Sedgwick County Commissioner

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Sedgwick County Commissioner


Meeting was called to order by Chairman Schneider with Turner, McCormick and Beckman present. Kelly Lowery, Attorney, joined the meeting.

Amanda Mathes, Julesburg Advocate, joined the meeting.

Turner moved to approve the agenda with the addition of South Platte Master Plan report and Hansen probation under unfinished business. McCormick second, carried.

The February 7, 2017 payables were reviewed. Turner moved to approve the February 7, 2017 payables. McCormick second, carried.

The minutes of the January 30, 2017 meeting were reviewed. McCormick moved to approve the minutes as presented. Turner second, carried.

Turner moved to approve the ad in the explore magazine. McCormick second, carried.

McCormick moved to buy a 2x5 ad in the newspaper for the Stretesky 15 year anniversary thank you. Turner second, carried. Mathes left the meeting.

McCormick moved to approve Resolution #2017-002, Sedgwick County’s vehicle insurance. Turner second, carried.

Turner moved to approve Resolution #2017-003, Commissioners authorized to establish an exemption from the ban on electronic waste. McCormick second, carried.

McCormick moved to approve Resolution #2017-004, Working Day definition and benefit language to be retroactive to January 1, 2017. Turner second, carried.

Lowery presented the Board with documentation concerning department head meetings and expectations for review. Beckman will send the letter out to all department heads and a schedule will be set up.

The January 2017 Treasurer’s Report was reviewed.

Turner reported on the South Platte Master Plan meeting. A grant from DOLA for four counties, Washington, Morgan, Logan and Sedgwick, in the amount of $300,00 to do a feasibility study compiling information about issues from the 2013 & 2015 floods and to draw up a plan to fix those issues. The study will take approximately one year.

In reference to the daycare in Sedgwick County issue, Turner apologized for wanting to remove his name from the support letter previously sent out. Turner explained that the daycare is a priority for our county no matter where it is located.

The next meeting will be changed to Thursday, February 16th.

Matt Hansen, Road & Bridge, joined the meeting. Hansen reported that he has been doing research on crack sealing prior to chip sealing as opposed to overlay. The town will possibly loan their equipment to Hansen which will save the county some money. This process will prolong the need for the million dollar overlay, help fix current issues with the roads and save the county money. Discussion was held. McCormick told Hansen there were quite a few complaints on County Rd 29 after the snow storm and holes in a culvert. Hansen will look into these matters and would like to purchase a demolition saw to help fix potholes. Discussion was then held on the mowing schedule for the upcoming season to get ahead of the problems. Discussion was held on the possibility of hiring part time or contract labor for the summer to mow. McCormick told Hansen they have been thinking of putting trackers on the equipment. Hansen told the Board the new equipment already has that. The Board asked Hansen if they can have access to that information. Hansen will set that up for the Board. McCormick told Hansen there have been complaints about employee’s taking county vehicles home. Hansen told the Board that it saves time for the employee’s when they check on the road. Discussion was held. The Board recommended that Hansen change that practice. The Board explained that a lot of these issues were brought to their attention while they were campaigning and would like to keep the lines of communication open and work together to make any changes necessary for the benefit of the county. Hansen presented the Board with a bid for a grader. Discussion was held about the maintenance schedule on the previous grader and the possible cost of repair as opposed to a new purchase. The Board will stop out at R&B to look into this matter before a decision is made. Hansen left the meeting.

Alan Harris, Building Maintenance, joined the meeting. Harris updated the Board on upcoming projects. The Board told Harris that all department heads will be receiving a letter explaining that there will be a meeting with each head to discuss job duties and the new board’s expectations. Discussion was held on the floor waxing schedule and the process of hard floor cleaning and carpet cleaning and / or replacing. McCormick asked about the possibility of tiling the floors. Discussion was held. McCormick asked Harris for a list of improvements as they would like to hire a grant writer to cover some of the expense of the windows and other projects. The Board told Harris they will be getting more bids for the windows before moving forward with that decision. Turner told the Board that the county lumber yard will be going with Anderson Windows so he suggested getting a bid to possibly keep things local. Schneider asked about the repair to the extension office window. Harris reported that Cornhusker Glass will be coming to measure. Discussion was held on possible seal repair for the windows. Schneider asked Harris to ask Cornhusker Glass to possibly quote what a seal repair would come to. Harris left the meeting.

Larry Neugebauer, Sheriff, and Kyle Gordon, DOW, joined the meeting. Neugebauer gave the Board a one month documentation showing activity and fee’s collected for review. Neugebauer told the Board that with the expenses paid for laundry service, he would like to purchase a washer and dryer to put in the courthouse to keep up with the laundry and to save the county money in the future. Neugebauer would like to purchase in county. Neugebauer told the Board that they are saving money by purchasing tv dinners and cereal as opposed to fresh cooked meals. Schneider asked when the modifications to the jail will be complete. Neugebauer reported that Beck has been working on it but not sure when it will be finished. Neugebauer updated the Board on the current applicants for the deputy positions. Gordon introduced himself to the Board as the new Department of Wildlife position. The Board told Gordon about the South Platte Master Plan and asked if he would be interested in attending some of the upcoming meetings for that. Gordon will pass this information to his supervisor. Neugebauer and Gordon left the meeting. Tracy Kizer, Weed & Pest, joined the meeting. Kizer told the Board there is an indoor circus at the fairgrounds today. The Board asked Kizer to attend the meeting on the 16th. Lowery discussed the Railroad property weed situation and she told Kizer he does have the right to go on that property. Turner asked about the transplanted prairie dog situation. Kizer explained that it is rampant right now. Kizer left the meeting.

Lynn Arenson, MASA, joined the meeting. Arenson gave the Board packets explaining the benefits of MASA, Medical Transport Solutions. Arenson explained that the benefits are for out of pocket for air and ground transport. MASA has been established since 1974. After many questions and discussions about the payment process, the Board told Arenson they would like to have more discussion about this before making any decisions. Arenson left the meeting.

Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting. Lowery gave the Board documentation of all of the county held properties for review. Discussion was held on the details of each property. The Board suggested that Lowery wait on beginning the process until a later date. Discussion was held on the Now Account status. Trennepohl left the meeting.

McCormick moved to extend Matt Hansen’s probationary period two months to give the Board more time to evaluate his position. Turner second, carried.

McCormick moved to adjourn the meeting. Mccormick second, carried. Meeting was adjourned.

______Donald Schneider, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board

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