(VIDEO, AUDIO) Witness for Christ, and Fireworks at Constitutional Laws Subcommittee Public

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(VIDEO, AUDIO) Witness for Christ, and Fireworks at Constitutional Laws Subcommittee Public

(VIDEO, AUDIO) Witness for Christ, and Fireworks at Constitutional Laws Subcommittee Public Hearing for SC Personhood Bill - Columbia, SC - February 4, 2010

REPUBLICAN Con Laws Subcomm. Chairman refused to pass out SC Personhood Bill, until his two incremental, "abortion"/murder regulation bills pass the SC Senate. God's Requirement for Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation !

After Rep. Greg Delleney (Con Laws Chairman) announced the meeting was adjourned at the end (10 AM), this exchange followed:

Mr. Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn: "Will the rest of us get to be heard later ?" [ most citizens signed up to speak were not heard ] Rep. Greg Delleney: "Not this year. ... Not unless my two [ CCL: incremental ] bills get passed the Senate."


The REPUBLICAN Con Laws Subcomm. Chairman did say, twice, publicly in the hearing, that if the SC Personhood gets passed in the SC Senate, then he would get it passed in the SC House, e.g.:

Rep. Delleney: "Allright, well you get that bill passed in the Senate, and I'll get it passed in the House."

South Carolinians, start calling your SC State Senator ! See if he is or is not sponsoring S.450 , the Senate version of the SC Personhood Bill, and if not, organize your friends, family, church, and e-mail list to contact him until he does.


From prepared statement by Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, to Constitutional Laws Subcommittee:

"While I disagree that SCOTUS decisions are the supreme law of the land, as per Art. VI. of the U.S. Constitution, and while I believe fundamentally that God’s Law is Higher than Man’s Law, and while I believe that the Declaration of Independence, and the 5th, 14th, 9th and 10th Amendments provide sufficient legal basis for the Sovereign State of South Carolina to uphold the Creator-endowed unalienable right to life, and outlaw child-murder-by-“abortion”; I perceive that the chairman shares neither my Biblical view, nor my Constitutionalist / originalist philosophy of law."

"Indeed, the hour is late, and the death toll in South Carolina is well over 300,000 children murdered by surgical abortion alone since 1973. Their shed innocent blood cries out to God from the ground for Justice, and if SC does not bring the murderers to justice, then God Himself will become the Avenger of Blood. I believe that Divine Judgment has already begun. George Mason said, “Providence punishes national sins, by national calamities.” “Abortion” is a national sin, 9-11 was a national calamity. More and greater Divine Judgment is coming upon South Carolina and America unless we repent of killing children in the wombs of their mothers." www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2010-02-04-Public-Hearing-Statement-ConLaws-Subcomm-SC-Personhood-Bill-H3526-Feb-4-2010.doc [ written ] www.christianlifeandliberty.net/DS_20103.WMA [ audio ] ______

Con Laws Subcommittee did not vote on SC Personhood Bill (H.3526):

The Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the SC House Judiciary Committee IAW a requirement of the SC House Rules, conducted a Public Hearing for the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3526) - the SC Personhood Bill, on Thursday, February 4, 2010 in Room 511, Blatt (House Office) Building, State House Complex, Columbia, South Carolina. The meeting was scheduled for 9:00 AM. The Con Laws Subcomm. chairman is Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester). H.3526 was not passed out of the Con Laws Subcommittee. ConLaws Subcomittee members - Rep's Delleney (R) (chairman), Harrison (R), Garry Smith (R), McLeod (D), James Smith (D); so the ConLaws Subcommittee composition is THREE Republicans to TWO Democrats. Only Rep. Garry Smith R) has signed on at this time as one of the 52 co-sponsors of H.3526. It was TWO REPUBLICAN LEADERS on the ConLaws Subcommittee who prevented the Right to Life Act of SC - H.3526 - the SC Personhood Bill, from being passed out of the subcommittee on Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010.

[ The Republican Majority in the SC House is 73 Republicans to 51 Democrats, a 22-vote majority. It is the REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP which is preserving child-murder-by-"abortion" in South Carolina - neither the Con Laws Chairman, nor the House Judiciary Chairman, nor the Senate Judiciary Chairman (Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston)), nor the House Speaker (Rep. Bobby Harrell (R-Charleston)), nor again, the Senate President Pro Tempore (Senator Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston)), NONE OF THESE KEY REPUBLICAN LEADERS, are signed on as co-sponsors of the SC Personhood Bill in the House (H.3526) or the Senate (S.450). ]

From Left to Right in the photo below, there are seven men seated at the committee room table for SC Legislators and staff:

Rep. James Smith (D-Columbia), Rep. Jim Harrison (R-Columbia), Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester), Mr. Patrick Dennis, staff attorney for Con Laws Subcomm., Rep. Garry Smith (R-Simpsonville), Rep. Walt McLeod (R-Little Mountain), Rep. Liston Barfield (R-Conway).


