Clifton Forbes Conrad

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Clifton Forbes Conrad



Curriculum Vitae

Office Address University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis 270-J Education Building 1000 Bascom Mall Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1326 Email: [email protected] Fax: 608-265-3135 Telephone: (608) 263-3411 Updated: January, 2016


Clifton (Clif) Conrad is Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor and Professor of Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also serves as an Affiliate in the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions at the University of Pennsylvania and as an Affiliate in the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Prior to joining the UW-Madison faculty in 1987, Prof. Conrad served on the faculty at the University of Denver (1975-1977), The College of William and Mary (1977-1981), and the University of Arizona (1981-1987)—where he also served as a department chair and as associate dean for academic affairs. After graduating from high school in Bismarck, North Dakota, he did his undergraduate work in History at Macalester College and the University of Kansas. He subsequently received an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Kansas and a Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Michigan. (In addition, he completed two years of full-time doctoral study in Sociology, including one year at the University of Kansas and another at Indiana University, where he taught introductory courses in Sociology.)

Anchored in his longstanding commitment to advancing equal educational opportunity and student learning at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, Professor Conrad’s research is centered around five domains of inquiry: undergraduate education (liberal and general education); graduate education; teaching and learning; program quality at the institutional, departmental, and course levels; and student access, learning, and persistence at Minority-Serving Institutions (Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander- serving Institutions, and Hispanic-Serving Institutions). His publications include: 6 books; 10 edited books; 7 monographs; more than 100 articles, book chapters, and miscellaneous publications; and over 30 policy studies and reports conducted for the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education (Office for Civil Rights). [His research statement is included on pp. 38-39 of this document.]

Professor Conrad served as president of the Association for the Study of Higher Education from 1987- 1988. Since joining the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, his books include Educating a Diverse Nation: Lessons from Minority-Serving Institutions (2015, with Marybeth Gasman), Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the 21 st Century (2012, with Laura A. Dunek), The SAGE Handbook on Research in Education: Ideas as the Keystone of Exemplary Inquiry (2011, co-edited with Ron Serlin), College & University Curriculum: Placing Learning at the Epicenter of Courses, Programs, and Institutions (2007, co-edited with Jason Johnson), Qualitative Research in Higher 2

Education: Expanding Perspectives (2001, co-edited with Jennifer Grant Haworth and Lisa Lattuca), Emblems of Quality: Developing and Sustaining High-Quality Academic Programs (1997, with Jennifer Grant Haworth), and A Silent Success: Master's Education in the United States (1993, with Jennifer Grant Haworth and Susan B. Millar). External funding for his research has been provided by the Council of Graduate Schools, The Pew Charitable Trusts, U.S. Department of Justice, TIAA-CREF, PricewaterhouseCoopers, USA Funds, Kresge Foundation, and The Lumina Foundation for Education. His most recent book, co-authored with Professor Marybeth Gasman of the University of Pennsylvania, was anchored in a three-year study of Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education (Tribal Colleges and Universities, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions).

From 1980 to 2010 Professor Conrad served as a key expert witness and consultant to the U.S. Government (U.S. Department of Justice and the Office for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department of Education) in major civil rights cases involving higher education. From 1980 to 2001 he was an expert witness—on desegregation in higher education, academic program quality, and program duplication in higher education—for the U.S. Department of Justice in six civil rights cases involving race and gender in higher education. Along with conducting policy studies and preparing reports, he testified extensively in all of these cases. And on one occasion he served as the rebuttal witness to George Wallace, the former Governor of Alabama whose opposition to desegregation led President John F. Kennedy to bring in federal troops to ensure the peaceful desegregation of the University of Alabama. Four of these civil rights cases concerned statewide desegregation of higher education (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Ohio) and two involved whether women should be able to attend all-male public institutions (United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996) (Virginia Military Institution case) and Faulkner v. Jones, 51 F..3d 440 (4th Cir. 1997) (Citadel case]). Two of the six cases culminated in landmark decisions on race and gender discrimination by the U.S. Supreme Court: the 1992 United States [Ayers] v. Fordice 505 U.S. 717 (1992) [Mississippi higher education desegregation case—the higher education equivalent of the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education case] and the 1996 VMI case. In the United States v. Fordice case, the U.S. Supreme Court identified several major practices that contributed to de jure systems of higher education in Mississippi: 1) the widespread and unnecessary duplication of programs between Predominantly White Institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and 2) the limited missions of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, as reflected in their limited program offerings across degree levels. Professor Conrad’s scholarship and testimony provided the foundation for the findings of the U.S. Supreme Court that these two practices continued to exist in Mississippi.

From 1997 to 2010 he served as a consultant to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, regarding higher education desegregation in Texas, Virginia, Maryland, and Oklahoma. Altogether, he has been a major contributor in designing statewide plans for advancing desegregation in higher education in six states. His research and testimony have been cited approvingly by the U.S. Supreme Court. (In the scholarship and commentary on desegregation in higher education in the United States and literature on the VMI case, Professor Conrad is frequently identified as a key witness for the government. For example, he is featured in a 2010 documentary video on the Voices of American Law website at Duke University—a website that features interviews with key parties in major U.S. Supreme Court cases.) From 2011-2015 he served as a consultant in the case of the Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education v. Maryland Higher Education Commission, et al. The judge ruled that the State of Maryland continues to perpetuate a segregated system of higher education by allowing unnecessary duplication of programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities by Traditionally White Institutions. The decision is based largely on the research and testimony of Professor Conrad, who is cited throughout the decision.

Professor Conrad has taught a wide range of courses, from qualitative research methods to curriculum in higher education to seminars on such topics as “Minority-Serving Colleges and Universities” and “Ideas 3 of the University.” From 1998-2001, he served as Director of a 10 credit-hour post-baccalaureate certificate program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison entitled “Teaching and Learning Scholarship in Higher Education.” This program was aimed at helping graduate students from across disciplines at the university prepare for careers as faculty members. In 2002, he became part of a National Science Foundation grant awarded the University of Wisconsin-Madison to establish a Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning. Professor Conrad also has taught in Ecuador and consulted in South America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and South Africa. In 2006-2007, for example, he served as a major consultant to Project AAFAQ, a national initiative by the Saudi Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) that led to a long-term strategic plan (which he helped draft) for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2011, he served as a consultant to the Institute for International Education in Iraq where he gave three major addresses and engaged in extensive dialogue with Iraqi professors and college and university presidents at a conference on “Models and Trends in Contemporary Higher Education.” In 2013 he traveled to the Sultanate of Oman and participated in the writing of a narrative of the developmental history of the University of Nizwa. Also in 2013 he traveled to South Africa where he was a keynote speaker at a conference organized around educating “inquiry-driven learners”—the concept that he advanced in his 2012 book.

His Ph.D. students have included individuals of diverse racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, including students from Ghana, Laos, Turkey, China, Ecuador, and South Korea. A number of his Ph.D. advisees have gone on to faculty positions at such institutions as Michigan State University, Northwestern University, University of Minnesota, George Washington University, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge, the University of Vermont, and West Virginia University. One of his former students is currently serving as a college president, another is a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Education in the U.S. Department of Education, and many others hold leadership positions in colleges and universities in the United States as well in at thas other nations.

Clif and his wife, Julia, have a total of four children and five grandchildren. Willow (son Perrin) and Jerad—who received his undergraduate degree in Anthropology from UW-Milwaukee—work in Madison. Erin graduated from Grinnell College and received a master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Central America and a second master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She worked in El Salvador from 1998-2003 as co- coordinator of the U.S.-El Salvador Sister Cities Network and is currently working as an administrator in the Sun Prairie School District at Horizon Elementary School. She and her husband Matt Splitek have two daughters (Sofia and Eleanor) and one son (Langston). Abigail (Abbi) received bachelor’s degrees from UW-Madison in Spanish, Latin American Studies, and Nursing—the field in which she is currently employed. Abbi is married to Matt Dunning and they have a daughter (Nora). Clif’s extended family includes three siblings (Lynn, David, and Tracey) and their spouses (Ira, Ann, and Brad), nine nieces and nephews, and eleven cousins on the Conrad side of the family—all of whom have managed to weave together lives punctuated not only by a dollop or two of humor and whimsy but also a measure of accomplishment and civic contribution.1

1 Fueled by his love of running, from 1975-2011 Clif completed a total of 49 marathons/ultramarathons: 40 marathons and 9 ultramarathons. His ultramarathons include one 100 KM run (62.5 miles), three 50 mile races, the Pikes Peak Marathon (28 miles), and the Grand Canyon Rim-To-Rim Run. He has run eight sub-three hour marathons (the fastest in 2 hours and 53 minutes) and he ran one of his 50-mile races at an 8:59 per mile pace. 4


Institution Dates Major Field Degree

University of Michigan 1973-1975 Higher Education Ph.D. Indiana University 1972-1973 Sociology University of Kansas 1971-1972 Sociology

University of Kansas 1969-1971 Political Science M.A.

University of Kansas 1966-1969 History B.A. Macalester College 1965-1966 History


University of Wisconsin-Madison 1987- Professor of Higher Education Coordinator of Higher and Postsecondary Education (1987-1995, 2004-2006) Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

Faculty Affiliate Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE)

University of Arizona 1981-1987 Associate Professor of Higher Education (1981-1984) and Professor of Higher Education (1984-1987)

1985-1987 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (College of Education)

Major responsibilities as Associate Dean included: (1) curriculum, including overseeing a review and revision of all graduate and undergraduate programs and courses; (2) faculty recruitment, evaluation (including merit review and promotion and tenure), and development (including establishment of a mentoring program and an in-service program for faculty); (3) allocation, recruitment, assignment, and training of graduate assistants; and (4) representative of the Office of the Dean in working with department heads in the areas of faculty, staff, graduate assistants, students, and committees; approval of faculty loads, contracts, and grants; recommending budget and personnel needs; and of degree programs.

1985-1986 Chair, Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education

The College of William and Mary 1977-1981 Associate Professor of Higher Education

University of Denver 1975-1977 Assistant Professor of Higher Education 5

University of Michigan 1974-1975 Research Associate (Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education)

Indiana University 1972-1973 Associate Instructor of Sociology

University of Kansas 1972 Research Assistant in Sociology 1970-71 Assistant to the Dean of Foreign Students


2012- Chosen as Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at the UW-Madison (Vilas is a named professorship which recognizes professors hose distinguished scholarship has advanced knowledge and whose excellence also encompasses teaching and service.)

