place.

1. The cat is ...... the table. 2. The dog is ...... the cat. 3. The cake is ...... the books. 4. The boy’s arms are ...... the table.


4 Complete the dialogue with a, an, the, some or any.

Mum: Beatrice, have you got 1...... homework today?

Beatrice: I’ve got 2...... English book to read.

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Mum: Beatrice, 3...... friend from school is here. Beatrice: Who is it?

Mum: It’s Johnny, 4...... new boy in your class.

Beatrice: Good, we’ve got 5...... work to do for school. 5 Complete the sentences with How much or How many. 1...... jackets have you got?

2...... time have you got?

3...... cars are there in front of us?

4...... water is there in the bowl?

5...... homework have you got today?

6 Write five questions about the picture in Exercise 3. Use Is there, Are there, a, an, any, the

and prepositions of place. Then answer the questions. Are there any apples next to the bananas? 1...... Yes, there are......









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1 Match each beginning of a sentence to its ending.

1. This aeroplane ...... a. ship at sea.

2. The museum guard ...... b. is on TV every night.

3. I always feel sick on a ...... c. tells people to be quiet.

4. Pay the bus driver ...... d. into the city is about £10.

5. The taxi ride ...... e. flies from London to Paris.

6. Some police officers ride ...... f. £1 when you get on.

7. The news presenter ...... g. horses in London.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

vet • teacher • pilot • waiter • doctor

1. A ...... works in a restaurant. 2. A ...... flies aeroplanes. 3. A ...... works in a school. 4. A ...... helps animals. 5. A ...... helps sick people.

3 How often do you use each type of transport? Use the words below.

every day • once a week • sometimes • never • rarely • often

1. bus ...... 2. tram ...... 3. taxi ...... 4. car ...... 5. underground train ...... 6. motorbike ...... 7. boat ......

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8. aeroplane ...... 9. bicycle ......

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4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. 1. Janet and I always ...... (ride) our bikes to school. 2. On Mondays, my brother ...... (not play) basketball. 3. Our teacher ...... (give) us homework every day. 4. I sometimes ...... (walk) home from school. 5. On Saturday, my family ...... (not eat) together. 6...... he often ...... (arrive) late?

5 Write sentences with the words below. 1. never / an aeroplane / on the sea / sails / .


2. drives / this bus driver / the bus / in the evening / .


3. a news presenter / give / the / does / news / ?


4. always / at a red traffic light / stop / we / .


5. grandpa / visit / in the winter / we / our / .


6. every morning / do / breakfast / have / you / ?


6 Who says this? Match the sentences to the person. 1 1. Don’t touch the statue! ...... a. a museum guard

2. Eat healthy food! ...... b. a bus driver

3. Pay here...... c. a doctor

4. Don’t cross the street now...... d. a teacher

5. Let’s open our books now...... e. a police officer

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1 Circle the eight words. Divide the words into two groups and complete the chart.

Give a name to each group.


1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7.

4. 8.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below.

biology • angry • scared • embarrassed • bored • literature • art

1. I am ...... I haven’t got anything to do. 2. We learn about plants and animals in ...... lessons. 3. He is ...... in the music lesson because he can’t sing well. 4. Don’t be ...... ! It’s only a dog! 5. We read stories in our ...... lesson. 6. We study famous paintings with our ...... teacher. 7. My mum is ...... with me because my room is a mess.

3 Complete the sentences about yourself. 1. My favourite subject is ...... 2. Today, I feel ...... 3. My first lesson on Tuesdays is ...... 4. I am worried about ...... 5. I am a member of ...... 6. My classmates are sometimes ......

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4 Complete the dialogue with can, can’t, must or mustn’t.

Ed: 1...... you help me with my history homework?

Lynn: Sorry, I 2...... help you now. 3...... we meet at 7.00?

Ed: That’s perfect. I 4...... get a good mark in the next test.

Lynn: Well, you 5...... study hard.

Ed: I know, we 6...... work all night!

Lynn: No, no! I 7...... arrive home after 10.00!

5 Ask and answer questions using can and the words below. 1. fish / swim ......

...... ……..

2. dogs / talk ......

...... ……..

3. you / speak Italian ......

...... ……..

