Monash Gryphons A.F.C
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Postal: C/ Student Union Building Level 2, 2 Princes Ave CAULFIELD EAST 3145 Ground location: East Caulfield Reserve Cnr Dudley Street and Dandenong Rd CAULFIELD EAST 3145 Ph: 0412 563 782 Email: [email protected] 2005 Annual General Meeting
Date: 25 November 2005
Location: 17 Ardrie Street, Malvern East
Present: Sara Flowerday, Matt Healy, Steve Bourbon, Phil Warren, Jono Watson, Norma Flowerday and Carol Nichols
Chair: Sara Flowerday
Meeting Open: 9pm
1. Motion: “That the minutes of the previous meeting be taken as read”
Moved: Sara Flowerday Seconded: Carol Nichols Carried
2. Presidents Report As per the annual report and taken as read. The President remains overseas and the acting President requests her report in the annual report stands.
3. Secretary’s Report Not received.
4. Treasurer’s Report It has been difficult to get completely accurate figures in time for the meeting but there are a few things of which we are certain. The grant from Monyx was $950 less than the previous year and we received $1,000 from The Gryph Inn as per previous years. In addition this year Gareth secured sponsorship from Next Blue of $1,000 cash and $375 in warm-up gowns which was wonderful. Payment of subs has improved in 2005.
1 of 4 At the commencement of Jono’s term as Treasurer the club was $3,807 in debt and at the end of the term we are $2,405 in debt with an insurance bill of $2,500 still to be negotiated.
Finally, there are a number of outstanding accounts that require payment.
4.1 Motion: “Pay final account of $108.80 to Monash Gryphons Cricket Club for stock supplied” Moved: Jono Watson Seconded: Sara Flowerday Carried
4.2 Motion: “Pay the VAFA $140 for suppliesl” Moved: Jono Watson Seconded: Carol Nichols Carried
4.3 Motion: “Pay A1 Sports Photos $400” Moved: Matt Healy Seconded: Steve Bourbon Carried
4.4 Motion: “Pay A1 Sports Photos $96” Moved: Matthew Healy Seconded: Rowan Coxhead Carried
4.5 Motion: “Pay Monash University $108.76 for swimming” Moved: Jono Watson Seconded: Matt Healy Carried
5. Social Secretary’s Report Past players day/Ladies Day made a loss but wasn’t intended as a fundraiser, so whilst disappointing it was not a crucial factor in the social scene in 2005. The Thursday dinners went very well and will be continued in 2006.
Reverse Raffle made some money but could be much much bigger so will concentrate on that in 2006, but Trivia Night was wonderful as always, making the club about $2,000.
The highlight of the year was the Crystal Jubilee at Nepean Hotel. The turnout was fantastic and the spirit built around the club was unbelievable. Credit to Sara and all those who worked with her to make the night a stunning success.
2 of 4 6. VAFA Member’s Report Matthew congratulated Mark Graydon on his wonderful effort in the first six months of his Presidency and then to Sara for her time as caretaker. Matt believes the on-field planning and preparation was excellent and gave credit to Steve, Geoff and Phil for their efforts.
The VAFA AGM is being held on 6 December and it is understood that Affiliation fees will increase in 2006. It was also noted that an appointment of the VAFA Football Operations Manager should be made shortly and we must make every effort to build a relationship with them of the ilk we enjoyed with the previous FOM, Brett Connell.
7. Registration Secretary’s Report Not received.
8. General Business 8.1 Coaching: Report not received.
Steve advised that they key to longevity was the recruitment and development of the younger players and the importance of making the most of our place within the University.
In 2006 the incentives will be improved and it is hoped the club will lift to a new level on the field.
8.2 Thank you Carol thanked Jono Watson for his assistance with the interviews and selection of the two new Trainers, Joel Laurence and Jacinta Gill
Carol also thanked Phil Warren for many years of generous donations of prizes and cash to keep the club afloat.
9. Election of Office Bearers Considering the number of people present at the AGM and their desires in relation to the requirements of the various positions, motion 9.1 was discussed as follows;
9.1 Motion “That the election of office bearers be carried out on 23 or 24 January 2006 and that the incumbent committee continue in caretaker mode until this time” Moved Steve Bourbon Seconded Sara Flowerday Carried unanimously
For the record however, it should be noted that the following nominations were received (over page);
3 of 4 Position Nominated Nominator Seconder Result
President Mark Graydon Matt Healy Steve deferred Bourbon
Secretary Jono Healy Jono Watson Sara deferred Flowerday
Treasurer Rowan Jono Watson Sara deferred Coxhead Flowerday
Social deferred Secretary
VAFA Mark Graydon Matt Healy Steve deferred Member Bourbon
Registration deferred Secretary
General David Ratner Sara Matt Healy deferred Members Flowerday
No further business
Meeting closed: 9:55pm
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