Extra Credit Opportunities
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Extra Credit Opportunities
World History
For those students who wish to earn extra credit within my classroom, I offer one opportunity each semester. Below are a list of movies relating to historical periods which we are or will be studying in this class. You must choose a film from the list below and bring it to me for approval prior to watching it. You must also have your parents sign a permission slip saying that they allow you to watch the film you and I have agreed upon. Below is an example of the permission slip I will be sending home. After watching one of these films, you are to write a reaction. These summaries are to be two pages minimum, 12 point font, typed, double-spaced, and turned in by the date designated on the website each semester. I will not accept any summaries turned in after the final date. The written responses are to summarize the movie and also respond to the themes the movie presented. This means writing your personal reaction to the movie. Although there is a 2-page minimum, there is no maximum length for this assignment. Each assignment can be worth 1-10% points, depending on the length, the insight shown, and the maturity of the response. I expect all papers to be grammatically correct and in paragraph form. Any questions?
Feel free to ask me about this before or after class. Global Connections Extra Credit Movies
Schindler’s List Dr. Zhivago 14 Days in April Life is Beautiful Goodbye Lenin! The Killing Fields Lawrence of Arabia The Last King of Scotland Gandhi Michael Collins For Whom the Bell Tolls Sometimes in April Gallipoli Cry, the Beloved Country A Tale of Two Cities The Great Escape Bridge over the River Kwai Elizabeth Intolerance 1984 Animal Farm Patton Ox Bow Incident Sound of Music Swing Kids 12 Angry Men Amadeus The Last Emperor
Permission Slip for Extra Credit
Dear Parent,
My name is Ms. Lane and I am your son/daughter’s World History teacher. For this class I offer an extra credit opportunity once every semester in which my students may choose a movie from the list I have provided. They are then to watch the movie and write a synopsis and reaction to the themes the movie presents. I have chosen a wide variety of movies that address many different time periods and tackle a number of themes and ideas which we will be dealing with in this class. Your son/daughter has chosen ______as the film they wish to watch. This movie is rated ______. I have written a brief synopsis of the movie below for you to review. If you do not approve of your son or daughter viewing this film, please let me know. There are over twenty five movies to choose from and I am open to any suggestions which you may have. If you do approve of the film your student has chosen please indicate by signing this permission slip and having your student return it to me. Thank you for your time and I look forward to speaking with you in the future.
Sincerely, Ms. Lane
------Student (please print): Date:
_____Yes, I approve of the film my student has chosen to watch for extra credit.
_____No, I do not approve of my student viewing this film. I would prefer my student watch another film. Suggestions:
Parent Signature: Date: