DOMAIN: Clinical Skills and Knowledge

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DOMAIN: Clinical Skills and Knowledge

Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Clinical Skills and Knowledge A C D E NURSING PROCESS Comments Assessment Performs assessment and Independently and completely Independently and Exhibits highly developed assessment abilities identifies appropriate nursing performs focused assessment to consistently that exemplify a comprehensive understanding diagnosis and/or patient care provide most effective patient care for performs goal- of the total patient/family situation. standard with assistance. a given patient population. focused and individualized Recognizes specialty data. assessment when caring for all patients, including those with complex pathophysiological and psychosocial needs. Nursing Diagnosis Recognizes data and Prioritizes key nursing diagnoses to Individualizes Individualizes nursing diagnoses based on identifies obvious nursing address physical and psychosocial/ nursing diagnoses assessment data and integrates that with the diagnoses. emotional areas. based on diagnoses & priorities of other disciplines in assessment data. order to provide holistic care. Planning/Implementation/Evaluation Practice is guided primarily Practice is driven by theory and Practice relies on Practice is driven by an intuitive base and is by policies, procedures, and experience. previous experience self-directed, flexible, and innovative. standards. for focused analysis of problems and solutions with individual patient Is consistently effective in providing holistic modification in order care that ensures positive change even in the Identifies expected outcomes Independently develops, implements, to meet outcomes. most challenging patient care situations. and nursing interventions to and evaluates plan of care that meet identified diagnoses recognizes subtle changes in patient’s Accommodates and maintain standards of condition and adapts plan as needed. unplanned events clinical practice. and evaluates/ responds Evaluates patients based on appropriately with basic standards. speed, efficiency, flexibility, and confidence.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 1 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment

DOMAIN: Clinical Skills and Knowledge (continued) A C D E Technology Utilizes standard unit Utilizes standard unit technology and Becomes expert Takes a leadership role in evaluating technology and with uses advanced technology as and resource for technology and its potential for use. assistance uses advanced appropriate. use of standard technology as appropriate. unit technology and advanced Utilizes computer for basic functions technology as Able to conduct literature search through Utilizes computer correctly for as well as reference on patient appropriate. library functions – CINAHL, Cochrane, basic functions, including: conditions and treatment. Medline, PubMed.  Groupwise Becomes resource for use of  CareWeb – labs and computer. radiology results reporting  Omnicell  Mandatory Programs/ Competencies  Policies and procedures. Patient/Family Education With assistance, identifies Accurately assesses patient/ Identifies learning Anticipates patient/family learning needs and basic patient/family learning family’s readiness to learn, organizes needs of designated utilizes a variety of teaching strategies needs. and executes individualized teaching populations. appropriate to the patient’s needs. plan, evaluates patient’s understanding and modifies approach Serves as expert resource and facilitates as necessary. other staff in improving patient education. Works Seeks out additional patient education collaboratively to Collaborates with other disciplines to Initiates teaching using resources beyond unit. develop strategies to develop and/or implement patient/family patient teaching protocols, meet these learning teaching programs. patient care standards and needs. critical paths.

Utilizes patient education Seeks out resources on the unit. challenging patient/family education opportunities.

Revises and develops patient education materials. Policy/Procedure/Protocols Bolded entries relate to contribution ***Relate to contribution outside of one’s home unit Reformatted 9/10/2010

Applicant Initials: Date: Page 2 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment Identifies location of and Demonstrates ease in application of Teaches and ***Researches, revises, and develops utilizes hospital policies and hospital policies and unit procedures functions as a hospital policies and unit procedures and unit procedures and and protocols. resource in the protocols utilizing appropriate channels protocols. application of and resources. hospital policies, and unit procedures and protocols.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 3 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Clinical Skills and Knowledge (continued) A C D E Promoting Culture of Safety Adheres to hospital policies Identifies and intervenes when there Unit expert and ***Advocates for culture of safety through related to medication safety: are concerns resource on knowledge,  Order writing conventions related to medication safety, providing medications problem solving, and system changes. feedback to staff members involved. applicable  Correct administration to their unit/clinical considerations setting.  Double checks and other established policies and practices Anticipates and intervenes related to patient and staff safety. Familiar with and follows standards related to patient and staff safety. Facilitates others related to patient and staff safety; actively works toward prevention of potential injury. Documentation Admission assessment, flow Consults documentation to identify Involved in ***Participates in the development of sheets, MARs, and other trends in patient status and enhance ongoing quality documentation tools, standards, and/or applicable documentation continuity of assessment and ongoing monitoring of policy. forms are completed in a nursing care. documentation of timely manner according to nursing care and policy with minimal guidance. patient outcome.

