Ø Neytiri S Tribe of Na Vi = Live in (Sector 12)

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Ø Neytiri S Tribe of Na Vi = Live in (Sector 12)

James Cameron’s Avatar

 Year of Story: 2154 = (12)  Neytiri’s Tribe of Na’vi = live in (Sector 12)  Sector 12 = Home Tree & Tree of Souls  Main Character (human) = Jake Sully (birthdate: 8/24/2126) (Luke 8 21-26)?  Story’s Setting: Pandora (moon)  Pandora: 1 of 5 moons of the planet Polyphemus  Polyphemus = Cyclops in Greek Mythology (father: Poseidon)  Polyphemus = “man eater” in The Odyssey  Polyphemus = “protector of sheep” in The Odyssey (God/Christ?)  Polyphemus = one eye (blue planet) = eye of God?  Polyphemus = located in Alpha Centauri (constellation)  Alpha Centauri = consists of (3 stars)  Pandora = jungle (garden?)  Humans = cannot breathe Pandora’s air = air too pure? (reflection of man’s sins?)  Beginning of film = (bar scene) Jake “strong prey on the weak” (Christ?)  Jake = (bar fight) = forming cross/lying in water/bird on shirt/forms a twisted cross with his legs  Jake’s brother (Tommy) = killed for money (Christ?)  Tommy = scientist (trained for 3 years) (length of Christ’s preachings)  Tommy’s casket = #976323 = 30 (Christ?)  Spaceship = black and white triangles on panels (premonition of Armageddon?)  Journey to Pandora = 5 years, 9 months, 22 days (cryogenic sleep)  Pandora = Pandora’s Box (Greek mythology) heaven & hell?  Human base on Pandora = “Hell’s Gate” (is humanity, or human sin, the demons in Pandora’s Box?)  Aircraft = triangular/black (unholy trinity?) (birds of prey/death?)  Storm clouds = battle brewing? 1  Outer space = upside down ( turning Pandora upside down/opening Pandora’s box?)  Humanity = mining/stealing Pandora’s resources (Unobtainium)  Unobtainium = holy grail/God?  Marines = become mercenaries on Pandora (reflection of missionaries on Earth? Historical reflection of exploration on earth? Killing in the name of God & country?)  Marine Colonel = Quaritch (combination of quarry & rich?)  Col. Quaritch = head of “Hell’s Gate Security” (Satan?)  Col. Quaritch = 3 scars (mark of the beast/Satan?)  Col. Quaritch = airship (called “dragon” & dragon painted on the side = Satan?)  Col. Quaritch = “you’re not in Kansas anymore” (Dorothy/Wizard of Oz)  Col. Quaritch = If there is a hell, you will go there for rest and relaxation” after serving on Pandora for “6” years)  Col. Quaritch = “promises” Jake new legs for cooperation  Jake’s tour of duty = 6 years  Dr. Grace Augustine = (green clothing/scientist/doctor/teacher/writer)  Dr. Grace Augustine = (Bible history: Grace? St. Augustine?)  Human Government = goal: “winning the hearts and minds of the Na’vi people” (historical reference to indigenous tribes and minorities?)  Mineral: Unobtainium (hearts and minds of the Na’vi? God? Heaven?  Jake = Avatar (tunnel of light/reborn/womb/circle/can breathe the air of Pandora (heaven?)  Jake = first brain scan (looks like a tree = connection to Tree of Life [Home Tree] and/or [Tree of Souls]?)  Na’vi school = Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (reflection of the destruction yet to come?  Na’vi school = solar system planetarium (knocked around/premonition of battle to come?)  Mushrooms in the jungle = spirals/circles (rebirth/God/living rising from the dead?)

