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St Joseph the Worker s8

As we come and worship, we remember the wurundjeri people, the original custodians of this land ST JOSEPH THE WORKER FIRST READING Samuel 12:7-10.13 ______NORTH RESERVOIR ______The Lord God forgave your sin; you will not die. 79 Wilson Boulevard, North Reservoir 3073 Parish House/Office Tel: 9460 3013 Fax: 9460 8832 Mb: 0431 643 674 RESPONSORIAL PSALM SALMO RESPONSORIALE Email: [email protected] Lord, forgive the wrong I have done. Togli, Signore, la mia colpa e il mio peccato. School Tel: 9469 7800 Fax: 9462 2949

SECOND READING Galatians 2:16.19-21 SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Fr Emmanuel Bonello–Parish Priest WEEKDAY MASS TIMES: I live now, not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me. Sat 6.00pm - English Sr Estelita Manabo-Pastoral Associate Mon. 9.10am Comm. Service Sun. 9.00am - Italian Mr Peter Chowne -School Principal Tue. 10.00am Italian GOSPEL ACCLAMATION CANTO AL VANGELO Sun. 10.30am – English Mrs Liz Pistoni – Parish Secretary Wed. 9.10am - English Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia. Thur. 9.10am - English God first loved us and sent his Son to take away our Dio ha amato noi e ha mandato il suo Maltese Mass Fri. 9.10am - English Sat. 8.30am - English sins. Alleluia! Figlio come vittima di espiazione per i st nostri peccati. Alleluia! 1 Saturday of the Month 6.00pm Sat. 8.30am - English Sat. 8.30am-English GOSPEL Luke 7:36-8:3 Baptisms – Sunday 12.00pm Reconciliation: Sat. 10.30am Her many sis were forgiven her, because she has shown great love. Marriages - By Appointment

THANKS TO THOSE WHO GAVE LAST WEEK 11th Sunday, Year C 16 June, 2013 1st Collection - Thanksgiving Offering…………………………..$784.00 - Loose Money…………………………………….$294.00 2nd Collection - Presbytery………………………………………..$334.00 The Gratitude of the Forgiven LECTORS - THIS WEEK 16/06/2013 SPECIAL MINISTERS 6.00pm (SAT) – D Pullicino & B Nadenbousch S Dakin & M Mizzi Today’s Gospel tells the story of a woman. A sinner. No doubt about it. She came to dinner 9.00am (SUN) – M Crupi & L Cavedon T Forte, L Calafiore & G Calvi uninvited and put on an unseemly, hysteric show of tears, feet kissing, and ostentatious hair 10.30am (SUN) – E Bartlett & Sr Estelita J Iaria, T Nguyen & A Filippone towelling. Except for the dramatics, she might have been any one of us. He actions invite judgement. Simon, the host, is quick to make his assessment of her. He is secure LECTORS – NEXT WEEK 23/06/2013 SPECIAL MINISTERS in his knowledge of the law. She is unclean and, he reasons, if Jesus is too naïve to recognise this, 6.00pm (SAT) - G Canavna & N Ziino E Krygger & E Saliba then he is no prophet, and is, perhaps, a fake. 9.00am (SUN) - S Lobartolo & A DiRico F Pascuzzi, G Tempone & C Alberti Jesus forms a contrary judgement. “Your sins are forgiven.” Love has changed her. She intuits that 10.30am (SUN) – L Conte & S Miano J & J Kearney & G Santinon she is understood and forgiven. She is no hysteric; just a woman giving extravagant expression to her love, gratitude and sense of relief. This story gives us vital clues about what Jesus thinks of sinners. His thinking confounds us. We tend to think that he would rebuke and condemn sinners. 17/06/2013 A Sinopoli, F Nardozza, R Comito & Italo Manini MONEY COUNTERS But that would rub against his nature and his mission. He has come into the world to save people 24/06/2013 E Claridge, F Carabott & G Canavan from their sins. Jesus is the forgiving one. He will give his life for the forgiveness of sin. He is at

pains to teach his disciples to forgive. For example, he told Peter that he must forgive, not seven

