Merritt Elementary Handbook Table of Contents

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Merritt Elementary Handbook Table of Contents


1-2 Introduction 3 School District Mission Statement, School District Philosophy, Merritt Elementary School Philosophy 4 Merritt Elementary School Philosophy, General Information, Day Care,

Physical Education Excuses 5. Physical Education Excuses, School Health Service, Health Hints 6. Emergency and Student Health Status Information, Student Accidents 7. Student Accidents 8. Student Illness, Absences, Extended Absences 9. Communicable Diseases, Immunizations 10. Medication Administration, Policy Regarding Medication in School, Health Screening, Family Trips, Homework, Parents/Guardians Conference and Reporting 11. Pets, Baked Goods and Treats to School, Use of Telephone, Cell Phones and Electronic Devices, Responsibilities of Bus Drivers, Principals and Parents 12. Responsibilities of Bus Drivers, Principals and Parents, During the School Day, Teacher Contact Withdrawals 13. Withdraws, Office Hours, Admittance to School, Homebound Instruction, School Closings, Fire Drills/Lock Downs/Tornado Drills 14. Visitors/Guests, Noon Hour, Merritt Elementary School Promotion and Retention Policy, Classroom Conduct 15. Discipline, Merritt Behavior Expectations 16. Merritt Behavior Expectations, Supportive Service Instruction, I.S.D. #712 District Wide Discipline Policy, 17-26 I.S.D. District Wide Discipline Policy, I.S.D. #712 Religious, Racial and and Sexual Harassment/Violence Policy 27. Parent/Student Signature Page 28. School Calendar INTRODUCTION

Dear Parents and Students:

This handbook has been prepared to help parents and students understand the Merritt Elementary School’s programs, procedures and policies. It is the hope of the faculty and administration that the school years spent in the Merritt Elementary will be enjoyable and meaningful for each student. Maximum education opportunities are available only when there is mutual understanding and close cooperation between parents, students, teachers, and administrators. School visits by parents are encouraged. We will be happy to meet and discuss our educational programs and school philosophy with you at any agreeable time. Thank you for your support.

The District has made many safety changes to protect our students, employees, and the public. Student safety is the number one priority for our District so that we can enhance learning even more for our students. Now in effect the entry procedures have changed at Merritt Elementary. The building will be locked down at 8:30 a.m. until 2:50 p.m. Only Door 1 (the main front entrance door will be open). The inner door will be locked and you will have to use the following procedures to enter. As stated, the outer door will be unlocked and the inner doors locked. All other entrances to the building will also be locked. Door 1 will be handicapped accessible. Upon entering the outer doors a metallic 6 inch by 10 inch center panel will be to your right on the north wall. It contains a push button, speaker, and camera. Please press the

-1- speaker button (it has a small yellow dot above it) on the lower right. This calls the Elementary Office and we will respond with, “Welcome to Merritt Elementary, how may we assist you.” You should then speak into the speaker and state your name and business to be done at Merritt. We can hear you and see you. We will then unlock the inner door for you to enter. You should be able to enter within 10 seconds, but you may have delays if we are dealing with other issues. You still need to report to the Merritt Office to sign in, get a visitor’s pass, and go about your business.


John Klarich Merritt Elementary Principal Mt. Iron-Buhl Public School District No. 712 Superintendent

-2- School District Mission Statement Learning should provide learners with basic skills, acquaint them with the wealth of knowledge which the human mind has discovered and motivate them to use this knowledge to enrich their lives and the lives of their fellow citizens. In the process, learners should acquire, in an organized fashion, a body of knowledge which will form the basis for enlarging their understanding of self, the world around them, and for expanding the intellectual capacity and skills which they will call upon during a life-long process of learning.

This would mean to develop the intellect, to form character, to reveal the meaning, purpose, and value of life, to provide a means of livelihood and to teach an obligation to self and society.

School District Philosophy The purpose of education in Independent School District Number 712 is to develop the continued physical, intellectual, social and moral growth of each learner in partnership with parent(s). The District shall strive to form a well-disciplined individual, a good citizen and a responsible person who realizes that every additional privilege carries related responsibilities. This purpose pertains to all learners regardless of what they choose to do after completing all school requirements.

Merritt Elementary School Philosophy The philosophy of the Merritt Elementary School is to provide for the academic, social, physical, and emotional growth of each child so that he/she will be able to function in society at his/her fullest potential.

This philosophy will be achieved and maintained through the implementation of the following objectives:

1. To provide a program which will create a desire for learning basic and essential skills.

2. To provide an individual program through a variety of teaching methods and techniques such as: large groups, small groups, and individual instruction.

3. To guide students to become self-directing, responsible, motivated, independent, and adaptable.

4. To make learning as enjoyable, interesting and meaningful as possible for each student.

5. To create an environment which encourages the student to have a positive self-image. -3- 6. To provide the basis for teachers to work, plan and share together so strengths might be best utilized.