2  Thanator (cat creature)= (Na’vi language: Bringer of Fear) (“Thanatopsis”)  Jake = Thanator (waterfall/leap of faith/baptism/River Jordan/”new Jake “ [human transforms into Avatar/Na’vi]  Neytiri = Princess of Na’vi Omaticaya (Blue Flute Clan)  Tree of Souls seeds = angelic/guides/pure spirits?  Jake = fire/night (Valley of the Shadow of Death/hell?)  Neytiri = guardian angel (arrows/feathers) “no thanks” for death/killing (viperwolves)  Neytiri = saves Jake because his “heart is strong” (Christ?)  Jake = one of the “sky people” (heaven?)  Seeds of The Tree of Souls (life) = connect to Jake (who stands in the shape of the cross) (prophecy)  Tsu ‘Tey = hunter/prince  Tsu ‘Tey = 3 horsemen (Direhorses) 4th horseman???  Eywa = Tree of Life (Garden of Eden)  RDA = Resources Development Administration (non-governmental)  RDA head= Parker Selfridge (selfish?)  Parker Selfridge = the Na’vi are “blue monkeys” not people  Jake = has 3 months to save the Na’vi (before removal)  Trudy = helicopter pilot (Tiger: king of all beast ***not the lion)  Sector 12 = largest deposits of Unobtainium (God)  Jake/Neytiri = dead brother/dead sister (connection?)  Jake = makes connection (the bond/“Tsaheylu”) with his Direhorse (is Jake the 4th horseman/Death?)  Hallelujah Mountains (floating mountains of Pandora)  Trudy = “can’t see”/ “have to know where you are going” in the Hallelujah Mts. (have to use faith?)  Unobtainium = is a “superconductor” (direct connection to God?)  Neytiri = speaks to “Mountain Banshee” (Ikran) (all living things share one language? The voice of God?)  Mountain Banshee = dragon/bird/Ikran

3  Jake= becomes one with Pandora (“flow of energy”) (connection to God?)  Neytiri = There is a “network of energy, which flows through all living things; but one day, you have to give it back” (connection to life/planet/God)  Flying lizards = circular wings/rainbows (further evidence of God?)  Neytiri’s sister = murdered in front of her own eyes at school  Neytiri’s sister = murdered with two other Na’vi children (3 children/crucifixion of Christ?)  Dr. Grace Augustine = “Scientists can’t be ruled by emotions; they have to be objective.” (What does this say about scientists? Connected to or disconnected from God?)  Jake = clean kill/ritual sacrifice (“commits body to the people [Na’vi]/soul to heaven” [Eywa] Christ?)  Jake = crosses under waterfall (other side/spirit world/becomes Na’vi warrior/no longer human)  Jake = becomes “master of land (Direhorse) & master of air (Ikran) (Christ?)  Home Tree = arches/church/holy ground/Tree of Life?  Dr. Grace Augustine = “Jake is a lucky Swan.” (reference to “The Ugly Duckling”?/transformation?/man to Na’vi/man to God?)  Bird of Prey = The Last Shadow (Great Leonopteryx)  Leonopteryx = ???  Neytiri = great great grandfather (5th and last “Toruk Makto” to ride the Great Leonopteryx)  Toruk Makto = “Rider of The Last Shadow”  Col. Quaritch = (to Jake) “Haven’t got lost in the woods, have you?” (reference to Christ being lost in the wilderness for 40 days?)  Jake = will negotiate terms of relocation with the Na’vi (historical reference to The Trail of Tears?)  Eytukan = Neytiri’s father/leader of the Omaticaya Clan (“people live twice; 2nd time with the people”) (reference to Christ?)  Jake = center of circle/the light/laying of hands (Christ?)  Tree of Voices = voices of the Na’vi who are connected to Eywa

4  Tree of Voices = destroyed by bulldozers (disconnected from heaven?/loss of faith?/challenge of faith?)  Bulldozers = #12 (disciples of hell/unholy trinity?), #09 (nine levels of hell/center of hell?), #08 (infinity of hell?/infinite evils of mankind?)  Trees = connections of “synapsis” (Dr. Grace Augustine) (murdering the mind shared by people and God?)  Synapsis = happen in the human brain ***(is the movie setting really inside the human mind/heart/soul/imagination of man?)  Na’vi attack= attack the bulldozers and mercenary marines (hellish scene/fire/destruction/death/premonition of Armageddon?)  Na’vi attack = Parker Selfridge “Jesus Christ” (premonition of Armageddon?)  Col. Quaritch = “we’ll use gas” (historical reference to Hitler/Jews/antichrist?)  Sky People = Send Jake to “save” the Na’vi people (The Second Coming of Christ?)  Jake = becomes the 6th Toruk Makto by making “the connection” with the Great Leonopteryx  Revelations/Battle of Armageddon = Jake/Christ (ruler of the air, the land, the sea?) (joins all Na’vi Clans for the final battle)  Trudy = Helicopter #16 (7) (angel?) (the Archangel Michael?)  Col. Quaritch (destroys/murders Home Tree)  Queen Mo’at = frees Jake from his “cross” (“If you are one of us, help us”) (reference to Christ?)  Eytukan = Dies with Home Tree (piece of tree spears him) (crucifixion/king dying for his people?)  Na’vi = loss of Home Tree/forced removal (Trail of Tears?)  Jake/Grace/Norm = holy trinity?  Jake/Grace/Norm/Trudy = 4 points of the cross?/four horsemen of the apocalypse?  Dr. Grace Augustine = teacher of children (shot by Col. Quaritch) bloody side/bloody hand (Christ figure)