DOMAIN: Therapeutic Relationships: An intentional interactive relationship with patients and families that is caring, clear, boundaried, positive and professional. It encompasses the philosophy of the institution, empowerment of the care givers and empowerment of the patient/family. A C D E Comments Therapeutic Communication Recognizes how the nurse: Possesses clarity on ones own values Consistently role Intuitively uses expert therapeutic patient/family relationship and how they effect interactions, models communication with patient/family. impacts the patient relationships and boundary setting. individualized experience. therapeutic Individualizes communication based communication on assessment of the patients and based on patient Shares and promotes collaborative approach Introduces self as a families. and family needs. to patient and family care. Registered Nurse and describes role. Initiates consultation/leader- ship with the Consistently wears healthcare team to

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 4 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment identification. Establishes share and promote open communication. collaborative approach to patient and family care.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 5 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Therapeutic Relationships, continued Comments A C D E Empowerment – Nurse, Patient, Family Recognizes the need for Incorporates patient/family in planning Invites patients and Maximizes patient/family participation in patient and family to and implementing care. families to actively decision making and goal setting along the participate in care. participate in plan of continuum of care. care to foster growth and competence. Seeks help as appropriate to assess readiness for participation in care. Compassion Actively listens to patient/ Demonstrates empathy in interactions Plans and provides Intuitive understanding of patient/family family concerns in a with patient/ nursing care that experience and is proactive in providing respectful manner. families. promotes intentional creative approaches to optimize comfort and caring. support.

Shows kindness and caring with patients/families. Advocacy and Ethics Recognizes, respects, and Mobilizes appropriate resources in Challenges ***Challenges and adapts systems to supports patient/family rights response to situations that have the situations and/or maximize the benefits for patient care. and maintains confidentiality. potential to negatively impact decisions that patient/family outcomes. obstruct positive patient outcomes Recognizes ethical issues and seeks and works to reduce Aware of UMHS patient rights assistance in addressing them. barriers. and responsibility.

Anticipates patient/family needs. Valuing of Diversity with Patients and Family Aware of and values the Seeks to learn about and optimize the Demonstrates Embraces visible and invisible diversity; seeks diversity in patient and unique contribution inherent in the actions that out perspectives from those of different families. diversity and culture of each incorporate the rich backgrounds and cultures. individual. traditions, beliefs, and values of Integrates understandings of populations into patients and patient care. Begins to incorporate families. diversity considerations in patient care.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 6 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Professional Relationships: An intentional interactive relationship with the health care team that is marked by mutual regard, trust, and active engagement. A C D E Comments Collaboration with the Health Care Team Recognizes role of each Initiates, recognizes and values Is sought out by Through shared values and a clear member of the health care professional collaborative members of the professional identify, demonstrates and role team. communication and the positive effect multi-disciplinary models an interdisciplinary collaborative on patient outcomes. health care team. approach to patient care.

Participates and/or leads team care Identifies and utilizes collaborative conference. Aware of importance of team resources. collaboration and with Frequently initiates guidance begins to initiate consults with health collaborative communication. care team. Monitors referrals. Initiates referrals.

Actively collaborates Recognizes the impact of with other health one’s behavior on others. professionals in delivering care.

Recognizes need and calls for team conference.

Acts as resource to nursing and health care team.

Valuing Teams/Teamwork Identifies self as member of Functions as an independent and Fosters mutual Demonstrates team values that orient nursing and health care supportive team member. regard, respect, and people to care about performance and teams. trust. success of others. Provides assistance to others. Recognizes value of conflict in individual Begins to generate trust, and organization learning and growth. respect, and compassion Demonstrates within the workgroup. Demonstrates empathy and flexibility. compassion in interactions with team Takes responsibility for members. developing beginning team relationships. Creates conditions and relationships that promote creative, innovative, Bolded entries relate to contribution ***Relate to contribution outside of one’s home unit Reformatted 9/10/2010

Applicant Initials: Date: Page 7 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment and positive processes and outcomes.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 8 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Professional Relationships, continued Valuing Teams/Teamwork, continued A C D E Comments Seeks assistance with Approaches conflict situations in a Role models resolving conflict. constructive manner. behaviors that demonstrate compassion and Meets professional caring. commitments consistently. Fosters other’s development of Asks for and accepts help conflict resolution when needed. skills.