MOST OF THE PUBLIC WHO SIGNED UP WISHING TO SPEAK WERE NOT GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY: There were a number of citizens from the public who signed up to speak "for" and "against" the legislation, however only two speakers had the opportunity to speak before the Con Laws Subcomm. adjourned to attend the 10:00 AM session of the full SC House meeting in State House building. There were several speakers on both sides of the issue who did not have an opportunity to speak about the bill. Rep. Delleney at the end of the hearing said there would not be another hearing on H.3526 this year unless his two [ CCL: incremental ] bills get passed the SC Senate. AUDIO OF ENTIRE PORTION OF CONLAWS SUBCOMM. MEETING PERTAINING TO H.3526 - SC PERSONHOOD BILL:

(AUDIO) Public Hearing for Right to Life Act of SC (H.3526 - SC Personhood Bill) - February 4, 2010 Constitutional Laws Subcommittee (SC House Judiciary Subcommittee) Room 511, Blatt Building, State House complex, Columbia, SC Thursday, February 4, 2010, 9:00 AM: Pro-Life / Anti-abortion speakers for H.3526: Rep. Liston Barfield (R-Conway) Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life Constitutional Laws Subcommittee speakers: Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester), Con Laws Subcomm. chairman Rep. Jim Harrison (D-Columbia), also chairman of the full SC House Judiciary Committee Rep. Walt McLeod (D-Little Mountain) www.christianlifeandliberty.net/DS_20103.WMA

Total length audio - 55:13 minutes

- Meeting began approx. 9:05 AM

- Second agenda item (S.21) taken up first until about 3:25 into the audio recording [ approx. 9:08 AM ]

- Rep. Greg Delleney, Con Laws chairman, introduced first agenda item, H.3526, Right to Life Act, Personhood bill, criticizing effort to promote bill with Obama in WH

- Rep. Liston Barfield, primary sponsor of H.3526, began to speak just before 4 minutes, finished his statement about 14 minutes into the audio recording.

- Responses to Rep. Barfield from Rep. Harrison, and Rep. Delleney, and Rep. McLeod until about 26 minutes into the audio recording [ approx. 9:30 AM ]

- Internet multi-media presentation by Steve Lefemine - (AUDIO) "In Their Own Words" - U.S. Supreme Court - Roe v. Wade Oral Argument (1972) excerpts

- Lefemine asked the Chairman about a subsequent hearing to allow others to speak also. Rep. Delleney said, "Only if we have time."

- Steve Lefemine began seven minute prepared statement at about 34 minutes into the audio recording [ approx. 9:40 AM ]

- Rep. Delleney repeatedly interrupted Lefemine's statement, which finished at about 50 minutes into the audio recording

- Response to Steve Lefemine from Rep. Harrison, Rep. Delleney, which finished at about 54 minutes into the audio recording [ approx. 10:00 AM ]



The first speaker was the primary sponsor of H.3526, Rep. Liston Barfield (R-Conway), a born-again Christian, who spoke eloquently, directly, compellingly, and compassionately in support of urging Chairman Delleney's subcommittee to pass the bill. It was a wonderful witness for Christ, spoken by a civil minister in the "gates". Barfield's excellent, both prophetic and evangelistic witness for Christ in the public hearing room was itself something to praise God for, as legislators, Christian pro-lifers, and pro-aborts, and some legislative staff listened. There were approx. 50 total in attendance at the hearing. No corporate media were known to be present. Rep. Barfield did a Super Job !! PRAISE GOD !!! Those who wish to thank Rep. Barfield, can write or e-mail him here. Christian Statesman (Romans 13:1-4) South Carolina Representative Liston Barfield (R-Conway) at Constitutional Laws Subcommittee Public Hearing speaking in support of passage of the Right to Life Act of SC - H.3526 - SC Personhood Bill

(VIDEO) SC State Rep. Barfield Speech at Public Hearing for SC Personhood Bill (H.3526) SC State Rep. Barfield speaks about why he thinks H. 3526 (Right to Life Act of SC) should be passed by the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee (SC House Judiciary Subcommittee) Video (9:57) / 62 views www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tr4t1KKrpM&NR=1

EXCERPTS of Rep. Barfield's statements:

"The Bible says, And the LORD said to Jeremiah, He said unto the prophet Jeremiah, "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee, before thou camest out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and ordained thee a prophet to the nations." [ Jeremiah 1:5 ] ... When does life begin ? ... God is saying here, He knew Jeremiah even before he was conceived."

"America is in a mess today. We got problems. We're gonna face an angry God soon."

"In Revelation chapter 22, verse 15, he said, and this talking about heaven or hell, ... And he lists a whole litany of things that would be outside, that wouldn't get into heaven. One of them is to include murderers. These are people who do not make it into heaven. There's no doubt they're not going to get in. You know, I don't want to be left out of heaven. ... Hell's a bad place, and I'll be honest with you, I don't want to go there."

"... That's why I believe we need to pass this bill. I believe we need to do everything we can to stop abortion."

"I'll can tell ya, I think God expects Christians to be different. There's no doubt in my mind. He doesn't expect us to be like the world. He tells us not to be like the world, but to come out of the world, to be separated. I feel certain, that the Bible, the King James Bible, in my opinion, is the roadmap to heaven."

"One day we're gonna stand before a living God, ..., and we're gonna face Him with our decisions that we make on this particular bill. ... There's no doubt in my mind, that we will see this again. How we vote today will be recorded. ... the most important Person is gonna know ... Nothing is gonna be hid from Jesus Christ ... We're gonna have true transparency when we face Him in the Judgment." "But to me, this is the biggest statement we can make. It's not about whether this bill is gonna pass the muster for the federal government. What it's about is it is South Carolina saying, when are we gonna stop ? When are we gonna actually try to do something about it. ... it's up to us to do all we can. I mean, I can't force anybody to accept Christ. But I'm supposed to tell ya, as a Christian, that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for you. That''s my responsibility. And that's the responsibility of every Christian, born-again Christian. If you're a Christian, you're a servant of God. And we've got a responsibility. We're supposed to stand against sin. We're supposed to be different as Christians. We're not supposed to be like the world."

" ... I can tell you one thing, when I meet Jesus, I don't want to have the blood of those [ 50+ ] million on my hands."

