Walkington Parish Council s1

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Walkington Parish Council s1

Council 14th July 2015


14 JULY 2015


Present: Councillors R. Taylor (in the Chair), Mrs P. Brockman, T Collinson, C Dixon, D. Drew, J Drew, M. Gray, K Hearne, G Southern, and Mrs V. Swann.

Apologies: Cllr T Hodgson

Also present: Mrs E Ashley Clerk

Members of the public: 1

80. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS – Cllr Taylor declared an interest in item 8 (a) 3. He would not take part in any discussion on that item.

81. CHAIRMAN'S COMMUNICATIONS –. There were no communications not already covered in the Agenda or already dealt with.

82. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – There were no items.

83. COMMUNITY SAFETY MATTERS - There were no items to report.

Resolved - That the Clerk contact the Police and request that a short report be submitted to the Parish Council.

84. MINUTES – Resolved – That the minutes of the Meeting held on the 9 June 2015, having been circulated, are approved as a correct record and signed


85. ERYC PLANNING LIAISON MEETING 1 JUNE - At the last meeting the Clerk reported that ERYC would discontinue sending Parish Councils paper planning applications but would be sent by electronic means. Cllr Brockman reported that Wi- Fi would be available at the Village Hall but would be password protected at no extra charge. This would mean that the Parish Council would be able to view planning applications at the meeting if necessary.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

86. OLD WAGON WHEEL - Cllr Dixon reported that he had removed the wheel and would look for a new one.

Resolved - That Cllr Dixon purchases a wagon wheel up to the cost of £100.

87. SANCTUARY STONE - Cllr Dixon reported that he had removed the old railings surrounding the stone. Cllr Dixon reported that it might be necessary to surround the stone with gravel or pavers to stop weeds growing. Cllr Southern reported that the new railings would be installed on the 25 July and then a decision could be made on surfacing. 83 Council 14th July 2015

Resolved - That the report be noted.

88. HANGING BASKETS - Cllr Swann reported that there had been several generous donations towards the cost of the hanging baskets

Resolved - That the report be noted.

89. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM LOCAL ORGANISATIONS - Cllr Drew reported that all local organisations should be thanked for contributions towards the village.

Resolved - That an article is placed in the newsletter.

90. ELECTRONIC WORKING WITH THE PLANNING SERVICE AT ERYC - The Clerk reported that she had attended a training session regarding the new planning system. The new system “went live” on the 29 June 2015. There will be a further upgrade to the system on the 29 July 2015. This process will continue for the subsequent week and it is presently envisaged that this new system will “Go Live” on the 7 August. As a consequence some of the existing systems will not be available during the upgrade.

Resolved - That the report be noted.


91. East Riding Local Plan Allocations Documents - Planning Inspector has decided to hold some further hearings commencing 14 July 2015 -The Clerk reported that following consideration of the responses submitted in connection with the ERYC’s proposed modifications, the Planning Inspector has decided to hold some further hearings with regard to the Allocations Document. These hearings were to be held on the 14 & 15 July 2015. The Chairman reported that none of the hearings affected Walkington interests.

Resolved – That the information be noted.

92. Public Space Protection Order Proposal - To create a new offence under this Order of failing to have the means to pick up dog dirt - The Clerk had circulated an article that was published in the Local Councils Update. Cllr Southern asked if the Parish Council could write to the Dog Warden section of ERYC for their views of this Order.

Resolved - That the views of the ERYC Dog Warden be obtained for the next meeting.

93. ERYC - Churchyard and Cemetery Training - The Clerk reported that she had received a letter from ERYC informing the Parish Council that their schedule and practice have ensured a recognised high standard of public safety whilst maintaining local heritage aspects of historic Churchyards and Cemeteries in the East Riding. ERYC were offering training courses to all East Riding burial authorities.

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Resolved - That a copy of the letter be passed onto the All Hallows Parochial Church Council.


94. Applications – Resolved – That the following comments be forwarded to East Riding Council on the application stated:

1) The Coach House, Townend Road, Walkington - Erection of Carriage House, timber fencing and gates - Ref 15/01731 - No Objections

2) Land North East of Stackyard Cottage, Monckton Walk Farm, Littlewood Road, North Newbald - Amended siting - Erection of 1 no. 3.5kw wind turbine (height to hub 14.37m to16.4m to tip) - Ref 14/02860 - No Objections

3) 25 Beech View, Walkington - Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing conservatory and erection of two storey extension to side - Ref 15/01972 - No Objections

4) Land North of Walkington House, Townend Road, Walkington - Erection of 13 no. dwellings and 5 no. detached garages with associated access, hard and soft landscaping - Ref 15/01658 - That the Parish Council reiterate their previous objections and request if ERYC are minded to grant consent for this development, the Parish Council be involved in the provision of play space by the developer in the west end of the village.

