Stogursey Parish Council

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Stogursey Parish Council



PUBLIC FORUM: Draft West Somerset Local Plan to 2032 (Action List). This can be viewed at the West Somerset Council (WSC) offices at Killick Way, Williton or on the WSC website. The closing date is 23.3.15.

PCSO Bolton gave a brief update on the calls made to the Police. The majority of these are low level incidents. The Police will maintain their presence to try and keep on top of the anti-social- behaviour. Cllr Goss mentioned a resident from Shurton who recently experienced a theft of a new piece of equipment and had given up trying to report it through 101. Cllr Goss was advised to either report it on the victim’s behalf of report it via the Police website’s contact box. Cllr Searle asked PCSO Bolton to pay attention to the new play area equipment that has just been delivered. It was noted that there have been a number of street signs damaged in the Village. The community is urged to report all incidents to 101.

PRESENT: Cllr Allan Searle (Chairman), Cllr Chris Ford (Vice-Chairman), Cllr Val Boxall, Cllr Geoff Coles, Cllr Ian Elenor, Cllr Lesley Flash, Cllr Sue Goss, Cllr Susan Jones, Cllr Barbara Oates, Aly Prowse (Clerk), County Cllr Hugh Davies, Dist Cllr Chris Morgan, PCSO P.Bolton, 3 members of the public.

219/14 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Rob Dibble.

220/14 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 10.2 15: The minutes were AGREED and signed by the Chairman.

221/14 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cllrs Elenor, Flash, Goss and Oates declared an interest in agenda item 8d (noise mitigation earplugs).

222/14 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT (Cllr Hugh Davies): 1. Due to additional funding, the proposed cuts in the homelessness budget in the Taunton area will now not happen and the site will continue for another year. 2. Free wi-fi and computer usage are just a few of the changes being made to Somerset’s Library Service. 3. The Heritage Railway Panel Hearing found the councillor guilty of 4 of the 7 code of conduct principles. He has resigned from Cabinet and has been removed from all positions in the County Council.

223/14 DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Morgan: 1. Cllr Morgan attended a meeting of the new Nuclear Local Authority Group which received a presentation on the future plans for the next generation of power stations in the country. This might create employment difficulties if the projects coincide. 2. He outlined the reasons behind the Planning Obligation Board’s decision on the housing projects in Sedgemoor which had been submitted for CIM funding. Only 1 out of the 3 projects were approved. 3. Members of the SSG were unhappy about the irresponsible report in the Bridgwater Mercury regarding Hinkley A waste disposal. 4. Cllr Morgan has requested hedge cutting from Knighton through to the C182 Hinkley road. Cllr Goss: 5. WSC annual budget was agreed in February. This included an increase of 1.99% in Council Tax, an average increase of 5p per week per household. 1 6. From 1.4.15, Taunton Deane, Mendip and West Somerset Councils will share Legal Services. 7. Cllr Goss gave a report of the SSG sub-committee meeting. There will be no Fuel Element Debris Dissolution, a saving of 400 lorry journeys and there will be changes to the packaging of waste which will reduce costs but does not compromise safety. 8. SSG – Hinkley C reactor buildings. This process may have a knock on effect on water levels at the neighbouring sites and in particular on the existing diesel plume currently held in the rock strata beneath the Hinkley A site. However, the Environment Agency are involved in managing a mitigation process for this. Cllr Boxall was concerned that this may have an impact on the parish. This will be raised at the forthcoming Main Site Forum. 9. A.Goodchild has met with the C Station management team and is satisfied that they are doing all they can to minimise noise, which is in line with the industry norm. However, residents should continue to complain if necessary. Noise mitigation issues will also be an agenda item at the Main Neighbourhood Forum. Cllr Davies left the meeting at 8.05pm 224/14 REVIEW OF ACTION LIST (By exception): Item 6 – Traffic Calming Measures. Agenda item for the next meeting. Action: Clerk. Item 7 – Stolford dog & litter bins. Cllr Goss will take this ongoing issue up at WSC. Action: Cllr Goss. Item 11 – Draft West Somerset Local Plan to 2032. On circulation to Cllrs. Item 12 – Write to WSC recommending approval of the Bespoke Earplug Scheme. Action: Complete. Item 13 – Advise WSC we do not support the Sea Angling CIM project. Action Complete. Item 14 – Publicise forthcoming Election. Action: Complete. Item 15 – Advise Cllr Dibble of Transport Forum issues. Action: Complete. Item 16 a– Write a letter to A & S Police to thank them for good Police work. Action: Complete. Item 16 b – Write to D.Eccles re increased and speeding traffic Lime St – Shurton. Action: Complete. Item 17 – Write to Liz Peeks re bus shelter roof repair. Chase response – Action: Clerk. Item 18 – Work now finished at Three Bridges, Shurton. Thank Highways for good work. Action: Clerk. Item 19 – PRoW Consultation. Cllr Elenor has arranged to see S.Littler. He is particularly concerned about the proposed loss of the ancient funeral trail and would like it retained. Action continues. Cllr Morgan left the meeting at 8.15pm