"This is not about trying to alienate anybody. I love everybody in here. But it's time that the people, and it's time for the legislators in South Carolina, to stand up and be counted for Jesus Christ, and for the babies that are being aborted."

"If you're a Christian, you have one decision today to make if you on this committee ... And the question I would suggest you ask, is not, How Liston Barfield would vote, but it's how would Jesus vote ? Let Jesus make that decision for you ... but if you're serious about passing a bill, if you want to pass a bill, and you do your part, you won't have blood on your hands either."

" ... please consider the one question: If you're a Christian, What would Jesus do in this particular situation ?"

[ Barfield ends his statement at about 14 minutes on audio; then questions from Rep. Harrison, then Rep. Delleney, and then Rep. McLeod, nto Rep. Barfield, continue until about 26 minutes. ]



The second speaker was Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christian for Life, who began working on the idea of a SC state-level personhood bill in 1997, and along with the involvement of a number of others, took action that resulted in the bill's first introduction into the SC Legislature (House and Senate) in February 1998. This Constitutional Laws Subcommittee public hearing (2/4/10) was the 5th for the bill throughout its TWELVE YEAR history; the others having been conducted in 2001 (not passed), 2004 (passed), 2005 (passed), and 2008 (no vote - not passed). It should be noted that the REPUBLICANS have had Majority control of the SC House continuously since January 1995.

Before giving a prepared statement, Lefemine made a short internet multi-media presentation of audio excerpts from the second Oral Arguments (Oct. 11, 1972) of the Roe v. Wade case (decision published Jan. 22, 1973) before the U.S. Supreme Court, which clearly conveyed that the entire Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1973 turned on whether the "fetus" (a.k.a. pre-birth human being) did or did not have constitutional rights as a legal "person":

(AUDIO) "In Their Own Words" - U.S. Supreme Court Actual audio excerpts of the second Oral Arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court in the Roe v. Wade case (decision published January 22, 1973) - Argued on October 11, 1972 www.montanaprolifecoalition.org/approach.htm Recognition of unborn children as persons is the "KEY" to overturning Roe v. Wade

Steve Lefemine's prepared statement was only seven minutes long, however he was repeatedly interrupted by the chairman, Rep. Greg Delleney, who took the position that to be "Effective" he had to work on two of his incremental bills before he could devote energy and additional attention (beyond what he was required to do by the SC House Rules in conducting the public hearing) to passing the Right to Life Act of SC "Personhood" Bill. As a result of the repeated interruptions, and dialogue, often combative between Rep. Delleney and Lefemine, the time at the podium for the seven minute statement was drawn out to approx. 20 minutes, and no one else had an opportunity to speak before the subcommittee adjourned at approx. 10:00 AM, as required, because the full SC House of Representatives was scheduled to go into session at 10:00 AM in the State House.

The whole exchange and resultant refusal of Rep. Delleney to pass H.3526 out of his Con Laws Subcommittee aptly illustrated Lefemine's point that the incremental/"abortion"-murder reguation bills (two of which Delleney is currently working on) are a Distraction, Hindrance, Obstacle, and Obstruction to focusing upon and passing principled Personhood legislation to END Child-Murder by "abortion". Public Hearing Statement in support of Right to Life Act of SC - Columbia, SC - Feb. 4, 2010 Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, SC House Judiciary Committee Right to Life Act of SC "Personhood" Bill - H.3526 Thursday, February 4, 2010, 9:00 AM: Room 511, Blatt Building, State House complex, Columbia, SC Prepared Remarks by Steve Lefemine, dir. Columbia Christians for Life www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2010-02-04-Public-Hearing-Statement-ConLaws-Subcomm-SC-Personhood-Bill-H3526-Feb-4-2010.doc

(VIDEO) H. 3526 - SC House Judiciary Subcommittee Meeting - Feb 4, 2010 SC Personhood Bill - Right to Life Act of SC - H.3526 Public Hearing before the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee (SC House Judiciary Subcommittee) Speakers: Rep. Greg Delleney (R), chairman, Con Laws Subcomm. Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life Video (1:40) / 231 views www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded

EXCERPTS of Steve Lefemine's and Rep. Delleney's statements:

Steve Lefemine: "As you know, the 2005 SC Attorney General opinion stated, “It is our opinion that … the Right to Life Act is constitutional on its face.” And also, that “the statute could not be applied in the context of abortion to deny the federal constitutional right of privacy.” [sic] "

Steve Lefemine: "I believe that incremental, abortion regulation bills ... are a hindrance, an obstruction, and an obstacle to passing principled personhood legislation to establish justice for the unborn."

"I am opposed to incremental, abortion regulation bills."

Rep. Delleney: "And South Carolina Citizens for Life and the Southern Baptists both testified for the [ incremental, "abortion" regulation, 24 hr. ultrasound ] bill, did they not ?" [ CCL Note: South Carolina Citizens for "Life" [sic] is the SC chapter of anti-state-level personhood legislation National Right to "Life" [sic] ]

Steve Lefemine: "National Right to Life is opposed to state-level personhood bills. ... As is Americans United for Life."

Steve Lefemine: "I am for establishing the personhood of the unborn, Mr. Chairman, to save every child from the moment of fertilization."

Rep. Delleney: "This bill [ the SC Personhood bill - H.3526 ] does not do anything except get us sued ... sued over something that is the law of the land." [sic] "Until we have a pro-life President who appoints people who may vote pro-life on Supreme Court, we're stuck with Roe v. Wade, would you agree with that ?

Steve Lefemine: "I don't accept that as a premise."