7. To provide opportunities for flexibility of both teacher and student activities.

Evaluation of this program will be a continuous and sequential approach which involves the use of teacher observation, discussion, pre and post testing of each child.


School Hours Merritt Elementary School will be in session from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Monday-Friday. All busses will leave the school at approximately 2:50 p.m. This is for grades Kindergarten through Grade 6. Teachers will be available 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.

Classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. sharp every day. The cafeteria will not serve food after 8:20 a.m., unless the busses are late due to inclement weather or breakdown.

Students coming to school before busses arrive or approximately 8:10 a.m., must remain in the front lobby up to the trophy case, unless attending early morning programming or receiving help from a teacher.

Day Care Before and after school day care is provided in conjunction with the Mesabi Family YMCA. Hours are 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. For further information, please contact the YMCA (218) 749-8020.

Physical Education Excuses

All students must participate in the elementary physical education program unless:

1. The student has a note from the parent/guardian with a reason requesting the student be excused and length of the excuse. Including the name of the physician/health care provider if the excuse is for medical reason.

2. The student has a medical excuse from the physician/health care provider stating the reason and duration of the excuse. A medical excuse is required if the student will miss more than one week of class. After serious illness, surgery, or injury (eg. strain, fracture) it is necessary for the teacher and school nurse to know the limitations and duration of the accommodations/ -4- modifications to ensure the student’s safety and provide an appropriate educational plan.

3. School Nurse and/or Health Office authorize an excuse not to exceed one school week due to illness or injury.

School Health Service

The School Health Office is located behind the Principal’s Office. Parents/guardians are asked to contact the school health staff at 218-735-8271, ext. 2102 to discuss any student health problems.

Health Hints

Parents/guardians are asked to keep the student at home when ill. Check your child every morning to ensure that he/she is healthy. Provide your child with a nutritious breakfast at home or have the student participate in the school breakfast program. Encourage routine with a good night’s sleep (about 10-hours for most growing children.) Teach your child to tell you promptly when he/she is not feeling well or their teacher while attending school. Many serious illnesses appear like colds or the flu when they start. If the illness seems serious, consult the student’s physician/health care provider. If you suspect that the student may be ill or becoming ill and you do send them to school, inform the teacher, School Nurse and/or Health Office by note or phone call. The student should stay home if he/she:

 Has a fever of 100 degrees or more. Student should remain at home for at least 24-hours after temperature returns to normal.

 Has vomited or had diarrhea or is extremely nauseated with stomach pains. Students should remain at home for at least 24-hours after the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.

 Has a persistent cough that is not controlled by medication.

 Shows signs of cold, sore throat, earache. Seek medical attention.

 Has started an antibiotic. Student should remain at home for the first 24-hours after medication has started and be observed for any reactions to the medication and allow medication to work.

 Has a Communicable Disease. Return to school when no longer contagious. Consult School Nurse and/or Health Office if you are uncertain when student should return. Guidelines are available at the School Health Office. -5- Emergency and Student Health Status Information

The School Health Office keeps current student emergency and health status information on file for each student. An update is required each school year. Forms must be completed, signed, and dated by the parent/guardian. You are requested to notify the School Nurse and/or Health Office of any changes during the school year. Please provide the school with at least two persons (friends, relatives, neighbors, day care provider, babysitter) who will care for your child(ren) in case you cannot be reached. Failure to return the forms will be referred to Administration for follow-up.

The information is very beneficial to plan your child’s educational program and provide health care in the school. Report lengthy absences, hospitalizations, surgery, fractures, severe injuries, stitches, sprains, sports injuries, immunizations, communicable diseases, chronic health conditions, illnesses/health conditions requiring medication at home and/or in school.

If your child has a chronic health condition or a new health problem occurs, contact the School Nurse and/or Health Office and the classroom teacher to develop a plan of care for your child.

 The school district intends to use the requested personal information to serve your child during an emergency by seeking help from you and the people you designate.

 You may refuse to supply the requested personal information but obviously, we will be limited in our search for help if you do not provide us with the information.

 Please note that if we are unable to reach you or your designee in a crisis we may call 911 or the Sheriff’s Department to help with your child.

 The information you provide may be shared with other staff in the school system whose job requires access and with staff and other agencies as provided by law.

