Biology Honors/Cambridge Syllabus

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Biology Honors/Cambridge Syllabus

Fort Lauderdale High School Cambridge Pre-AICE Biology Syllabus for 2017/2018 Ms. Godfrey Building 21, Room 2134 Email: [email protected] Objective 1: IGSCE biology places considerable emphasis on A. knowledge with understanding. B. Handling information and problem solving and C. Experimental skills and investigations. The course is designed to enhance skill development and comprehension. Students should acquire sufficient understanding and knowledge to take or develop an informed interest in matters of scientific importance. They should be able to recognize the usefulness and limitations of scientific method and appreciate its applicability in other disciplines and in everyday life. Students should develop attitudes relevant to biology such as concern for accuracy, precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness. The course aims to stimulate interest in, and care for, the environment. Successful completion of this course will require the student to demonstrate competency in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics as an integral part of the sunshine state standards and Fort Lauderdale standards.

Objective 2: Pass EOC with a level 3 or above

Pacing Guide For detailed course information you may go to the following websites: Course descriptions: for a full list of all standards in the Biology 1 Honors (code 2000320)/Pre-AICE Biology (Code 2000322) course. For Pre-AICE Cambridge Biology IGCSE syllabus (code 0610), go to The Biology EOC contributes 30 % to the student’s grade. The computer-based test will be taken at the end of April.

The Science of Biology What is science, what is not science? Scientific inquiry, scientific equipment Chemistry of Life Water, macromolecules, role of enzymes. Cell Structure and Function Cell structure and cell diversity Membrane structure and function- diffusion, osmosis and active transport Energy for Life ATP, Photosynthesis, leaf structure, plant physiology, Cellular respiration. Cell Growth and Division Mitosis and Cytokinesis, asexual reproduction Inheritance Structure and role of DNA/RNA Introduction to genetics- Heredity and human health Sexual Reproduction: Animals and Plants Meiosis Genetic variation, mutations, genetic engineering/ human genome Evolution, Adaptation and Classification of Life Fossil Record, Darwin- Theory of evolution (natural selection) The history of life and biological diversity- Human Origins Classification of life (Domain, Kingdoms) Living Systems Transport in Humans- circulatory system and blood The human brain and immune system Ecology- Interactions in the Environment Energy flow, food chains and food webs, nutrient cycles, population biology Humans and the environment- pollution, conservation and resource management Grading Profile Work completed in this course will be graded using a points system. At any time you can calculate your average by dividing the number of points you have earned by the total number of possible points. A=100-90 B= 80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=0-59 Certain classwork assignments, lab work, tests and quizzes will receive a grade in the gradebook only if the work is started and completed during class time. You will not receive a grade if you take it home to finish.

Use the resources available, including your IFC to know due dates and recommended websites.

Students and parents may check grades anytime using Pinnacle which is found through BCPS Single Sign-On Launch Pad available at In order to access your instructional and digital materials on the Launch Pad you will need to download a program/plug in. Instructions on how to do this can be found at

Resources  Text book: Stephen Nowicki, Holt McDougal Biology (2012), Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Orlando Florida (front cover has a baby alligator): It is the students responsibility to Checkout the text book from the book room (media center) or use the textbook online at  Mary Jones and Geoff Jones, IGCSE Biology: International Edition (2002/2009) Cambridge, University Press (class room copy only)  Ms. Godfrey’s website:  Others: Film/video for specific areas of study Media center, local Library, Internet Resources

Required Materials 1 binder to keep all your notes in Paper, black or blue ink pens, pencil, highlighters Supplies you may want to keep at home: Color pencils, scissors, glue

Attendance Academic success in any course is directly related to the amount of time and effort given to the subject matter being studied. In order to be truly successful, regular daily attendance is required. In the event an absence from class is necessary, it is the sole responsibility of the student to make up all work missed during his/her absence. Students are responsible for making up any missed test. According to the Broward County School Board Policy, missed tests are to be made up within two days. Make-up tests may be different from those given during class. Certain classwork assignments, lab work, tests and quizzes will receive a grade in the gradebook only if the work is started and completed during class time. You will not receive a grade if you take it home to finish. Absences must be excused, a maximum of 50% can be earned for work that is a result of an unexcused absence.