Rep. Delleney: "Allright, how we gonna get around Roe v. Wade and the federal government ?"

Steve Lefemine: "Mr. Chairman, I gave you three legal opinions of those who presented arguments for state-level personhood bills [sic - should have said "amendments"]. A stronger case would be made for a state constitutional personhood amendment than a bill. There are presently 15 states in 2009-2010 ... that have pursued personhood legislation ..."


CCL NOTE: Three legal opinons supporting state personhood amendments given to Rep. Delleney and other legislators the previous week:

Legal Memorandums (3) supporting Personhood Legislation in MICH, and MISS Michigan Personhood Constitutional Amendment (2006) Professor Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus of Law, Notre Dame (Roman Catholic) Legal Opinion www.thomasmore.org/downloads/sb_thomasmore/ProfRiceletter.pdf April 19, 2006

Michigan Personhood Constitutional Amendment (2006) Thomas More Law Center (Roman Catholic) Memorandum of Law www.michigancitizensforlife.net/Memorandum%20of%20Law.htm May 3, 2006

Mississippi Personhood Constitutional Amendment (2009) LIBERTY COUNSEL - Legal Memorandum on the Mississippi Personhood Amendment - 2009 http://lc.org/media/9980/attachments/memo_ms_personhood.pdf


Rep. Delleney: "... How many of those bills have passed state legislatures ?

Steve Lefemine: "In February of 2009, the North Dakota House passed a personhood bill."

Rep. Delleney: "What happened to it ?"

Steve Lefemine: "It did not pass the Senate, after the Catholic Bishops had a news conference and opposed it."

Rep. Delleney: "You're opposed to the Catholics too, aren't ya ?"

Steve Lefemine: "I am opposed to the Catholic Bishops speaking against state-level personhood bills."

Rep. Delleney: "How many [ SC ] Senators have you gotten to sponsor the Personhood Bill over in the Senate ?"

Steve Lefemine: "Presently, there's 13."

Rep. Delleney: "Have they filed a bill over there ?

Steve Lefemine: "Yes sir." [ Rep. Delleney: "OK" ] "And we're looking to have a hearing this year."

Rep. Delleney: "OK, well that's good. Allright, well you get that bill passed in the Senate, and I'll get it passed in the House."

Steve Lefemine: "... we hold up a principled position that the law is a schoolmaster. The law teaches people what's right and wrong. There's a very well known devotional called "My Utmost for His Highest" [ Rep. Delleney: "I'm very familiar with it." ] by Oswald Chambers. In a couple of his devotionals, he makes the point that "Good" is the enemy of God's Best. As "Good" as your efforts may be, and you're well-intentioned, to reduce the number of abortions, we are now 37 years down the road, there's 7,000 being butchered every year in this state. If this focus on personhood would be our primary focus, and not the distraction ... I view these incremental bills as a distraction, a hindrance, an obstacle, then perhaps God would grant us favor, and pass principled personhood legislation, and we could bring this holocaust to an end."

Rep. Delleney: "Well, as I've told y'all before, when I get my "incremental" bills passed, I'll be interested in something symbolic." www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ] Steve Lefemine: "While I disagree that SCOTUS decisions are the supreme law of the land, as per Art. VI. of the U.S. Constitution, and while I believe fundamentally that God’s Law is Higher than Man’s Law, and while I believe that the Declaration of Independence, and the 5th, 14th, 9th and 10th Amendments provide sufficient legal basis for the Sovereign State of South Carolina to uphold the Creator-endowed unalienable right to life, and outlaw child-murder-by-“abortion”; I perceive that the chairman shares neither my Biblical view, nor my Constitutionalist / originalist philosophy of law." www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ]

Rep. Delleney: "That's not true ! The chairman does share your Biblical view, however the chairman wants to be effective in this issue, and you don't care whether you're effective or not, you're about symbolism." www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ]

Steve Lefemine: "I'm about being faithful to the Lord's commandments to us to represent Him." www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ]

Rep. Delleney: "So am I ! And my task is to be effective." www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ]

Steve Lefemine: "I'm not called to success or effectiveness, I'm called to faithfulness and obedience." www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ]

[ CCL Note: See 1 Corinthians 3:6 - "I [ Paul ] have planted, Appollos watered; but God gave the increase." - and former President John Quincy Adams, later as a member of Congress fighting the evil of slavery: "Duty is ours; results are God's." ]

Rep. Delleney: "So am I !" www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rw-zWvLcfI&feature=player_embedded [ video – 1:40 ]

Steve Lefemine: "Nevertheless, even though the chairman views Roe as entitled to federal supremacy status,..."

Rep. Delleney: "I don't think Roe is entitled to that, but the fact is, it has it. I'm not for Roe."

Steve Lefemine: "... the SC Attorney General opinion still provides the chairman with at least three reasons to pass H.3526 today: 1) The Right to Life Act of SC is constitutional on its face, and you expressed on April 5, 2005 when presenting this bill to the full Judiciary Comm., that the Attorney General was willing to defend this statute."

Rep. Delleney: "And who was President at that time ?"

Steve Lefemine: "We had a Republican President."

Rep. Delleney: "George W. Bush, and he was pro-life. [sic] OK ? It was time for that bill in 2005.” [ CCL Note: What about in 2001, 2002, 2003, and although it did finally, for the first time, pass the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee finally in 2004, it was then defeated by a FRAUDULENT voice vote in Chairman, Rep. Jim Harrison's full House Judiciary Committee in 2004 ? ] “It's not time for this bill now. It's now time for the incremental bills like 24 hour periods, like born-alive bills."