6 Complete each sentence with an adverb.

………… ………… 1 2

I don’t write ...... clearly . Talk ...... , please.

3 ………… 4 …………

Walk ...... ! He sings ......

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1 Complete the puzzle.

1 2 Across 

5 3 4 3 7

5 6 Down 

2 4 6 1


2 Circle the correct answer.

1. A football player kicks / runs / climbs the ball. 2. A skateboarder takes / invents / stands on the skateboard. 3. A swimmer throws / jumps / builds into the water. 4. House gymnastics is an unusual / a superstitious / a sad sport. 5. A basketball player invents / catches / jumps the ball. 6. A car racer builds / sits / stands in his car. 7. I watch / play / listen rollerblading competitions on TV. The athletes are amazing! 8. I like to listen / play / take pictures of my friends. 9. Baseball and cricket players use a box / bat / lamp.


Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Simple or Present 3 Continuous.

play • not cook • build • not drive • sleep • wear

1. What ...... you ...... to the party, a dress or jeans? 2. Frank always ...... late at the weekend. 3. My mum ...... Dad’s car now. She’s got a motorbike. 4. My parents ...... dinner at the moment. 5...... they ...... table tennis in the winter? 6. I ...... a toy box for my little brother.

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4 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

I love swimming! Every day, my dad 1...... (drive) me to the sea. I always

2...... (jump) into the water and 3...... (swim) for at least half

an hour. My brother 4...... (say) that I’m crazy, but he 5......

(not know) how much fun it is! At the moment, he 6...... (sit) in front of the

television. He is lazy and 7...... (not play) any sports. I often

8...... (ask) him to come with me, but he never 9...... (come).

5 Complete the following sentences.

1. At the moment, I ...... 2. My mum usually ...... 3. Our teacher ...... now. 4. I often ......



Write two items you find in each place. 1 1. bakery ...... 2. shoe shop ...... 3. clothes shop ...... 4. market ...... 5. chemist’s ...... 6. pet shop ......

2 Complete the puzzle.

1 2 3 4 Across  1. You can buy CDs in a ...... 5. The ...... of that skirt is 15 euros. 5 6. You can sit and eat in a ...... 7. The jungle is not a ...... place.

6 8. He hasn’t got any money. He’s ......

Down  7 2. You can see a film at the ...... 3. Mountains are usually ...... 8 4. You can buy food for your dog in a ...... 6. The opposite of expensive is ......


Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 3 This book is the 1...... (exciting) book in the world. There is a film about the

book, but I think the book is 2...... (good) than the film. A man is looking for his

girlfriend. He loves her and thinks she is the 3...... (sweet) girl in the country.

The book is 4...... (interesting) than the film. It’s the 5...... (popular) book in the school library. Everyone wants to read it. I think it’s also the

6...... (good) book in the library!

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4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative or superlative form.

1. Running is ...... (popular) sport in our school. 2. A lion is ...... (scary) a cat. 3. Computers are often ...... (expensive) televisions. 4. Supermarkets are usually ...... (big) shops. 5. The Eiffel Tower is not ...... (old) the Acropolis. 6. An umbrella is ...... (useful) a sweater when it rains.

5 Compare different subjects in school. Write at least three sentences with some of the

adjectives below. Use the comparative and superlative forms.

hard • boring • easy • enjoyable • interesting • useful


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1 Circle ten things in the puzzle you can find in a house.

b a l c o n y i a a c z u s b p r y s e m p i l l o w e i i b n c f n a m l p o k g u t l e i g a r a g e l n n a r b t q u e t g o d n e b p z

2 Match each beginning of a sentence to its ending.

1. Please turn on the lamp...... a. and watching television.

2. There is a colourful rug ...... b. I can’t see.

3. There are blue curtains ...... c. on my window.

4. They are sitting on the sofa ...... d. on the floor.

5. Their garden has got ...... e. many flowers and trees.

3 Complete the sentences with the words below.

dining room • future • shower • forget ceiling • gate • walls • garage • seconds

1. People often have dinner in the ...... 2. Is there a curtain on the ...... ? 3. Don’t open the ...... ! The dog can run out. 4. Is the car in the ...... ? 5. A room has got four ...... 6. There are 60 ...... in one minute. 7. Look up! There’s a spider on the ...... 8. I want to be a vet in the ...... ! 9. The opposite of remember is ......