2010-2011 Outstanding Teacher Award, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

2007-2008 Outstanding Teacher Award, Dept. of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis

1987-1988 President, Association for the Study of Higher Education 6



Conrad, Clifton and Marybeth Gasman. (2015). Educating a Diverse Nation: Lessons from Minority- Serving Institutions. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England: Harvard University Press, (295 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Laura Dunek. (2012). Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the 21 st Century. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press. (132 pp.)

Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Conrad, Clifton F. (1997). Emblems of Quality: Developing and Sustaining High-Quality Academic Programs. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. (253 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F., Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Millar, Susan Bolyard. (1993). A Silent Success: Master's Education in the United States. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press. (342 pp.)

Bullock, G. William and Conrad, Clifton F. (1981). Management: Perspectives from the Social Sciences. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. (327 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. (1978). The Undergraduate Curriculum: A Guide to Innovation and Reform. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. (213 pp.) (Selected as an outstanding academic book of 1978 by the American Library Association.)

Edited Books

Conrad, Clifton F. and Serlin, Ronald (co-editors). (2011). The SAGE Handbook on Research in Education: Ideas as the Keystone of Exemplary Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. (Second Edition.) (512 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Johnson, Jason (co-editors). (2007). College & University Curriculum: Placing Learning at the Epicenter of Courses, Programs, and Institutions. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing. (880 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Serlin, Ronald (co-editors). (2006). The SAGE Handbook on Research in Education: Engaging Ideas and Enriching Inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. (598 pp.)

Lattuca, Lisa R., Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Conrad, Clifton F. (co-editors). (2002). College and University Curricula: Developing and Cultivating Programs of Study that Enhance Student Learning. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing. (666 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F., Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Lisa R. Lattuca (co-editors). (2001). Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Expanding Perspectives. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing. (714 pp.)

Haworth, Jennifer Grant and Conrad, Clifton F. (co-editors). (1995). Revisioning Curriculum in Higher Education. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster. (548 pp.) 7

Conrad, Clifton F., Neumann, Anna, Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Scott, Patricia (co-editors). (1993). Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Experiencing Alternative Perspectives and Approaches. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster. (689 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Haworth, Jennifer Grant (co-editors). (1990). Curriculum in Transition: Perspectives on the Undergraduate Experience. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster. (447 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. (editor). (1987). ASHE Reader on Academic Programs in Colleges and Universities. Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn Press. (429 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. (editor). (1985). ASHE Reader on Academic Programs in Colleges and Universities. Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn Press. (387 pp.)


Conrad, Clifton F. and Kim Rapp. (2003). “A Study of Accounting Education at Nine Universities and PricewaterhouseCoopers: A Summary” in Educating for the Public Trust. New York: PricewaterhouseCoopers, pp. 11-39. (29 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Wilson, Richard F. (1985). Academic Program Reviews: Institutional Approaches, Expectations, and Controversies. ASHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report No. 5. Washington, D.C.: Association for the Study of Higher Education. (95 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Talbott, Mary. (1983). The Demographic Transformation of Arizona: Implications for Minority Participation in Higher Education. Tucson, Arizona: Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona. (33 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. (1983). At the Crossroads: General Education in Community Colleges. Horizons Issue Monograph Series. Washington, D.C.: Council of Universities and Colleges, American Association of Community and Junior Colleges; Los Angeles: ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges. (71 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Wyer, Jean C. (1980). Liberal Education in Transition. AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report No. 3. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education. (66 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Cosand, Joseph P. (1976). The Implications of Federal Education Policy. AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report No. 1. Washington, D.C.: American Association for Higher Education. (65 pp.)

Blackburn, Robert; Armstrong, Ellen; Conrad, Clifton; Didham, James; and McKune, Thomas. (1976). Changing Practices in Undergraduate Education. Berkeley, California: Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education. (56 pp.) 8

Research and Scholarly Papers (Refereed)

Nguyen, T-H., Nguyen, M., Nguyen, D. Gasman, M., & Conrad, Clifton. (Under Review). Inviting

“Other” into the Circle: An In-depth Case Study of an Asian American, Native American and Pacific

Islander Serving Institution.

Gasman, Marybeth, Nguyen, Thai-Huy, Conrad, Clifton, Lundberg, Todd, & Commodore, Felicia.

(2016). “Promoting Black Male Achievement in STEM: A Case Sudy of Morehouse College. Journal

of Diversity in Higher Education.

Gasman, Marybeth., Nguyen, Nguyen, Thai-Huy & Conrad, Clifton F. (2015). Lives Intertwined: A Primer on the History and Emergence of Minority Serving Institutions. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 8(2), 120-138.

Holzbauer, Jerome J. and Conrad, Clifton. (2010). “A Typology of Disability Harassment in Secondary Schools.” Career Development for Exceptional Individuals 33, 143-154.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Johnson, Jason. (March, 2008). “Replenishing Liberal Education: Perspectives from the United States.” Educational Studies 50 (March, 2008), pp. 103-118. (Japan)

Conrad, Clifton F., Johnson, Jason, and Gupta, Divya. (August, 2007). “Teaching-for-Learning (TFL): A Model for Faculty to Advance Student Learning.” Innovative Higher Education 32, 153-165.

Kim, Mikyong and Conrad, Clifton F. (June, 2006). “The Impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities on the Academic Success of African American Students.” Research in Higher Education 47, 399-427.

Johnson, Jason N. and Conrad, Clifton F. (Spring, 2005). “Reflections on the Public-Private Configuration of American Postsecondary Education.” Comparative and International Education Review 4, 141-154.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Rapp-Hanretta, Kim. (Spring, 2002). “Positioning Master’s Programs in Library and Information Science: A Template for Avoiding Pitfalls and Seizing Opportunities in Light of Key External and Internal Forces. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 43, 92- 102.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Duren, Katherine M. (Fall, 1997). “Review Essay: On Culture, Canons, and the College Curriculum.” Review of Higher Education, 103-110.

Conrad, Clifton F., Brier, Ellen M., and Braxton, John. (January, 1997). "Factors Contributing to the Matriculation of White Students in Public HBCUs." Journal for a Just and Caring Education 3, 37-62.

Conrad, Clifton F., and Haworth, Jennifer G. (Winter, 1992-1993). "Master's Programs and Contextual Planning." Planning for Higher Education 21, 12-18. 9

Haworth, Jennifer G. and Conrad, Clifton F. (Winter, 1992). "Conformity or Subversiveness: Alternative Approaches to Professional Master's Education in Regional Colleges and Universities." Metropolitan Universities 3, 8-19.

Haworth, Jennifer G., and Conrad, Clifton F. (Fall, 1991). "Liberating Education in Modern Metropolitan Universities." Metropolitan Universities 2, 21-30.

Conrad, Clifton F., and Shrode, Paul. (Spring, 1990). "The Long Road: Desegregating Higher Education." Thought and Action 6, 35-45.

Conrad, Clifton F. (Summer, 1989). "Beyond the Folklore: A Strategy for Identifying Quality Undergraduate Colleges." Journal of College Admissions 124, pp. 7-15.

Conrad, Clifton F., and Eagan, David J. (Spring, 1989). "The Prestige Game in American Higher Education." Thought and Action 5, 5-16.

Conrad, Clifton F. (Spring, 1989). "Meditations on the Ideology of Inquiry in Higher Education: Exposition, Critique, and Conjecture." Review of Higher Education 12, 199-220.

Young, Denise L., Blackburn, Robert T., Conrad, Clifton F., and Cameron, Kim S. (Spring, 1989). "Leadership, Student Effort, and Departmental Program Quality: An Exploration of Quality Across Levels of Analysis." Review of Higher Education 12, 265-277.

Webster, David S.; Conrad, Clifton F.; and Jensen, Eric L. (April, 1988). "Objective and Reputational Rankings of Ph.D.-Granting Departments of Sociology, 1965-1982." Sociological Focus 21, 177-198.

Young, Denise L., Blackburn, Robert T., and Conrad, Clifton F. (Summer, 1987). "Research Note: Dimensions of Program Quality in Regional Universities." American Educational Research Journal 24, 319-323.

Conrad, Clifton F. (February, 1987). "Teaching Intellectual Skills and Attitudes-of-Mind: Reflections on a Course on College and University Curriculum." Teaching Education 1, 54-59.

Blackburn, Robert T. and Conrad, Clifton F. (1986). "The New Revisionists and the History of Higher Education." Higher Education 15, 211-230.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. (Fall, 1986). "Current Views of Departmental Quality: An Empirical Examination." Review of Higher Education 9, 249-265.

Leslie, Larry L. and Conrad, Clifton F. (Winter, 1985-1986). "Higher Education in the 1980s: Examining the Conventional Wisdom." College Board Review 138, 12-17, 30-31.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne M. (November/December, 1985). "Designing for Quality." Journal of Higher Education 56, 601-622.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. (Summer, 1985). "Correlates of Departmental Quality in Regional Colleges and Universities." American Educational Research Journal 22, 279-295.

Wyer, Jean C. and Conrad, Clifton F. (Spring, 1984). "Institutional Inbreeding Reexamined." American 10

Educational Research Journal 21, 213-225.

Wyer, Jean C. and Conrad, Clifton F. (Winter, 1984). "Institutional Origin: Labor Market Signaling in Higher Education." Review of Higher Education 7, 95-109.

Conrad, Clifton F., and Hammond, Martine F. (Winter, 1983-1984). "Enhancing Program Quality in Community Colleges." Community College Review 11, 15-21. Leslie, Larry L., Drachman, Sally, Conrad, Clifton, and Ramey, Gary. (Fall, 1983). "Factors Accounting for Variations Over Time in Voluntary Support for Colleges and Universities." Journal of Education Finance 9, 213-225.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne M. (January/February, 1983). "Making Decisions About the Curriculum: From Metaphor to Model." Journal of Higher Education 54, 16-30.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Wyer, Jean C. (November/December, 1982). "Incest in Academe: The Case for Selective Inbreeding." Change 14, 45-48.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Hammond, Martine. (Fall, 1982). "Cooperative Approaches to Faculty Development." Community College Review 10, 48-51.