225/14 EDF HINKLEY POINT C: 1. EN0100001 Consultation Cllr Goss advised this work is located to the north of Green Lane and should not impact on anyone to the south of it. It was AGREED no comments are necessary. 2. Emergency bridge over Bum Brook The design of this bridge is considered to be much too big. Both Andy Gibbons (Deputy Hinkley C Construction Manager) and N.Cann say the plans may be reconsidered to have something more in keeping.

226/14 HINKLEY C COMMUNITY IMPACT MITIGATION (CIM) UPDATE: 1. Feasibility Study (Cllr Ford) A meeting will be held of the various groups and users of the Victory Hall on 16.3.15 to consider the provision of facilities in the parish. The main Feasibility Study meeting will be held on 30.3.15. 2. Burgage Rd Play Area (Cllr Ford) The play equipment has arrived following a delay of one week due to damage of a piece of equipment which had to be reordered from Germany. It is hoped the play area will open before the Easter Holidays. The Clerk explained the problems of VAT

2 which potentially affected payment to the Contractor (now resolved) and the possible VAT implications to future projects. We understand WSC are looking at this issue. 3. Stogursey Parish Woodlands and Orchards (Cllr Flash) a) Cllr Flash is still having problems trying to get the field surveyed. Greenslade Taylor Hunt (GTH) agreed to carry out a valuation £100 cheaper than the going rate if it coincided with another valuation in the area. This has not happened so far, and is holding up the whole process. Another valuer may cost the parish council an additional £100 - £150. Councillors AGREED that we should seek another valuer as proposed by Cllr Elenor and seconded by Cllr Boxall. Action: Cllr Flash. The agreement with GTH is to be cancelled. Action: Clerk. b) Castle Orchard – Landmark Trust (LT). Cllr Flash has written to the LT with regard to access. 4. Noise Mitigation Earplugs (Cllr Flash) The Scheme has been approved. Cllr Flash was pleased that both WSC and the parish council appreciated the effect the noise from Hinkley C is having on residents. All councillors AGREED to the waiver form produced by Cllr Flash. 5. Stogursey Goals (Cllr Searle and Ford) Cllr Searle outlined the proposal from the Stogursey football team to purchase some new goal posts. These will cost £1200, less the £500 they have already raised towards the cost. It was AGREED to write a letter of support as proposed by Cllr Elenor and seconded by Cllr Flash when the project is submitted. Action: Clerk

227/14 STOGURSEY WEBSITE: Cllr Flash reported that various pages are complete and information is being uploaded including the Oral History Project interviews, parish council minutes, a link to Hinkley Point websites and a Main Site Forum page. Events will be added and P.Wellbourne will be loading Stogursey News. We don’t yet have a date when it will go live.

228/14 FORTHCOMING ELECTION : Nomination Papers are available from the Clerk. These must be submitted no later than 4pm, on 9.4.15.

229/14 STUDENT DISSERTATIONS: It was AGREED to review these requests as and when they are received, and hopefully individual councillors will help out with responses. Cllr Ford has agreed to do an interview for the latest request, and we will put an advert in the parish magazine for volunteers, as this student also wishes to interview parishioners.

230/14 MEETING REPORTS 1. 23.2.15 Proposed Flood Defences at Stolford – Drop in Session (Cllr Jones) This event held in Stolford Church, was reasonably attended. The options may come down to just 2 or 3. The funds are not yet available although the work will be planned in. 2. 26.2.15 Transport Forum (Cllr Dibble) No report was received. 3. 26.2.15 Magna Housing Inspection (Cllrs Searle & Ford) A tour of the parish was made. The surveyor was present so Cllr Searle took the opportunity to discuss the issue of ownership and problems with the trees on the land between 19 Burgage Rd and Lonlay Mews, which has become a badly churned up car park. Cllr Searle lodged an official complaint on our behalf and requested the surveyor try and determine ownership. We think the land must either be Magnas’ (as they labelled the 3 trees) or WSC when they built the Burgage Rd estate. Cllr Ford asked whether it would be possible for WSC to write to Magna on this issue. Action: Cllr Goss. 4. 3.3.15 WWQ Area Panel (Cllr Boxall)

3 Two presentations were given; one by the West Somerset Flood Group and the other by the District Flood Board. Cllr Goss also reported that Holford raised the issue of Election costs devolved to parish councils.

