Gaddesby Primary School Curriculum Overview 2017
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Gaddesby Primary School – Curriculum Overview 2017 Ummer term Topic: Ancient Egypt identifying Year Group: 3 and 4
Subject WALT / Skill (linked to Chris Quigley)/Differentiation History Describe the characteristic features of the past, including ideas, beliefs, attitudes and experiences of men, women and children.• • Compare some of the times studied with those of other areas of interest around the world. Compare some of the times studied with those of other areas of interest around the world. . visit investigation Use appropriate historical vocabulary to communicate, including:
WALT: create an Egyptian time line Skill: Place events, artefacts and historical figures on a time line using dates. Differentiation: reduce number of events for LAPS – HAPs add in extra date between each event use reference books to find other events and where they would fit on the time line Order practically in the hall chronology. • dates
WALT: understand what the Ancient Egyptians ate and compare websites Skill: Use evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past Differentiation: LAPS look at 2 website with teacher – list of points to look for HAPS compare 3 general guidance to apply as go along Find out about farming year and compare to British farming year Compare websites
WALT: understand about every day life in Egypt Skill: Suggest suitable sources of evidence for historical enquiries.- Describe the features of the past Differentiation : Look at artefacts and suggest a job – material made of etc and use – in house for transport etc cloths , pans etc TRIP to New Walk museum to see artefacts
WALT: understand how and why Egyptians wrote things down Skill: Use evidence to ask questions and find answers to questions about the past Differentiation: Reading comp – Rosetta stone Use a website to create own name cartouche for Notice board outside WALT: Skill: Differentiation: Geography Place knowledge . understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom, a region in a European country, and a region within North or South America . human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water . use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and key (including the use of Ordnance Survey maps) to build their knowledge of the United Kingdom and the wider world
WALT: understand where Egypt is in our world Skill: identify Europe and Africa on a map, use an atlas to find Egypt, Cairo and the Nile Identify Egquator northern and southern hemisphere Differentiation: LAPS – find UK and Egypt by finding Italy ( boot) – know Nile runs down page HAPs name countries neighbouring Egypt view of Egypt from space what can you tell about it? IS life hard or easy – compare to a pic of Britain egypt/760.html# 3min vid modern Cairo is it different to Leicester – taking notes link to literacy
WALT: understand that the climate of Britain and Egypt are different due to their positions on the globe ( identify the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and Greenwich meridian) Skill: Construct graphs using Excel for rainfall etc – compare these maths data Differentiation: work in mixed Pairs HAPS – work to get both sets of data done Answer questions on the data Can you make generalisations about the weather over the globe maths link data handling
WALT: see that climate affects life style in a country ( map work 8 point compass ) Skill: look at houses – why different to ours – is this linked to the weather ? Differentiation: HAPs – can you identify where these houses may be built ? eg in a wet area , snowy place etc- recap climate zones on a map of world
WALT: understand out local wild areas Skills: use map to understand what an area is like Where is Castleton – our residential trip going to be – how long will it take to get there? What will it look like ? Why does it look like this Can we build models of a map – basic understanding of contours .
WALT: create a map of our school Skill: . use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies Differentiation – use of compass points and detail
WALT: orienteer Skill : set a map – understand symbols Science WALT: understand Producers , predators and prey in different habitats group work piccollage ?? ICT habitat book from library animals and habitats simulations concept cartoon 2.3 rabbit and fox Reef food chain game ?? Skill: Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Differentiation: LAPs work on simple food chains less links
WALT: understand why grass can affect how many foxes there are ( food chains) Skill:making links between ideas understand that animals need to eat food they cannot make it Differentiation: HAPS – describe how humans and rubbish can affect a whole food turtles ains.shtml
WALT: understand how human can affect a food chain- simulations ICT Skill: Construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey. Differentiation: alter only one thing – look at each level , then combine Mastery take idea and apply to a known habitat- eg black bird worms Scientific simulations disc Concept cartoon 2.4 black birds fox and rabbit interaction concept cartoon p 38 2.10 baby black birds 2.12 population changing over time
WALT: understand similarities between skeletons ( linked to adaptation) Skill: Identify that humans and some animals have skeletons for support, protection and movement. Differentiation: LAPs limited range of skeletons – with very different features – given choice of animals Skeletons pack – Mr Bones and large skeleton jigsaw
WALT: understand how we digest food Food and bodies Skill: explain the functions inside the digestive system – practical demo Create a talk over for a kids film on digestion
WALT: understand a balanced diet- food game food groups ( fats, carbs, protein, fibre, dairy) Skill: Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. Differentiation: Healthy food game
WALT: understand why we have bones. Skill: Identify that humans and some animals have skeletons for support, protection and movement Differentiation: skeleton pack – describe features and guess the animal Ask Mrs Teasedale about a visit setting and repairing?????
