School Improvement Plan s8

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School Improvement Plan s8

School Improvement Plan

Kippen Primary School

Session 2010- 2011

Improvement Planning Team 2010/11 K S Cassidy, All Staff, Parent Council

Context Kippen Primary School is a small village Primary which serves the community of Kippen. The school has an active Parent Council / fundraising group.

The current staffing stands at 5 permanent class teachers, 1 job share PT and 1 HT.

Job share PT Mrs. Street 2 ½ days per week Monday, Tuesday all day plus Wednesday morning. Mrs. Logan is 2 ½ days per week Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday all day.

Principal Teachers undertake additional managerial remits throughout the year as follows:

Mrs. Street Mrs. Logan Deputising for HT Deputising for HT Determined to Succeed P1-7 Timetables P1-7 (Coordinating events/weeks) Sports Day (Term 3) Nursery – P1 Transition Term 3 Monthly notice board Choir Classroom support P5/6 Classroom Support P4/5

Class teachers TP21 collegiate responsibility roles:

Miss Campbell Values Education Miss Martin Pupil Council Miss Paterson School Grounds 4 Learning Miss Nicol ECO Team Mrs. Mier Website link & GLOW mentor Mrs. Street/Mrs Logan Tuck Shop School Roll 10/11

School roll for Aug ’10 is 115.

Class structures are P1/2, P2/3, P4/5, P5/6, P6/7.

School Improvement Planning takes account of priorities identified through self-evaluation and our recent HMIe report.

Vision, Values and Aims

At Kippen Primary School we aim to develop every child ‘to the best he/she can be’ by providing quality learning and teaching in a nurturing environment. To achieve this we plan for continuous school improvement and work with parents, children, and the wider community whilst being supported by Stirling Council’s Education Service.

Our work at Kippen Primary is firmly grounded in a vision for a school that puts children first. We aim to fulfil this vision by: 1. Raising standards of attainment by providing an appropriate, challenging, and stimulating environment. 2. Promoting and developing partnership between school, home, community, and other agencies. 3. Promoting an ethos of mutual respect and care that supports children and staff in achieving their best. 4. Supporting children and teachers in developing confidence, positive attitudes, and lifelong learning skills to enable them to be active independent learners. 5. Demonstrating agreed values in all that we do.

The Standards and Quality Report 2009 -10 summarises the progress made in our school during last session. Kippen Primary School 3 Year Strategic Plan Sessions 2010 - 2013

Session 2010 - 2011 Session 2011 - 2012 Session 2012-2013

1.1 Improvement in Performance 1.1 Improvements In Performance 5.9 Learning and Teaching To raise attainment in literacy and numeracy To continue to develop the knowledge and through developing teacher knowledge and skills of teachers to support the implementation To evaluate our progress in embedding CfE skills in using, implementing and assessing the of CfE approaches to teaching and learning practices across our school and the impact on outcomes and experiences for literacy and with a focus on raising attainment and outcomes for children. numeracy. achievement for all.

2.1 Assessment 2.1 Assessment 2.1 Assessment To review and develop our assessment policy To fully embed new assessment procedures To evaluate our assessment procedures in and practice to reflect BC5, C f E and authority light of evidence from data, professional guidelines. reporting and parent feedback 5.1 CfE 5.1 CfE To develop teacher knowledge and skills in To develop teacher knowledge and skills in using, implementing and assessing the 5.1 CfE using, implementing and assessing the outcomes and experiences for Health and To develop teacher knowledge and skills in outcomes and experiences for literacy and wellbeing and Social studies and review and using, implementing and assessing the numeracy and review and develop develop programmes to reflect CfE and BtC3 outcomes and experiences for Expressive arts programmes to reflect CfE and BtC3. and RME and review and develop programmes to reflect CfE and BtC3 5.9/2.1 Learning and Teaching 2.1/5.2 Learning and Teaching To reflect on CfE teaching and learning 5.3/1.1 Supporting pupils To further develop teachers skills in learning approaches and evaluate how they impact on and teaching through critical skills and active attainment, achievement and the development To evaluate the success of our courses, learning approaches to literacy and numeracy of the four capacities across all classes. programmes and assessment procedures in across the curriculum addressing the needs of children with additional support needs (less/more able) with a focus on evidence of raised attainment and improved achievement.

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans 5.3 Supporting Children To Implement restorative practice approaches in line with local authority action plan to support children with behavioural difficulties in mainstream classrooms.

2.1 / 5.7 Pupil / Parent Engagement 2.1 Pupils Experience 2.1 / 5.7 Parent / Pupil Engagement To develop further parent/pupil engagement in To further engage our children in their learning To review our homework policy with a focus learning through coaching, mentoring and and development by involving them in planning on the quality of homework tasks and personal target setting. for their own learning, assessment of their learning experiences and the role it plays in learning and encouraging participation during fostering meaningful engagement with 2.1 / 5.5 Pupil Engagement parent/pupil/teacher consultations on progress. parents in their children’s learning. To further enhance opportunities for children’s involvement in school website and effectively 5.9 Communication use the school website to communicate school To evaluate the impact of the new school website values and promote our ethos of achievement. on communication by seeking the views of all stakeholders. 5.1 CfE Outcomes and Experiences To review programmes for literacy and Numeracy to reflect BtC3, A Curriculum for Excellence and authority guidelines.

