KINE 2141.01 - Practicum in Athletic Training I
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KINE 2141.01 - Practicum in Athletic Training I East Texas Baptist University Fall 2016 Syllabus
Instructor: Michael Rich, MS, LAT, ATC Office: HD Bruce 205 Phone: 903-923-2234 Office Hours: Posted on office door or by appointment E-Mail: [email protected] Course Time: MWF 12:00 - 12:50; HD Bruce 205 Final Exam: Wednesday, Dec. 7, 10:30 – 12:20 PM
Course Description: This course consists of directed practical experiences for working with athletes and the physically active population. Third semester students will work toward mastery of specific competencies and proficiencies in the areas of Directed Clinical Experience, Assessment and Evaluation and Specific Injury Management. Skills will be instructed under the supervision of an approved clinical instructor. Prerequisite: KINE 1142
Student Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this course, students will demonstrate a higher understanding and / or mastery in the following areas: Directed Clinical experiences, Specific Injury Management, and Injury Evaluation.
1. Demonstrate the ability to modify the diagnostic examination process according to the demands of the situation and patient responses.
2. Explain the criteria and make decisions regarding return to activity and/or sport participation based on the patient’s current status.
3. Recognize common musculoskeletal injuries through the use of standard techniques and procedures for clinical examination.
4. Explain clinical prediction rules during clinical examination procedures.
5. Review a thorough medical history that includes the pertinent past medical history, underlying systemic disease, use of medications, the patient’s perceived pain, and the history and course of the present condition.
Required: Konin, J., Wiksten, D., Isear Jr, J., and Brader, H. (2006) Special Tests for Orthopedic Examination, 3rd Ed. Thorofare, NJ: Slack. ISBN: 9781617119828 Course Outline (Tentative): Topic Lab Activity Week 1 M: Introductions and syllabus 8/22 -8/28 W: Ch. 1 Injury Evaluation Process (History/Inspection/Palpation) Lab #1 Due F: Ch. 1 Injury Evaluation Process Joint & Muscle Function Assessment Week 2 M: Ch. 2 Acute Management On-Field Examination & Management 8/29 - 9/4 W: Ch. 2 Acute Management On-Field Examination & Management F: Ch. 2 Acute Management On-Field Examination & Management Week 3 M: Labor Day No Class 9/5 - 9/11 W: Ch. 3 EBP in Diagnostic Process PICO F: Ch. 3 EBP in Diagnostic Process PICO Lab #2 Due Week 4 M: Ch. 4 Nomenclature Nomenclature Review 9/12 – 9/18 W: Ch. 4 Nomenclature Nomenclature Review, Pro. Eval #1 Due F: Exam 1 (Sept. 16th) Nomenclature Review Week 5 M: Ch. 15 Shoulder Anatomy Palpation 9/19 - 9/25 W: Ch. 15 Shoulder Anatomy Palpation F: Ch. 15 Shoulder Anatomy Palpation, Lab #3 Due Week 6 M: Ch. 15 Shoulder Injuries Shoulder Evaluation Student Eval #1 9/26- 10/2 W: Ch. 15 Shoulder Injuries Shoulder Evaluation F: Ch. 15 Shoulder Injuries Shoulder Evaluation, Lab #4, Lab #5 Due Week 7 M: Ch. 15 Shoulder Evaluation Shoulder Evaluation 10/3- 10/9 W: Ch. 15 Shoulder Evaluation Shoulder Evaluation F: Fall Break No Class Week 8 M: Ch. 15 Shoulder Evaluation Shoulder Evaluation Lab #6 Due 10/10-10/16 W: Ch. 15 Shoulder Evaluation Lab Exam #1 F: Exam 2 (Oct. 14th) Shoulder Review, Pro. Eval #2-3 Due Week 9 M: Ch. 16 Elbow Anatomy Palpation 10/17-10/23 W: Ch. 16 Elbow Anatomy Palpation, Lab #7 Due F: Ch. 16 Elbow Conditions Evaluation Lab #8 Due Week 10 M: Ch. 16 Elbow Conditions Evaluation 10/24—10/30 W: Ch. 16 Elbow Assessment Evaluation F: Ch. 16 Elbow Assessment Evaluation Lab #9 Due Week 11 M: Ch. 17 Hand & Wrist Anatomy Palpation, Student Eval #2 10/31- 11/6 W: Ch. 17 Hand & Wrist Anatomy Palpation F: Ch. 17 Hand & Wrist Conditions Evaluation, Lab #10 Due, Pro. Eval #4 Due Week 12 M: Ch. 17 Hand & Wrist Conditions Evaluation 11/7- 11/13 W: Ch. 17 Hand & Wrist Evaluation Evaluation, Lab #11, Lab #12 Due F: Ch. 17 Hand & Wrist Evaluation Lab Exam #2 Week 13 M: Exam 3 (Nov. 14th) Hand, Wrist, & Elbow Review 11/14-11/20 W: Ch. 14 Cervical & Thoracic Spine Palpation F: Ch. 14 Cervical & Thoracic Spine Palpation, Lab #13 Due Week 14 M: Ch. 14 Cervical & Thoracic Spine Palpation, Lab #14 Due, Pro. Eval #5 Due 11/21-11/27 W: Thanksgiving Break F: Enjoy your break, be safe Week 15 M: Ch. 20 Head & Neck Evaluation Evaluation 11/28-12/4 