Steve Lefemine: "I have a different view on President Bush being pro-life, be that as it may."

Steve Lefemine: "... 2) If Roe is overturned, the SC Personhood Bill could be used to outlaw abortion in South Carolina,..." Rep. Delleney: "If Roe is overturned." [ Steve Lefemine: "Yes sir." ] "Right, I agree with you."

Steve Lefemine: "In accordance with your view of constitutional law. I don't share that view of Article VI."

Rep. Delleney: "I share your view of Article VI., but unfortunately the United States Supreme Court and the federal government do not share our view."

Steve Lefemine: "Mr. Chairman, the [ SC ] Senate and the House, as you well know, are working on a State Sovereignty Bill, reaffirming the State's rights under [ the ] 9th and 10th Amendment. I believe that plays into the State of South Carolina asserting its sovereign right to protect the lives of its citizens beginning at fertilization. I understand the State Sovereignty Resolution currently being processed primarily addresses the health care issue and the Second Amendment issue. I believe that Sovereignty Amendment [ sic - Resolution ] established principles that could help us in this case."

Steve Lefemine: "Placing this law on the books is vital to establishing South Carolina’s position that we protect ALL innocent human life; ..."

Steve Lefemine: "Former President Ronald Reagan issued a Personhood Proclamation over 22 years ago, on January 14, 1988 “I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, … do hereby proclaim and declare the unalienable personhood of every American, from the moment of conception natural death.”


President Ronald Reagan declared the PERSONHOOD of the pre-born OVER 22 YEARS AGO !!!!! Proclamation 5761 National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 1988 PERSONHOOD PROCLAMATION January 14, 1988 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation [excerpt] "That right to life belongs equally to babies in the womb, babies born handicapped, and the elderly or infirm. That we have killed the unborn for 15 years does not nullify this right, nor could any number of killings ever do so. The unalienable right to life is found not only in the Declaration of Independence but also in the Constitution that every President is sworn to preserve, protect, and defend. Both the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments guarantee that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law." www.personhoodamendments.com/reagan/index.php


Steve Lefemine: "In Feb. 2009, a Personhood bill passed the ND House, and a Personhood Amendment passed the MT Senate. In 2010, Iowa is also pursuing a Personhood Amendment. Mississippi is nine days away from their deadline to collect almost 90,000 signatures to place a Personhood Amendment on the ballot. The Miss. Lt. Gov. is helping to lead the effort."

Steve Lefemine: "Indeed, the hour is late, and the death toll in South Carolina is well over 300,000 children murdered by surgical abortion alone since 1973. Their shed innocent blood cries out to God from the ground for Justice, and if SC does not bring the murderers to justice, then God Himself will become the Avenger of Blood. I believe that Divine Judgment has already begun. George Mason said, “Providence punishes national sins, by national calamities.” “Abortion” is a national sin, 9-11 was a national calamity. More and greater Divine Judgment is coming upon South Carolina and America unless we repent of killing children in the wombs of their mothers."

Steve Lefemine: "In Psalm 106, God’s Word says that for the sin of child-sacrifice, God “gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they that hated them ruled over them. Their enemies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.” " Steve Lefemine: "Our only hope for relief from the grave economic, health, and national security woes of our land and the sense of encroaching tyranny many Americans feel, is Repentance and turning back to God, which will include outlawing the evil practice of child-sacrifice-by”abortion”. Mr. Chairman and subcommittee members, please pass H.3526 TODAY. Thank you."

END Steve Lefemine's prepared statement.


Rep. Jim Harrison and Rep. Delleney question to Steve Lefemine.

Rep. Delleney: "Well, how are you going to stop abortions in South Carolina if we pass this bill ?"

Steve Lefemine: "Mr. Chairman, as I say, I gave you three legal opinions, one was from Liberty Counsel, who's supporting the Mississippi Personhood Amendment. They have offered their serv ..." [ interrupted by Rep. Delleney ]

Rep. Delleney: "... I support this bill. I've supported this bill in the past. I've been the floor leader for this bill in the past." But I'm just telling ya, now is not the time for this bill. Now is the time to try to do things that matter, that are effective, like what we have been in the Senate. That's what we need to be puttin' our efforts. Not towards symbolism. Even if we pass this bill in the House this year, it'll never get a hearing in the Senate. "[You] get it passed in the Senate, I'll get it passed in the House."

Steve Lefemine: "Mr. Chairman, if you pass it out of this committee today, it would save lives." [ Rep. Delleney: "How ? Tell me how." ] "It would send ... Scripture says that the law is a schoolmaster. Now it's talking about leading us to Christ. We're saved by grace alone, not through the law. But the law of God is a schoolmaster to lead people to Christ that they'll repent and be saved by grace alone, through faith alone, and the civil law, the criminal law, from the state, provides a similar analogous function. When the law says that when ... When a standard is held up by those in office, you're a civil minister, you're a civil magistrate. When you hold up [a] standard that says, that is consistent with God's Law, and Exodus 20:13, "Thou shalt not kill", in the sense of murder, that sends a message across this whole State. And Mr. Chairman, because of this growth in the personhood amendments nationwide, it sends a message across the country. When Colorado voted on their personhood amendment in November 2008, it was on the ballot, it got only 26%, but that was half a million people, over 500,000. And it helped propel that vision, and advance that vision across the country. Today we have, in 2009-2010, we've seen 16 states pursuing personhood bills, or most of the states are pursuing personhood constitutional amendments.

Rep. Delleney: "How many personhood bills have passed any bodies of the Legislature ? ... this year. "

Steve Lefemine: "There were two last year, none this year yet."