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans ACTION PLAN FOR SESSION 2010/2011

Improvement Priority Outcome for Learners Timescale Success Criteria Responsibility Improvement in  Children’s attainment / Ongoing Attainment / value added information. HT performance achievement will improve. SIP targets Assessment data  To continue to Children will use literacy monitoring Quality Assurance: All class teachers raise attainment in and numeracy skills discussions. Pupil jotters English language across learning.  Staff Pupil focus groups Action Plans: and maths through Children will link and meetings Observations C. Logan, Literacy developing apply different skills to  HT/CT Professional reports. + V. Mier, G. teacher knowledge new learning situations. meetings Campbell and skills in using,  Inset implementing and  Collegiate K Street, assessing the sessions Numeracy outcomes and + D. Nicol, N. experiences for Martin literacy and Policy reviewed and updated numeracy.  Children’s needs will be Assessment procedures revisited. Staff rep on cluster identified, shared, and Evidence of wider achievement working group C. Assessment understood.  Pupil Sharing Assembly Logan Develop assessment Assessment  Reporting framework and Prior learning is Policy agreed  Coaching Mentoring moderated standards recognised and next Sept 2010 Children capable of evaluating own All staff to be used by steps are planned for. Implemented learning and giving self peer feedback children and Children are partners in 2010-11 using language consistent with AIFL. HT teachers. their learning. Parents are clear about K Street their children’s strengths, (Numeracy link) development needs, and C. Logan (Literacy next steps. link) Formative and summative assessment Cluster moderation . uniforms the process as work does parent and child

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans engagement.

Improvement Priority Outcome for Learners Timescale Evidence / success Leadership Responsibility CfE Staff will be confident in Ongoing  Record of CPD activity HT  To develop planning learning and teaching With regular  Action plans and regular teacher knowledge which will reflect the principles QI meetings updates at staff meetings. and skills in using of CfE and maximise to evaluate  QA observations . C. Logan – literacy and assessing children’s learning. practice in /feedback (Literacy rep on cluster outcomes and classes and  lessons plans / team) experiences for across  focus groups .Pupil Team: V. Mier literacy and school. Jotters. S. Paterson numeracy and to Staff will confidently use a K. Street – numeracy. review and range of agreed assessment Team: D. Nicol develop approaches to evaluate. G. Campbell programmes to N. Martin reflect CfE: BtC3.  Report information.

 Collegiate focus group action Reviewed by  Children’s learning will plans and feedback. Numeracy be planned to reflect Dec 2010 C. Logan the principles of CfE.  Regular updates at staff Updated  Children’s meetings. opportunities to Jan 2010 develop core skills and use them across all  Programme content aspects of their learning will be New  Quality Assurance maximised. programme - Planning  Staff will continue to developed - Observation K. Street focus on improving and - Children’s work Enterprise Education literacy and numeracy implemented

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans and the development March 2010 Active Learning: SLA’s of higher order skills. Numeracy Course  Children will have (Numeracy team) B. improved Boyd / T. Renwick attainment/achievemen t.  Record of CPD activity  Sharing at staff meetings and collegiate Child sessions Protection  Programmes and Supporting Children Sep ‘10 courses  Continue to  PRD will lead to K. S. Cassidy  Quality Assurance CPD As per local develop meaningful self-  Planning authority, School & Cluster approaches to evaluation of skills and  Observations plans. teaching and development needs  Children’s work learning and ensuring teachers  Pupil focus feedback behaviour access courses to Dates as per management to ensure children’s course (Critical Skills) meet the needs of learning is maximised. availability. Deborah Nicol all children.  Staff will undertake Nicola Martin courses in critical skills to plan activities and learning opportunities, All staff which engage and 20/9/10 appropriately challenge Restorative the children. Practice  Children will continue Course to engage in active (N. Martin) (Continuity & Progression) learning activities + 2 days @ G. Campbell across the school thus Nov inset V. Mier developing the four Feb whole capacities. school R. P.  Planning and teaching course will reflect the principles of CfE. Active Learning Nov

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans Inset SLA’s

Improvement Priority Outcome for Learners Timescale Evidence / success Leadership Responsibility Cont’d  Staff will understand Dates as per  Quality Assurance HT the complexities of a course  Record of CPD activity D. Nicol (Team Teach) wide range of availability feedback N. Martin (Nurture behavioural difficulties  Behaviour management Principles) and know better how to information G. Campbell (Makaton) manage challenging  Serious Incident behaviour. Children will Course Early monitoring develop positive Life Exp &  Achievement Assembly. attitudes to learning Impact on  Boxhall Profiles Learning taking responsibility for  IEP’s their behaviour and its 15/3/11 SLA. impact on others.  Children’s capacity to use language consistent  Children will reflect on with AiFL. and have a clear  Children’s participation awareness of their HT in planning learning needs, skills,  Parent feedback. and strengths. Coaching & Children’s participation  assessment Mentoring by  Target setting Class Teachers in planning their Andy Vass learning and next steps K. S. Cassidy will develop their + one CT. confidence parents will

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans respond to further engagement in their child’s learning by contributing positively to target setting and encourage positive attitudes to learning.

Improvement Priority Outcome for Learners Timescale Evidence / success Leadership Responsibility Pupil/Parent Engagement  Children will engage in Ongoing  Note from meetings  Mrs Mier Website /  To continue to work gathering and sharing Monitoring at CT’s / children Roving Reporters with Parent Council to information about the Parent  Website enhance learning opportunities at Council  Parent feedback  Miss Martin - Pupil communication and Kippen Primary. meetings and  Pupil focus groups Council to encourage greater Staff This will increase their  Sharing Assembly parental involvement meetings.  Wider achievement  Miss Nicol - ECO Team in children’s learning ability to link learning experiences to the  Citizenship awards from the wider parent  Miss Paterson- body. development of key skills and the four Grounds capacities.  Miss Campbell - Values Children will celebrate own and others  Mrs. Street / Mrs. Logan achievements and  Tuck Committee strengthen our ethos of achievement.

Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans Improvement Planning/revised 2008 plans

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