Conrad, Clifton F. (Fall, 1982). "Grounded Theory: An Alternative Approach to Research in Higher Education." Review of Higher Education 5, 239-249.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Wyer, Jean C. (January/February, 1982). "Seven Trends in Liberal Learning." AGB Reports 24, 10-14.

Newcombe, Judith P. and Conrad, Clifton F. (November/December, 1981). "A Theory of Mandated Academic Change." Journal of Higher Education 52, 555-577.

Pratt, Anne M. and Conrad, Clifton F. (Summer, 1981). "Everyman's Undergraduate Curriculum: A Question of Humanistic Context." Liberal Education 67, 168-176.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne M. (Winter, 1981). "Measure for Measure: Liberal Education and the Fine Arts--A Delicate Balance." Review of Higher Education, 3, 47-58.

Conrad, Clifton F. (April, 1978). "A Grounded Theory of Academic Change." Sociology of Education, 51, 101-112.

Aiken, Caroline and Conrad, Clifton F. (Fall, 1977). "Improving Academic Advising Through Computerization." College and University 53, 115-123.

Conrad, Clifton F. (October, 1974). "University Goals: An Operative Approach." Journal of Higher Education 45, 504-516.

Book Chapters

Lundberg, Todd and Clifton F. Conrad. (2014, In-Press). “Hispanic-Serving Institutions: The Challenge of Becoming Culturally Relevant Institutions.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latino/a Politics, edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez. New York: Oxford University Press. 11

Matheny, Christopher and Clifton F. Conrad. (2012). “Advancing Change and Innovation in Two-Year Colleges.” In Advancing the Regional Role of Two-Year Colleges in the Twenty-First Century, edited by L. Allen Phelps. Thousand Oaks, California: New Directions for Community Colleges, Jossey-Bass, pp. 111-124. 12

Dunek, Laura and Clifton F. Conrad. (2011). “Cultivating Idea-Centric Writing in our Teaching of Writing: Placing the Pursuit of Ideas at the Epicenter of Writing.” In The SAGE Handbook on Research in Education: Ideas as the Keystone of Exemplary Inquiry, edited by Clifton Conrad and Ronald Serlin. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, pp. 342- 353.

Conrad, Clifton F. “Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning.” (2010). In Introduction to American Higher Education, edited by Shaun R. Harper and Jerlando F.L. Jackson. New York: Routledge, pp. 89-92.

Johnson, Jason N., Clifton F. Conrad, and Laura Perna. (2006.) “Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education: Building Upon and Extending Lines of Inquiry for the Advancement of the Public Good.” In The SAGE Handbook on Research in Education: Engaging Ideas and Enriching Inquiry, edited by Clifton Conrad and Ronald Serlin. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, pp. 263-277.

Gislason, Kristina, and Conrad, Clifton F. (2005). “Higher Education in the United States: A Continuing Legacy of Change and Innovation.” In The Encyclopedia of Human Development, edited by Neil Salkind. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, pp. 626-629.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Weerts, David J. (2004). “Federal Involvement in Higher Education Desegregation.” In Public Funding of Higher Education: Changing Contexts and New Rationales, edited by Edward P. St. John and Michael D. Parsons. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 60-73.

Polster, Andrea S., Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Conrad, Clifton F. (2003). “Honors Programs.” In Encyclopedia of Education (Second Edition, Vol. 3), edited by James W. Guthrie. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1086-1088.

Haworth, Jennifer Grant, Conrad, Clifton F., and Polster, Andrea S. (2003). “The Master’s Degree.” In Encyclopedia of Education (Second Edition, Vol.5), edited by James W. Guthrie. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1537-1539.

Huggett, Kathryn Dey; Smith, Nora; and Conrad, Clifton F. (2003). “Traditional and Contemporary Perspectives on Curriculum in Higher Education.” In Encyclopedia of Education (Second Edition, Vol. 2), edited by James W. Guthrie. New York: Macmillan, pp. 519-524.

Weerts, David J. and Conrad, Clifton F. (2002). “Desegregation in Higher Education.” In Encyclopedia of Higher Education in the United States, edited by James JF Forest and Kevin Kinser. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, pp. 161-167.

Huggett, Kathryn Dey and Conrad, Clifton F. (2002). “Curriculum.” In Encyclopedia of Higher Education in the United States, edited by James JF Forest and Kevin Kinser. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, pp. 141-149.

Lattuca, Lisa R., Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Conrad, Clifton F. (2002). “Introduction.” In College and University Curricula: Developing and Cultivating Programs of Study that Enhance Student Learning, edited by Lisa Lattuca, Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Clifton Conrad. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Custom Publishing, pp. ix-xxii.

Conrad, Clifton F.; Haworth, Jennifer Grant; and Lattuca, Lisa R. (2001). ”Expanding Perspectives in/on Qualitative Research.” In Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Expanding Perspectives, edited by Clifton F. Conrad, Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Lisa R. Lattuca. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster, pp. xi-xix. 13

Conrad, Clifton F. and Gunter, Ramona. (2000). “To Be More Useful: Embracing Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Dialogue.” In Moving Beyond the Gap Between Research and Practice in Higher Education. New Directions for Higher Education, No. 110, edited by Adrianna Kezar and Peter Eckel. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.49-62.

Conrad, Clifton F. (1999). “Change and Innovation in Graduate and Professional Education in Major Public Research Universities: The Fin de Siecle and Beyond.” In Proud Traditions and Future Challenges: The University of Wisconsin-Madison Celebrates 150 Years, edited by David Ward and Noel Radomski. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 109-128.

Conrad, Clifton F., Duren, Katherine M., and Haworth, Jennifer Grant. (1998). “Students’ Perspectives on their Master’s Degree Experiences: Disturbing the Conventional Wisdom.” In The Experience of Being in Graduate School: An Exploration, New Directions in Higher Education, No. 101, edited by Melissa S. Anderson. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 65-76.

Haworth, Jennifer Grant and Conrad, Clifton F. (1997). "Master's Education in the United States: A Contemporary Portrait." In Graduate Education in the United States, edited by Maresi Nerad. Readings on Higher Education Series. New York: Garland Press, pp. 263-282.

Bilder, Anne and Conrad, Clifton F. (1996). "Challenges in Assessing Outcomes of Graduate and Professional Education." In Assessment in Graduate and Professional Programs: Demand, Process, Outcomes, No. 92, edited by Jennifer Grant Haworth. New Directions for Institutional Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 5-15.

Haworth, Jennifer Grant and Conrad, Clifton F. (1996). "Refocusing Quality Assessment on Student Learning." In Assessment in Graduate and Professional Programs: Demand, Process, Outcomes, No. 92, edited by Jennifer Grant Haworth. New Directions for Institutional Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 45-60.

Scott, Patricia; Haworth, Jennifer Grant, Conrad, Clifton F., and Neumann, Anna. (1993). "Notes on the Classroom as Field Setting: Learning and Teaching Qualitative Research in Higher Education." In Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Experiencing Alternative Perspectives and Approaches, edited by Clifton F. Conrad, Anna Neumann, Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Patricia Scott. Lexington, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster, pp. 3-22.

Scott, Patricia A. and Conrad, Clifton F. (1992). “A Critique of Intensive Courses and an Agenda for Research.” In Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume 8, edited by John C. Smart. New York: Agathon Press, pp. 411-459.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Haworth, Jennifer G. (1992). "Undergraduate Curriculum." In Encyclopedia of Educational Research, sixth edition, edited by Marvin C. Alkin. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1437-1444.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Millar, Susan. "Graduate Curriculum." (1992). In Encyclopedia of Higher Education, edited by Burton R. Clark and Guy Neave. New York: Pergamon, pp. 1557-1566. 14

Haworth, Jennifer G. and Conrad, Clifton F. (1990). "Curricular Transformations: Traditional and Emerging Perspectives in the Academy." In Curriculum in Transition: Perspectives on the Undergraduate Experience, edited by Clifton F. Conrad and Jennifer G. Haworth. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Ginn/Simon and Schuster, pp. 3-19.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Eagan, David J. (1990). "Master's Degree Programs in American Higher Education." In Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume 6, edited by John C. Smart. New York: Agathon Press, pp. 107-160.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Trani, Eugene P. (1990). "Challenges Met, Challenges Facing the Modern University and its Faculty." In Faculty Responsibility in Contemporary Society, edited by Clyde Wingfield. Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Colleges and Universities, pp. 1-25.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Eagan, David J. (1989). "Achieving Excellence: How Will We Know?" In Improving Undergraduate Education in Large Universities, New Directions in Higher Education, No. 66, edited by Carol H. Pazandak. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 51-63.

Webster, David S. and Conrad, Clifton F. (1986). "Using Faculty Research Performance for Academic Quality Rankings." In Measuring Faculty Research Performance, New Directions in Institutional Research, No. 50, edited by John Creswell. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 43-57.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne. (1986). "Research on Academic Programs: An Inquiry into an Emerging Field." In Higher Education: A Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume 2, edited by John C. Smart. New York: Agathon Press, pp. 235-273.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. (1985). "Research on Program Quality: A Review and Critique of the Literature." In Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume 1, edited by John C. Smart. New York: Agathon Press, pp. 283-308.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Talbott, Mary. (1984). "The Empirical Basis for Action." In An Action Plan for Chicano Higher Education in Arizona. Tucson, Arizona: Mexican American Studies and Research Center, pp. 12-42.

Conrad, Clifton F. (1983). "Enhancing Institutional and Program Quality." In Survival in the 1980s: Quality, Mission, and Financing Options, edited by Robert A. Wilson. Tucson, Arizona: Center for the Study of Higher Education, pp. 243-258.

Conrad, Clifton F. (1982). "Undergraduate Instruction." In Encyclopedia of Educational Research, fifth edition, edited by Harold E. Mitzel. New York: Macmillan, pp. 1963-1973.

Conrad, Clifton F. (1980). "Initiating and Implementing Institutional Change." In General Education: A Guide to Resources, The Project on General Education Models. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges, pp. 102-116. 15

Book Chapters (Reprinted Publications)

Conrad, Clifton F. and Weerts, David J. (2010) “Federal Involvement in Higher Education: An Unfinished Agenda.” In Introduction to American Higher Education, edited by Shaun R. Harper and Jerlando F.L. Jackson. New York: Routledge, pp. 417-426.

