Outstanding Monies
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The Federation of Follifoot & Spofforth Church of England (VC) Primary Schools Headteacher: Mr Paul Griffiths
Main Street School Lane Follifoot Spofforth Harrogate Harrogate North Yorkshire North Yorkshire HG3 1DU HG3 1BA Telephone: 01423 872580 Telephone: 01937 590 655 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.follifoot.n-yorks.sch.uk Web: www.spofforth.n-yorks.sch.uk
21st July 2017
Dear Parent/Carer,
Attendance. Congratulations to Class Three who achieved 100% attendance last week. Well done to you all!
Outstanding Monies
Please ensure ALL monies owed to school are cleared during the summer holidays. Thank you.
Afterschool Clubs
Afterschool club for September are as follows:
Tuesdays: Choir & Computer Xplorers
Wednesdays: Street Dance
Thursdays: Gardening Club (NOW FULL)
Year 6 Leavers Service
Thank you to all those families who joined us for our Year 6 Leavers Service yesterday. It was quite an emotional morning saying goodbye to our children but everyone enjoyed listening to their special memories and looking back at photographs taken throughout the years. I would like to wish all our Year 6’s the very best of luck in the next stage of their journey, I know they will all be missed and we hope to see them again very soon. Goodbye & Good luck
Today we also say goodbye to both Miss Foy and Mrs Sladdin who leave us to start new jobs in September. I would like to thank Miss Foy for all she has contributed to school, I know the children and staff will miss her very much. I would also like to thank Mrs Sladdin for both her roles as Midday Supervisor and as a volunteer in school, working in the library and helping with school trips. Your help has been greatly appreciated and once again you will be missed.
Wedding Congratulations
I would like to wish Miss Locke and her husband-to-be, Tom Hope all the very best for their wedding taking place in the summer holidays. When Miss Locke returns to school she will be Mrs Hope!
Village Hall Car Park reminder
Could I please remind everyone of our agreed arrangement for the village hall car park: Only staff, visitors and parents of pupils with additional needs (who have agreed arrangements directly with myself) are permitted to use the village hall car park. No other parent/carer should attempt to use the car park at any time in relation to school pick up and drop off. This also applies to dropping off early for breakfast club, picking up from after school clubs and sharing assemblies.
I appreciate this will lead to a certain level of inconvenience in finding a space elsewhere and may require allowing for additional time when dropping off and collecting your children. Please be assured we will always supervise children until they are collected and no child or family will be penalised if they run a little late in the morning as a result of having to park a little further away from school.
I would be most grateful if you could share this information with any family members or friends who pick up your child or children or who may attend our sharing assemblies, so everyone is fully informed. Thank you.
Procedures for the start of the day
Could I please remind everyone that children should not be left alone in the school playground before 8.50am as there is no teacher supervision outside before this time, however if you need to leave your child early, breakfast club is available from 8.00am.
Parents are also reminded to only come into school at the beginning of the day when it is absolutely necessary. With the increase in pupil numbers, the corridors get very busy. Please remember that if you have any forms/letters to hand into the school office, you can post these in the post box by the entrance door in the playground. Thank you for your co-operation.
New Breakfast Club arrangements
From September Breakfast club will run from the middle classroom of Class One. Parents are asked to use the front entrance of school, (walking up the garden path) dropping children off at the door of Class One, which will be clearly sign posted. Parents will be asked to sign children into breakfast club which Mrs Long or Miss Burgess will be supervising and where coats and bags can also be left. The usual activities will continue to be available.
Library Volunteer helper
As we say goodbye to Mrs Sladdin, we now have a vacancy for a volunteer to help in our school library. Mrs Sladdin has kindly offered to provide training to anyone who may be interested. Please see Mrs Giddings in the office if you feel you may be able to help.
Midday Supervisor vacancy
From September we have a vacancy for a Midday Supervisor to work 1 hour each day, 12noon – 1pm (this doesn’t have to be five days a week), helping to serve the children’s lunches and supervise playground duty. If you are interested please see Mrs Giddings in the school office for further information. FOFs
Thank you to all the children, staff, governors and parents for such an extraordinary year; it has been a pleasure working with you all. I would like to wish everyone at Follifoot School a happy and restful summer break and look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 5th September
Yours sincerely, Paul Griffiths
Mr Paul Griffiths
Head teacher
Dates for your Diary (These dates are subject to change so please ensure you check the newsletter regularly). Friday 21st July, school closes at 2.30pm for the summer holidays
Monday 4th September, Training Day, School closed Tuesday 5th September, School re-opens
Community News
Volunteers needed, Girl Guiding in Harrogate are looking for adult volunteers to help run the various Rainbow, Brownie & Guide groups in the town and surrounding villages. Volunteering with us isn't just about campfires and helping girls to get their next badge - although those are special moments that we all share. It's about empowering girls and giving them new experiences. It's being a role model and helping girls to realise their full potential. It's sharing and developing your skills. Please e-mail Jean Tennant on [email protected] or find out more from www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer. -Martin House-Colour Run. At Stockeld Park, Sunday 23rd July 12noon start. For more information go to: www.martinhouse.org.uk -Family Events at the Harrogate International Festival. Harrogate Symphony Orchestra performing on 23rd July at 3pm Royal Hall -Child Minding Service. From September, a resident in Follifoot, Sarah Diggle-Whitlock will be offering a child minding service who is fully registered. If you would like further details she can be contacted on 01423 579332 or 07754 781240. Email: [email protected]. -The Kids of the Castle youth club runs on Friday nights at Spofforth village hall. It is open to all local village children between the ages of 8 (KS2) and 16. It runs 7pm - 8.30pm and costs £3 per child per session, no membership fee. This includes all the activities and a drink and snack. We also welcome any help from parents or other adults - please get in touch if interested. Email: [email protected] School lunch menu
4th – 8th September 2017
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
School closed Homemade Sausage Roast Beef & Yorkshire Chicken Fingers (Sage Battered Fish Roll Pudding & Onion) Training Day Tomato Sauce Chipped Potatoes Roast Parsnips & Mixed Salad with Carrots Beetroot Peas & Carrots Sticks Baked Beans & Peas Creamed Potatoes Baked Potatoes Potato Wedges Sliced Wholemeal Bread Crusty Bread Pitta Bread Sunflower Seed Bread
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Strawberry Yoghurt & Apricot Bar Pineapple Shortcake & Chocolate Crispies & Abbey Biscuit Custard Orange Quarter Fruit & Yoghurt Fruit & Yoghurt Fruit & yoghurt Fruit & Yoghurt
The weekly menu is subject to the availability of produce and deliveries and may vary slightly. All diets are catered for. If your child needs special dietary requirements, please contact school.