CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting Mayay 8, 2007
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CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA
Present: Kris Shear President Elect Sherrie Padilla Region VI Myra Rush Region V Brad Hardison Treasurer Karen Micalizio Past President Beth Asmus President Reina Branum Region I Andi Schreibman Region IV Anafe Robinson Region VII Doreen Prado Region II Mary Spady Secretary Nancy Davis Region IX Dennis Schroeder Web Master
Absent: Judy Cohen Region III JoAnn Bernard Vice President Jacque Bradley V.P. Alternate Kris Shear President Elect Gilda Maldonaldo Region X Margie Carrington Region III Alternate Kim Westby Region VIII
State Issues Report – Kris ( Reported during FARR Meeting on 5/07/07) Highlights from April 19, 2007 Commission Meeting: The Commission passed a motion (paraphrased) to Adopt an Interim IPA for the time period of 7//1/07 to 6/30/08 and CSAC staff (consulting with the Grant Advisory Committee) will develop a multi-year IPA for 08-09 processing (and beyond) that the Commission will consider at its September ’07 meeting. The Commission passed a motion to reaffirm the process of self-certification of high school graduation for 2007-08 (that was established at their September ’06 meeting). (This reaffirmed implementation of the G-8 form/process for new entitlement grants for 07-08.) The Commission passed a motion To incorporate into the interim IPA that institutions are required to hold Cal Grant funds in an interest-bearing account beginning Dec. 1, 2007. The Commission passed a motion that the final reconciliation date will be Dec. 31 following an award year. (This date will apply to 06-07 final recon – due 12/31/07.) The Commission passed a motion to incorporate the agreed upon IT/security provisions into the interim IPA. Commission Chair McClain announced that Dr. Yasmin Delahoussaye (Vice President of Student Services at Los Angeles Valley college has been appointed by the Governor to fill the California community College position on the Commission.
Regional Reps Reports – All (Reported during FARR meeting on 5/07/07)
Meeting called to order at 8:45AM on May 8, 2007.
Approval of the Minutes: Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 1 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA
The minutes of the March 26, 2007 meeting were reviewed. Amend minutes to include CLFE, CASFAA and CSAC Liaison reports given on Tuesday March 27, 2007 during FARR meeting.
MOTION: To approve the minutes of the March 26, 2007 executive board meeting, as amended.. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO – Abstain Anafe Nancy Aye - All 11-0 No Discussion Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Brad distributed the Treasurer’s Report and provided a verbal report. Anomalies – 2006 awards (Awards Committee) paid for from 2007 budget. Brad discussed the distribution of awards. Spring training included generated 163 171 new members Dennis will send Mary list of all new members since conference. Mary will send welcome letter and packets to all new members. Beth will author welcome letter for new members. A few outstanding revenues and expenses to be added to report
MOTION: To accept Treasurer’s report. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments
Karen Andi 11 -0 Approved
Brad recommends use of online QuickBooks to assist with training of the treasurer-elect position.
MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO – Abstain Mary Spady Anafe 9 vote Beth requests a new detail line item be added to the budget to track the annual subscription cost of $290.52.
State Issues Report – Kris (submitted on 5/07/07) Highlights from April 19, 2007 Commission Meeting: The Commission passed a motion (paraphrased) to Adopt an Interim IPA for the time period of 7//1/07 to 6/30/08 and CSAC staff (consulting with the Grant Advisory Committee) will develop a multi-year IPA for 08-09 processing (and beyond) that the Commission will consider at its September ’07 meeting. The Commission passed a motion to reaffirm the process of self-certification of high school graduation for 2007-08 (that was established at their September ’06 meeting). (This reaffirmed implementation of the G-8 form/process for new entitlement grants for 07-08.)
Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 2 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA The Commission passed a motion To incorporate into the interim IPA that institutions are required to hold Cal Grant funds in an interest-bearing account beginning Dec. 1, 2007. The Commission passed a motion that the final reconciliation date will be Dec. 31 following an award year. (This date will apply to 06-07 final recon – due 12/31/07.) The Commission passed a motion to incorporate the agreed upon IT/security provisions into the interim IPA. Commission Chair McClain announced that Dr. Yasmin Delahoussaye (Vice President of Student Services at Los Angeles Valley college has been appointed by the Governor to fill the California community College position on the Commission.
