Name/#: ______War of 1812/Westward Expansion

The War of 1812 • In the early 1800s ______was again at war. • Fought between America and ______(Great Britain).

Causes of the War of 1812 • The ______navy was stopping American ships at sea to keep America from trading with the ______. • This caused ______to lose money. • Also, the British were taking ______off the ships and making them work on ______ships. • There were many problems between Americans and the ______, and Americans thought the ______were helping the Indians. • After a ______between Americans and the Indians – British ______were found on the battlefield. • A group of ______called for the war. • They became known as the ______.

Invasion of Washington D.C. • In August of 1814, British troops invaded ______. • They set fire to the ______, and to the Capitol Building. • During the War of 1812, ______was the President. • His wife ______saved many valuables from the burning White House before she escaped.

New Territory • Between 1801 and 1861, Americans began to ______the land farther ______. • As new ______were added to the U.S. people began building settlements farther west. • A ______is land that belongs to a country or state. Louisiana Purchase • In 1803, President ______bought land from France in a deal that was called the ______. • When this land was purchased the size of the U.S. doubled! • President Jefferson hired Meriwether ______and William ______to ______the land included in the Louisiana Purchase. • Their expedition began in ______, where the Mississippi River and the Missouri River meet. • They followed the Missouri River all the way to the ______. • They crossed the rugged Rockies and went all the way to the ______. • Lewis and Clark relied heavily on an American Indian woman named ______. • She could ______with other American Indians, and she also helped Lewis and Clark find ______to eat that kept them from starving. • If not for Sacagawea, ______and ______may never have survived their expedition.

Texas Territory • Texas began as a ______territory. • In the early 1820s, Americans were given permission from ______to let them settle and farm the land west of ______. • Around the same time Spain lost a war with ______, and ______took control of Texas. • Americans and the ______in Texas did not get along very well. • Soon a ______began. • The ______, is one of the most famous battles of the war. • American volunteers like ______fought the Mexicans for ______days until finally being killed. • In ______, the Americans defeated the Mexicans. • The same year Texas signed the Texas Declaration of Independence – making them an ______. • However, many Texans wanted to join the U.S. and in ______, Texas joined the ______.