Student Accidents Injuries in school, on school grounds, on the bus, or occurring at a school event must be reported to the Principal, School Nurse and/or Health Office immediately. If injured beyond the school day, report the incident to the School Nurse and/or Health Office the following school day. If the injury occurs during school hours, the student’s health status will be accessed as to the degree of injury and treatment needed. Basic first aid will be administered by the School Nurse and/or Health Office or designated first aid trained school personnel. -6- In case of a minor accident or illness, where it seems advisable to dismiss a student from school, our procedure shall be to:

1. Contact the parent/guardian at home, work, or school. Request parent/guardian transport child home or to health care provider. 2. Contact designated person on the Emergency Information Sheet if parent/guardian cannot be reached. Ask that they care for your child until you can be reached and transport home or to health care provider. 3. Keep child in the Health Office or classroom until responsible adult can be reached. School administration, School Nurse and/or Health Office may use their judgment to dismiss child to home at end of school day if no responsible adult can be reached. 4. Child will not be allowed to drive/walk home or be transported home by another student until parent/guardian permission is obtained and school administration, School Nurse and/or Health Office judge this action to be safe.

In case of serious injury or illness that requires immediate medical attention or hospital treatment, our procedure in addition to the above shall be to:

1. Contact your child’s physician/health care provider. 2. Call 911 and have student transported by Virginia Fire Department (at parent’s expense) to the *Essentia Health-Virginia Emergency Room. Under certain situations a school vehicle may be used to bring your child to the Essentia Emergency Room or clinic. The above procedure may be reversed due to individual circumstances. 3. If the circumstances warrant and emergency conditions exists in the opinion of the school authorities, the school administration shall be authorized to take such other action as seems to them to be in the best interest of the child.

*The Essentia Health Center is the designated hospital emergency room for the Mountain Iron Emergency Medical Services area. Transport to any other hospital or clinic outside this EMS area will need to be arranged between the parent and/or physician and the ambulance staff and on file with the Virginia Ambulance Service. A Mountain Iron First Responder may also respond to a 911 call and care for your child until the ambulance arrives.

If parents/guardians do not approve of the above plan, they are to contact the School Nurse and/or Health Office to schedule a meeting with the school nurse, principal, teacher, and designated staff to arrange for an alternative plan. The alternative plan will be in writing and attached to the student’s emergency health information sheet and a copy given to the classroom teacher and appropriate staff. -7- Student Illness

Students are to report illnesses to the classroom teacher. The classroom teacher will send the student to the Principal’s Office and staff will direct the student to the Health Office and/or determine who will care for the child if the School Nurse and/or Health Office are not available. Students are not to call home to report illnesses without permission of Health Office personnel, Secretary, or Principal.

When the student comes to the Health Office, he/she will be assessed and care given by Health Office personnel or in their absence, the secretary, principal, or designated staff. The student will be monitored if rest is needed, return to class, or go home/seek medical care. If the student’s symptoms do not allow him/her to function in the classroom the parent/guardian will be called and asked to transport their child home/seek medical care. When the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the alternative numbers listed on the Emergency Information Sheet will be called. If the School Nurse and/or Health Office are unable to reach anyone, the student will remain in the Health Office or the classroom for the remainder of the day or until a responsible adult can be reached. Children may be sent home at the end of the school day on the bus if no one can be reached.

If you suspect that the student may be ill or becoming ill and you do send them to school, inform the teacher, School Nurse and/or Health Office by note or phone call before the start of the school day.


Parent/guardians are to call the school between 7:45 a.m. and 8:15 a.m., or leave a message to inform the school that their child will be absent and the specific reason for the student missing school. Upon return to school, the student must bring a note from the parent/guardians stating the absence dates and reason. If the child was ill please state the type of illness, indicate if medical care was obtained and if the student is taking medication at home and/or school. It is strongly encouraged that medical and dental appointments be scheduled after school hours.

Extended Absences

If health condition arises that will not allow a student to attend school for more than two weeks or the student can only attend a partial school day, notify the School Nurse and/or Health Office and the Principal. Arrangements can be made to provide your child with homebound tutoring or a modified educational day. A written medical request by a licensed physician and the Principal’s approval is needed to provide this service. By law the District may inform social services and or law enforcement of absences of eight days or more. -8- Communicable Diseases

When in doubt about a communicable disease (eg. head lice, chicken pox, Fifth’s Disease, mononucleosis) keep the student home and have it diagnosed by the student’s physician/health care provider. Contact the School Nurse and/or Health Office with the reason for the absence. If in doubt, contact the School Nurse and/or Health Office before sending the student to school. The school nurse is available to answer questions about identification of communicable diseases and treatment prescribed by the physician/health care provider. Students returning to school should bring a note from the parents/guardians/physician/health care provider indicating the type of treatment and permission to return to school.

Students with an identified or questionable communicable disease during a health screening will be isolated in the School Health Office. The parents/guardians will be notified per procedure outlined in “Student Illness”. A medical referral will be made if the student’s health problem warrants. The parents/guardians are responsible for obtaining the requested medical diagnosis and treatment.