times, but seventy seven times seven –that means, always! When he instituted the Eucharist he said ‘for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out for many for the YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING forgiveness of sin.’ (Mt.26:24). On the cross, his final words were, ‘Father forgive them they know RECENTLY DECEASED not what they do.’ (Lk.23:34) Rather than abhor sinners, Jesus loves them to death – death on a cross. Oscar FEDERICO, Fr Paul DUFFY SJ, Maria BUGEJA, Bro Michael STALLARD CFC Somehow this woman has intuited this. She knows she is loved. She knows she is accepted. This assurance allows her to re-examine her behaviour, and to recover a sense of right and wrong. ANNIVERSARIES She allows herself to be shaken in her innermost self by the malice of her offenses against the One Antonio TARQUINIO, Francesco BARBUTO, Gaetano CARDILE, Giuseppina CANZONERI, who loves and accepts her so completely. Perhaps for the first time she sees the ugliness of her sin Emanuel & Nina AGIUS, Angelo ATTARD, Felice TARANTO, Francesco VACIRCA, and is overcome by sorrow for her many failures. Gratitude, she realises, is the only adequate Alberto INSANA, Domenico & Domenica NAPOLEONE, Sebastiano & Giovanni SCUDERI, response to this merciful man. She weeps in relief, and kisses the feet of Mercy itself. Maria TRASCHILA, Salvatore , Domenico & Elisabetta MANCUSO, Piero NERINI, This woman symbolises all who sin and she shows us how to obtain forgiveness. It is readily found Maria-Teresa CIMINO, Sante GUGLIELMI, Giovanni IOZZI, at the feet of Christ. It demands a ready recognition of God’s immense love for sinners. It implies Angela, Luciana & Carmela CORDIANO, Antonio CORDIANO that the only adequate response to this unmerited love is to return that love in a personal, intimate and grateful manner. This little poem by an anonymous author seems to sum up this process: “Something beautiful, something good in all my confusion Christ understood. All I had to offer him was brokenness and strife and he made something beautiful of my life.” We congratulate Sebastian and Rosanna Petralia, who celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversary last Tuesday. Bruno and Montagna Mustica, who celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary this weekend. We ask God’s blessing on them and their families on this special occasion.

ST JOSEPH THE WORKER SCHOOL COMMUNITY DAY - SUNDAY We welcome this weekend at the 10.30am Mass students and families from St Joseph the Worker School who will join us to celebrate the liturgy with reflections on Aborignial stories.

CONFIRMATION COMMITMENT MASS Next weekend at the 6.00pm and 10.30am Mass we welcome the candidates for Confirmation, their families and sponsors for the Commitment Mass. This is an important time in their preparation and we as a parish community are asked to pray for them that the gift of the Holy Spirit strengthens them in their Christian journey.

BAPTISMS Congratulations to Samuel Ciccosillo child of Daniel and Jessica, Ava & Jacob Ibrahim children of Ali and Melissa who will be baptised this weekend. We welcome them into our parish community and assure the families of our prayerful best wishes on this happy occasion.

BAPTISM PREPARATION MEETING The Baptism Preparation Meeting will be held on Monday 17 June at 7.30pm in the Church.

MEMORIAL MASS Wednesday 19 June 7.30pm – Michele Ciavarella (1mth)

BIRTHDAY WISHES Congratulations to Joyce Broadbent who celebrated her 90th Birthday this week. We wish her all the very best, and many blessings always.

GELLIBRAND KINDERGARTEN ENROLEMNTS 2014 Gellibrand Crescent Kindergarten is currently taking enrolments for three and four year old kindergarten in 2014. Please contact the centre for a tour and speak to staff. Please Phone 94605862.