Acknowledges when conflict Demonstrates exists. active engagement to enhance patient care and promote a positive workplace. Valuing of Diversity in Team Comments Aware of and values diversity Seeks to learn about and optimize the Role models and Depends on diversity of workforce to enrich in all members of the health unique contribution inherent in the helps to establish and build great places to work. care team. diversity and culture of each individual group norms that on the health care team. promote valuing of all health care team members. Recognizes own biases and begins to demonstrate empathy as a member of the health care team. Delegation Functions as part of nursing Readily able to delegate to UAP Recognizes and Adaptable, flexible, and consistently effective team; able to describe and according to the 5 Rights of values in delegation. begin to use 5 Rights of Delegation. interdependent Delegation when delegating relationships. Demonstrates foresight in anticipating and to UAP: Facilitates continuity of care and planning to meet patient and family concerns.  Right task nursing work flow through nurse-to- nurse delegation. Recognizes  Right circumstances strengths of other  Right person team members that would benefit the  Right communication patient and the team  Right supervision and – aligns skill sets of evaluation individual nurses/UAP to Recognizes value of nurse- specific patients. to-nurse delegation. Successfully

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 9 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment organizes and coordinates multiple activities, requests, and needs.

Develops work processes that maximize team work.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 10 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Professional Development: Committed to the professional development of self and others. A C D E Comments Self Engages in self assessment Sets goals for knowledge/ skill ***Sets goals for ***Sets goals in self directed manner and related to orientation and enhancement within the practice knowledge/skill actively seeks out opportunities for ongoing learning needs and setting. enhancement knowledge/skill enhancement within and seeks out unit resources to within and beyond beyond the practice setting. assist in meeting needs. the practice setting. ***Evidence of advancing professional identity (at least one):  Certification in specialty (ACCN, ANCC Specialty Completes mandatory/ Seeks out additional learning Areas) competency requirements experiences within practice area: ***Attends  Active participation in during orientation and Unit specific certifications inservice(s)/CE annually. within and beyond Professional Consultation with experts practice area. organization (i.e.: Inservices/rounds clinical specialty organizations, UMPNC, Collaborating with MNA, ANA, UAN) multidisciplinary team  Active membership/ leadership role in institutional groups related to nursing

Contributions to Others With guidance, provides Participates in peer feedback. Shares Works to create and sustain a culture that respectful feedback to in/contributes to is supportive and rewards and recognizes preceptors, peers, and others professionalism. Manager related to knowledge/skill orientation and initial learning development in experience. practice setting, examples include:  Conducts inservices  Develops staff education tools  Acts as interdisciplinary clinical resource and informal mentor

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 11 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Professional Development, continued Contributions to Others, continued A C D E Comments Expands knowledge of the feedback Takes a leadership Mentors nurse colleagues in achievement process: role in building and of Professional Development Framework  Formal training maintaining an progression. environment where  Authentic, accountable, all team members respectful, relevant to clinical thrive. performance  Identifiable/attributable (not anonymous) ***Acts as a clinical resource/liaison beyond the unit setting Contributes to others knowledge and  Specialty resource skill development in practice setting. Recognizes professional  Other units May act as preceptor of new and strengths in others present staff when applicable. and builds upon them. Utilizes own knowledge/skills to improve professional development environment on the unit. DOMAIN: Advancing Practice through Innovation and Research: Demonstrates ongoing innovation by reviewing, critiquing and applying existing evidence to practice. Continually improves practice by applying performance improvement methodologies. Innovation (creative solutions to everyday problems) A C D E Comments Has knowledge of and Identifies areas for creative Takes on Independently seeks out opportunities to share supports established nursing improvement in practice setting and leadership role in information and influence evidence based improvement seeks out resources and avenues to relation to nursing practice. projects/endeavors in address them (unit practice council, innovations/ practice setting. content experts, etc.). improvements in practice setting.

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Applicant Initials: Date: Page 12 of 14 Professional Development Framework Self Assessment DOMAIN: Advancing Practice through Innovation and Research, continued Innovation, continued A C D E Comments Reads clinical articles. Demonstrates an awareness of Reads evidence Evaluates effectiveness of innovation/practice current literature in area of practice, based articles changes including journal club, inservices, etc. related to area of practice.

Research A C D E Comments Participates in unit/area Identifies individual patient problems ***Participates in Implements change in practice for a population based Continuous Quality which require investigation. unit/area of patients based on the application of current Improvement projects. based/institutional research findings and evaluates Continuous Quality effectiveness of practice changes. Participates in unit/area based Improvement research, as appropriate. projects. Makes recommendations for changes in practice based on findings. Presents at unit based educational ***Shares findings of Continuous Quality forums. Improvement projects, such as:  Unit presentation  Rounds  Poster  Publishing Applies current literature/ research to problems in practice area.

Self Assessment Summary Comments (optional):

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