Direct Benefit Transfer
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18th JULY 2013
NB: The paper is kept in public domain for general good. The contents reflect personal views of the author and not of any Government or IIMC. Comments and suggestions are welcome by email. Contents may be used for any legal purpose, with due acknowledgement and no risk to the author for accuracy, success or failure of implementation.
DIRECT BENEFIT TRANSFER: MEANING: Transfer of Benefits from Government to the Residents: Subsidies, Pensions, Scholarships, MGNREGA Wages, etc. to the Beneficiary’s bank account and payment of cash at their doorstep.
Essential aspects:
Benefits are credited to beneficiary’s bank account, based on AADHAAR.
Duplicates & ghosts are weeded out from databases of user departments and banks.
Cash is paid to the beneficiary at doorstep.
Financial Inclusion: Outreach of banking services to all residents, including the poorest and those located in remote areas.
DBT: The System:
1. Unique Identification Authority of India-UIDAI: Enrolls citizens and gives each a 12 digit Unique Identification Number.
2. Central Identities Data Repository-CIDR maintains national repository of biometric identities of residents enrolled by the UIDAI.
3. National Payments Corporation of India-NPCI maintains Aadhaar Payment Bridge System and Aadhaar Enabled Payment System, operates Inter-bank Switch, transacts online with Banks on Core Banking Solution platform.
4. Banks open accounts for residents, using their UID for KYC (Know Your Customer) for proof identity and address. Bank links the account number and UID on APBS mapper.
5. Technology Service Provider: To provide hardware and software services to banks to facilitate outreach of banking/financial services.
6. Business Correspondent: Private corporate agency, a banking intermediary to manage outreach operations (management of cash & CSPs).
7. Customer Service Provider (CSP): a resident villager/ acting as agent of BC to deliver payments & banking services at village level with the help of networked hand-held Point of Sale machine called Micro ATM. 8. User Agency: Department/undertaking of Government of India or State Government or local body intends to deliver benefits to residents having an electronic database of residents with their UIDs.
9.Resident enrolls with UIDAI, gets UID number, opens account with bank, accesses benefits/services from Government agencies in his own village or anywhere he likes.
DBT: The Process:
A. User agency (Government Department) sends a file to their bank consisting of a list of beneficiaries and benefits containing only three fields UID number and amount to be credited.
B. Bank debits user agency account and forwards the file to NPCI adding bank data.
C. NPCI credits accounts linked to the UIDs. Thus UID is like financial address of the resident.
D. Resident approaches CSP for payment. CSP accesses account online, pays cash to customer taking his finger print biometric authentication on micro ATM; issues transaction print out.
Direct Benefit Transfer: Services delivered
1. Credit of benefits to bank account with UID as financial address.
2. Payment of Cash at village level.
3. Inter-operable across banks and service providers, accessible anywhere.
Financial Inclusion:
4. Basic Banking Services.
5. Deposits: Savings, Recurring, Fixed Deposits
6. Micro advances or overdraft. 7. Remittances across place, bank, person. 8. Micro Insurance. DBT: MERITS OF THE SYSTEM
A. There are 6 lakh villages in India. They are served by a mere 30000 rural branches of banks.
B. Over 51% of population in India has no access to banking or financial services.
C. Most of the accounts opened as part of Financial Inclusion Plan over the last 7 years, are not useful for the poor, as there are not enough branches or staff to serve them. Business Correspondent System is not functioning in most of the villages. So there are only accounts and no transactions for most of the poor.
D. Payments and banking services can now be delivered to the poor in their own village: robust and reliable system, saving time and money.
E. Aadhaar as KYC (Know Your Customer): proof of identity & address.
A. Eliminates duplicate & ghost beneficiaries
B. Detects impersonation, misrepresentation, ineligible beneficiaries, and fraud.
C. Huge savings in Government expenditure on welfare schemes:
Potential Business of DBT in Annual Volumes*:
Benefits from Union Government: Rs. 3 lakh crores
Benefits from Governments of States: Rs. 4 lakh crores
Savings from elimination of ghosts, duplicates & ineligible persons: 10% to 30%
Expected Annual Savings: Rs. 140000 crores.
* Research is required to collect exact expenditure values. 3. Huge business opportunity for Banks.
A. Annual Volume of DBT Payments: Rs. 7 lakh crores.
Expected Revenue: 2% Service Charge:
Rs. 14000 crores.
B. Basic Banking services under Financial Inclusion Plan: Rs. 4 lakh crores.
Expected Revenue from basic banking & FI services: Rs. 12000 crores.
4. Financial Integration of Rural India:
A. Now financial transactions can flow freely even to the remote areas, covering the poor and marginalized sections.
B. Aadhaar works as proof of identity and proof of address for the residents and facilitates instantaneous opening of bank account and delivery of services.
5. Efficient Government:
A. Better targeting and delivery of services and benefits to the poor.
B. CIDR provides safe storage of resident data and reliable service of biometric authentication as a public utility.
C. Backbone for hassle free financial services for inclusive growth.
Gold Mine of Opportunity, but no Gold Rush
1. Annual Savings of Rs.140000 crores for Govt.
2. Annual Revenue of Rs.26000 crores for Banks.
3. People are waiting for services. Serving the poor is an attractive business opportunity.
4. The poor deserve financial services and Service must be seen as a right for inclusive growth. 5. Technology has come of age & robust systems are in place.
6. DBT launched in January 2013, but moving very slowly.
7. UID delivery crossed 25%, 50% in many States, but Banks have not positioned Micro ATMs. Few takers for grant from UIDAI.
8. SBI Group and nationalized banks are not on board. Banks prefer to wait & watch.
9. Financial Inclusion Products and services are not rolled out.
Trigger the Gold Rush: A Strategic Approach:
1. Neutralize First-mover disadvantages and create First-mover advantage:
1.1. The greatest inhibitor is that a UID is linked to the account of the latest bank on APB mapper. The first mover loses his customers in no time to the latest predator. All the time and money spent on reaching out to customers will be a colossal waste. Therefore, all banks love to wait and watch. DBT will take ages to roll out in this paradigm. The new rule can be:
A. The first bank to seed the account and make payment on AEPS retains the seeding for a period of one year as the default banker.
B. Any other competing bank can open bank account and link it on APB with their IIN.
C. At the end of one year, which ever bank makes the maximum number of AEPS payments in the year for the UID, will become the default banker for the UID. In case of a tie, old bank continues.
D. Any UID based credit on APBS or debit on AEPS will be routed to the default banker.
E. User departments will credit benefits by default based on UID.
F. Citizen can access front-end services from any bank or BC in the interoperable scenario. 2. Policy trails practice:
2.1. Stakeholders are not identified, positioned and facilitated. Their compensation is not defined. Uncertainty looms large. There is no business case for anyone.
2.2. Pain Point: Risk of Wrong Authentication by false acceptance: UIDAI wants Banks to take the risk. Banks have refused and stayed out, rightly so. UIDAI can create a Fund to cover the risks of wrong seeding and false acceptance. Risk may be covered upto Rs.10000/- per transaction, duly charging a risk premium.
2.3. Law is required to cover the new field of biometric enrollments, storage of data, its use for financial transactions and risk of misuse, fraud, protection of actions done in good faith, recovery of amounts credited wrongly, issues of privacy, etc.
2.3. Post Office as Bank: Department of Posts has extensive branch network and large savings account base, a money order system and a postal life insurance. They have gained adequate experience in Andhra Pradesh in payment of MGNREGA Wages and Social Security Pensions. They need to modernize, come on Core Banking Solution, obtain a Banking license, recruit and train personnel to take over FI operations and payments.
2.4. Supply of Micro ATMs:
6 lakh villages need micro ATMs. Sourcing them is a big challenge. Should a PSU produce them internally?
2.5. Universal Service Obligation: Service as a Right. Banks should be called on to step in and extend services to unserved areas and clientele, if they should have to access high value business in urban areas. Enterprise and innovation in financial inclusion shall outreach as many banking services as possible under financial inclusion sector.
2.6. There should be no service tax on financial inclusion services for a period of five or ten years. 3. Appointment of Business Correspondents:
3.1. To learn from the experience:
A. Though B.C. System was initiated by RBI in 2006, their service charges were not defined. Banks were expected to employ TSP, BC, CSP and render services under corporate social responsibility or universal service obligation at nominal charges with little regard for the cost of service. Remuneration for services and stakes of service providers were not determined properly. Thus BC system failed to achieve financial inclusion.
B. Common RFP for Appointment of BCs:
Banks have little or no experience in appointing and managing BCs. Therefore common RFP was floated for all public sector banks. It failed to take off, as ridiculously low rates were taken by the contending BCs.
How public sector banks will appoint BCs, procure microATMs and position them at what terms and in what timelines is THE GREAT UNCERTAINITY OF THE HOUR.