The school district has a policy and procedure that addresses AIDS, HIV, Herpes, CMV, and certain other communicable diseases. For further information refer to policy on “Students and Employees with AIDS and Certain other Communicable Diseases” adopted on October 27, 1987. A copy is available from the Superintendent. Refer to the Minnesota Department of Health website ( or the Mt. Iron Buhl website ( for a list of communicable diseases.


The School Nurse and/or Health Office will annually review the immunization status of all students and make appropriate recommendations for boosters or to complete the required immunization series. ALL REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED AND THE SIGNED IMMUNIZATION FORMS RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL NURSE AND/OR HEALTH OFFICE OR ELEMENTARY OFFICE BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL OR YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND CLASS. Exclusion will be an unexcused absence. Refer to the Minnesota Department of Health website ( for a list of immunizations.

Students having a medical reason not to be vaccinated are to obtain a physician’s signature with the reason for the exemption on the immunization form. Parents/guardians who are conscientiously opposed to the immunizations may receive a legal exemption and complete the information on the back of the immunization form. Contact your child’s physician/health care provider or the St. Louis County Health Department to have your child receive the required immunizations. -9- Medication Administration

If your child requires medication during the school day, please contact the School Nurse and/or Health Office for further information at (218) 735-8271.

Policy Regarding Medication in School

All medication including short/long term, both prescription or non-prescription requires a parent/guardian written consent and the provider/physician consent prior to administration according to the school policy on “Medication Administration.” The school nurse can fax the licensed prescriber for this permission.

The permission form for medication administration must be filled out each school year. All medication must be kept in the health office and must come to school in the original container. All medication must be brought to the school by a parent/guardian, not the student.

Medication, including prescription and over-the-counter medication, which is administered or distributed by a student at a school location, rather than by the school nurse or other authorized school personnel, to other students is a violation of the school districts drug policy.

Hearing and Vision Screening

Hearing and Vision Screening will be done for grades 2, 4 and 6 by school health personnel. Parents/guardians may request a screening at any time by contacting the School Nurse and/or Health Office. A referral letter will be mailed home if a medical examination is recommended.

Family Trips

Extended absences due to family trips or vacations is not encouraged during the school year. However, excused absences will be granted provided the parents notify the school far enough in advance to allow the student to contact all teachers for instructions and assignments prior to leaving.


We define homework as unfinished classroom assignments and reinforcement of concepts taught. The school will make every attempt to see that home work assignments are clearly understood and of appropriate length. We appreciate the home cooperation in seeing that assignments are completed. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the teacher whenever any concerns with homework arise. Homework not completed will be reflected in the student’s grade. -10- Parents/Guardians Conference and Reporting Parents’ conferences will be scheduled for all parents/guardians at the conclusion of the first nine-week period. The dates to be determined.

Pets I.S.D. #712 due to health and liability concerns does not allow the bringing of animals, reptiles, or birds to school for demonstrations or visits.

Baked Goods and Treats to School

Home prepared baked goods and treats should not be sent to school for other than your child’s consumption. This is to protect you and your child from problems that may arise. Many of our students have food and seasoning allergies which could cause severe medical distress.

Use of Telephone

Children will be permitted to use the school telephone only in case of an emergency.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices


Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used in the school and must be turned off at all times. Use of cell phones and electronic devices will result in the item being taken away from the student and held in the elementary office on the first offense and given back to the student at the end of the day. The second offense will result in the device being taken away and the parent/guardian will be responsible for retrieving the device at their convenience at the conclusion of the school day. Repeated violations will result in a conference with the student, parent/guardian and the principal which could lead to further disciplinary action.


1. The driver will be responsible for the conduct of students on his/her bus. All infractions are to be reported to the building principal. Cameras have been installed on all buses to assist the principal in monitoring bus behavior.

2. It will be the responsibility of the building principal to work with bus drivers on discipline infractions and suspensions of school bus privileges. Only building principals have the authority to suspend. -11- 3. It is the parent’s responsibility to discuss with their child(ren) the provisions of the “Safety and Behavior Code for Bus Riders” and to support the transportation department and school administration.

4. Parents must assume responsibility for the behavior of their children while riding the bus. If permission to ride the bus is revoked, the parents/guardians must provide transportation to and from school for their child(ren) until reinstatement may be made. Behavior at the bus stop is also under the jurisdiction of the school and rules must be followed or school consequences can be enforced.

During the School Day

We request all parents/guardians and visitors to first come into the office to sign in and obtain a pass. Safety changes have been made and the building will be locked down at 8:30 a.m. until 2:50 p.m. Only Door Number 1 (the main front entrance door will be open). The inner door will be locked and you will have to use the following procedures to enter. Upon entering the outer doors a metallic 6 inch by 10 inch center panel will be to your right on the north wall. It contains a push button, speaker, and camera. Please press the speaker button (it has a small yellow dot above it) on the lower right. This calls the Elementary Office and we will respond with, “Welcome to Merritt Elementary, how may we assist you.” You should then speak into the speaker and state your name and business to be done at Merritt. We can hear and see you. You should be able to enter within 10 seconds, but you may have delays if we are dealing with other issues.