Training Committee Report: Karen provided a recap on the Spring Training events. Total registered 292: Registration counts: o 71 attendees at Mt. San Jacinto on April 3, 2007 o 106 for College of the Canyons on April 4, 2007 o 115 for Las Positas on April 11, 2007 1717 new memberships due to Spring Training event registrations Spring Training evaluation online now to members Beth asked for volunteer site-hosts for 2008 spring training events. CCCSFAAA subsidized the Spring training in the amount of $3,445 Next year the association will need to decide if the Spring Training events will be subsidized or break-even venture. Beth acknowledged the good work of Karen and the training committee on interest sessions and event coordination. Handouts and Ppower Ppoints will be made available posted to on the CCCSFAAA web site. Nancy suggested that Certificates of Completion be provided to all attendees at Spring Training events. To add value and legitimize training and professional development. Suggested certificates be distributed with registration materials at check-in tables.
Nominations & Elections – Karen Special election for Treasurer-Elect position. T/E will serve balance of 2007, and then 2 nd year as Treasurer for 2008. T/E slate approved by email vote: Debbie Soria and Maria Romero. Special election for T/E will open within next 2 weeks.
Brad recommends purchase of online QuickBooks to assist with sharing association financials via the web. Needed due to the addition of the treasurer-elect position (up to 4 users).
MOTION: To purchase QuickBooks on the web subscription for $290 annual cost. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments Mary Anafe 11-0 Approved Beth requests a new detail budget line item be added to to track the annual subscription cost of $290.52. Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 3 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA
Annual officer eElections for 2007/2008 will open in June-Julybegin nomination process in June 2007. Open positions include: o President- Eelect – south o , Vice-President – north o , Secretary, Treasurer, and o Treasurer-Eelect o Even numbered Regional Representatives for regionselections for 2008 for Regions II, IV, VI, VIII, and X (Doreen, Andi, JudySherrie, Kim and Gilda) will be up for re-election. Nominations will be sent forward to the Exec Bd at the next meeting (July 26 at Half Moon Bay). Elections need to be complete, with final results prior to October Transition Meeting. Possible sites for transition meeting: South Lake Tahoe, Napa (under discussion)
Newsletter Committee Report – Steve (Read by Tim from an email by Steve Arena ) Steve is currently working on the Spring Issue, and he still needs articles! He has received 10 articles as of today, with no articles have been received from Regional Representatives. The committee will meet in the next couple of weeks. Beth encouraged, pleaded for participation in writing letters,and reminded officers of their responsibility to keep the membership informed of CCCSFAAA business and activities via the quarterly newsletter. She also provided a laundry list of possible article topics.. The submission deadline is has been extended to Friday, May 11 at 5pm. Karen suggested that the Board revisit the newsletter format.
By Laws committee Report - Karen Updating of bylaws required due to (1) addition of new officer on executive board – Treasurer/Elect position, and (2) Lifetime Award. Karen will work with Beth to complete updating.
Web Oversight Committee Report – Dennis 2,220 persons in the membership database. New web feature: “Resources Page” Handouts from spring training events and annual conference will be posted on the website. Treasurer-elect information and voting will be posted as soon as possible.ballot and election coming soon online New web feature: Online Sponsorship form will be available 9/1/2007.and will allow vendors/sponsors to make credit card payments online. Increase in banner web page ads – College Solutions – Frank – Financial Aid TV Anafe suggested that a Forms Bank feature be created on the CCCSFAAA web site for sharing forms. among financial aid administrators. Sponsorship Beth reported that associate (non-institutional) membership is just under 30% of the total membership for the past three consecutive years.
Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 4 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA By Laws committee Report - Karen Beth asked if changes have been made to the bylaws for the lifetime membership and for the treasurer-elect position election. No documents have been updated at this time.
CSAC Liaison Report – Bryan Post high school certification (G-8 form) is almost finalized for 2007-2008 implementation for Cal Grant Entitlement students. Schools may be able to use existing ATB forms used by their institution, and Bryan will confirm the use of either of these forms for the purpose of high school graduation certification. CSAC will provide this form on the CSAC web site as well as on the Student Web Grants system. Tim recommends holding all aid (state and federal) until the institution has received the G8 form from the student. Bryan indicates a Operations Policy Bulletin is forthcoming. Tim recommends institution to NOT collect high school transcript due to the potential of conflicting information which would cause delays in the delivery of the grants. Beth points out that the listed issues are the same as what was communicated earlier to the Commission. There is currently no one commissioner assigned to this new policy. CSAC plans to distribute form in early June. Beth and Executive Board are asking that policy decisions and delivery need to be formalized. Different processes are being agreed upon across the segments, and there is still nothing in writing from the commission. Karen request that Board members submit addition concerns to Daniel Friedlander, CSAC. Late Entitlement Cal Grant GPA verifications appeal process is expected to go into effect by May 17 – Extended deadline for submission of GPA’s is May 16, 2007. CHAFFEE Grant funding is still available for the 2006-07 award year. This funding may be awarded this year or rolled forward for use in the 2007-08 year. Eligibility criteria will most likely not change from the 006-07 criteria. Stale-dated checks created some problems this year. Legislation bills: AB 175, AB 302, AB 1540 (In Suspense – No Action Taken) Cash For College scholarships are still being reviewed for verified FAFSA filing and GPA information.