Tardy Policy If the tardy is unexcused the student will receive a 0 for any work missed (daily quiz). The student is responsible for making up any missed work if it is an excused tardy. It is your responsibility to look at the IFC and complete the day’s work.

Homework /Assignment policy Homework is assigned on a regular basis. Homework assignments may include: textbook readings, study guide worksheets, problems, laboratory reports, and special projects. No late assignments will be accepted. If the work assignment is not submitted at the beginning of the class on the day it is due no credit will be given for the assignment. If the assignment was given before the absence then it must be turned in on that first day back to class after the absence for credit. If assignments were assigned during the absence then the usual two days make up time applies providing the absence is excused. Absences must be excused, a maximum of 50% can be earned for work that is a result of an unexcused absence.

In the case of an absence a Z will be entered for any missed assignment or test, it is then your responsibility to get the missed work from me and make it up. If the work is not made up within the allotted time the Z is turned to a zero (0). In some cases X may be entered, this does not hurt or help your grade either way, for example if you miss a lab, these are difficult to make up so an X will be entered

Cheating Cheating is obtaining any information from sources other than those prescribed by the teacher for the specific assignment. Some examples of cheating are: having a cheat sheet, copying from someone else’s paper during an exam or homework assignment, talking during a test, allowing others to cheat by giving information or answers. Having a cell phone out during a test or exam.

Plagiarism (presenting someone else’s words or ideas as your own) will not be tolerated, for example cut and paste material from the web, quoting or paraphrasing material without citing the source of that material. Copying or using another student’s work. If a student is found to be cheating a parent will be notified, and the student will be given a zero for the assignment. A possible referral to administration may follow.

Discipline Guidelines Appropriate classroom conduct in accordance with the Broward County Public schools code of conduct book is expected of all students. In addition, proper respect for everyone is required to ensure a pleasant and efficient learning environment in the classroom. The following discipline plan for category I offenses will be used in the event of inappropriate conduct on the part of the student:

First Offense: Verbal warning to student from teacher Second Offense: Student/teacher Conference: teacher intervention: parent notified Third Offense: Administrative referral (Administration contacts parents) Insubordination, verbal or physical fighting, and other severe offenses (Category II) will result in an automatic referral to administration. Please see the discipline matrix in the code of conduct book for more details

Confiscated cell phones will be turned into the administration office.

Classroom Rules: 1. Be in your seat prepared and ready to work when the bell goes.

2. Listen while others are speaking, you will want them to do the same for you when it’s your turn.

3. Raise your hand to address the class or me, answer a question, or ask permission to leave your seat. (Do not ask to go to the bathroom during a lecture)

4. Being on task is your job. Stay off the cell phones.

5. We work bell to bell do not pack away early, it is rude. Dear Parents

For lots of useful information about academic programs, extra curricular activities and announcements at Fort Lauderdale High School please visit our school website

You may access your child’s grades on Pinnacle (see grading profile for directions) to keep track of how they are doing. If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet we have a parent resource center in school, which you may use. 30% of your child’s grade is determined by the Florida State Biology EOC (end of course) Exam.

Every two weeks an Instructional Focus Calendar (IFC) will be posted on my website, this informs students day by day what we will be doing in class. What homework they have and any deadlines they need to meet. Please refer to this so you know what deadlines your child has to meet with regards to academic work. (See resource section for address)

If at anytime you want to discuss your child’s progress the best way to reach me is via email [email protected]

If you were willing and able to make a donation of supplies for my classroom it would be greatly appreciated. The following items are always needed: Dish soap, all purpose cleaner, tissues, construction paper, glue sticks, colored pencils and markers, tape, scissors, pencils, pens, and paper. Thank you so much.

I look forward to working with you and your child to ensure that they are successful in biology. Cut here and return below section only:------

Ms. Godfrey Cambridge Pre-AICE Biology (honors) 2017/2018 I have Received and read the syllabus for Cambridge Pre-AICE Biology from Ms. Godfrey, and I understand that we will be following the pacing guide provided. I also understand that classroom procedures and rules are necessary to maintain a safe and successful learning environment.

Student Name______Student Signature______Date______

Parent Name______Parent Signature______Date______

Parent Phone:______

Parent Email:______

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