C. Private Banks and Business Correspondents: On the other hand, the private sector banks, especially the ICICI Bank and Axis Bank have demonstrated willingness to take risks and the capability to put in place a working system for DBT.
4. ANDHRA PRADESH SMART CARD PROJECT of Rural Development Department of Government of Andhra Pradesh: Visionary Leadership in Electronic Benefit Transfer for payment of MGNREGA Wages and Social Security Pensions:
A. All Gram Panchayats in the State are allotted to Banks or post office. Banks engaged services of business correspondents.
B. Payments in progress in 95% of Villages. Beneficiaries are paid at GP office, post office or at doorstep.
C. Benefits are directly credited to beneficiary accounts in bank/post office and paid to beneficiaries. D. Local SHG Woman or local post office as last mile service delivery point with a handheld PoS machine/microATM.
E. Biometric authenticated payments of the pre-Aadhaar era.
F. MGNREGA Wages paid once a week and Social Security Pensions paid once a month.
G. 15 million accounts, Rs.11000 crores since 2007; Rs.4091 crores during FY 2012-13.
H. AP leads in enrollments and payments on the Aadhaar platform too. AEPS was launched in East Godavari district on 6.1.2013.
I. AP is gearing to be the first Universal Aadhaar State.
J. Government of Andhra Pradesh pays 2% of the amount disbursed as commission to smart card banks. This model inspired the APBS- AEPS also, but there is no clarity for stakeholders. Clear definition of stakes and their delivery system are required to inspire stakeholder participation.
K. Many banks and post office participated in AP Smart Card Project and gained knowledge and skills which can be gainfully adopted expeditious roll out of DBT on aadhaar platform.
5. Path-breaking work: Support required for success of DBT:
5.1. First-mover Banks (as also States) have to test the system and initialize it. They do path-breaking work, encountering resistance to change from primary and secondary stakeholders. They take responsibility in the front-end for failures of the back-end and for all system bottlenecks. Delays in roll out of the entire system and its stabilization result in time and cost over- runs.
6. To facilitate transition: neutralize inhibitors, resolve bottlenecks.
6.1. Banks to appoint Business Correspondents
6.2. BC to appoint Customer Service Providers
6.3. Bank/BC to position Micro ATMs & start services. 6.4. Banks to enable inter-operability with other banks.
6.5. Bank/BC to set up Cash management system.
6.6. User Departments to seed their databases.
6.7. Banks to seed their customers with UID and link accounts on APB mapper.
6.8. User departments to send APBS payorders.
6.9. Exception Handling Procedures:
2 to 5% of residents may not have the fingerprint quality required for online authentication. Common Exception handling procedures need to be incorporated in the rules by the regulator and adopted by all banks. Adequate safeguards should be provided against misuse of the facility. Messenger payment as provided in post office savings account rules may be adopted by banks also. One Time Password sent by SMS to linked mobile is another alternative.
7. Reward System: Identify Stakeholders and reward the value chain activities:
There should be a business case for every participant activity and stakeholder. It should be clearly defined and delivered. It should be fixed by regulator and be left to contracting by individual banks. It should meet the costs and also give room for profit. DBT will lead to mainstreaming financial inclusion as a separate line of business, calling for special expertise with its own volumes and design of products and services.
7.1. Sponsored Bank: (easy work: any bank can do it with office at State/district headquarters): Maintains User department accounts and initiates APB transactions to credit benefits and shares feedback file. This is work is relatively simple and is generally compensated by the float enjoyed by the bank in User department accounts. If sponsored bank is unduly paid more, banks with greater clout will rather prefer to lobby for User Department account, than toil in the heat of the last mile to extend services to the end customer. Recommended Remuneration: 0.15% only to cover costs of APBS & risk fund for wrong seeding losses.
7.2. Beneficiary Bank: one-time effort to acquire customer is critical to the system: To access the beneficiary and open accounts, collect and seed the aadhaar numbers in their database and link them on the APB mapper; maintenance of the accounts on the CBS server with obligation to extend service as paying bank also.
Recommended Remuneration: 0.25%.
7.3. Paying Bank- CRITICAL LAST MILE SERVICE: To appoint BC, CSP, to position & maintain micro ATM in the village and make cash available and render all front-end services at the cutting edge. It is the hardest part of the work to make timely payments ONE TIME & EVERY TIME. It is the Proof of the Pudding! Without this service, benefits will sit on bank server, beneficiary cannot access them.