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4 Complete the paragraph with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

John 1...... (not) at school yesterday morning. He 2...... at home. He

3...... ill. His friends 4...... sad because there 5...... a big football game yesterday afternoon. John is an important member of the football team. At 4.00, the

two teams 6...... ready to play. Suddenly there 7...... a great surprise!

John 8...... there. His team 9...... very excited. It 10...... a great game!

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of There was or There were.

1...... some sweets on the floor. 2...... a pillow on the bed? 3. Yes, ...... six chairs around the table. 4...... some milk in the fridge. 5...... any curtains in the room. 6...... any sugar in my tea. 7...... any trainers in the cupboard?

6 Complete the following sentences about yourself, using was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

1. Last week, I ...... 2. Yesterday, my friends and I ...... 3. Last year, my parents ...... 4. Two days ago, there ......



Circle six professions in the puzzle. 1 k j b p v d b q h k a z x l g c g a w a f c f r a q c t k p c b t s l c a r p e n t e r y m k b s f r x o y e u d s g d f l j r z s k s m u s k g p d j s s a i l o r u l n y k q j t n q x q j b b w w v h k z f w z x m t

2 Complete the sentences using the professions from Exercise 1.

1. A ...... builds cupboards.

2. A ...... works on a ship.

3. A ...... can make shoes for horses.

4. She wants to be an ...... in a Hollywood film.

5. A ...... makes bread and cake.

6. Brad Pitt is my favourite ......

3 Circle the correct answer.

1. I don’t speak / see / tell French. 2. Did you shoot / solve / look the maths problem last night? I can’t do it. 3. Brenda’s hair was foggy / wet / frightened after her swimming lesson. 4. My brothers always begin / fight / build when they are angry. 5. At night, the streets are dark / huge / sad. 6. Criminals often chase / rob / plan shops. 7. I run away / kick / pass your house every day on my way to school.

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4 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple.

play • eat • not plan • walk • not study

1. We ...... home from school yesterday. 2...... you ...... a computer game last night? 3. I ...... for the test last week. 4. Jack ...... the ice cream a few days ago. 5. He ...... to travel last summer. It was a surprise.

5 Look at the picture from a film that Bill saw last year. Correct the mistakes in the sentences according to the picture.

1. The actress ate the bread...... No, she didn’t. She took the bread...... 2. The baker passed the actress...... 3. The actress ran away from the sailor...... 4. The sailor worked with the carpenter......

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1 Complete the puzzle.

1 2 Across  3 1. A ...... gives us milk. 4 3. You get eggs from ...... 5 5...... is bad for the environment. 6. Don’t throw ...... on the street!

6 7. We can’t live without food, water and ...... 8. Many days of rain can cause a ...... 9. Fish live in the ......

7 Down  2. A ...... is the biggest animal in the sea. 8 4. In the past, the British hunted ...... 9 6. Some ...... can change their colour.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below. snake • weather • octopus • bird • snow • monkey

1. A ...... hasn’t got any legs. 2. Sometimes, there is ...... in the winter. 3. An ...... has got eight arms. 4. Today, the ...... is warm and sunny. 5. A ...... climbs trees and eats bananas. 6. A ...... can fly.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to. 3 1. They ...... (plan) a party later. 2...... you ...... (help) me before the party? 3. She ...... (not come) tonight. 4...... he ...... (wash) the car tomorrow? 5. I ...... (not tell) Mum your secret. 6. We ...... (make) a surprise party for her.

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4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous.

1. I ...... (eat) at the café on Friday. 2. Susan ...... (write) the e-mail later. 3. The children ...... (help) their dad this evening. 4. They ...... (travel) to Canada in the future. 5...... you ...... (cook) dinner soon?

5 Replace the words in brackets with object pronouns.

Kate is going to see Harry later. She is doing a project with 1...... (Harry) about

pollution. Harry has got a lot of pictures about pollution. Harry is going to give 2......

(the pictures) to Kate and ask 3...... (Kate) to find some information on the Internet. Kate said, “We work well together.” Harry said, “I think our teacher is going to give

4...... (Harry and Kate) a good mark!”

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