W: Ch. 20 Head & Neck Evaluation Evaluation, Lab #15 Due F: Ch. 20 Head & Neck Evaluation Evaluation, Lab #16 Due, Student Eval #3 Week 16 Final Exam Wednesday, December 7th, 10:30 - 12:20pm 12/5 - 12/11 10:30 – 12:20 pm Grading Policy: Assessments Clinical Experience* 20 pts / wk (300 total) Proficiency Evaluation** 100 points Grade Scale Student Evaluation Preceptor/Clinical Setting 33.3 pts each (100 total) AT Lab Hours*** 200 points A = 1170 - 1300 pts Benchmark exam**** 100 points B = 1040 - 1169 pts Lab Assignments (16) / Participation (4) 200 points C = 910 - 1039 pts Lab Exam #1 100 points D = 780 -909 pts Lab Exam #2 100 points F = below 780 Cumulative Final Practical Exam 100 points Total course points 1300 pts.
*All students enrolled in this course are required to complete the clinical experience rotation portion which includes participation in intercollegiate athletic practices and competitions, as well as a rotation with an off-campus Allied Health Care Professional, when applicable. You are expected to accumulate hours in your assigned clinical rotation as scheduled by your preceptor. Failure to complete 400 clinical hours throughout the year will result in the student being withheld from progressing through the course rotation for the Athletic Training Major. Weekly hours are due by Tuesday at 12:00 pm. Twenty (20) points will be given to hours turned in correctly, on time, and with a minimum of twelve (12) hours. Ten (10) points will be given to hours turned in on time with a minimum of six hours but less than twelve. No credit will be given if hours are not turned in on time, without the proper signature, or with less than 6 hours. Turn in hours, even if they are late. The hours will still count toward the 400 goal.
**All students enrolled in this course are required to complete the appropriate proficiency evaluation form(s) by the completion of the semester. Proficiency checklists will be located in the AT skills lab located in HD Bruce 205. When a student feels comfortable with a skill he / she is to go demonstrate that skill to his / her current preceptor. Throughout the semester the student is required to complete a section of his / her proficiency evaluation. Please refer to the course outline for scheduled due dates. At the end of each clinical rotation, student evaluation forms should be submitted. Failure to complete this evaluation will result in the student being withheld from progressing through the course rotation for the Athletic Training Major. See rubric for more information.
***While students are encouraged to use the skills lab as needed, a minimum of 20 clinical experience hours must be earned in the AT lab each semester. There will be a weekly sign-in sheet in which you will write your name, the time you arrive to the lab and the time in which you leave. The sign-in sheets will be taken up weekly to give credit for those who complete their hours. Please be sure to document the time you spend in the AT Lab. If you fail to sign-in and sign-out, the time you spent in the AT lab will not be counted. It is also expected that you work on athletic training related material. ****At the end of each academic year, all students will be required to score a minimum of 75 on a benchmark exam in order to continue in the Athletic Training Program. A student will have two attempts to achieve an acceptable score of 75 or higher. Any student who does not achieve an acceptable score of 75 or higher will be dismissed from the Athletic Training Program.
Late Work Late work will not be accepted. Assignments not turned in due to an excused absence must be turned in the day you return to class. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments have been missed.
Attendance Policy: This class is important to your professional development as a student athletic trainer. All students are expected to attend class on a regular, and punctual basis and meet university attendance guidelines. The ETBU attendance policy found in the university catalog states that students must attend at least 75% of all classes in order to receive credit for the course. This policy will be adhered to in this course. It is the responsibility of the student to notify instructors in advance of upcoming University-approved absences. Attendance will be checked daily at the beginning of class. If you are more than 15 minutes late to class, you will be counted as absent.
