Instructions for use of the on-line submission system

Important Information  Deadline for submissions for oral and poster presentations is September 15, 2006.  Abstracts submitted by mail, email or fax will not be accepted.  Please note that only overhead projectors, flip charts and screens will be available for presentations during the conference. You are encouraged to bring your own LCD projector and laptop. Rental equipment will be available through the hotel’s audio visual company at your own cost. APBS will not provide free use of equipment this year.

Submitting a Presentation

1. Presentations MUST be submitted using the template form provided. This is a Microsoft Word file which is designed to ensure that your submission is prepared in the right way for review and publication (if accepted) in the conference agenda book.

2. If you are submitting more than one presentation you can use the same email address and password for each submission.

The Submission Process

1. You will need to register with the submission system before submitting your presentation. This is done from the same website.

2. Download the submission template and complete it using Microsoft Word. Save it on your computer.

3. Log in to the submission system when your presentation is completed and ready to send. To log in, enter your email address and the password you chose when you registered with the system.

4. When you click the “log in” button you will be taken to a screen from which the submission process starts. Please read the instructions on this screen carefully. If you have not yet submitted a presentation to the system you should click the link that says “Click here to submit a new presentation”.

5. Submitting a presentation is a multi-step process:

 You will be asked to click the “Browse” button and locate your presentation file on your computer. Fill in answers to any other questions on this screen and then click the “Next” button. Your presentation file will be sent to our system – this may take up to several minutes if you have a slow connection speed or if you have included graphics in your presentation.  Please copy and paste your presentation title from your Microsoft Word submission file into the Title field on the submission form. Please note that because of web browser limitations, some scientific symbols may not paste correctly into the form – you may have to correct this by writing the name of the symbol in full, for example “beta” instead of β. Your Microsoft Word document will not be affected.

 You will be asked your preference with regard to oral presentation, poster or workshop. Please note the Conference Committee reserves the right to allocate presentations to oral presentation or poster and to change workshop duration depending on number and type of submissions received.

 Some questions are marked “required.” We cannot accept your presentation until these questions have been answered.

 If you do not know the answer to a question you can skip the question and return on a later occasion to complete it.

 Once you have completed the final step, click the “Finish” button. If you have answered all the required questions, then your presentation will be assigned a reference number and you will receive email confirmation. If you have not answered all the required questions, your presentation will be held in temporary storage until you return later and complete all the questions.

Amending a Submission

After submitting your presentation you may wish to change your answers to some of the questions on the submission form, or even to change the presentation file itself.

1. Log in to the submission system

2. You will see a list of the presentations that you have submitted. Click on the presentation that you wish to change.

3. The process of amending a presentation is the same as the original submission process, except that the submission form will be automatically filled in with the answers that you gave previously – you don’t have to change an answer if you don’t want to.

For questions regarding the proposal process, please contact Mary Staley at [email protected] .