Conrad, Clifton F.; Johnson, Jason; and Gupta, Divya. (2010). “Teaching-for-Learning (TFL): A Model for Faculty to Advance Student Learning.” In Introduction to American Higher Education, edited by Shaun R. Harper and Jerlando F.L. Jackson. New York: Routledge, pp. 173-189.

Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Conrad, Clifton F. (2007). “Engaged Teaching and Learning: Staking a Claim for A New Perspective on Program Qualaity.” In Conrad, Clifton F. and Johnson, Jason (co-editors). College and University Curriculum: Placing Learning at the Epicenter of Courses, Programs and Institutions. Boston, Massachusettes: Pearson, pp. 795-800.

Conrad, Clifton F.; Johnson, Jason; and Gupta, Divya. (2007). “Teaching-for-Learning (TFL): A Model for Faculty to Advance Student Learning.” In Conrad, Clifton F. and Johnson, Jason (co-editors). College and University Curriculum: Placing Learning at the Epicenter of Courses, Programs and Institutions. Boston, Massachusettes: Pearson, pp. 575-584.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Wilson, Richard. (1994). "Academic Program Reviews: Institutional Approaches, Expectations, Controversies." In Assessment and Program Evaluation, edited by Joan S. Stark and Alice Thomas. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster, pp. 183-198. (Reprinted from Academic Program Reviews, 1985).

Conrad, Clifton F. (1993). "Meditations on the Ideology of Inquiry in Higher Education." In Qualitative Research in Higher Education, edited by Clifton Conrad, Anna Neumann, Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Patricia Scott. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Ginn Press, pp. 151-164. (Reprinted from Review of Higher Education, 1989).

Conrad, Clifton F. (1993). "Grounded Theory: An Alternative Approach to Research in Higher Education." In Qualitative Research in Higher Education, edited by Clifton Conrad, Anna Neumann, Jennifer Grant Haworth, and Patricia Scott. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster, pp. 279-286. (Reprinted from Review of Higher Education, 1982).

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne M. (1990). "Making Decisions About the Curriculum: From Metaphor to Model." In Curriculum in Transition: Perspectives on the Undergraduate Curriculum, edited by Clifton F. Conrad and Jennifer Grant Haworth. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster, pp. 283-294. (Reprinted from Journal of Higher Education, 1983).

Blackburn, Robert T. and Conrad, Clifton F. (1989). "The New Revisionists and the History of Higher Education." In ASHE Reader on the History of Higher Education, edited by Lester F. Goodchild and Harold S. Wechsler. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Ginn Press, pp. 160-170. (Reprinted from Higher Education, 1986).

Conrad, Clifton F. (1985). "A Grounded Theory of Academic Change." In ASHE Reader on Academic Programs in Colleges and Universities, edited by Clifton F. Conrad. Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn Press, pp. 334-344 (Reprinted from Sociology of Education, 1978). 16

Book Reviews

Conrad, Clifton F. (Review of Abelard to Apple: The Fate of American Colleges and Universities. Teachers College Record (November 3, 2011) ( ID Number: 16580)

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Understanding Minority-Serving Institutions.] Teachers College Record (July 30, 2008). ( ID Number: 15324.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Fixing the Fragmented University: Decentralization with Direction.] The Review of Higher Education 32 (Fall, 2008), pp. 135-136.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Balancing Acts: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Academic Careers.] The Review of Higher Education 28 (Summer, 2005), pp. 623-625.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Shaping the College Curriculum.] Journal of Higher Education 68 (1997), pp. 711-713.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of New Life for the College Curriculum.] Journal of General Education 43(1994), pp. 59-63.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Academic Quality Rankings of American Colleges and Universities.] Journal of Higher Education 58 (July/August, 1987), pp. 487-490.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Crisis Management in American Higher Education.] Economics of Education Review 5 (1986), pp. 325-326.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Determining the Effectiveness of Campus Services.] Economics Education Review 5 (1986), pp. 95-96.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Designing Undergraduate Education: A Systematic Guide.] Journal of Higher Education 54 (March/April, 1983), pp. 235-237.

Conrad, Clifton F. [Review of Interdisciplinarity and Higher Education.] American Journal of Education 89 (May, 1980), pp. 397-399.

Miscellaneous Publications

Conrad, Clifton F. “Learning from Minority-Serving Institutions.” Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

31 (September 24, 2014), p. 23.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Johnson, Jason. “Replenishing Liberal Education.” In Liberal Arts to Nurture Responsible World Citizens (in Japanese). Tokyo, Japan: International Christian University, 2007, pp. 99-123.

Menghini, Rebecca J. and Conrad, Clifton F. “Historical, Philosophical, and Sociological Foundations of Higher Education.” In Foundations of American Higher Education, edited by James Bess. Needham Heights, Massachusetts, Simon and Schuster, 1997, pp. 3-5. 17

Ogren, Christine A. and Conrad, Clifton F. "Historical, Philosophical and Social Foundations of Higher Education." In Foundations of American Higher Education, edited by James Bess. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon and Schuster, 1991, pp. 5-6.

Conrad, Clifton F.; Riley, Deborah; and Trani, Eugene P. The Changing Landscape of American Higher Education. (Essay and bibliography prepared for book exhibit on scholarship on higher education in the United States. Circulated in 51 countries.) Washington, D.C.: United States Information Agency, 1989. (107 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. "Curriculum and Instruction." In ASHE Handbook on Teaching and Instructional Resources, edited by John J. Gardiner. Lexington, Massachusetts: Ginn Press, 1987, pp. 16-17.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Garland, Peter. "Two Hundred Years of Honor: But How Long Will It Last?" The Alumni Gazette of the College of William and Mary 47 (July/August, 1979), pp. 19-22.


Gasman, Marybeth and Clifton Conrad (co-principal investigators). Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs): Models of Success Project. Awarded by USA Funds, 2013, $275,000.

Gasman, Marybeth and Clifton Conrad (co-principal investigators). Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs): Models of Success Project. Awarded by USA Funds, Kresge Foundations, and Lumina Foundation for Education, 2011-2013, $1,500,000.

Conrad, Clifton and Courter, Sandra (co-principal investigators). Proposal for a New Capstone Program: Post-Baccalaureate Program for Teaching Scholarship in Higher Education. Awarded by the Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998, $174,760.

Conrad, Clifton and Jennifer Grant Haworth (co-principal investigators). Investing in Quality: Lessons from a National Study of Master's Education. Awarded by TIAA-CREF to the University of Wisconsin- Madison, 1993, $10,000.

Adams, William R., Bisgaard, Soren, Conrad, Clifton F., Stampen, Jacob, et. al (co-principal investigators). IBM Total Quality Management Partnership. Awarded by IBM to the College of Engineering and School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992-1997, $1,000,000.

Conrad, Clifton (principal investigator). Master's Degrees in the United States. Awarded by The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Council of Graduate Schools and the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989-1991, $400,000.

Conrad, Clifton (principal investigator). Proposal for Studying Master's Degrees in the United States. Awarded by the Council of Graduate Schools to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988, $5,000.

Zemsky, Robert, Tierney, Michael, Conrad, Clifton, and Leslie, Larry (co-principal investigators). Planning Grant for NIE Center on Postsecondary Management and Governance. Awarded by the National Institute of Education to the University of Pennsylvania and the Center for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Arizona, 1985, $15,000. 18


University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987- Colleges and Universities: Organization and Governance History of Higher Education Administrative Problems in Higher Education Academic Programs in Colleges and Universities Seminar: College and University Administration Field Research Design and Methodologies (Qualitative Research Methods) Introduction to Higher Education in the United States Seminar: Ideas of the University Student Personnel Administration in Higher Education Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Challenges and Opportunities in Designing High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences Communicating Scholarship and Writing for Multiple Audiences Teaching-as-Research (College Teaching) The College Classroom: Teaching Science and Engineering Theory and Practice of Educational Planning Proseminar for Entering Doctoral Students Seminar on Dissertation Research Delta Internship (Teaching) Seminar Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education Interviewing: Methods and Practices

University of Arizona, 1981-1987 Curriculum in Higher Education Teaching in Higher Education Introduction to Higher Education in the United States Community Colleges Organization and Administration in Higher Education

College of William and Mary, 1977-1981 History of Higher Education Governmental Impact on Higher Education Current Issues in Higher Education Seminar on Organization and Governance in Higher Education Curriculum Development in Higher Education Financing of Higher Education The Community College Faculty Development Doctoral Seminar in Higher Education

University of Denver, 1975-1977 Research Methods in Education Current Issues in Higher Education Seminar: Institutional Research and Planning Administration and Financing of Higher Education Seminar: Sociology of Innovations in Higher Education Curriculum and Instruction American College Student Seminar: Liberal Arts Curriculum 19



Expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice in Faulkner and U.S. v. Jones (Citadel), 1994-1996.

Expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the United States v. Virginia, et al. (VMI) (518 515) 1990-1991, 1993-1994.

Consultant to the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the United States v. State of Ohio, 1984.

Expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice in Knight and United States v. State of Alabama, 1983-1985, 1990, 1994-1995.

Expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice in United States [Ayers] v. Fordice (Mississippi) (505 717) 1981-1983, 1986-1987, 1992-1994, 1997-2001.

Expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice in United States v. State of Louisiana, 1980-1982, 1987-1989, 1994, 1998.

Judicial Testimony and Depositions (U.S Department of Justice)

October 28, 1995 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Chicago, Ill. U.S. and Mellette vs. Jones, et al. (Citadel) (Ms. Shannon Faulkner was replaced by Ms. Mellette)

February 28, 1995 Testified for U.S. Justice Department Birmingham, Al. Knight and U.S. vs. State of Alabama

December 21-22, 1994 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Birmingham, Al. Knight and U.S. vs. State of Alabama

June 8-9 and Testified for U.S. Justice Department July 11, 1994 United States (Ayers) vs. Fordice (Mississippi) Oxford, Ms.

May 20 and 24, 1994 Testified for U.S. Justice Department Charleston, S.C. Faulkner vs. Jones, et. al (Citadel)

April 28, 1994 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Washington, DC Faulkner vs. Jones, et. al (Citadel)

February 12, 1994 Testified for U.S. Justice Department Roanoke, Va. U.S. vs. Commonwealth of Virginia, et. al (VMI) 20

January 10, 1994 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Oxford, Ms. United States (Ayers) vs. Fordice (Mississippi)

December 22, 1993 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Washington, DC U.S. vs. Commonwealth of Virginia, et. al (VMI)

April 5, 1991 Testified for U.S. Justice Department Roanoke, Va. U.S. vs. Commonwealth of Virginia, et. al (VMI)

February 19-20, 1991 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Washington, DC U.S. vs. Commonwealth of Virginia, et. al (VMI)

November 1 and Testified for U.S. Justice Department December 17-19, 1990 Knight and U.S. vs. State of Alabama Birmingham, Al.

