Magor with Undy Community Council
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MAGOR WITH UNDY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Ordinary Meeting 6.30pm 7 January 2008 Undy Church Hall
Present Chairperson – Cllr J Major Vice-Chairperson – Cllr Mrs O Evans MBE
Councillors Cllr Mrs N Baicher, V Bashford, Dr J Bourne, B Burt, Mrs C Hopkins, Cllr Mrs Donna James, P Waters
Clerk in Attendance B Lloyd
Members of Public 3
Cllr J Major wished everybody a Happy New Year.
Cllrs G Gregory, P Majewski, A Swift
Cllr Mrs O Evans and Cllr J Major as members of MCC planning committee.
The above minutes were confirmed as a true record Proposed – Cllr D James Seconded – Cllr Mrs N Baicher All agreed.
a) Pilot opening hours for Magor Surgery – Cllr Dr J Bourne suggested writing to the surgery to ask for more publicity regarding the additional hours. Cllr Mrs O Evans MBE said that the surgery had indicated they would be sending out a Newsletter when funds available- agreed to contact Surgery. b) Newsletter – preferred the old format newsletter but this would be for the next Council to consider. c) Cllr Mrs N Riordan-Whild’s resignation – agreed to send Council’s thanks for her dedicated service. d) Highways scheme/Budgens should be starting at end of month.
Police sent apologies and provided a written report 38 non crimes for The Elms/Undy – In the area of Rockfield, Manor Chase, Barons Court, and Badgers Walk, 19 youth related incidents where youths throwing eggs, baked beans and soup at residents windows. Neighbourhood 2
team following up names of local children from the areas that are believed to be involved. A leaflet drop has been completed in the area and foot patrols stepped up.
Undy School is still experiencing youth congregation leaving a smashed window and litter in the school grounds. The school main gate has also been taken of its hinges over the last week
Reported crime incidents 3 attempted break ins, theft of a moped, and the smashed window at Undy
In Mill/Magor 65 non-crimes have been reported
22 drive offs from MSA totalling approx £670 3 alarms in Magor sq, 3 child welfare reports. 5 road traffic accidents, 8 reported domestic /assaults, 2 noise from neighbours, 1 abandoned vehicle, 1 damage to a garden fence, 1 youths anti-social behaviour in the Meadows, 1 loud music from a vehicle in Sycamore Terrace, 2 issues with youths at Magor services, floods on St Brides Rd, 2 reports of drink drivers from local pubs, wires being placed across the road on The Causeway. Illegal immigrant at Magor Services and a number plate stolen
3 crimes related incidents have been reported 1 house burglary, radiators stolen from a garden and reports of Swansea supporters in Magor Services.
Cllr Burt that the Police had not attended the last few meetings, and now the Police Liaison committee had folded it is the only contact with the Police. Mrs Lloyd reported that there one of the Magor officers was on sick leave. Agreed to contact Inspector Smith to ask a representative of the Police to attend the next Council meeting.
Cllr Mrs N Baicher said she had been contacted by a resident regarding youths drinking in Mill Common – contact Police.
Residents brought the following matters to the CC’s attention.
a) Residents reported their concerns that Barecroft Common was not gritted during the recent cold snap. Cllr Waters also expressed his concern that Whitewall was not gritted and NCC grit Redwick –and it was dangerous to come from a gritted road onto an ungritted road. Contact MCC
b) Resident asked if any news on the junction at Llandevenny. Cllr Major reported this was being looked at.
c) Resident expressed concern re speeding traffic at Rockfield some sort of traffic calming required – contact MCC and Police. Cllr Dr J Bourne 3
suggested Police sending letters to residents re speeding on that road. All agreed.
Cllr Major thanked residents for their comments.
Several late letters received MCC
1. Highway enq – pot holes Rockfield to Storefields – programmed for potholing during the next two weeks. Pothole Eastern Access Road – programmed for completion within 7 days. Large depression on road slip road to access M4 Eastern Access road has been identified for extensive patching and irregularities will be rectified at that time. Routine inspections will take place to ensure road is in a serviceable condition. 2. Chestnut Close re tree causing problems because of size. 3. Road Priorities ack 4. Cabinet Meeting including report re Gwent Records and Local govt settlement 5. Copy letter to resident re footpath Undy to Rogiet. 6. Vinegar Hill pot holes – regularly potholed and is subject to routine inspection, which will identify new failures in surface. Request site meeting. 7. Supply of electoral register 2008. 8. Grant Local agenda 21 £268 9. Grant Footpath Maintenance £ 472.93 10. Bench for Mill Common – discuss at Finance meeting 11. Christmas lights – Roger Joy has arranged for a free set to replace the broken ones. 12. Planning 11 December 2007 13. Community Town and County Council conference. 14. Council tax precept 2008/9 15. Highway workshops with Town and Community Councils – 19 Feb 16. Footpath between B4245 and Magor School –ack 17. Cabinet minutes 2 Jan 2008. 18. Copy letter to resident re Causeway state of repairs. 19. DC/2007/01678 information re conditions re new application for office space and parking land on the south west corner of J23a. 20. Severnside area forum agenda and minutes 21. Mor hafren minutes
1. DC/2005/00719 One detached house Old Well Lane – appeal dismissed. 4
1. Severnside area forum 2. CAB request for increase in grant and copy accounts and report. Discuss at Finance meeting 3. Gwent Police re PCSO funding – ack 4. Dwrcymru – meeting re odour West End Magor 10 January 5. Magor Rugby Club – request for finance and still registering interest in land at Norton’s lane – request further details from club - Discuss at finance meeting. 6. OVW meeting 17 January 20008. 7. Planning training seminar Hengoed 8. Earth Anchors and Merlin – information about dog waste bins. 9. CALM Alliance minutes and agenda. 10. Cllr Mrs N Riordan-Whild – resignation from CC – informed MCC. Ack 11. Voluntary Voice –Natural World magazines 12. Lord Landscapes – quote Common-y-coed 13. Resident re crossing The Lawn, requesting traffic calming and concern about drain and roots from trees on pavement – CC agreed to ask MCC to undertake assessment in first instance – contact MCC. 14. Copy letter sent to MCC re Argos Development at Llandevenny – noted 15. Resident requesting meeting with NCC re Argos Dev at Llandevenny – contact resident.