WALT: understand similarities between skeletons ( linked to adaptation) Skill: Identify that humans and some animals have skeletons for support, protection and movement. Differentiation: LAPs limited range of skeletons – with very different features – given choice of animals
WALT: understand how muscles make us move skill: Identify that humans and some animals have muscles support, protection and movement Differentiation model of muscle- concept cartoon p 17 1.3 muscles
WALT: understand how you can build strong muscles ICT simulations healthy exercise and its effect Skill : Identify that humans and some animals have muscles support, protection and movement design an Olympic training program and diet
Computing WALT: decompose the elements of a program (Slug trail) and meet the Web searches ‘for ever’ loop Skill: understand what makes a character move draw a simple character Scratch programming Differentiation: support given to LAPs – MAPs work in pairs with LAPs
WALT: create a moving block , clear and pen down block, create a road to move on Skill: create code, sprite and back ground Differentiation: support LA do small steps Slug , then road support moving code
WALT: if statement Skill: if the slug goes off road can you create a sound. Differentiation:
WALT: create our own version of the slug game - Skill: Differentiation: LAPS complete and play slug game – Maps in pairs make Egypt game HAPs adapt to make Egypt game ( crocodile in Nile – camel on a desert track add good sound for reaching a pyramid HISTOR / SCIENCE links
WALT: compare search engines (Yahoo for kids, kids click, ask kids ) book maker a page Skill: understand that search engines can give different results – understand order of results – sponsored sites Differentiation:
WALT: open multiple web pages and copy from them into word Skill: open multiple web pages and copy from them into word Differentiation: support LAPS with opening and closing a web page can copy then go to multiple Introduce idea of copy right
Desktop publishing – Using word with key skills – inserting text box ( moving and formatting ) inserting clip art and photos ( editing and moving) creating and editing tables Creating an info sheet on Australia using all of the above Save preview and print
WALT: understand about password safety Skill : keep and use own pass word for mathletics – use to help reinforce maths facts RE WALT: understand the celebration of Vaisakhi Sikhism WALT: describe features and purpose of the Sikh holy book Skill: understand traditions and meanings of holy books and how they are kept, also their purpose Differentiation: recording methods Skill: Explain some of the religious practices of both clerics and individuals. Differentiation:
Story of the Khalsa Sikhism book reading comp video of people taking amrit Why is Vaisakhi a time when Sikhs like to join the order of the Khalsa? It is the anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh initiating the first five people into the Khalsa, so it is an appropriate time for Sikhs to follow their example and join the Sikh community. Was there any other outward sign that the Khalsa Sikhs took on apart from adopting the Five Ks? The men took on a common surname, Singh ('Lion'), a reminder to be courageous, which they still do to this day. Women take on the name Kaur ('Princess'), to emphasise dignity. It was then that the men started to wear turbans.
New year celebration – time people became part of the Khalsa- promise to follow God procession with Guru Granth Sahib
WALT: understand the Sikh flag ceremony Skill: Explain some of the religious practices of both clerics and individuals. Differentiation:
WALT: understand what Sikhs believe about life after death Skill: Ask questions that have no universally agreed answers Differentiation: what other questions do the children want to answer ?
WALT: recognise and create our own Sikh based art work ( patterns) ICT? Skill: Identify religious symbolism in literature and the arts Differentiation: WALT: understand the celebration of Vaisakhi Skill: Explain some of the religious practices of both clerics and individuals.
PSHE WALT: understand how we learn Skill: focus on work and be aware of focus classroom display fixed and growth Mindset Differentiation:
Self organisation – lockers and drawers – clothing ready for residential trip
Determination at work – resilience – on the escalator
Responsibilities - looking after pets- what is needed what do they need?
Looking after habitats – recap poaching and trapping etc – Turtles link link to Kensuki’s kingdom with the gibbons K pax in Animalcolm WALT: work together- talking, listening and valuing – work as a team Skill:I can listen to others , I can work as a team – thinking of the goal and not my self Differentiation: Jigsaw games – rules to help us in the class room and play ground Class talk time
WALT: understand our own feelings and when they happen Skill: understand my own feelings Differentiation: HAPS – widen vocab of sad – or excited to show degree Listen to music what feelings does it create inside you Identify feelings on the feelings slides – discuss with a friend – use a full sentence I think ……because … WALT: understand the feelings of others Skill: I know how I can work out what others are feeling ( watch and listen to others) Differentiation: Role play - Feeling detectives
WALT: see things from another’s point of view Skill: understanding that others have their own reasons for their actions and opinions Differentiation: support LA with reading ( TD, BP CT ) Use reading in Reading lessons for inference ideas Can you write your own scenarios ? HAPS
dinosaur story book about pollution – responsibilities ( cat in the hat story ) PE Orienteering – recognising symbols on maps – setting a map Metcalf – athletics and fielding and striking games star runs then follow and set up a trail add in element of competition with running in pairs ( need to create a new map and set up a new trail ) – milk bottles and sand
golf use of 2 clubs – holding position and action parts of a golf course ( green, fairway, bunker, water ) putting and chipping distance and accuracy design own games and courses
problem solving OAA – hoop games – obstacle courses mats
practise for sports day ART/DT WALT: use an ancient Egyptian art style to write our names Skill: understand ancient art work Differentiation: support with size and symbol patterns Used in the notice board outside school WALT: take an idea and edit it Skill : copy and adapt a style Illustrations from class book Animalcolm
WALT: collect information on chairs and sketch them Skill: collecting information from a variety of sources Differentiation:
WALT: make a chair from card which stands up – to support a pharaoh Skill: try and improve designs Differentiation: low level support for those with less resilience PSHE
WALT: design our own Egyptian throne based on past styles ( pairs ) Skill: works well as a pair adapt designs and overcome problems Differentiation:
WALT: use paper in different ways Skill: adapting a design Differentiation: choice of cards your one ina Minion / super dad and for a dad who’s out of this world WALT: Skill: Differentiation:
WALT: shad animals to create texture Skill: shading and use of colour to create a fur effect with different media Differentiation:
WALT: draw animals using basic shapes Skill: create detailed and cartoon pictures of animals based on Animalscolm Differentiation: Music WALT: Skill: Differentiation: French Saying your age J’ai dix ans Based on Rigalo 1 / twinkl French and BBC site Quel age at tu? Months of the year and days of the week and birth days
Types of animals- farm animals and then zoo animals Je suis allez au zoo et je vu ……. Bingo matching animals and names Add in colours and size to the animals Quel animal est que tu vu?
Parts of the body and food
Visitors/ trips Swimming gala Sports day New walk museum trip – Meet the mummies Dogs trust visit building confidence Mrs Teasedale visit about the body
Associated language