CLFE Liaison Report (California Loans For Education) – Donna Hubler CLFE presented at CCCSFAAA spring training eventa and WASFAA conference on student loan ethics Presentations on loan options will be available. Lender travel policies have been tightened – must have receipts for everything. Lenders are waiting for guidance from the Dept. of Ed. The student loan issues are about perception. CLFE, CASFAA, CCCSFAAA presentation to Commissioners in June will be focused on loan programs. CLFE could do a Banner advertisement for the CCCSFAAA web site.
Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 5 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA Tim discussed CCCSFAAA required to file taxes on ads income generated by web ads sold. To avoid this, Tim suggests sponsorship of website ($$ opportunity to sponsor website) then promote sponsors through web ads (CASFAA does this already).
CASFAA – Nancy Frank Ramirez - High School Relations Committee Chair – I’m Going to College (Committee is reviewing materials for this program. The program is co-sponsored by CHELA (now NELNET). NELNET is interested in continuing the program. NELNET is a ‘for profit’ company where CHELA was a non-profit.) Focus is on 4th grade level children. Exposure to college – not specific to financial aid. Sunshine Act discussed. Concern for needing printed materials from the lenders was brought up and the thinking is to go to the Dept. of Education for these needs. CASFAA discussed presenting the ‘school’s side’ of the lender inducements issues. CLFE provide student scholarships instead of give-aways for training events and conference. CASFAA is going ‘GREEN’, phasing out the printing of directories. Emergency fiscal planning meeting is scheduled for May 10 Will provide recycle bins for paper and plastics at conference. Talked about hiring PR person
Conference Report – Brad Conference committee met via CCC Confer. Minutes have been posted on the CCCSFAAA website. Brad provides highlights report. Thursday night social/entertainment event at Julian’s Restaurant – heavy o’doerves and 1 drink ticket included. President’s Reception will be on Friday night in Salon at Hotel – snacks, awards. Conference registration will be handled by Judy Cohen (Chair) and Bob Flash drive conference gift. BOARD prefers to pre-load directory onto flash drive prior to distribution at conference. EdFund does not have the money to print the directory this year. Exhibitor and sponsors raising fees and include complimentary conference registration fee. Break even cost approved with $45,000 in reserves as contingency fund for 2007 conference Nancy recommends the conference committee consider charging all members of each sponsor and/or exhibitor registration fees and have it be mandatory. May offer complimentary registrations if necessary. Entrance to conference will require all attendees to wear badges.
MOTION: To approve mandatory conference registration fee be charged for all sponsors and/or exhibitors. All attendees will be required to wear badges. Motion Second Record of Vote Discussion/Comments AYE – NO – Abstain Nancy Anafe 9 – Yes 1 – No Motion approved Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 6 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: CCCSFAAA Executive Board Meeting MayAY 8, 2007 Riverside, CA
Conference program sub-committee meeting will be at the College of the Canyons on May 29. General session speakers are being arranged. (Chancellor Drummond (Opening Day), Jeff Baker (DOE), and Congressman McKeon are possible speakers.
Lender Issues & Ethics Ideas include providing guidance to financial aid offices regarding lender issues Provide in writing, a template for communications with upper management at our institutions Nancy has prepared a memo that she will share with the CCCSFAAA Executive Board and Regional Representatives All lenders are listed in the Greentree Gazette (private, FFELP, Alternative) and CLFE will check into providing this list to CCCSFAAA. Referred to CSU and UC Talking Points for development of CCCSFAAA Talking Points Simple Tuition: Is there a conflict of interest if lenders are buying into being included in this service? Student Loan Scout is a new product similar to Simple Tuition although users submit one application for student loans rather than individual applications. This product is being released in July. Karen recommended a workgroup be formed to address the Talking Issues to be provided by CCCSFAAA. Nancy, Sherrie & Anafe volunteered for Student Loan Ethics Workgroup.
Meeting adjourned at 3:22 PM.
Minutes submitted by: Mary Spady Page 7 Minutes approved: Minutes posted to web: