Best Wishes and Happy New Year to All of You!

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Best Wishes and Happy New Year to All of You!

香 港 道 教 聯 合 會 雲 泉 學 校 Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School Issue 9 (第九期) 18-12-2009 學校通訊學校通訊

Dear Parents, 各位家長: In order to let our students enjoy the festive occasion, today our school organized a singing contest and Christmas party for them. Starting from 21st December (Monday), students will enjoy a long vacation. Parents please remind your children to finish their holiday homework during the holiday. Parents please be reminded that students should come back to school on 4thJanuary, 2010 (Monday). Best wishes and Happy New Year to all of you! 為了讓學生歡渡佳節,是日校內特別 舉 行了歌唱比賽及聯歡會,增添同學的歡樂氣氛。十 二月二十一日(星期一)開始,學生將享有悠長的假期。藉此懇請家長督促學生務必完成指定 的假期作業。 全校學生必須在二零一零年一月四日(星期一)準時回校上課,敬請家長留意。 預祝 大家新年快樂,健康愉快!

Please pay attention to the following items: 以下事項,敬請垂注:

1. Christmas and New Year Holiday 耶誕及新年假期事宜 Christmas and New Year Holiday will start from 21st December 2009 (Monday) to 1st January 2010 (Friday). Please remind your children to study and finish the holiday homework. The assigned homework has been uploaded on the school website for parents’ reference. Students should come to school on 4th January 2010 (Monday). 二零零九年十二月二十一日(星期一)至二零一零年一月一日(星期五)乃耶誕及新年假期, 請家長督促 貴子弟在家中溫習及完成假期作業,而假期功課範圍將上載於本校內聯網。 二零一零年一月四日(星期一)照常上課,請家長留意。

2. “Be a Healthy, Happy Kid Reward Scheme” 健康快樂好孩子獎勵計劃 Students will bring the passport home for parents’ signature. Please read through page 11 of the passport and sign under “week 15-16” to show your appreciation for their performance. 是日 貴子弟將會把 「健康快樂好孩子」小冊子帶回家,請各位家長在頁 11(第 15 至 16 週)位置簽名以示鼓勵。 3. Reminder from the Library 圖書館消息 a) Please assist your child to complete the reading booklet P. 6-8 during the holidays. b) You are strongly encouraged to visit the public library with your child during the holidays so that he/she can acquire more knowledge through reading. You may contact the public library at 2921 0208 or visit its website ( to seek relevant information. c) A book exhibition co-organised with Aromix Books Company Ltd will be held on Jan 8, 2010, i.e. the Parents Day, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A number of story books and supplementary exercises will be displayed. Please spare your time to visit the stall. 1. 請利用假期協助 貴子弟完成「悅讀.閱讀獎 勵計劃」閱讀記錄冊第 6 至 8 頁。 2. 請利用假期與 貴子弟前往公共圖書館享受閱讀樂趣,吸取更多課外知識。有關圖書 館 開 放 時 間 及 就 近 分 館 , 閣 下 可 致 電 (2921 0208) 或 瀏 覽 圖 書 館 網 頁 ( 查詢。 3. Aromix 圖書公司將於 2010 年 1 月 8 日(即家長日當日),早上 8:30 至 12:30 於本校禮 堂舉 行書展,屆時將有大量英文圖書及補充練習展出,敬請預留時間參觀及選購。

4. Parent-teacher Conference 家長日 The Parent-teacher Conference have been scheduled on 8th January, 2010 (Friday). The class teachers will make the appointment with you through the school notice. Parent-teacher Conference aim to make teachers and parents know the student better regarding their behavior in school and at home in order to work out a better strategy in parenting the child. We will appreciate parents’ punctuality on that day. Thank you for your cooperation. 一年一度的「家長日」已訂於一月八日(星期五)上午舉 行。日內各班主任將會透過通告,邀 約家長在指定的時間來校,期望能個別會晤各位家長,除詳細瞭解學生的學習表現外, 更可與家長交流管教 學生的意見,懇請各位家長均能依約來校。

5. Choir 合唱團 Our School Choir joined the Ninth Hong Kong Primary School English Folk Song Group Singing Contest on 21st November (Saturday). We won the “QualiEd Bowl Award”. The following are the students who participated: 本校合唱團於 11 月 21 日(星期六)參加第九屆全港英文民歌綜合唱比賽,並獲得「匯知 杯」。以下為 參賽學生名單: 5A Donna 6A Ramanpreet 6B Shreya 6B Katherine 6B Mariam 6B Jenny 6B Kathy 6B Yvone 6B Hessa 6C Luiza 6C Khadeja 6C Sujata 6C Naheeda 6C Parmeet

6. Students ’ performance in Speech Festival 校際朗誦節 佳績 1) At 61st Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival, we had 13 students joining the Taoism Verse Speaking (Cantonese), 2 students joining Putonghua Solo Verse Speaking and 2 students joining Cantonese Solo Verse Speaking. There were 45 of P.1 and P.2 students joining Chinese Choral Speaking (Cantonese) with satisfactory performance. The results of the above-mentioned events are shown below: 第 61 屆香港朗誦節,本校共有 13 位學生參加中文(粵語)道教 詩文朗誦比賽、2 位學生參 加中文(普通話)詩詞獨誦比賽、2 位學生參加中文(粵語)詩詞獨誦比賽、另有 45 位一至二 年級學生參與中文(粵語)詩文集誦比賽,成績令人滿意。茲將學生比賽結果詳列如下: Chinese Choral Speaking (Cantonese) of P.1 and P.2 Merit 優良 一至二年級學生中文(粵語)詩文集誦 Taoism Verse Speaking (Cantonese) 中文(粵語)道教 詩文朗誦 Class Name of Student Result Class Name of Student Result 班別 學生姓名 成績 班別 學生姓名 成績 5C Singh Gurpreet 2nd Runner-up 4C Wong Lai Kwan Merit 曹文星 季軍 黃麗君 優良 3A Bibi Sadia Merit 5A Singh Hardev Merit 艾沙兒 優良 成光仔 優良 3A Kausar Bibi Merit 5A Limbu Prashan Merit 陳凱珊 優良 林沛新 優良 3C Rayyan Zahid Merit 5B Farman Sana Merit 殷樹軒 優良 范倩茹 優良 3C Shahzadi Hina Merit 5B Ayisha Ghalib Merit 石信芝 優良 古麗莎 優良 4A Bibi Nadia Zaineb Merit 6A Riaz Ahsan Merit 簡亞華 優良 黎亦山 優良 4C Chen Yu Hua Proficiency 陳玉華 良好 Solo Verse Speaking (Putonghua) 中文(普通話)詩詞獨誦 4C Chen Yu Hua Proficiency 6A Ng Yung Yu Proficiency 陳玉華 良好 吳容如 良好 Solo Verse Speaking (Cantonese) 中文(粵語)詩詞獨誦 3B Mohammad Tayyab Proficiency 3B Awais Ghalib Accredited 譚曉德 良好 韋嘉士 達標

2) Furthermore, 8 students joined the English Solo Verse Speaking and 35 of P.3 students joined English Choral Speaking with satisfactory performance. The results of the above-mentioned events are shown below: 另有 8 位學生參加英文朗誦項目及 35 名學生參加英文集誦項目,成績令人滿意。茲將參 加學生名單詳列如下: English Choral Speaking of P.3 三年級集誦 Merit 優良 English Solo Verse Speaking 獨誦 Class Name of Student Result Class Name of Students Result 班別 學生姓名 成績 班別 學生姓名 成績 4A Bargamento Helena Proficiency 4B Bibi Aimon Merit Marie 夏蓮娜 良好 文淑冰 優良 4A Bibi Nadia Zaineb Proficiency 4B Harmanjeet Singh Merit 簡亞華 良好 夏文哲 優良 4A Espiritu Caila Nicole Proficiency 4B Karandeep Merit Padilla 彭妮 高 良好 高偉哲 優良 4B Manpreet Kaur Proficiency 4C Kirby Anderson Merit 文佩儀 良好 安皓彼 優良

7. Hong Kong Art Education Association 2009 香港視覺藝術教學研討會 2009 Our school is going to hold the Hong Kong Visual Art Teaching Seminar 2009 with Hong Kong Art Education Association. We invite educators from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong to give us a talk and assess our lessons in order to share teaching experience with local teachers. 二零零九年十二月十九日(星期六),本校與香港美術教 育協會合辦「香港視覺藝術 教學 研 討會 2009」,邀請了台灣、國內及本地權威藝術教 育家到校演講及評課,與本地教 師互相 分享教 學心得。

The School Principal: Lau Wai Chun 劉惠珍校長 謹啟 18-12-2009

香 港 道 教 聯 合 會 雲 泉 學 校 Issue 9 (第九期) Hong Kong Taoist Association Wun Tsuen School 18-12-2009


REPLY SLIP (Issue 9) (please return on 4th January, 2010) 家長回條(第九期) (請於 1 月 4 日交回)

I acknowledge the particulars mentioned in this Newsletter issued on 18th December, 2009. I will co-operate with the school and direct my child to follow these instructions. 逕覆者:敬悉 12 月 18 日《學校通訊》有關以下內容。本人定當與 貴校合作,共同教導敝子弟。

1. Christmas and New Year Holiday 耶誕及新年假期事宜 2. “Be a Healthy, Happy Kid Reward Scheme” 健康快樂好孩子獎 勵計劃 3. Reminder from the Library 圖書館消息 4. Parent-teacher Conferences 家長日 5. Choir 合唱團 6. Students’ performance in Speech Festival 校際朗誦節佳績 7. Hong Kong Art Education Association 2009 香港視覺藝術教學 研討會 2009

Personal opinion and response: 家長回應:

To school: 此覆 香港道教 聯合會雲泉學校

Name of Parent/Guardian : Signature of Parent: 家長姓名: 家長簽署:

Student’s name : Class : 學生姓名: ( ) 班別:

Date 日 期:

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