5  Dr. Grace Augustine = “I would die to get samples” of the Tree of Souls (premonition of death?)  Jake = “outcast/betrayer/alien” to mankind (reference to Christ in the eyes of the Jewish people?) (Judas Iscariot?)  Jake = “I was in a place the eye did not see.” (Hell/Eye of God/Eye of Eywa?)  Jake = the 6th Toruk Makto (Christ?) (In the Bible, Christ was asked 6 times to prove who he was) (6th day of creation: man and the animals)  Grace = Tree of Souls (Mo’at: Grace must pass through the “eye of Eywa” to go into her Avatar body) (transformation/ascension/second coming?)  The Pandoran War = (Armageddon?)  Jake/Neytiri/Tsu ‘Tey = holy trinity (father/son/holy ghost)  Ikran = angels of God?  Joining of Na’vi Clans = Air/land/sea (Revelations?)  ***Na’vi Clans = all minorities?  ***Sky people = all white/Americans?  Col. Quaritch = covered by darkness/silhouette (Satan?)  Col. Quaritch = “fight terror with terror” (premonition of Armageddon?)  Col. Quaritch = Goal: kill the Na’vi diety (Tree of Souls) (Satan?)  Trudy = dies in battle (martyrdom/Archangel Michael?)  Jake = Hallelujah Mountains (“Technology does not work.”) (reference to heaven/power of God/weakness of man?)  Jake = “man killed his mother on Earth” (reference to the Tree of Life/Pandora’s Tree of Souls?) (Earth has become hell, and heaven is “unobtainable” [Unobtainium]?)  Jake = scene with Eywa (making “the connection”) prays for help/Garden of Gethsemane/Christ?  Col. Quaritch/Parker Selfridge/RDA = unholy trinity?  Pandoran War = Ikran/Scorpion war ships (Flight of the Valkyries ?)  Valkyries = Norse mythology reference?  Col. Quaritch = commander of scorpions (war ships) (Satan?)

6  Col. Quaritch = payload ship of bombs (Tree of Souls) call name is Valkyrie 1- 6 (what does this mean?)  Eywa = answers Jake’s prayers (all animals) (angels of God?/saviors of the Na’vi people/God’s people?)  Col. Quaritch = shoulder on fire (wings of fire/Satan?)  Col. Quaritch = becomes robot (shape-shifter/rises from flames of ship/bird/Satan?)  Col. Quaritch/Jake = final battle in the Garden of Eden  Col. Quaritch = (to Jake) “How does it feel to betray your own people?” (reference to Christ?)  Jake= spears Col. Quaritch with knife (x1)  Neytiri = spears Col. Quaritch with arrows (x2)  Col. Quaritch = speared 3 times (crucified)  Human Jake = saved by Neytiri (love knows no bounds?)  Tsu ‘Tey = bloody hands/bloody side (reflection of Dr. Grace Augustine/Christ figure)  Jake = becomes “The Last Shadow” for Tsu ‘Tey (sacrificed for the Na’vi people) (“It is the way”/Tao te Ching???)  Human Jake = Tree of Souls (pass through the Eye of Eywa)  Jake= becomes Na’vi/Avatar (Second Coming of Christ?)

Sources to Use:  james-camerons-avatar.wikia.com  learnnavi.org

Things to Google:  Alpha Centauri  What planet does Pandora orbit  Polyphemus  Cyclops’ job  ***Are the Na’vi minorities

7  what did God do on the sixth day of creation  God + 6 + symbolism  John 8:24  Bible 8 21-26  Banshee  St. Augustine  Bible + Grace  ***If you search anything else and find anything noteworthy. Let me know what you typed into Google!!!


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