LAW MANTRA THINK BEYOND OTHERS (I.S.S.N 2321- 6417 (Online) Ph: +919310053923 Website: E-mail:
[email protected] [email protected] #ME_TOO: SPEAK, THAT YOUR LIPS ARE FREE 1* ABSTRACT Former First lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton, in her autobiography ‘Living History’ quoted the poem of an Indian student named Ansuiya, “Women in most countries speak only one language and that is language of the silence.” After so many years, this deafening silence has transformed into a loud scream. Women of many countries unanimously uttered me too. The phrase me too was first coined by an African American activist Tarana Burke against the dire concern of the masses on the matter of sexual abuse and harassment. The movement started to gain recognition in October 2017 after Alyssa Milano asked the survivors of sexual assault to come out, accepting the bitter truth of the society and letting others know that they are not alone. In India, since 2015 between 500 and 600 cases have been filed each year Under the Sexual Harassment of Women Act Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, And Redressal) Act, 2013. This emerges out of figures presented in Parliament reply by the Women and Child Development Ministry in July. While the nationwide number of the cases has remained in the same range each year, the 2018 count had already reached this range by July 27. The veracity of this data could be questioned as it is still toilsome for women to get their complaint against sexual harassment registered and readdressed in societies which are patriarchal in nature.