When picking up your child(ren) during school hours, parents/guardians are asked to first come to the office (follow the procedures for entering the building as stated above). This is necessary to sign in/sign out if the student is leaving the school building and or returning. Visitors without a pass will be asked to leave. Please do not ask us to send your child(ren) home from school unattended. This regulation is for the safety of your child(ren).

If for any reason you do not want your child(ren) released except to your care, due to special circumstances, please contact the Elementary Principal at the beginning of the school year, or when such circumstances arise. A legal document “court order” is necessary if a non-custodial parent, significant other, grandparent, relative, etc. is to pick up a student.

Teacher Contact

We encourage you to call/e-mail your child’s teacher whenever it is necessary. If the teacher is in class, please leave a message with your name and phone number or e-mail address where you can be reached and the teacher will return your call/e-mail. If you need immediate assistance call the elementary secretary.

-12- Withdrawals

The Elementary School Office should be informed as early as possible if you intend to move from the school district. This will allow time necessary to prepare transfer information. Any information about the city and school that your child(ren) will be attending will be appreciated.

Office Hours

The Elementary School Office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 3:50 p.m., Monday through Friday. Any parents needing information or assistance with school related business may receive help by calling (218)-735-8271, ext. 2131.

Admittance to School

Kindergarten children must be five years of age on or before the first day of September in order to enter Kindergarten.

Homebound Instruction

Homebound instruction will be provided for cases of extended illness upon receipt of a doctor’s written confirmation of illness.

School Closings

School may be closed because of epidemic, natural disaster, inclement weather, and physical plant safety concerns. School closings will be broadcast over the following radio stations: WTBX, WMFG, KMFG, WNMT, RADIO USA, WEVE and WHLB. TV stations: Channel 3, Channel 6, and Channel 10. The District also has the Instant Alert Honeywell Program that parents/guardians sign up for and update as cell phone, home phone, work or e-mail addresses change. It will notify you of school closings, late- starts, or early dismissals. School closings will include all extra-curricular activities unless otherwise stated.

Fire Drills/Lock Downs/Tornado Drills

Fire drills are required by law and are an important safety precaution. Students must follow directions quickly and clear the buildings by the prescribed route as soon as possible. Classroom teachers and or school personnel will give the instructions. The school also practices lock downs during the year for emergency situations. Tornado drills are conducted in the spring of each year.

-13- Visitors/Guests

Parents are always welcome in school. Students wishing to bring a guest to school must obtain approval from the Merritt School Office and receive a visitor’s pass admitting the visitor to classes.

Noon Hour

All students are required to go outside after lunch; weather permitting. If a child is too ill to go outside it is best to keep him/her at home. There are exceptions to this situation. A written request from the parents/guardians and or physician is necessary if a child is to stay indoors.

No student shall be allowed to leave the school grounds at any time during the day unless released to a parent or guardian.


In general, if a student is mastering the material taught at his/her instructional level (not grade level), is psychosocially and neurologically mature, and is being responsible for his/her assignments, the student should be promoted with his/her age group. In case of doubt, educators and parents/guardians will work together to reach the best decision for the youngster. Child Factors shall include: academic potential, psycho- social maturity, neurological maturity, child’s self-concept, functional independence, grade placement, chronological age, nature of the problem, chronic absenteeism, basic skills competencies, and a child’s attitude toward retention. Family Factors shall include: geographical moves and attitudes towards retention. School Factors shall include: teacher attitude toward retention, availability of options, availability of personnel, and overall well-being of the student.

Retention, by itself, is not the answer to any problems that a student might be having in school. Because retention is such an emotional packed subject for educators, students, parents/guardians, procedures are established to provide for early identification and help for “at risk students”.

Classroom Conduct

Classroom rules developed by the teacher and the students are to be followed. Only by following established guidelines and respecting the rights of others can a classroom be an enjoyable atmosphere for learning.

-14- Discipline

No single document or policy can automatically institute effective school and classroom discipline, nor can it include every type of incident. Implementing effective discipline is an ongoing process involving the administration, faculty and community.

Teachers are responsible for behavioral and academic expectations in their classrooms. These expectations and rules should be clearly and repeatedly explained to students.