September 19, 1990 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Birmingham, Al. U.S. vs. State of Alabama

March 14, 1989 Testified for U.S. Justice Department New Orleans, La. U.S. vs. State of Louisiana

Feb. 6-8, 1989 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Baton Rouge, La. U.S. vs. State of Louisiana

April 27, 1987 Testified for U.S. Justice Department Oxford, Ms. Ayers vs. Allain (Mississippi)

Jan. 22-23, 1987 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Jackson, Ms. Ayers vs. Allain (Mississippi)

July 8, 1985 Testified for U.S. Justice Department Birmingham, Al. U.S. vs. State of Alabama

April 22-23, 1985 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Birmingham, Al. U.S. vs. State of Alabama

August 11-12, 1981 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Jackson, Ms. Ayers vs. Winter (Mississippi)

April 13-14, 1981 Deposed for U.S. Justice Department Washington, DC U.S. vs. State of Louisiana 21


Consultant to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), regarding desegregation in higher education in the State of Oklahoma, 2004, 2005, 2010.

Consultant to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), regarding desegregation in higher education in the State of Maryland, 2000 and 2005.

Consultant to the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), regarding desegregation in higher education in the Commonwealth of Virginia, 1998-2001.

Consultant to U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR), regarding desegregation in higher education in the State of Texas, 1997-2000.


Judicial Testimony and Depositions

January, 2012 Testified in Federal District Court Baltimore, Md.

April, 2011 Deposed by the State of Maryland Washington, D.C..


Consultant regarding desegregation in higher education in the State of Maryland, 2010-2016. Suit was filed by the Coalition for Equity & Excellence in Maryland v. Maryland Higher Education Commission, Case No. CCB-06-cv-2773. 22


Colleges and Universities I have provided various services (consulting, lecturing, and conducting workshops and program reviews) related to enhancing undergraduate and graduate education at the following colleges and universities:

North-West University (South Africa), 2013 University of Nizwa (Oman), 2013 Qatar University (Qatar) 2012 Universities in Iraq (Kurdistan), 2011 Union College (NY, 2007) International Christian University (Japan), 2006 Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan), 2006 Soochow University (Taiwan), 2006 George Washington University, 2006 University of Iowa (IA), 1998 University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (WI), 1997 Georgia State University (GA), 1996 University of Pittsburgh (PA), 1996 Loyola University Chicago (IL), 1996 Regis University (CO), 1995 Syracuse University (NY), 1994 East Carolina University (NC), 1994 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (WI), 1992 Pacific Lutheran University (WA), 1992 Michigan State University (MI), 1992 Georgia State University (GA), 1991 Boise State University (ID), 1990-1991 University of Minnesota (MN), 1988 Mount Scenario College (WI), 1988 California State University-Fresno (CA), 1986 North Carolina State University (NC), 1986 University of Nebraska-Lincoln (NE), 1984 University of Tennessee at Martin (TN), 1983-1984 Maricopa Community College District (AZ), 1981-1983 Elon College (NC), 1981 Christopher Newport College (VA), 1979-1982 Thomas Nelson Community College (VA), 1979-1982 Rappahannock Community College (VA), 1979-1982 Paul D. Camp Community College (VA), 1979-1981 Old Dominion University (VA), 1979-1982 Tidewater Community College (VA), 1979-1982 Loretto Heights College (CO), 1976

State Higher Education Agencies I have provided various services to the following state higher education agencies: Arizona Board of Regents Maryland Higher Education System Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Board 23

Minnesota State University System Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education University of Wisconsin System


Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Committee on ASHE Elections, 2012 Chair, ASHE Dissertation of the Year Committee, 1998 Co-chair, Task Force on the Study of Higher Education in the 21st Century, 1990-1994 Associate Editor, ASHE Reader on Foundations of American Higher Education, 1991, 1997 Executive Committee, 1987-1989 Task Force on Ethnic Participation, 1988-1992 Chair, Committee to Review Executive Director, 1989 Advisory Board, ASHE Reader on the History of Higher Education, 1988-1989 Chair, Nominating Committee, 1988-1989 Committee on Alternative Futures, 1987-1989 Publications Committee, 1988-1989 President of ASHE, 1987-1988 Vice-President of ASHE, 1986-1987 Program Chair, Annual Meeting, 1987 Audit Committee, 1985-1986 Board of Directors, 1985-1989 ASHE/ERIC Research Report Advisory Board, 1984-1989 Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning, 1984-1986 Advisory Board, Joint Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) and Division J (Postsecondary Education) of the American Educational Research Association, 1984 Proposal Reviewer for Annual Meeting, 1981-2005 Program Chair, Joint Conference of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) and Division J (Postsecondary Education) of the American Educational Research Association, 1983 Program Committee for Annual Meeting, 1981-1982 Publications Committee, 1980-1982

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Relating Research to Practice Award Committee, 2011-2013 Membership Committee, 1997-2000 Program Chair, Division J, 1986 AERA Annual Meeting, 1985-1986 Division J Electronic Networking Committee, 1984-1985 Division J Program Evaluation Committee, 1984-1986 Division J Executive Council, Member-at-Large, 1984-1986 Vice Chair for Academic Programs, Division J, 1981-1982, 1984-1985 Program Proposal Reviewer for AERA Annual Meeting, Division J, 1981-2003

American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) Planning Committee, Southwest Regional Forum, 1982-1983 24

Services to Professional Journals and Publishers Reviewer, Rutgers University Press, 2016 Reviewer, Teachers College Press, 2008- Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Foundations, 2006 Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Record, 2006 Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Administration Quarterly, 2006 Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2004 Manuscript Reviewer, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, 2004 Manuscript Reviewer, Qualitative Inquiry, 1997 Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Policy and Policy Analysis, 1995 Manuscript Reviewer, Vanderbilt University Press, 1994-2000 Manuscript Reviewer, Sage Publications, 1994-2010 Editorial Board, Journal of General Education, 1990-1992 Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Researcher, 1989 Associate Editor, Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, 1988-1998 Manuscript Reviewer, State University of New York Press, 1988 Consulting Editor, Journal of Distance Education, 1986-1988 Manuscript Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, 1985-1995 Consulting Editor, Journal of Higher Education, 1985-1990 Manuscript Reviewer, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1984-1988 Manuscript Reviewer, Review of Higher Education, 1980- Editorial Board and Consulting Editor, Review of Higher Education, 1980-1988 Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Higher Education, 1977-2006

Visiting Professorships Visiting Scholar in the Higher Education Program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May, 1984

Miscellaneous Professional Service Research Advisory Board, Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF), 2008-Present Member, Ethics Education Task Force of AACSB (American Association of Colleges and Schools of Business) International, 2003-2004 (Note: I edited the final report of the Task Force) Editorial Board, Vanderbilt Issues in Higher Education, Vanderbilt University Press, 1996-2000 Wisconsin Leadership Development Institute, 1995-1997 Consulting Editor, ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports, 1988-1992 Peer Reviewer/Advisor, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, 1987 Representative of the University of Arizona to the Arizona Council of Community College Presidents, 1981-1983, 1985-1987 25


University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987-present)

A. University Member, Faculty Senate (2013-2014) Speaker, Graduate School Event for New Students (Succeeding in Graduate School), 2009 Faculty Mentor, Chancellor’s Scholarship Program, 2008- Director, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate for Teaching Scholarship in Higher Education, 1998-2001 Member, Honorary Degrees Committee, 1998-2001 Member (selected), Teaching Academy of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998- Member, Hilldale Lectures Committee, 1996-1997 Member (Elected), Executive Committee of the Social Studies Division, 1995-1998 and 2005 Note: This 12-person committee makes recommendations on all promotion and tenure cases in the social sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ad Hoc Committee on Higher Education, 1995- University Representative, MUCIA (Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities) Member, Advisory Council, College of Engineering Teaching Improvement Program, 1994 Member, Career Development Committee, 1988 Member, Faculty Senate, 1987-1988, 2013-

B. School of Education Chair, Qualitative Research Minor Committee, 2010-2012 Member, Honors and Awards Committee, 2010-2011 Member, Equity Committee, 1994-1996, 2002-2008 Member, Dean's Club Faculty Distinguished Achievement Awards Committee, 1993-1994 Member, Assessment Committee, 1993-1995 Member, Committee on Graduate Assistant Policies and Procedures, 1991-1993

C. Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Chair, Human Resources Committee, 2007- Member, Mentoring Committee for Professor Nicholas Hillman, 2012- Chair, Mentoring Committee for Professor Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, 2012-2014 Member, Mentoring Committee for Professor Xueli Wang, 2009-2015 Member, Mentoring Committee for Professor Jerlando Jackson, 2001-2011 Member, Program Committee, 2000-2007 Member, Mentoring Committee for Professor Colleen Capper, 1999-2001 Member, Salary Committee, 1996-1998, 2002-2003, 2005-2006 Chair, Mentoring Committee for Professor Chris Golde, 1996-1999 Member, Mentoring Committee for Professor Cryss Brunner, 1994-2000 Chair, Evaluation Committee for Professor Paul Bredeson, 1991-1994 Member, Personnel Committee, 1992-1993 Chair, Higher and Postsecondary Education Committee, 1990-1998 Member, Committee on Recruitment, Selection, and Field Placement, 1989-1990 Member, Student-Related Activities Committee, 1988-1992 Member, Admissions Committee, 1988-1990, 1993-1997 Member, Program Committee, 1987-1988, 1990-1991, 2001-2007


University of Arizona (1981-1987) A. Statewide Committees Member, Arizona Board of Regents, Educational and Public Expectations Subcommittee, 1986 Member, Planning Committee for State Board of Education Commission on Quality Education in Arizona, 1986 B. University-Wide Committees Chair, University Task Force on Assessment of the Quality and Outcomes of Undergraduate Education, 1986-1987 Member, Search Committee to Select Dean of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1986-1987 Member, University Committee on Policy Studies, 1986-1987 C. College of Education Member, Alumni Relations and Development Committee, 1986-1987 Member, College Coordinating Committee, 1986-1987 Member, Operations Committee, 1986-1987 Member, Awards and Recognition Committee, 1986-1987 Chair, Faculty Mentor Committee, 1986 Chair, Committee on Faculty Evaluation, 1985-1986 Head (Chair), Division of Educational Systems and Organization, 1985-1986 Member, Research Committee, 1984-1985 Member, Dean's Cabinet, 1983-1984 Member, Curriculum Committee, 1982-1983 Member, Committee on Graduate Studies, 1981-1982, 1983-1984 Associate Dean, 1985-1987 D. Center for the Study of Higher Education Chair, Search Committee, 1985 Acting Director, Summer, 1983, 1984, 1985, and Fall, 1985

The College of William and Mary (1977-1981) A. College-Wide Committees Consultant, Educational Policy Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1980-1981 Member, College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Liberal Education (Charter Day), 1979-1980 B. School of Education Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee (Promotion and Tenure), 1979-1980 Member, Curriculum Committee, 1978-1980 C. Division of Educational Planning Division Chair, 1980-1981 Chair, Subcommittee on Curriculum, 1979-1980 Member, Search Committee, 1979 and 1981 Member, Subcommittee on Admissions, 1978-1979

University of Denver (1975-1977) A. School of Education Member, Curriculum Committee, 1976-1977 Member, Committee on Research, 1976-1977 Member, Graduate Studies Committee, 1975-1976 27


Keynote Speaker, North-West University, South Africa, 2013 Consultant, University of Nizwa, Oman, 2013 Consultant, Qatar University, Qatar, 2012 Consultant, Institute for International Education, Erbil (Kurdistan), Iraq, 2011 Consultant, International Christian University, Japan, 2007 Consultant, Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), Taiwan, 2006 Advisor, Senior Leadership of the Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in Developing the Future Plan for University Education in Saudi Arabia, 2006-2007 Instructor, Summer Course on “Assessment of Student Learning,” Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, 2003 28

Reports on Civil Rights for the United States Department of Justice: Liability and Remedy

State of Louisiana (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Study of Academic Programs in Louisiana's Public Colleges and Universities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1988. (206 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. An Evaluation of Consent Decree Academic Programs in the State of Louisiana. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1987. (119 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Louisiana's Predominantly Black and White Colleges: A Curriculum Analysis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1981. (106 pp.)

State of Mississippi (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. Program Proposals for Enhancing Jackson State University, Mississippi Valley State University, and Alcorn State University. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 2000. (20 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Critique of the Monitor’s Report on Pharmacy Education. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 2000. (3 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Critique of the Program Proposals in the Remedial Plan for Jackson State University and Program Recommendations for Further Enhancing Jackson State. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 2000. (14 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Critique and Proposal of the Boone Report on Control of the Universities Center and Courses in the Jackson Area. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 2000. (3 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Critique of Proposals Aimed at Advancing Desegregation and Equal Opportunity for African-Americans at Jackson State University. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1999. (7 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F., and Larry L. Leslie. Proposed Plan for Remedy: Mississippi. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1994. (50 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Academic Programs in Mississippi's Historically White and Historically Black Universities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1994. (329 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Mississippi Curriculum Study: A Report for the U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1987. (100 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Mississippi's Predominantly Black and White Colleges: A Curriculum Analysis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1981. (95 pp.)


State of Ohio (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. Ohio Curriculum Study: A Report for the U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1984. (60 pp.)

State of Alabama (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F., and Leslie, Larry L. Plan for Remedy: State of Alabama. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1994. (44 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Study of Program Duplication in Alabama's Colleges and Universities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1994. (109 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Study of Academic Programs in Alabama's Colleges and Universities. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1990. (155 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Alabama Curriculum Study: A Report for the U.S. Department of Justice. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1985. (93 pp.)

VMI and the Citadel Cases (Gender Discrimination in Higher Education)

Conrad, Clifton F. The Citadel and Converse College: A Comparison of Benefits During and After College. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, 1995. (20 pp.) 30

Reports on Civil Rights for the United States Department of Education (Office for Civil Rights): Liability and Resolution

Texas (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Review of Proposed Programs: Prairie View A&M and Texas Southern University Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2000. (19 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton. F. Duplication in Proposed Programs: State of Texas. Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2000. (4 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Eliminating Any Remaining Vestiges of Segregation in Texas Higher Education: The Legal Holding and a Template for Addressing Any Vestiges. Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2000. (13 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Study of Program Duplication, Unnecessary Program Duplication, and Meaningful Program Uniqueness in Paired Historically White and Historically Black Universities in Texas: Unitary or Dual Curriculum Structures? Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 1998. (85 pp.)

Virginia (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Study of Program Duplication, Unnecessary Program Duplication, and Meaningful Program Uniqueness in Paired Historically White and Historically Black Universities in Virginia from 1976-1998: Unitary or Dual Curriculum Structures? Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2001. (126 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton. Clifton F. Critique of the Virginia Proposal for Eliminating Vestiges of Segregation of Higher Education in Virginia: New Programs Advanced in the HBIs. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2000. (9 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Proposals for Advancing Desegregation Between Paired HBIs and HWIs in Virginia. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 1999 (30 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Study of Program Duplication, Unnecessary Program Duplication, and Meaningful Program Uniqueness in Paired Historically White and Historically Black Universities in Virginia: Unitary or Dual Curriculum Structures? Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 1999. (56 pp.) 31

Maryland (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. Review of Commitments of the State of Maryland to Avoiding Unnecessary Program Duplication Between the TWIs and HBCUs and Enhancing Maryland’s HBCUs. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Office for Civil Rights, 2005. (20 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Review of Proposed Joint Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program: University of Baltimore and Towson University (Maryland). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2005. (20 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Critique of Two Proposed Doctoral Programs at Two HWIs in Maryland. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2000. (4 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Study of Program Duplication, Unnecessary Program Duplication, and Program Uniqueness in Paired HWIs and HBIs in Maryland. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2000. (65 pp.)

Oklahoma (Higher Education Desegregation)

Conrad, Clifton F. Proposal for Advancing Desegregation in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2005 (18 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. A Template for Advancing Desegregation in Higher Education in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2005 (16 pp.)

Conrad, Clifton F. Desegregation of Higher Education in Tulsa. Dallas, Texas: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2005 (49 pp.)

Reports for the Coalition for Equity and Excellence in Maryland Higher Education

Conrad, Clifton F. First Report, Second Report, Third Report, and Supplemental Report. Washington, D.C.: Lawyer’s Committee on Civil Rights, 2011 and 2012. (393 pages). 32


Papers and Presentations

Bach Mai Dolly Nguyen; Mike Hoa Nguyen; Thai-Huy Nguyen; Marybeth Gasman, and Clifton Conrad. “Inviting “Other” into the Circle: An In-Depth Case Study of an ANNAPISI. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Denver, Colorado: November, 2015.

Commodore, Felecia; Abiola, Ufoma; Diggs, Desmond; Gasman, Marybeth; and Conrad, Clifton. “A Network of Support: The Role of Collaboration in Fostering Student Success at an HBCU.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC: November, 2014.

Conrad, Clifton. “A Network of Support: The Role of Collaboration in Fostering Student Success at an HBCU.” Roundtable at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC: November, 2014.

Gasman, Marybeth; Nguyen, Thai-Huy; Conrad, Clifton; Lundberg, Todd; and Commodore, Felicia. “Morehouse College: Promoting Black Male Success in STEM.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, St. Louis, Missouri, November, 2013.

Lundberg, Todd; Conrad, Clifton; Gasman, Marybeth; Nguyen, Thai-Huy; and Commodore, Felicia. “Redefining the Matriculation of Underprepared Students: The Case of Developmental Math at Chief Dull Knife College.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, St. Louis, Missouri, November, 2013.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Laura Anne Dunek. “Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the Twenty-First Century.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California, April, 2013.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Laura Anne Dunek. “Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the Twenty-First Century.” Paper presented at the Nineteenth International Conference on Learning, London, England: The Institute of Education, University of London, August, 2012.

Conrad, Clifton and Dunek, Laura. “Cultivating Idea-Centric Writing in our Teaching of Writing.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, Canada, November, 2009.

Matheny, Christopher, and Conrad, Clifton. “Strategies for Advancing Change and Innovations in Two- Year Colleges.” Paper presented at the Conference on Re-Visioning Two-Year Colleges for the Twenty- First Century, Madison, WI, June, 2009.

Conrad, Clifton F. “Whiteness and Studying Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Lessons from the Field.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, 2007.

Courter, Sandra; Kwako, Joan; Byrnes, D.; Thatcher, Root; and Conrad, Clifton. “Transforming College Teaching Courses into Authentic Experiences: Learning through Diversity.” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, 2006. 33

Conrad, Clifton F. with Divya Gupta. “Traditional and Emerging Approaches to Assessing the Quality of Higher Education Institutions, Programs and Courses: A Perspective from the United States.” Paper presented at the 2006 International Conference on Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation. Sponsored by the Higher Education and Evaluation and Accreditation Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), June, 2006.

Kim, Mikyong Minsun and Conrad, Clifton F. “Degree Completion Among African-Americans: Does Attending Historically Black Versus Historically White Colleges Matter?” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, April, 2005.

Conrad, Clifton and Wyer, Jean. “Integrity 101: Educating for the Public Trust.” Paper presented at the PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax Colloquium and Accounting Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2003.

Conrad, Clifton F. “Toward a Template for Ensuring High-Quality 21st Century Ecuadorian Universities in Light of Turbulent External and Internal Environments: Avoiding Pitfalls and Seizing Opportunities in Light of Experiences of Universities in the U.S.” Paper presented to presidents of Ecuadorian universities and senior higher education officials in Ecuador, sponsored by CONESUP (Consejo Nacional de Educacion Superior) and Universidad Internacional Del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, May, 2003.

Haworth, Jennifer Grant; Reardon, Pamela; and Conrad, Clifton. “Dreams Realized, Hopes Dashed: Student Expectations for their Master’s Experiences.” Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools, Chicago, July, 1998.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Haworth, Jennifer Grant. “Rethinking Program Quality in Higher Education: Insights from a National Study of Higher Education.” Paper presented at the Ninth International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Indianapolis, Indiana, July, 1997.