Rep. Delleney: "Well it's 10 o'clock. So, by law, we can't proceed any further. So we're adjourned."

END of Constitional Laws Subcommittee meeting.


With a room full of people, approx. 50 people - Christian pro-lifers and pro-aborts, legislators on the subcommittee, Rep. Delleney heard Rep. Liston Barfield, the internet multi-media presentation, and Steve Lefemine's prepared statement, and then time ran out, and no other pro-life or pro-abort attendees had an opportunity to speak before 10:00 arrived and the subcommittee members had to leave to go to the State House for the full House Session. ______

After Rep. Delleney announced the meeting was adjourned, this exchange followed:

Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn - "Will the rest of us get to be heard later ?"

Rep. Greg Delleney - "Not this year. ... Not unless my two [ CCL: incremental ] bills get passed the Senate." Johnny Gardner, dir. Voice of the Unborn - "You don't care to hear from the rest of the people, then ? We wasted our time coming." ______

Additional information:


Personhood Bill in SC House - H.3526 - 52 co-sponsors www.scstatehouse.gov/sess118_2009-2010/bills/3526.htm

Personhood Bill in SC Senate - S.450 - 13 co-sponsors www.scstatehouse.gov/sess118_2009-2010/bills/450.htm

CHANGE: Public Hearing (5th since 2001) for SC Personhood Bill (H.3526) - Thursday, February 4 February 1, 2010 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2010-02-01-CHANGE-Public-Hearing-5th-since-2001-SC-Personhood-Bill-H3526-Feb-4.doc

Contact Information for key REPUBLICAN South Carolina House representatives - Contact these key REPUBLICAN South Carolina House representatives now - ask them to vote for passage of the South Carolina Personhood bill (H.3526) out of the Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, to END "abortion" [ Child-Murder, 300,000+ dead in SC since 1973 ] in SC Representative Greg Delleney, Jr. (Constitutional Laws Subcomm. chairman) District 43 - Chester & York Cos. - Shriner; Mason; Elder, Assoc. Reformed Presbyterian Church, Chester Representative James H. Harrison (also full Judiciary Committee chairman) District 75 - Richland Co. - member: Shandon Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), Columbia Representative Garry R. Smith District 27 - Greenville Co. - Pres., Simpsonville United Methodist Men's Ministry Representative Robert ("Bobby") Harrell, Jr. (House Speaker) District 114 - Charleston & Dorchester Cos. www.christianlifeandliberty.net/SC-Personhood-H.3526-10-01.doc

South Carolina Personhood Bill (H.3526) - Contact information for key REPUBLICAN South Carolina House Representatives January 27, 2010 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2010-01-27-SC-Personhood-Bill-H3526-Contact-info-key-REPUBLICAN-SC-House-Reps.doc


2009-2010 State-Level Personhood (and other selected) Legislation: - Including State-Level Personhood Bills and Constitutional Amendments - ALA, ALASK, CA, CO, FL, GA, MD, MICH, MISS, MO, MONT, ND, NV, OR, SC, VA Updated December 3, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-12-03-2009-2010-State-Level-Personhood-and-other-selected-Legislation.doc

Summary Report: 14 States have current Personhood Legislation efforts filed: - ALA, ALASK, CA, CO, FL, GA, MD, MICH, MISS, MO, MONT, NV, OR, SC - a/o December 3, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-12-03-Summary-Report-14-States-current-Personhood-Legis-efforts-filed.doc IOWA - Iowa Personhood Constitutional Amendment House Joint Resolution 2003 http://coolice.legis.state.ia.us/Cool-ICE/default.asp?Category=BillInfo&Service=DspHistory&var=HJR&key=0991C&GA=83 January 27, 2010 83GA Bill History for HJR 2003 By Alons, Chambers, Tymeson, May, Koester, Windschitl, Schultz, DeBoef, Sorenson, Sweeney, Huseman, Kaufmann, Rayhons, Hagenow, Mertz and Soderberg.

A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa to specify that the right to life is the paramount and most fundamental right of every person, and that personhood applies to all human beings from the beginning of their biological development. January 20, 2010 Introduced, referred to State Government. H.J. 122. January 21, 2010 Subcommittee, Lensing, Koester, and Mascher. H.J. 139.


2007-2008 State-Level Personhood (and other selected) Legislation - Including State-Level Personhood Bills and Constitutional Amendments - CO, GA, MISS, MT, OR, SC, VA Updated February 14, 2008 / Corrected and Revised Nov. 19, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-11-19-2007-2008-State-Level-Personhood-and-other-selected-Legislation.doc

SC RTL Act delayed by House Republican leader for Ultrasound Bill in 2007 Session Republican Chairman of the House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester) has decided not to hold a public hearing on the RTL Act of SC (H.3284) until action is complete in the SC General Assembly on the Ultrasound bill (H.3355). The 2007 regular session ends June 7. Once action is complete on the Ultrasound bill, Rep. Delleney has stated he will then sign on as a co-sponsor of the Right to Life Act of SC, and grant us a public hearing. www.christianlifeandliberty.net/H3284-08-1a-action1.doc

Personhood Amendment in Colorado (ballot initiative voted on November 4, 2008) - Historic, first-time-ever, state-wide vote conducted on a "Personhood" Constitutional Amendment www.coloradoforequalrights.com/

Colorado Personhood Amendment to State Constitution - results of November 4, 2008 ballot initiative Amendment 48-Definition of Person Results http://data.denverpost.com/election/results/amendment/2008/48-definition-of-person/