Be Prompt and Prepared

1. Be on time 2. Come with appropriate materials

Respect Authority

1. Listen to authority 2. Follow directions promptly 3. Accept responsibility for behavior

Respect Rights of Others

1. Use appropriate voices 2. Listen to speaker 3. Respect the opinion and points of view of others 4. Personal space

Respect Property Display a Concern for Learning

1. Remain on task 2. Allow others to remain on task

Display Appropriate Social Skills

1. Accept disagreement, teasing, criticism, and compliments gracefully 2. Display courtesy 3. Display tact

-15- Dress Code

Our schools do not have a formal dress code. We feel that students will take pride in their appearance with proper guidance from home. A neat, clean and well-groomed child performs much better in all aspects of life. Inappropriate attire will not be tolerated by the school. The guideline for the length of shorts and skirts is to be no shorter than half the distance between the waist and the knee. Pajamas and flip flops are not acceptable attire. Hats worn by males should be removed upon entering the building. No clothing identifying with alcohol, tobacco or drugs is acceptable. Parents/Guardians will be called to bring in proper attire if nothing is available.

Supportive Service Instruction

The Supportive Service Instruction Department of the Merritt Elementary School includes the following sub-departments:

A. Title I B. Special Needs C. Speech and Hearing Impaired D. Early Childhood Special Education E. Early Childhood Family Education F. Learning Readiness G. Adaptive P.E. H. Head Start I. ADAPT



It is the position of Independent School District No. 712 that a fair and equitable District-wide school policy is essential to the quality of a student’s educational experience. Without discipline in the schools, learning cannot occur. Therefore, this district-wide school discipline policy has been adopted.

It is the responsibility of the School Board, administrators, teachers, and all school employees to safeguard the health and safety of each student. The School Board and district administrators will support district personnel dealing with students on disciplinary matters, act in accordance with State Statues, State Board regulations, and this policy which will be followed district-wide:


A. The right to a free and full education and the right to learn;

-16- B. The right to equal educational opportunity and to freedom from discrimination; C. The right to due process of the law; D. The right to freedom of inquiry and expression; E. The right to privacy; F. The privilege to participate in student activities; G. The right to personal property; H. The right to be informed of school rules.


1. The responsibility to attend school daily, except when excused, and to be on time to all classes and other school functions;

2. The responsibility to pursue and attempt to complete the course of study prescribed by the state and local authorities;

3. The responsibility to make necessary arrangements for making up work when absent from school;

4. The responsibility to assist the school staff in running a safe school for all students enrolled therein;

5. The responsibility to be aware of all school rules and regulations and conduct themselves in accordance with them;

6. The responsibility to assume that until a rule is waived, altered, or repealed, it is in full effect;

7. The responsibility to protect and take care of the school’s property;

8. The responsibility to dress and groom to meet fair standards of safety and health;

9. The responsibility to avoid inaccuracies in student newspapers or publications and indecent or obscene language;

10. The responsibility to express ideas in a manner that will not offend or slander others;

11. The responsibility to work toward being a good citizen.


Disciplinary action may be taken against students for any behavior which is disruptive of good order or violates the rights of others at school activities, or while being transported by or for the school. The following acts are unacceptable behavior subject to disciplinary action in the school district but are not all inclusive. Consequences for these behaviors are listed on the school web site under the high school handbook.

A. Truancy and Unauthorized Absences:

1. As required by current statutes, regulations of the MN Department of Education, and the School Board of this district, a student shall be in attendance each day that the school is in session. The authority to decide whether the absence is excused or unexcused rests with the building principal. Students returning to school following an absence will be expected to complete all missing assignments within a reasonable period of time.

2. Truancy, for purposes of this policy, is the absence of one’s self from school or class without approval of the school.

3. If a student develops a pattern of tardiness to school or class, disciplinary action will be taken and parents/guardians notified.

Damage to School or Personal Property:

4. Vandalism: Willful damage to or destruction of school property of others is vandalism.

5. Theft: Theft is the act of intentionally and without claim of right, taking, using, transferring, concealing, or retaining possession of moveable property of another without his/her consent and with the intent to deprive the owner permanently of the property, or finding of lost property and not making a reasonable effort to find the owner.

C. Physical Assault:

Physical assault is an act which intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm upon another.

D. Verbal Assault:

Verbal assaults are abusive, threatening, profane, or obscene language

-18- toward a school employee, a student or citizen. The language may be oral, written or a gesture. It is also conduct that degrades people because of their sex, race, religion, ethnic background, or physical or mental handicaps.

E. Threats and Disruptions:

1. Dangerous Threats: Threats to normal school operations or school activities, such as bomb threats including but not limited to the reporting of dangerous or hazardous situations that do not exist are unacceptable behavior.

2. School Disruptions: Any student who disturbs or interrupts the peace and good order of the school or school-sponsored activities will be subject to disciplinary action.

F. Dangerous, Harmful, and Nuisance Substances and Articles:

1. Alcohol: Students are prohibited from using, possession of, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages at school, on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities or while being transported under school sponsorship.

2. Drugs: Students are prohibited from using, possessing, or being under the influence of illegal drugs or narcotics at school, at school- sponsored activities, on school grounds, or while being transported under school sponsorship.