The Community Council considered the following planning applications.
Cllr Mrs O Evans, MBE and Cllr J Major took no part in any decisions.
DC/2007/01568 Construction of conservatory on rear elevations 13 Windsor Close - Approve subject to neighbours consultation.
DC/2007/01818 Proposed garage conversion and replacement parking space 10 Rockfield - Approve subject to neighbours consultation.
DC/2007/01667 S106 relaxations – application to discharge requirements of a planning agreement attached to planning permission A36237 (that secured a turning head at the termination (Chapel Lane Undy) Turning area to private area for Orchard House Chapel Lane Undy Orchard House. Refuse a) turning Head required for emergency vehicle access. b) Turning head required for other vehicles i.e visitors delivery etc c) Suggest police visit area if cars parking inappropriately.
DC/2007/ 01619 Single storey rear extension and garage conversion 12 St Anne’s Crescent – approve subject to neighbours consultation 5
DC/2007/01678 25,000SQ FT (2322SQM) net office space plus access and 125-car parking spaces Land on the Southwest corner adj to J23a Magor on the M4 Motorway. Support in principle subject to Traffic concerns a) Opening
M48 link that will reduce traffic coming through the village (could S106 money be utilised towards this) b) Dedicated lane on M4 this will again improve traffic accessing the M4 c) Waun Arw residents to be consulted as thought not immediately adjacent to development will look directly onto the development.
All agreed to membership fee of £113, which was £13 over budget. All agreed.
CA as at 19 December 2007 £812.23 BPA1 “ 8,964.00 BPA2 “ 16,856.49 BPA3 “ 562.29
The following accounts were approved by Council
Proposed – Cllr B Burt Seconded - Cllr J Major All Agreed
103745 Mrs B Lloyd Petty Cash 20.00 103746 BT Telephone Bill 38.65 £33.11 + Vat £5.54 103747/ Staff Wages 1,249.05 10350 103751 Inland Rev Tax and NI 238.04 103752 Christmas Tree Supply and installed 225.00 103753 Willow Landscape Work Magor Allotments 30.00 103754 SLCC Membership 113.00 103755 Undy Hall Hire 15.00 D/D Orange 14.99
Paid into Bank Grants Footpath Maintenance partnership scheme 472.93 Grants Local Agenda 21 kissing gate 268.00
Additional cost of £60 plus cost of whips, to plant trees at Commony-y-coed. There is no budgetary allowance for this – agreed to use reserves. All agreed. 6
The internal auditor recommended revising the financial regulations 11.1.1. (g) And 11.11 (h) to decrease the amount required before going out to tender. All agreed.
Consultation exercise by South Wales Regional Aggregates working party. Available for Councillors - Noted
Cllr Dr J Bourne
Concerned re lack of progress re access roads etc for Community Centre and thought the money had to be spent by end of this financial year. Agreed to contact Mike Moran, MCC, to ask for written response for next Council meeting.
Cllr B Burt
Reported that sea wall meeting being held on 8 Jan 2008. Politicians were now involved. Funding will become an issue.
Cllr V Bashford
Potholes at Storefields – request a site meeting with MCC
Cllr P Waters
Reported work going on at Blackwall Lane – agreed to contact enforcement to investigate.
Cllr Mrs N Baicher
Concerns re patch of land on Redwick Road at corner by Coffee shop. Cllr Mrs C Hopkins said this was now on a cutting schedule with MCC
Cllr Mrs D James
Reported street lights out –contact MCC
Cllr Mrs O Evans
Tree branch obstructing pavement opposite Elm Ave – contact MCC. Doctors Surgery meeting with Surgery, Caldicot Town Council, CHC 7
Surgery will be sending out newsletter re pilot opening hours at Magor when funds available. Can make appointments in advance, if you give 4 weeks notice.
Cllr J Major
Waun Arw Road – potholes need re-doing – contact MCC.
Mrs B Lloyd
YUM – youth club is working very well but still needs volunteers. Allotments – pre-meeting to be arranged with allotment holder re Allotment Association and he would then give a presentation at Feb/March meeting.
6.30pm 14 January 2008 Undy Church Hall Finance meeting 6.30pm 4 February 2008 Undy Church Hall Ordinary Meeting.
The Meeting closed at 7.55pm