Brier, Ellen; Braxton, John; and Conrad, Clifton. "Formulating Policy with Literature: The Case of the Public HBCU." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando, November, 1995.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Haworth, Jennifer Grant. "Perspectives on Program Quality in Higher Education." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, 1995.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Millar, Susan M. "The Master's Degree at the Research University." Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Graduate Schools, Madison, Wisconsin, September, 1994.

Haworth, Jennifer Grant and Conrad, Clifton. "The Assessment of Quality in Master's Programs." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D.C., December, 1993.

Conrad, Clifton F. "Findings from the National Study of Master's Degrees." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D.C., December, 1991.

Conrad, Clifton F. "The National Study of Master's Degrees." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D.C., November, 1989.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Eagan, David. "Master's Degrees in American Higher Education." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Atlanta, November, 1989. 34

Conrad, Clifton F. and Trani, Eugene P. "Beyond the Ivory Tower: Challenges Facing the Modern University and its Faculty." Paper presented at the AASCU-University of Rome Conference on Faculty Responsibility in the University, Rome, Italy, June, 1989.

Conrad, Clifton F. "Meditations on the Ideology of Inquiry in Higher Education: Exposition, Critique, and Conjecture." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, St. Louis, November, 1988.

Conrad, Clifton F. "A National Study of Master's Degrees in the United States." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools, Washington, D.C., December, 1987.

Conrad, Clifton F. "Ranking the Academic Quality of Colleges." Paper presented at the National Conference of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors, Seattle, October, 1987.

Young, Denise L.; Blackburn, Robert T.; and Conrad, Clifton F. "Dimensions of Program Quality in Comprehensive Colleges and Universities." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, 1986.

Young, Denise L.; Blackburn, Robert T.; Conrad, Clifton F.; and Cameron, Kim S. "Relationships of Leadership and Student Effort to College and University Program Quality." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, 1986.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne M. "Research on Academic Programs: An Inquiry into an Emerging Field." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, March, 1985.

Thomasson, John and Conrad, Clifton F. "Adaptations by Humanities Departments in Response to the Oversupply of Ph.D.'s." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago, March, 1985.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Pratt, Anne M. "Designing for Quality." Paper presented to the joint conference of Division J of the American Educational Research Association and the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Francisco, October, 1984.

Blackburn, Robert T. and Conrad, Clifton F. "The New Revisionists and the History of Higher Education." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1984.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. "Correlates of Departmental Quality in Regional Colleges and Universities." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1984.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. "Predictors of Departmental Quality in Regional Colleges and Universities." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago, March, 1984.

Conrad, Clifton F. "The Demographic Transformation of Arizona: Implications for Hispanic Participation in Higher Education." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Arizona Chicanos for Higher Education, Tempe, Arizona, October, 1983. 35

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. "Correlates of Departmental Quality." Paper presented at the joint conference of Division J of the American Educational Research Association and the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Francisco, October, 1983.

Conrad, Clifton F. "The Demographic Transformation of Arizona: Data and Issues Related to Minority Participation in Higher Education." Paper presented to the Southwest Conference of the American Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Diego, April, 1983.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Blackburn, Robert T. "Assessing and Maintaining Program Quality Throughout a System of Institutions." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada, April, 1983.

Conrad, Clifton F. "What is Grounded Theory?" Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., March, 1983.

Conrad, Clifton F. "Enhancing Institutional and Program Quality." Paper presented at the Eighth Annual National Finance Conference, Tucson, Arizona, December, 1982.

Conrad, Clifton F. "Quantitative Indicators of Quality." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Association for Institutional Research and the Regional Society for College and University Planning, Tucson, Arizona, October, 1982.

Blackburn, Robert T. and Conrad, Clifton F. "Research on Program Quality." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, March, 1982.

Wyer, Jean C. and Conrad, Clifton F. "Institutional Origin: Labor Market Signaling in Higher Education." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC, March, 1981.

Conrad, Clifton F. "Changes in A.A. and B.A. (B.S.) Degree Structures and Student Course-Taking Behavior, 1967-1974." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, 1976.

Conrad, Clifton F. and Cosand, Joseph P. "Federal Education Policy: A Look Down the Road." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Chicago, March, 1976.

Miscellaneous Participation at National Conferences (Since 1982)

Plenary Speaker, “Mis-steps Across the Globe that Threaten the Quality and Value of the Higher Learning.” Harvard Conference of the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February, 2014.

Presenter (with Laura Dunek), “Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the Twenty-First Century.” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities,” Atlanta, Georgia, January 2013.

Discussant, “Relationship Between Higher Education Programs and Workforce Needs?” Eighth Annual Policy Summit of the Midwestern Higher Education Compact. Cincinnati, Ohio, November, 2012. 36

Discussant, “Special Continuing Legal Education Workshop: Making a Compelling Case for HBCU ‘Comparability and Competitiveness.’” Annual Meeting of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education. National Dialogue on Blacks in Higher Education. Washington, DC, March, 2012.

Discussant, “Connecting to the Past to Build for the Future: Interrogating the History of ASHE.” Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Higher Education, Louisville, November 2010.

Discussant, “The Impact of Closing Public Historically Black Colleges and Universities on African American Student Access and Outcomes.” Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, May, 2010.

Discussant, “Strategies for Creating Mutually Reinforcing Relationships Between Researchers and Lawyers in Civil Rights Cases.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Louisville, November 2007.

Chair, “Ideas for Enhancing Meaningful and Enriched Educational Inquiry.” Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 2006.

Discussant, “The Status of Race Equity and Diversity in Public Higher Education in the South.” Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, May, 2005.

Discussant, “Policies and Practices for Advancing Desegregation in Higher Education in the 21st Century: Perspectives of Three Participant-Observers.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Kansas City, Missouri, November 2004.

Discussant, “Curriculum and Assessment Issues in Education for the Profession.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond, Virginia, November, 2001.

Discussant, “Re-Examining the Curriculum.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Sacramento, California, November, 2000.

Discussant, “Curricular Considerations, Problem-Based Learning, Leadership and Grade Inflation.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Miami, Florida, November, 1998.

Presenter, “Where We Go From Here: Looking to the Future of Research on Faculty: A Symposium in Memory of Professor Robert T. Blackburn.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Miami, Florida, November, 1998.

Chair, “Governance and Accreditation.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education. Albuquerque, New Mexico, November, 1997.

Presenter, “Curriculum Challenges in 2000.” Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November, 1997.

Discussant, "Discovering Lives, Writing Lives, Teaching Lives: Biography in the Study of Higher Education," Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Memphis, November, 1996. 37

Discussant, "Desegregating HBCUs: On the Horns of a Dilemma." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Orlando, November, 1995.

Discussant, "Constructing Our Lives and Ourselves." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, 1995.

Critic, "Graduate Education." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Pittsburgh, November, 1993.

Presenter, "Master's Education in the United States." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Minneapolis, October, 1992.

Presenter, "The Quest for Equity in State Systems of Higher Education." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Minneapolis, October, 1992.

Discussant, "The National Study of Master's Degrees." Annual Meeting of the Council of Graduate Schools, Washington DC, December, 1991.

Discussant, "The Higher Education Curriculum: Incorporating Different Choices, Different Perspectives." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Boston, November, 1991.

Presenter, "Bringing Conceptual Coherence to Higher Education as a Field of Study." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Boston, November, 1991.

Discussant, "Meditations on the Ideology of Inquiry: A Retrospective Dialogue." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Atlanta, November, 1989.

Chair, "Doctoral Study: Programs and Socialization." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Atlanta, November, 1989.

Chair and Critic, "Administrator Careers and the Department Chair." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, March, 1989.

Critic, "The Influence of Culture on Student Transfer Success, Curricular Development, and Organizational Change." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1988.

Chair, "State Policies and Institutional Autonomy: Intrusion or Integration." Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher Education, Baltimore, November, 1987.

Chair and Discussant, "The Federal Government, the States, and the Desegregation of Higher Education." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Baltimore, November, 1987.

Chair, "Leadership: The New Agenda." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Diego, February, 1987.

Critic, "The Liberal Education Outcomes of Professional Preparation." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April, 1986.

Co-chair, "Current Concerns for the Curriculum: National Reports and Recommendations." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, February, 1986. 38

Critic, "Multiple Perspectives on Change in the College Curriculum." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, February, 1986.

Chair, "Curriculum: Liberal or General Education." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, February, 1986.

Critic, "History's Response to the Report: Integrity in the College Curriculum." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, February, 1986.

Critic, "New Ways of Intellectual Interchange Through Electronic Networking." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, 1985.

Critic, "Community Colleges: Research Papers." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago, March, 1985.

Co-chair, "The Soul of the Enterprise: Curriculum." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago, March, 1985.

Chair, "The Study of the Professoriate: Some Observations from the Field." Joint conference of Division J of the American Educational Research Association and the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Francisco, October, 1984.

Chair and Critic. "General Education Component in Teacher Education and Higher Education." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1984.

Critic, "Faculty in Community Colleges: Attitudes, Work Commitment, and Compensation." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1984.

Critic, "Postsecondary Education, High Technology, and Vocational Education." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April, 1984.

Chair, "The New Age of Excellence: The Role of Leadership." Joint conference of Division J of the American Educational Research Association and the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Francisco, October, 1983.

Panel Member, "Grounded Theory in Higher Education Research." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., March, 1983.

Panel Member, "Issues in General Education Curricula." Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada, April, 1983.

Chair, "Research Workstyles: The Collaboration Alternative." Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, D.C., March, 1982. 39


My scholarship and research has been fueled throughout by my commitment to advancing student learning and equal educational opportunity at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. To that end, I explore programs and practices that contribute to the learning and success of students—including “new majority” students: students from diverse racial, ethnic, socioeconomic backgrounds and first generation students. Over the course of my career, my research has focused on curriculum trends and innovations, liberal and general education as well as professional fields of study, curriculum design, program review and evaluation, academic change, undergraduate and graduate program quality, and diversity in higher education. While my research has been variously grounded in both quantitative and qualitative approaches to inquiry, in recent years I have primarily used qualitative research methods and techniques.