3. Tobacco: Students are prohibited from using or possessing tobacco at school, at school-sponsored activities, or while being transported under school sponsorship.

4. Harmful or Nuisance Articles: The possession or use of articles that are nuisances, illegal, or that may cause harm to persons or property is prohibited at school, school-sponsored activities, or while being transported under school sponsorship.

G. Failure to Identify Oneself:

Failure to provide proper identification upon request of a staff member is unacceptable behavior.

H. The violation of any state or federal law, or local ordinance is unacceptable behavior.

-19- The Following Constitutes Unacceptable Behavior:

1. Willful conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the right of others education.

2. Willful conduct which endangers school district employees, the pupil or other pupils, or school district property.

3. Willful presentation of obscene, derogatory, or insulting material to the student body or employees of the district property.

I. Reporting of Conduct Violations:

1. Independent School District #712 will call legal authorities in the above instances to assist in the investigation and prosecution of school policy and state law.

Merritt Behavioral Rules

1. General

1. Remove your hat 2. Walk 3. Use indoor voices 4. No gum/candy/snacks of any kind unless there is a special event 5. Hallways are for walking not talking. No loud or disruptive noise in the hallways or building 6. Toys are not allowed in our school. They may be brought for Show & Tell, then left in the backpack or with the teacher 7. Cell phones and electronic devices are not to be used in school and will be taken away for the day and retrieved at the end of the day and parents/guardians may retrieve after school

2. Classroom

1. Rules and behavior consequences will be established by individual teachers

3. Hallway Rules

1. Walk, no jumping to touch things above them 2. Use quiet voices when entering and exiting the building. No talking when with the class 4. Keep to the right side of the hallway 3. Keep hands and feet to yourself

-20- 4. Cafeteria Rules In the Lunch Line

1. Maintain a single line formation against the wall 2. Quiet voice level 3. Keep hands and feet to yourself 4. Walk to assigned table (ask cafeteria attendant to assist at condiment table)

In the Cafeteria

1. Remain seated until finished eating 2. Quiet voice level 3. Keep hands and feet to yourself 4. Good table manners 5. Remain seated until dismissed by lunchroom supervisor 6. Clean eating area – table and floor completely when leaving 7. Do not take food or drink from the cafeteria 8. Leave – exit through the designated doors

5. Noon Hour In Classroom

1. Stay in classroom 2. Use indoor voices 3. Classroom rules are to be followed 4. No disruptive behavior

6. Lavatory use and Conduct

1. Take care of lavatory needs in the morning or at other times arranged by your teacher 2. The lavatory has a purpose as a place to care for your personal needs. At no time should it be used for anything else 3. No climbing on partitions 4. No standing on stools or urinals 5. No writing on the walls or partitions 6. Do not put hand towels in the sinks, stools, or urinals. Use the proper receptacles for disposal 7. Do not throw water, or litter on the floor 8. Be considerate of others, fellow students, and custodians. Leave the lavatory in as good or better condition for the next person

-21- 7. Playground Conduct

The playground is maintained as a place for general play and physical education classes. For safety and to preserve a student’s clothing rules set down must be followed. Courtesy, good manners, and the rights of others must be respected.

1. Absolutely no pushing or shoving on the equipment. No stone throwing, running on the sidewalks, no snowballing, or rough games 2. Do not play in or near the entrance 3. When playing on or with the equipment, good judgment and safety rules need to be observed 4. Students must line up promptly when the whistle is blown 5. Students must be accompanied by a teacher when entering the building 6. Students must obey playground supervisors directives at all times


 Baseball/Softball  Tackle football  Camel fights  Deliberate misuse of playground equipment  Sharp objects  King on the Hill  Throwing of snowballs, rocks, etc.  Hockey pucks, hard baseballs, bats, sticks  Vandalism and/or misuse of playground equipment  Leaving the playground without permission  Food or beverage  Littering


1. No throwing objects 2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself 3. No bullying, teasing, ridiculing 4. Use the playground equipment properly 5. Flags are required when playing football – no tackle or 2-hand touch allowed 6. Return all equipment to its proper place 7. Use appropriate language

-22- 8. No littering 9. Stay on the designated playground area – stay out of the long grass 10. Ask permission to go back into the building 11. Wear appropriate clothing on the playground 12. No food or drink on the playground 13. Listen to all directions given by the playground staff 14. Do not argue with playground staff 15. Line up when the whistle blows and wait quietly 16. No cell phones or electronic devices allowed 17. The Jenny Swing is to only be used by authorized students 18. Students do not go beyond the tire on west end and sign by the highway


1. Enter the auditorium quickly and quietly without disrupting the students that are already there.

2. Follow any and all directions that are given by the recess supervisors.

3. When given directions, follow it as instructed in a polite and responsible manner. Students should only need to be asked once.