100% reporting ( 3215 precincts ) Ballot-Vote Vote percentage Vote count No 73.2% (1,605,978) Yes 26.7% (585,561)

North Dakota Personhood Bill Passes, First In US History - Press Release (E-mail) February 17, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-02-24-PERS-ND-passHouse-e-mail.doc

Montana Personhood Constitutional Amendment Passes Senate, First In US History - Press Release (E-mail) February 26, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-02-27-PERS-MONT-passSenate-e-mail.doc

North Dakota Senate defeats 'personhood' bill North Dakota Roman Catholic Bishops help defeat bill April 3, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-04-03-ND-Senate-ND-RC-Bishops-defeat-personhood-bill.doc 2005-2006

2005-2006 State-Level Personhood (and other selected) Legislation - Including State-Level Personhood Bills and Constitutional Amendments - GA, MICH, MISS, SC April 21, 2006 / Corrected and Revised Nov. 28, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-11-20-2005-2006-State-Level-Personhood-and-other-selected-Legislation.doc

2005 Legal Opinion of South Carolina Attorney General (Henry McMaster) on the Right to Life Act of SC: www.christianlifeandliberty.net/Westlaw_Document_15_03_35_5392471.doc The Constitutional Laws Subcommittee (of the House Judiciary Committee) is chaired by Rep. Greg Delleney (REPUBLICAN-Chester). Despite having passed a closely similar bill out of his subcommittee in 2004 and 2005, Rep. Delleney did not pass the bill out of his subcommittee after a Feb. 2008 public hearing, at which the SC Attorney General, Henry McMaster spoke about his March 2005 Legal Opinion, which held: "It is our opinion that ... the Right to Life Act - is constitutional on its face" ... [ however ] "the statute could not be applied in the context of abortion to deny the federal constitutional right to privacy."



Major opponents of ENDING "abortion" with state-level Personhood legislation: - Roman Catholic Bishops, - National Right to "Life" [sic], and - (CFR, Jesuit-advised) Americans United for "Life" [sic]


#1) Major opponents of ENDING "abortion" with state-level Personhood legislation: Roman Catholic Bishops

The Roman Catholic hierarchy (e.g., Bishops), has opposed personhood legislation for the unborn, in Michigan (2006), Georgia (2008), Montana (2008 & 2009), Colorado (2008 & 2009), in North Dakota (2009), where a state-level Personhood Bill made history by passing the North Dakota House, only to be defeated, with the help of the opposition of the North Dakota Roman Catholic Bishops, in the North Dakota Senate, and in Florida (2009).

Anti-abortion constitutional amendment petition falls short in Michigan National Right to Life does it again - this time in Michigan... Right to Life of Michigan did not support the petition drive to ban abortion in Michigan by a state constitutional amendment, and neither did the Michigan Catholic Conference. www.christianlifeandliberty.net/H3213-S111-160.doc

Catholic Bishops in Michigan and Michigan chapter of National Right to Life opposed proposed state personhood constitutional amendment for November 2006 ballot - Judie Brown (ALL) article, July 10, 2006 - "DEFEAT AT THE HANDS OF OUR FRIENDS" [sic] - Steve Lefemine (CCL) commentary, March 16, 2009 - The Roman Catholic hierarchy is NOT pro-life ! www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-03-16-Judie-Brown-July-10-2006-MICH-Defeat-at-hands-of-friends.doc

Colorado Catholic Conference (Colorado's three Catholic Bishops) does not back Personhood Amendment The Denver Post, February 28, 2008, "Catholic Conference does not back personhood amendment" www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2008-02-28-DenverPost-CathConf-no-pers-amend.doc Catholic Bishops in Georgia, Montana, and Colorado opposed state personhood amendments for the pre-born January 27, 2009 (including Judie Brown (ALL) article from March 7, 2008 - "We remain steadfast, but...") www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-01-27-Catholic-Bishops-GA-MT-CO-oppose-pers.doc

North Dakota Senate defeats 'personhood' bill North Dakota Roman Catholic Bishops help defeat bill April 3, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-04-03-ND-Senate-ND-RC-Bishops-defeat-personhood-bill.doc

Catholic Bishops in North Dakota opposed state personhood bill which passed North Dakota House; opposition of Roman Catholic leaders helped defeat historic personhood bill in North Dakota Senate by 29- 16 vote - Judie Brown (ALL) article, April 3, 2009 - "NORTH DAKOTA BISHOPS NULLIFY PERSONHOOD!" - Steve Lefemine (CCL) commentary, May 21, 2009 - The Vatican / Roman Catholic hierarchy is NOT pro-life !!! (Including the Bishops, Cardinals, Pope, Vatican, Jesuit General) www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-05-21-Judie-Brown-April-3-2009-ND-Bishops-nullify-personhood.doc

Catholic Bishops in North Dakota opposed state personhood bill which passed North Dakota House; opposition of Roman Catholic leaders helped defeat historic personhood bill in North Dakota Senate by 29-16 vote - Judie Brown (ALL) article, April 3, 2009 - "NORTH DAKOTA BISHOPS NULLIFY PERSONHOOD!" - Steve Lefemine (CCL) e-mail report, May 24, 2009 - The Vatican / Roman Catholic hierarchy is NOT pro-life !!! (Including the Bishops, Cardinals, Pope, Vatican, Jesuit General) www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-05-24-Roman-Catholic-Bishops-in-North-Dakota-helped-defeat-personhood-bill-in-ND-Senate.doc

