AP English 2013_14 Mary Florio Week 10

Period 1 Period 5

November 3 We’ll review the use of evidence We’ll review your various theses B Day in the essay, “Terror’s Purse that reflect the randomness of the Strings.” universe. Thanks, universe. Objectives To understand how to identify We’ll begin to explore (and play We’ll look at how to differentiate and use various kinds of evidence with) logical fallacies. These are types of evidence and make some To learn how to identify and thus bad. Pathetic fallacies, not so value claims with regard to the avoid logical fallacies much. choices we might make. I have an essay for you to read and assess for strategies and use of evidence.

November 4 Fallacy Theater of the Absurd We’ll review the use of evidence C Day in the essay, “Terror’s Purse I’ll also introduce the gigantic Strings.” Objectives language essay. Please think To understand how to construct about your big question, your We’ll begin to explore (and play the most appropriate thesis and claims, your thesis, and your with) logical fallacies. These are gather sources for a super duper sources. Your annotated bad. Pathetic fallacies, not so synthesized essay bibliography and thesis will be much. due 11/14.

November 5 NO CLASS Fallacy Theater of the Absurd D Day I’ll also introduce the gigantic Objectives language essay. Please think To understand how to construct about your big question, your the most appropriate thesis and claims, your thesis, and your gather sources for a super duper sources. Your annotated synthesized essay bibliography and thesis will be due 11/14.