231/14 FORTHCOMING MEETINGS: 30.3.15 Village Hall Feasibility Study. 22.4.15 Main Site Forum. 30.4.15 Transport Forum. 14.5.15 Community Forum. 11.6.15 Steart Forum.

232/14 CORRESPONDENCE: 1. SALC – Neighbourhood Planning Course – No interest. 2. SCC Highways – Notification of temporary road closure 7.4.15 for 3 weeks at Stogursey Lane. 3. D.Eccles – Response to our letter re increased traffic/speeding traffic on Lime St- Shurton. 4. Request for help with Student dissertations (A.Hill, J.Hill). 5. SCC Highways – Notifications of road works on the C182, between Stockland and Knaplock junctions. 6. West Somerset Flood Group draft response to WSC Local Plan. No comments. 7. SCC Highways – SID results, Tower Hill, 26.1.15 – 9.2.15. 8. Response to parishioner re emergency evacuation plan at Stolford and possible EO action at Fisherman’s Cottage. 9. Thank you letters to Police for good works. 10.Library Consultation results It appears the stop at Shurton will be retained but the 4 stops in Stogursey are proposed to be combined. We will respond by asking that the 2 stops in Town Cl are combined (mid-way) rather than lose them both, and that we would like to retain both the stop at The Church and at The Greyhound. Failing that, the stop is retained at The Greyhound. Action: Clerk. 11.St John Ambulance – Councillors AGREED not to give a donation. 12.Somerset Local Authorities Civil Contingencies Unit. Requesting first point of contacts for the parish. The Clerk and Chairman are to be nominated. Action: Clerk.

233/14 ENHANCEMENTS (Cllr Searle): 1. Cllr Searle thanked Cllr and Mrs Jan Ford and Derek Skeats for work on the flower boxes on The Gravel helping to make the centre of the village look attractive. 2. As highlighted in minute 224/14 item 17, the bus shelter roof needs urgent attention as bits are starting to fall off it. The Clerk has an action to chase WSC.

234/14 HIGHWAYS (Cllr Searle): There are several potholes around the parish that have been reported to Highways. Cllr Elenor mentioned another one at Farringdon Hill on the north side. Also reported to Highways are a number of signs that have been damaged and need replacement.

235/14 PLANNING UPDATE (Cllr Flash): 3/32/15/004 Zine Cottage, Stolford. Erect stables. No comments. CA/32/15/000 13 Lime St, Stogursey. Tree work in conservation area. APPROVED.

Cllr Flash has reviewed the WSC Local Plan to 2032 and is quite heartened by it. Cllr Goss added that the consultation seeks comments (if appropriate) on the lawfulness of the Plan in respect of the National Planning Framework.

236/14 FINANCE (The Clerk): 1. The following invoices were AGREED for payment: Somerset Landscapes (Phase 1 BRPA) £47094.00; 4 Community Council for Somerset (annual membership renewal) £40; The Clerk (February salary) £429.00 and £51.06 (Other costs); Wessex Water (water charges for allotments Oct 14–Feb 15) £25.44 WSC (Annual lease for BRPA) £25; T.Miller (Castle St Flood Scheme) £2400.00; 2. The VAT payment has been received (6.3.15) for £12226.28. Allotment rents to the value of £63 have been received.

237/14 PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY – PRoW (Cllr Jones): There were no items to report.

238/14 GROUPS AND PANELS: 1. Twinning – Cllr Elenor reported that 56 French visitors will be hosted between 17– 20 March. 2. Village Hall – some of the groups are struggling with falling membership although the yoga group which has just started appears to be doing well. 3. SSG – Cllr Oates discussed the problems of speeding traffic through the parish with the A and B Station Directors who were both helpful. The B station director has asked the Nuclear Police to park their vehicle in strategic places around the parish. Cllr Oates will be writing an article for the parish magazine. 4. Hinkley C Policing Team. Cllr Searle said he will be having a monthly meeting with the PC David Masters and possibly other members of the Hinkley Policing Team. PC Masters mentioned there will be two speed monitoring traps over the next couple of weeks. Cllr Goss said she thinks it is not just a question of speeding vehicles, but inconsiderate driving too. 5. Length-man meeting (6.3.15). A lot of work is due to be undertaken along the C182 because of available funding from SCC and EDF. 6. Arts Festival. Cllr Elenor reported that there has been a lot of positive interest; some acts are already booked.

239/14 DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be the Annual Assembly on Tuesday 14 April 2015, at 7.00pm followed by the main meeting at 7.30pm in The Victory Hall, Stogursey.

The meeting ended at 9.50pm

Signed: …..…………………………………………….. Date: ………………………………………………… (Chairman)


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