95. Decisions Received – Resolved – That the decision of East Riding Council on the applications set out below be noted:

1) Land South of Uplands, 1 Sharp Lane, Walkington - Variation of Condition 1 (materials) and Condition 4 (approved plans) of planning permission 13/04149 to allow for amended design for new dwelling - Ref 15/01216 - Approved

2) Humberdale Broadgate, Walkington - Erection of two storey extension to rear and erection of detached garage - Ref 15/01484 - Approved

3) The Manor House, Walkington Heads, Walkington - Erection of brick boundary wall with brick pillars, wrought iron railings and wrought iron gates to front - Ref 15/01191 - Refused

96. Other Planning Matters:

1) Land South of Walkington House, Walkington - Proposed Developer Plans - An advanced copy of the draft plans for this development had been sent to the Council and these were the subject of some discussion. Members made comments which would form the basis of an informal meeting with the agent for the development on a date to be arranged by the Clerk in the near future. A formal planning application would then be made which would be subject to the usual consultation and public advertisement.

Resolved - That the Clerk convene a meeting with the applicant.

TREES 85 Council 14th July 2015

97. Application – Resolved - That the following comments be forwarded to East Riding Council on the applications stated:

1) 4 Little Weighton Road, Walkington - TPO Walkington 1972 (Ref 262) Walkington Conservation Area - Fell Cherry (T1), Fell 4 x Lawson Cypress (T5, T9-T10, T14), fell 2 x Golden Leylandii (T7-T8), fell 2 x Western Red Cedars (T11 & T13), fell Holly (T12), crown lift Sycamore (T2), remove dead wood from Lime (T3), crown lift Willow (T4) to 5.5 metres to clear highway, crown lift Lime (T6) to 5 metres, reduce limb over garage by 2 metres - Ref15/01992

Resolved - That Cllrs Collinson, D Drew and K Hearne be made aware of the date when the site would be visited by the ERYC Tree Officer so that they might be involved in the decision on behalf of the Parish Council.

98. Decisions Received – Resolved – That the decision of East Riding Council on the applications set out below be noted: -

1. 75 Megson Way, Walkington - TPO Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate, Walkington 1987 (Ref 259) - Crown lift two Willows by 2-3 metres (T1-T2) thin and remove deadwood to allow more light - Ref 15/01375 - Consent Granted 2. 7 Hayward Close, Walkington - TPO Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate, Walkington 1987 (Ref 259) - Crown lift four Sycamore (T1-T4) by 10%, remove lower lateral branches and any dead wood to provide greater amenity value in line with surrounding trees - Ref 15/01179 - Consent Granted 3. 103 Megson Way, Walkington - TPO Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate, Walkington 1987 (Ref 259) - Crown reduce Purple Leaf Plum (T2) by 1 metre, crown lift to 2.5 metres on South side and remove epicormic growth in centre of crown - Ref 15/01513 - Consent Granted 4. 103 Megson Way, Walkington - TPO Broadgate Hospital, Broadgate, Walkington 1987 (Ref 259) - Cutback Whitebeam branches which are overhanging boundary, to allow more light and reduce debris from tree - Ref 15/00763 - Consent Granted 5. 37 Lawson Close, Walkington - TPO Walkington 1972 (Ref 262) - T1 Crown lift by 2m, minor thinning to increase light and side reduce away from buildings - Ref 15/01376 - Consent Granted


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99. “B1230 Cycle Route” - WPC Statement of Case - Cllr Southern had submitted an additional Statement of Case for the “B1230 Cycle Route” to incorporate Walkington School’s view. It concentrated upon the value of the cycleway to the schoolchildren of the village.

Resolved - That this is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by the deadline of 18 August 2015.

100. “Beverley 20” - The Clerk reported that she had received an email from ERYC confirming that they would implement the 2 additional cuts on the verge at the cost quoted at £35 per cut.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

101. HGV’s travelling through Walkington Village - Meeting between WPC and ERYC’s Cllr Parnaby and the Head of Environmental Services N Leighton 7 July 2015 - The Chairman submitted a report of a meeting between WPC and ERYC’s Cllr Parnaby and the Head of Environmental Services N Leighton. A constructive and cooperative discussion had taken place and the ERYC would formulate some ideas which they would lay before Stoneledge Ltd. A further meeting with the Parish Council’s representatives had already been set for 6 August and the result of this would be reported to the next Council meeting.

Mr Steve Dowler spoke as a resident of the village and expressed relief that the issue was still high on the Parish Council’s agenda.

Resolved - That progress be reported to the next meeting.