Course Withdrawal A student may withdraw from a course or courses or from the University beginning with the first day through 75 percent of the semester without academic penalty. The final day to withdraw from this course is Friday, November 11. To withdraw from a course or courses or from the University the student must secure a withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office, his/her advisor, or from the ETBU website, and follow the directions on the form, securing all required signatures. Students must process their own withdrawals. For additional information, please refer to page 29 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.
Disability Accommodation Statement East Texas Baptist University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regarding students with disabilities. A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services will notify you and your professor of the approved accommodations. You must then discuss these accommodations with your professor.
All proctored exams for students with accommodations will be given in the library. The five individual testing rooms are equipped for recording video and audio, so the student can be monitored by the testing coordinator and faculty can review video for up to 48 hours after test is given. Tests should be delivered to the testing coordinator two class days prior to the test date. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the test date one week prior to the test and time using the ACE website ( Ideally, exams will be given the same day as the course schedule. Students must provide his or her own scantron/green book.
Academic Integrity Policy Students enrolled at East Texas Baptist University are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity avoiding all forms of cheating, illicit possession of examinations or examination materials, unwarranted access to instructor’s solution manuals, plagiarism, forgery, collusion and submissions of the same assignment to multiple courses.
Penalties that may be applied by the faculty member to individual cases of academic dishonesty by a student include one or more of the following:
• Failure of the class in question • Failure of particular assignments • Requirement to redo the work in question • Requirement to submit additional work
All incidents related to violations of academic integrity are required to be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and multiple violations of academic integrity will result in further disciplinary measures which could lead to dismissal from the University.
Weapons Statement The on-campus possession of firearms, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited with the exception of the transportation and storage of firearms and ammunition by concealed handgun license holders in private vehicles (as described in SB1907) Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law, may not enter this property (ETBU) with a concealed handgun. The ETBU President may grant authorization to a qualified and certified full-time faculty or staff member, who is a license holder with a concealed handgun to conceal carry on the University campus, at a University-sponsored event or within or on a University vehicle.
Classroom Behavior Expectations The classroom environment is to be conducive to learning and is under the authority of the instructor. In order to assure that all students have the opportunity to gain from the time spent in class, students are expected to demonstrate civil behavior in the classroom and show appropriate respect for the instructor and other students. Inappropriate behavior toward the instructor, in or out of the classroom, may result in a directive to the offending student to leave the classroom or the course entirely.
Classroom behaviors that disturb the teaching-learning experiences include the following behaviors: activated cellular phone or other device, demands for special treatment, frequent episodes of leaving and then returning to the class, excessive tardiness, leaving class early, making offensive remarks or disrespectful comments or gestures to the instructor or other students, missing deadlines, prolonged chattering, sleeping, arriving late to class, dominating discussions, shuffling backpacks or notebooks, disruption of group work, and overt inattentiveness. It is at the discretion of the instructor as to whether laptops will be allowed for use in the classroom.
Cell phones are to be turned off and put away. Do not place them on your desktop or use them during class. Laptop computers are not allowed in this class. Proficiency Rubric Criteria Points Excellent Average Weak 50 pts Lab attendance 40 – 50 30 – 39 0 – 29 max 1) Attend all scheduled Came prepared to Came prepared Came prepared to lab times lab 9-12 times to lab 13-15 lab 8 or less times 2) Come prepared to during the times during the during the work on something semester. specific semester. semester OR ____ Worked toward 3) Work collaboratively Worked toward Failed to skill proficiency with others skill proficiency document work and documented 4) Document work in and documented toward skill work the majority binder work regularly. proficiency of the time 50 pts Competencies 40 – 50 30 – 39 0 – 29 max 5) Proficiencies were Turned in Failed to turn in evaluated by rotation proficiencies on Turned in proficiencies on preceptor(s) time after each proficiencies on time after two 6) Progress evident rotation showing time after two rotations or through all clinical progress each rotations showing showed lack of ____ rotations time. Ended the overall progress. progress. Ended 7) Successfully addressed semester with Ended the the semester with all low scores by the end 3’s on the semester with 3’s mostly 1 or 2’s of the semester majority of on some skills. skills. OR failure skills. to complete form. Total points earned: ____ / 100 Instructions: After reading the KINE 2141.01 fall semester 2016 syllabus, complete the following by printing and signing your name. At the beginning of the next class, turn in this portion of the syllabus to Mr. Rich
I, ______, have read the course syllabus for KINE 2141.01. (Print Your Name)
Student Signature:
Date signed: ______