APPOINTMENT OF PARISH PRIEST FESTA GIUBILARE PER 60 ANNI E 50 ANNI DI VITA RELIGIOSA DI PASTORELLE In every parish around Melbourne and Australia a parish priest is appointed for a term of six years with Domenica 23 giugno 2013 alle 2.30pm, nella chiesa di San Damian, 5 Settlement Rd, Bundoora, verra’ a possibility of renewal. My six years term as parish priest of North Reservoir will come to an end on celebrata una Messa di Ringraziamento per il 60 ° anniversario di Professione Religiosa di Suor Cesarina the 4th of July 2013. In the meantime our Archbishop Denis Hart has sent me a letter of Paolini e Suor Letizia Selle, e il 50° anniversario di Sr Anna Genovese . Il celebrante principale per reappointment and so he reappointed me Parish Priest of North Reservoir for another term of questa felice occasione sarà l'Arcivescovo Denis Hart. six years. I thank our Archbishop for re-entrusting me with the pastoral care of the parish. With joy Questo è un invito a tutti i nostri amici che conoscono le Suore e che desiderano partecipare alla and hope I look forward to continuing sharing with you, parishioners and friends, my journey of faith celebrazione di ringraziamento. Siete benvenuti! and my priestly ministry, doing every effort to be a companion in your journey of faith. Let us together continue to make Jesus Real and live out the Parish reflective Motto: “Let us Work together”. I thank Dopo la Messa ci sarà un semplice rinfresco e per questo vi chiediamo che se pensate di venire, di farcelo you all for making me welcome and for all your kindness, help, prayers and support. sapere telefonando o per posta elettronica entro il 15 giugno. Grazie. Tel. 9467 9263; email: Thank you and Well done. (Fr. Manny) [email protected]

RINGRAZIAMENTI PER LA DEVOTA CELEBRAZIONE IN ONORE A SANT’ ANTONIO PASTORELLE SISTERS CELEBRATE DIAMOND AND GOLDEN JUBILEES Un sincere grazie a Monsignor Greg Bennet per avere presentato cosi bene la vita del Santo, per la On Sunday 23rd June 2013 at 2.30pm in St Damian’s Church, 5 Settlement Rd, Bundoora, there will be a devote celebrazione. Ai concelebranti nostro Parroco Padre Emmanul Bonello, e P. Giuseppe Yu, Mass of thanksgiving for the 60th anniversary of Religious Profession of Sr Cesarina Paolini and Sr per essere con noi. Al coro Furlan sotto la guida di Pietro Canil, alla Banda Bellini con il presidente Letizia Selle, and the Golden Jubilee of Sr Anna Genovese. The Principal Celebrant for this happy Frank De Blasi, ai membri del comitato, agli organizzatori della porchetta abruzzese, a tutti che con occasion will be Archbishop Denis Hart. generosita’ hanno offerto pane, donazioni per le spese e fiori per decorare la statua. A tutti I This is an Invitation to all our friends who know the Sisters and would like to join in the thanksgiving partecipanti che con fede e devozione hanno onorato St. Antonio. Grazie e arrivederci il prossimo celebration. You are most welcome! anno. There will be a light afternoon tea after Mass and so if you are coming, we ask that for catering purposes th th 25 & 50 WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES you ring or email us before the 15th June. Thank you. Tel. 94679263; email [email protected] FEAST Friday 21 June – St Aloysius Gonzaga

GOOD SHEPHERD SISTERS CELEBRATE 150 YEARS RECITAL FRIDAY 21 JUNE, 8PM A celebration in word and song of the 150th anniversary of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd arrival in Australia. Celebrate with beautiful choral music sung by the Melbourne Women's Choir and readings of hope, action and justice. Cost: Tickets $50 Bookings: Where: The Good Shepherd Chapel, Abbotsford Convent 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford Contact: 9270 9700

OPERA SOIRÉE AT ST AUGUSTINE'S CHURCH THURSDAY 20 JUNE, 6PM - 7:30PM Brimbank City Council and the St Augustine's Church 150th Anniversary Committee are co-hosting an Opera Soirée at St Augustine's Church. The Soirée will feature Brenton Spiteri, winner of the 2012 Herald Sun Aria. Cost: $5 (pay at the door) Where: St Augustine's Church, 100 Harrick Road, Keilor Park.

SOCIAL JUSTICE IN THE CITY WEDNESDAY 26 JUNE, 12 NOON – 1PM St Vincent de Paul’s St Francis Conference presents - Sam Biondo, Executive Officer, Victorian Alcohol and Drugs Association speaking on: “Drug and alcohol policy from a social justice perspective.” Tea and coffee provided. Where: St Francis Pastoral Centre Cnr Lonsdale and Elizabeth Streets, Melbourne Contact: Paula 9895 5800

“ FACING THE TRUTH” For information about the Parliamentary Inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religious and other non-government organisations, Facing the Truth - the submission of the Catholic Church to the Inquiry, fact sheets and updates please refer to

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