102. TOWNEND PARK - Request to purchase a strimmer for the Contractor - Cllr Dixon reported that this was not necessary.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

103. SANCTUARY STONE - This agenda item was dealt with under Minute number 87.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

104. POND IMPROVEMENTS - PATH - The pathway was in very poor condition for the length running alongside the bowling green, largely on account of severe waterlogging in times of rainfall. The first matter to solve was that of drainage and then the issue of the surface of the path could be considered. It was hoped that the path would eventually be made serviceable in all weather.

Resolved – That the cost of relining and repairing the drainage channel be assessed and reported to the next meeting.


Resolved - That the Standing Orders be confirmed.

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106. FUTURE CARE OF WAR MEMORIAL - The Chairman reported on a meeting with the Parochial Church Council at which the need to regularise the status of the monument was agreed. The PCC was taking insurance advice and then a further meeting would be held. In response to a question the Chairman confirmed that the resources which the Parish Council devoted to the care of the War Memorial were not at risk.

Resolved - That the information be noted.


1st Walkington Scouts - are requesting a start-up grant - The new Scout Group had submitted a request for grant aid to enable the troop to set up. The leader had not been able to attend this meeting to answer questions.

Resolved- That this application be held in abeyance and the leader be invited to attend the next meeting.

Youth Club Money - Cllr Swann reported that this money was held in a Beverley Building Society Account.

Resolved - That Cllr Swann ascertains how much money there is in the account.


108. Income - Resolved - That it be noted that the following income had been received since the last meeting of the Council.

£ 10.06.15 Donations for hanging baskets 65.00 14.07.15 Donations for hanging baskets 210.00 08.06.15 Barclays - Interest received 5.40 30.06.15 ERYC - Recycling Money Oct-Dec 14 75.60 30.06.15 ERYC - Recycling Money Jan-Mar 15 115.20

109. Balances - Resolved – That it be noted that the bank balances at 30 June 2015 amounted to £45482.46 less cheques drawn up to 30.06.15 but not debited to the account £1180.00 leaving a balance of £44302.46.

110. Payment of Invoices - Resolved – The Council is asked to approve the payment of the following invoices: £

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16.06.15 CH Plaxton & Co - Hanging baskets £856.00 14.07.15 E Ashley - Salary for July 2015 £461.20 14.07.15 K Firth - Salary for July 2015 £243.75 14.07.15 K Firth - Cleaning products for the year £50.00 14.07.15 Zephyr - Refund to E Ashley for Armed Forces Day Flag £16.74 14.07.15 ERYC supplies - Stationery £23.24 14.07.15 Walkington Methodist Church - Hire of Room £22.50 14.07.15 T Eling Ltd - Grass cutting 2nd cut £324.00 14.07.15 CL Dixon - Ground Maintenance of Townend Park April/May £225.00 14.07.15 DC Dixon - Ground Maintenance of Townend Park June/July £120.00 14.07.15 DC Dixon - Removal of railings surrounding the Sanctuary Stone £45.00

111. Budget 2014/15 Monitoring Report - Resolved – That the report be noted.


112. Village Hall Committee - Cllr Brockman reported that the committee are meeting on the 23 July 2015.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

113. Playing Field Committee - Cllr Southern reported that the committee had met on the 2 July but no Parish Council representative was available to attend.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

114. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - Resolved – That the correspondence set out below be received: The Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from ERYC asking whether the Parish Council would wish to be represented at a Dog Warden training session and whether accommodation for such a meeting could be provided. It was pointed out that the meeting would involve many parish councils and therefore a large space might be required.

Resolved - That the use of the upstairs meeting room at the village hall be offered and that any member of the Council may attend

115. ROUTINE MATTERS - The following matters were briefly discussed: a) Ash Tree close to the path from Sherwood Close - report to ERYC for attention. b) Autherd Garth - trees overhanging public highway - report to ERYC for attention c) Verge bollard removed and parking on highway verge (West End) - ERYC to be informed. d) Footpath number 2 - sign removed - ERYC to be informed. 89 Council 14th July 2015 e) Church Walk requires ground maintenance and the replacement of the guard barrier at the northern end - ERYC to be informed. f) The Clerk was asked to ascertain when the schedule of works agreed by the ERYC on the village walkabout were to be carried out. g) Cllr Gray reported that the Armed Forces Day Flag is still up due to a bees nest located near by. h) Cllr Gray reported that Judith Stonehouse (the daughter of Eddie Fryer) would like to pay for the sign up at Fryers Copse once the spelling correction had been made. i) Cllr Collinson remarked at the difference since the pond improvements had been made.

The meeting closed 9.15pm. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 11th August 2015 – In the Methodist Church Meeting Room commencing at 7.30pm.


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