My commitment to the study of undergraduate curriculum (including teaching and learning) originated in the early 1970s when, as a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan, I had a major role in a national study of undergraduate curriculum requirements that was published by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education. Several years later I published a book on undergraduate education that examined changes and innovations in undergraduate education—including general education, the major, and experiential learning—and introduced a model for conceptualizing curriculum design and analysis. Since that time I have continued to publish papers, monographs, and books on undergraduate education that have examined general and liberal education, the humanities and fine arts, and professional education--as well as undergraduate instruction, academic advising, curriculum planning and analysis, and non-traditional approaches to teaching and learning. For the most part, my scholarship on undergraduate education have been based on both fieldwork and secondary analyses of data such as college and university catalogs, student transcripts, and documents.

Concurrent with my interest in undergraduate curriculum, I studied processes of academic change. In the mid-1970s I conducted a multi-site qualitative study that led to the development of a theory of academic change. In this research I first began to explore various intersections between curriculum, faculty, and administrative leadership. During the 1980s I published papers on academic change that reported research findings and reviews of the literature. I also wrote articles and monographs on academic program review and evaluation.

During the 1980s I begin a new line of research: program quality in higher education at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. I began by writing articles and chapters that critiqued major approaches to research on program quality, essays in which I sought to illuminate key challenges and conundrums surrounding the multi-faceted concept of "quality." I subsequently conducted both quantitative and qualitative research that analyzed reputational and "objective" rankings of graduate programs in such fields as sociology. From 1982 to 1987, I was heavily engaged in a series of studies of quantitative correlates of graduate program quality. In these studies, Robert Blackburn and I (later joined by Denise Young) identified quantifiable program characteristics (such as faculty scholarly productivity, resources, and curriculum and student characteristics) associated with high-quality graduate programs.

Invited by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) to conduct a national study of master's education in the United States, from 1989 to 1992 I collaborated with Jennifer Grant Haworth and Susan Millar on this study using a multi-case study design. My colleagues and I interviewed 781 individuals (including administrators, faculty, students, program alumni, and employers) associated with 47 master's programs representing 11 fields of study and 31 colleges and universities. We identified key decisions that shape masters' experiences, developed a typology of master's programs, and identified program attributes associated with high-quality experiences. Based on our research, we published the book A Silent Success: Master's Education in the United States (1993). 40

Building on the extensive data base we developed in our national study of master's programs and drawing on my earlier scholarship on program quality in higher education, Jennifer Grant Haworth and I published a book in 1997 that advanced a theory of program quality. In Emblems of Quality: Developing and Sustaining High-Quality Programs, we defined high-quality programs as those which contribute to enriching learning experiences for students that have positive effects on their growth and development. The theory we developed identifies 17 attributes of high-quality programs—ranging from diverse faculty and a risk-taking environment to critical dialogue and integrative learning. While anchored in our research at the master's level, we suggested that our theory might well be applicable across degree levels —from the undergraduate level through the doctoral level.

A major domain of inquiry in which I have been engaged for many years is this: enhancing diversity in higher education, including diversity with respect to race and gender at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. From 1980 to 2001 I served the U.S. Department of Justice as an expert witness on curriculum in four higher education desegregation cases and two sex discrimination cases. With respect to the four desegregation cases, I conducted numerous studies that examined program quality and program duplication in the historically white and historically black institutions in four states (Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Ohio). All of these studies were set within the context of enhancing program quality and diversity in the public systems of higher education in the respective states. In Mississippi and Alabama I also proposed statewide plans for desegregating public higher education. I also conducted fieldwork for the U.S. Justice Department that focused on the likely impact that admitting women to Virginia Military Institute and The Citadel would have on diversity and program quality. In addition, I was a consultant to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Department of Education, from 1997 to 2010. My work with OCR focused primarily, though not exclusively, on enhancing program quality and desegregation (diversity) in four states (Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, and Maryland).

With respect to my research on diversity in higher education, in recent years I have focused my research on Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs). From 2011-2013 Prof. Marybeth Gasman at the U. of Pennsylvania and I conducted a three-year national study of Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education (including Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-Serving Institutions, and Asian-American Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions). This work has brought together my research on diversity in higher education and my research on student learning by focusing on student learning and persistence for traditionally underrepresented students and, in so doing, the place of MSIs in cultivating equal educational opportunity for our increasingly diverse nation.

Not surprisingly, I have pursued several other lines of inquiry over the course of my academic career. For example, I have conducted studies of faculty inbreeding and co-authored a book on management. And I have had a longstanding interest in research methods, which has found expression in several books on research methods that I published—including The SAGE Handbook on Research in Education: Ideas as the Keystone of Exemplary Inquiry (2011, with Ron Serlin). This work notwithstanding, nearly all of my scholarship has been centered on contributing to advancing our knowledge and understanding of undergraduate and graduate education—with particular emphasis on programs and practices for enhancing the learning of all students, including students who have been traditionally underserved in our nation’s colleges and universities. My continuing focus on undergraduate education is mirrored in my 2012 book (with Laura Dunek) entitled Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners: A College Education for the Twenty-First Century, and my enduring focus on student learning and persistence for our nation’s diverse citizenry is reflected in my 2015 book (with Marybeth Gasman) entitled Educating a Diverse Nation: Lessons from Minority-Serving Institutions. 41


“Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Learners.” Address at the conference on The University in the Twenty-First Century: Cultivating Inquiry-Driven Students which was held at North-West University in South Africa, November 2013.

“Developing High-Quality Institutions and Programs.” Address at IIE Conference in Iraq on Models and Trends in Contemporary Higher Education, Erbil, Iraq, June 2011.

“Replenishing Liberal Education.” Address to Forum on Liberal Education at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, December, 2006.

“Developing and Sustaining High-Quality Programs.” Second National Workshop on Higher Education Issues: Strategic Plan for University Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, December, 2006.

“Traditional and Emerging Approaches to Assessing the Quality of Higher Education Institutions, Programs and Courses: A Perspective from the United States.” Address to the 2006 International Conference on Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation. Sponsored by the Higher Education and Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), June, 2006.

“Toward a Template for Ensuring High-Quality 21st Century Ecuadorian Universities in Light of Turbulent External and Internal Environments: Avoiding Pitfalls and Seizing Opportunities in Light of Experiences of Universities in the U.S.” Address to presidents of Ecuadorian universities and senior higher education officials in Ecuador, sponsored by CONESUP (Consejo Nacional de Educacion Superior) and Universidad Internacional Del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, May 2003.

“Positioning Master’s Programs in Library and Information Science: A Template for Avoiding Pitfalls and Seizing Opportunities in Light of External and Internal Forces.” Address to the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Meeting, New Orleans, January 2002.

"Redefining Quality in Higher Education." Address to Joint Ventures in Education Conference, Amelia Island, Florida, July, 1995.

"Redesigning Master's Programs in Nursing: Alternative Approaches." Address to Southern Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing, Regional Conference, Atlanta, April, 1993.

"Conformity or Subversiveness: Exploring Alternative Pathways to Master's Education." Address to American Association of Colleges of Nursing Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1991.

"National Study of Master's Degrees." Address to Council of Graduate Schools Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, December, 1991.

"Major Developments and Issues Concerning Professional Master's Programs." Address to the Minnesota Forum on Higher Education, Minneapolis, October, 1989.

"Beyond the Ivory Tower: Challenges Facing the Modern American University and its Faculty." Address to the AASCU-University of Rome Conference on Faculty Responsibility in the University, Rome, Italy, June, 1989 (with Eugene P. Trani). 42

"Meditations on the Ideology of Inquiry in Higher Education." Presidential Address to the Association for the Study of Higher Education, St. Louis, November, 1988.

"Arizona's Changing Demographics: Implications for Student Personnel." Address to Arizona Student Personnel Administrators, Phoenix, Arizona, May, 1984.

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Tetyana Schneider University of Wisconsin-Madison (2015) “Hmong American Students Who Major in STEM in Two-Year Colleges in the Midwest: Experiences Before, During, and Outside of College Which Contribute to their Development as Global Citizens”

Todd Lundberg University of Wisconsin-Madison (2014) “Making Space and Making Do: An Exploration of the Practices that Start New Majority Students Toward Their Educational Goals”

Courtney Luedke University of Wisconsin-Madison (2014) “We Lift as We Climb: Supporting First-Generation Students of Color in Navigating College”

Geoffrey Mamerow University of Wisconsin-Madison (2014) “Three Models of Learning Community that Contribute to Participants’ Learning Experiences and Outcomes”

Erin Kuehn-Schettler University of Wisconsin-Madison (2014) “Passing the Torch: Leadership Succession in Socially Just Elementary Schools”

Heather Sveom University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013) “How Leaders Design Professional Learning for Staff in a High-Poverty Area with High Literacy Achievement”

Ann Brandauhynek University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013) “Factors that Militate Against Non-Traditional Students Enrolling in an Initial Remedial Class”

Kimberly Kile University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012) “Factors Contributing to the Implementation of an Articulated Intention”

Lynee Tourdot University of Wisconsin-Madison (2012) “Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners: Role of the Rural Superintendent in Cultivating High Achievement”

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Alda Preston University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007) “Admissions Factors that Influence Program Completion and Receipt of a Professional License: A Case Study of the Associate Degree in Nursing”

Darin Eich University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007) “A Grounded Theory of High Quality Leadership Programs in Higher Education”

Susan Corwith University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007) “A Grounded Theory of High-Quality Programs for Academically Talented Students “

Michael Brophy University of Wisconsin-Madison (2006) “A Grounded theory of Leadership Practices that Contribute to the the Development and Implementation of Successful Academic Innovations and Programs.”

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Anne Hoffman University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005) “A Grounded Theory of Successful Alcohol Control: Perspectives from Three Institutions of Higher Education”

Monica Uriguen University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005) “Attributes of Program Quality in Developing Counties: Ecuador and Beyond”

Dawn Crowley University of Wisconsin-Madison (2004) “Reconciling Educational Excellence with Organizational Efficiency: Administrative Leadership to Ensure High-Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”

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Ann Dingman University of Wisconsin-Madison (2003) “Impact of Service-Learning on Students’ Subject-Centered Coursework Learning, Skills, Attitudes, and Values: An Examination of the Effects of Best Practices in Innovative Liberal Arts Courses”

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Marin Stanek University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001) “Polishing the Virtual Classroom: Environmental Factors and Attributes of Formative Program Evaluation that Lead to Program Improvement”

Carol Craig University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001) “An Attribute-Centered Theory of Caring Teaching as Experienced by Students in Higher Education”

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