Florida Roman Catholic Bishops now ALSO Oppose Personhood Constitutional Amendment to END Child-Murder-by-Abortion - Roman Catholic Bishops in MICHIGAN (2006), GEORGIA (2008), COLORADO (2008 & 2009), MONTANA (2008), and NORTH DAKOTA (2009) have also opposed Personhood legislation in their States September 25, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-10-01-FL-Catholic-Bishops-Oppose-Personhood-Amendment-to-END-Child-Murder-by-Abortion.doc

MONTANA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE Statement by the Roman Catholic Bishops of Montana November 19th, 2009 The Roman Catholic Bishops will not support CI-102, the personhood amendment. www.montanacc.org/directors_pages/11_2009_Personhood.html

HUMAN PERSONHOOD AND ILL-ADVISED CATHOLIC BISHOPS Posted: Wednesday December 9, 2009 at 5:35 pm EST by Judie Brown www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=2875


#2) Major opponents of ENDING "abortion" with state-level Personhood legislation: National Right to "Life" [sic]

National Right To Life: The Judas Of The Preborn By Dr. Patrick Johnston ; The Covenant News ~ July 10, 2006 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/H3213-S111-159.doc

Anti-abortion constitutional amendment petition falls short in Michigan National Right to Life does it again - this time in Michigan... Right to Life of Michigan did not support the petition drive to ban abortion in Michigan by a state constitutional amendment, and neither did the Michigan Catholic Conference. www.christianlifeandliberty.net/H3213-S111-160.doc Catholic Bishops in Michigan and Michigan chapter of National Right to Life opposed proposed state personhood constitutional amendment for November 2006 ballot - Judie Brown (ALL) article, July 10, 2006 - "DEFEAT AT THE HANDS OF OUR FRIENDS" [sic] - Steve Lefemine (CCL) commentary, March 16, 2009 - The Roman Catholic hierarchy is NOT pro-life ! www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-03-16-Judie-Brown-July-10-2006-MICH-Defeat-at-hands-of-friends.doc

SC's National RTL chapter not supporting RTL Act of SC - Is SC Citizens for Life really "Pro-Life" ? (flyer for distribution included) www.christianlifeandliberty.net/RTLAofSC-07-12.doc

NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE (originally founded under the auspices of the National Conference of (Roman) Catholic Bishops in 1968)

NRL Senior Legal Counsel, James Bopp, Jr. Legal Memo (on Bopp law firm letterhead, not NRL letterhead) attacking state-level personhood legislation www.personhood.net/docs/BoppMemorandum1.pdf 11-page anti-state-level personhood, pro-"exceptions," pro-incremental child-murder/"abortion"-regulation legal memo, from August 7, 2007 - this abominable legal memo is likely the guiding legal strategy for National Right to "Life" [sic] and if so, would help explain the opposition of National Right to Life chapters to state-level personhood efforts.


#3) Major opponents of ENDING "abortion" with state-level Personhood legislation: (CFR, Jesuit-advised) Americans United for "Life" [sic]

AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE (with two CFR-members, two [Jesuit] Georgetown University staff - one a Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, on boards). AUL Sr. Legal Counsel Clarke Forsythe's attack on Columbia Christians for Life's personhood position on www.ChristianLifeandLiberty.net wesbite - posted on (the late) CFR-member, Knight of Malta, Skull and Bones, false flag "conservative' [sic] Roman Catholic William Buckley's National Review (on-line).

Catholic CFR-members (two) on Americans United for Life (AUL) Directors/Advisory Boards; AUL Sr. Legal Counsel attacked Columbia Christians for Life Personhood position AUL Board of Directors - Catholic CFR-member George S. Weigel, Jr., Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC AUL Board of Advisors - Catholic CFR-member Professor Robert P. George, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ September 22, 2009 / Revised November 11, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-09-22-Catholic-CFR-members-Americans-United-for-Life-AUL-Directors-Advisory-Boards.doc

Romanist, Jesuit-advised, Americans United for "Life" [sic] senior legal counsel attacks CCL's "Personhood" position Americans United for "Life" [sic] has been an opponent of State-level Personhood Legislation to END abortion. September 21, 2009 / Revised November 11, 2009 www.christianlifeandliberty.net/2009-09-21-Romanist-Jesuit-advised-Americans-United-for-Life-sr-legal-counsel-attacks-CCL- Personhood-position.doc

FORSYTHE'S DILEMMA: LEGAL POSITIVISM Posted: Tuesday September 29, 2009 at 4:11 pm EST by Judie Brown www.all.org/newsroom_judieblog.php?id=2781


ONLY SUPPORT PRO-PERSONHOOD CANDIDATES IN 2010 - in Primaries, and in the November General Election: This is the standard by which candidates for state and federal office should be judged as we enter the 2010 Election season:


"PERSONHOOD" is the KEY to ENDING Child-Murder-by-"Abortion" - listen to the words of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices themselves in the actual [ second ] Oral Arguments [ October 11, 1972 ] of the Roe v. Wade case (1973):

(AUDIO) - The Importance of PERSONHOOD - In Their Own Words - U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade case http://montanaprolifecoalition.org/approach.htm



"For the kingdom is the LORD's: and he is the governor among the nations." Psalm 22:28, KJB www.bartleby.com/108/19/22.html#S22

Christ is Ruler of the Nations ! Psalm 2; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 47:7,8; Psalm 50:12; 1 Timothy 6:15, KJB

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18 Yeshua Messiah

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary dir., Columbia Christians for Life PO Box 50358 Columbia, SC 29250 (803) 794-6273 www.ChristianLifeandLiberty.net www.RighttoLifeActofSC.net www.LefemineForLife.net February 9, 2010 / Revised February 14, 2010

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