4. When participating in an activity, be responsible and consider the people around you.

5. Students are expected to act in a respectful, responsible manner in the auditorium. All horse play (running, jumping over seats, hitting, pushing, grabbing, throwing objects, yelling, etc.) is discouraged and is unacceptable.

6. No food or drink is to be brought into the auditorium.


Any student that argues with staff or refuses to comply with the Auditorium Recess Procedure will be subject to a behavior ticket, removal and/or other consequences following a staff/student conference.


District rules are posted in each bus and tickets are given by drivers. Consequences – See Behavior Consequences as listed below.


1. Immediately follow the directions of the DRIVER 2. SIT in your seat FACING FORWARD 3. TALK QUIETLY and use APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE 4. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus 5. Keep you arms, legs and belongings to yourself 6. NO fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay 7. NO eating, drinking or use of tobacco or drugs 8. DO NOT throw any objects 9. DO NOT bring any weapons or dangerous objects on the bus 10. DO NOT damage the bus 11. The driver has the right to assign seating 12. Students will ride busses as assigned by the Principal



First Ticket - Warning (with interaction) for not following school rules. Ticket must be signed by parents/guardians and returned to school, if the ticket is not returned by the second day, a second ticket will be issued.

Second Ticket - In-school noon detention and parent called by teacher. After third detention of same offense, phone call from the principal and parent conference will take place. Behavior – think sheet. “Why I will not be given another ticket.”

The school district reserves the right to suspend students out of school based on the severity of their actions.

This Policy Covers: In the Building, Playground, Field Trips, and Bus

1. When a child is intentionally injured or assaulted by another child, the aggressor could receive a suspension from school for one day or more. All concerned children’s parents/guardians will receive a copy of the ticket and a phone call.

2. When a child is injured by another student through carelessness, a noon hour detention will be imposed.


1. In the Merritt School the behavioral tickets are to be used. A brief description of the misbehavior is needed. After a second ticket is issued in a week the teacher will call the parents/guardians to discuss both tickets. The teacher will also consult with the principal.

2. Suspension, expulsion, and loss of riding privileges are the responsibility of the administration.


In the event that a student’s behavior is the result of a disability or appears that it is a result of a disability, the student should be referred for evaluation to a Child Study Team. In the event that the student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), and is receiving special education services, the student’s record of discipline action shall be made available to the student’s Child Study Team.


All teachers are encouraged to communicate with parents/guardians of students who appear to have potential for behavior problems and to involve those parents/guardians in finding ways of discouraging such inappropriate behavior. Parent- Teacher Conferences are an opportunity for such discussions.



To maintain a learning and working environment that is free from religious, racial and sexual harassment and violence, this school district prohibits any form of religious, racial and sexual harassment and violence.

Any student or employee of this school district who harasses or commits violence toward another student or employee through conduct or communication of a religious, racial, and sexual nature will be subject to the consequences described in the policy handbook.

All complaints whether verbal or written will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

-25- The individual reporting a violation is encouraged to use the form available in the Principal’s Office or Central Office. All verbal and written complaints should be submitted to the Building Principal/Human Rights Officer, John A. Klarich DISTRICT NO. 712, office phone number 218-735-8271, ext. 2101.

Retaliation is prohibited against any individual who reports religious, racial or sexual harassment or participates in an investigation.

Confidentiality of all persons involved will be respected to the fullest extent possible.

This is a summary of the District No. 712, Religious, Racial, and Sexual Harassment/Violence Policy. A complete policy handbook is posted in the Principal’s Office and Superintendent’s Office.



The principal and licensed employees in each school building shall confer at least annually to review this discipline policy and assess whether the policy needs to be revised or not.

-26- September 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Student Handbook should be kept at home for your reference concerning school regulations and policies for the 2016-2017 school year. Please review the handbook with your child/children and sign the form below that you have received and read the handbook.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (218) 735-8271 ext. 2101. Thank you!

John A. Klarich Elementary Principal/Superintendent Mountain Iron-Buhl Public School District


I have received the Merritt Elementary Handbook 2017-2018 and acknowledge the policies and regulations as stated in the handbook.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Student(s) Signature______Grade______




-27- School Year Calendar 2017-2018

August 28-31 Teacher In-Service No School September 1 Teacher In-Service No School September 4 Holiday No School September 5 First Day of School October 19-20 Teacher Convention No School November 3 End of First Quarter November 6 & 8 Parent-Teacher Conference November 10 Teacher In-Service No School November 23-24 Holiday No School December 25-Jan 2 Holiday No School January 12 End of Second Quarter January 15 Teacher In-Service No School February 19 Holiday No School March 16 End of Third Quarter March 30 Holiday No School April 2 Holiday No School May 24 Last Day of School May 24 End of Fourth Quarter May 25 Graduation

Teacher Days = 180 Student Days = 172


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