Recommended Remuneration: Gross: 2.15% (inclusive of BC/CSP/TSP/ AEPS/Risk Fund 0.4%+0.4%+1%+0.1+0.05%) Net: 0.2%.
7.4. Business Correspondent to appoint and manage CSPs and cash movement from bank to CSP and back together with attendant risks.
Recommended Remuneration: 0.4%.
7.5. Technology Service Provider: hardware and software services.
Recommended Remuneration: 0.4%.
7.6. Customer Service Provider: Locally resident to extend service at village level: To hold cash balance and make payments.
Recommended Remuneration: 1%.
7.7. APBS: Aadhaar Payment Bridge System for credit of benefits to beneficiary accounts: Public Utility on no-profit basis.
Recommended Remuneration: 0.05% for ON US Transaction & 0.10% for OFF US Transaction plus 0.5% for Risk Fund for loss due to wrong credit/wrong seeding. 7.8. AEPS: Aadhaar Enabled Payment System: Biometric Authentication for transactions: Public utility on no-profit basis. Recommended remuneration: 0.15% (0.10 for authentication of payment and 0.05% towards Risk Fund to cover loss due to wrong payment in false acceptance).
7.9. Fund to cover Risks of Loss due to Wrong credit because of wrong seeding & Loss due to wrong payment due to false acceptance: 0.05% on APBS & 0.05% AEPS.
Total Cost of DBT for User Agency: 2.55%.
(A good bargain for Scheme savings of 10% to 30% by removal of ghosts & duplicates, gains of time & effort with delivery of benefits at door- step, financial inclusion and better governance)
7.10. All functionaries (TSP/BC/CSP) should be provided with special FI Accounts which can be credited with their share of remuneration instantly or on day-end settlement basis.
7.11. Cash Management: Supply of cash in inter-operable scenario: BC-CSP should be allowed to draw cash from any bank branch or ATM to make DBT Payments upto Rs. One lakh per day.
8. Create Demand Pull:
8.1. No need to wait for the last resident to be enrolled and given aadhaar. Start service-delivery at village point to persons having aadhaar. Even at 25% or 50% coverage of the population, operations are quite profitable.
8.2. Service availability will cut across resistance from vested interests opposing aadhaar.
8.3. It will also motivate all remaining residents to enroll for aadhaar, to share their aadhaar with user departments and banks.
8.4. AP experience shows universal acceptance & satisfaction in terms of savings in time and money to travel and stand in long queues for service at the bank branch in a different village, greater visibility and accountability in electronic payments; delays in payment tracked, penalized and tackled.
9. Work in Mission Mode:
9.1. Campaign to complete enrolments for AADHAAR.
9.2. Expedite generation, issue & delivery of UIDs.
9.3. Set up Permanent Enrolment Centers for residual enrolments and for updating existing records.
9.4. Now there is a Mission Director for DBT at the Centre; every State may have a State Mission Director to lead the roll out locally.
10. If it is so BIG, give it what it takes (WIT):
10.1. To realize the business volume of Rs.11 lakh crore, it takes a lot of man power, infrastructure, planning and management.
10.2. There is work to do, if Government looks at savings of Rs.140000 crores per annum, if banks want to partake in Rs.26000 crores revenue per annum.
Udyamenahi siddhyanti kaaryani, na manoradhaihi; Nahi shuptasya simhasya, pravishanti mukhe mrigaha.
(Only through enterprise are great things accomplished, not by mere desire. If the lion sleeps, the prey would not walk into his gaping mouth. - Bhartruhari)
10.3. Build on Strengths: Public Sector Banks have long tried to manage Financial Inclusion without dedicated FI officers and staff. Obviously they failed. Private Sector Banks with the freedom to hire additional resources have done much better. All Grameen Banks have to come on Core Banking Solution and on aadhaar platform for APBS and AEPS. Extensive rural branch network is the Strength of public sector banks and regional rural banks. They can build on it. However, they need to position one FI officer in every rural branch exclusively to manage the specialty business of financial inclusion and manage the BC-CSP network offering a whole range of banking and financial services, linked to the service area branch. It is a whopping 35000 new rural bank officers, to recruit and train!
10.4. Service Area Approach: Boon or bane: A case for freedom of choice to customer:
6 lakh villages in the country are attached to 35000 rural branches of banks under the service area approach. No services could be delivered by limited staff manning so few branches for so many poor people with high volume transactions of low value. Now that ICT opens up a possibility, the field should be thrown open for banks to offer services and for customer to choose among them. Even the private sector banks or whoever is willing to serve, shall have a level-playing ground.
10.5. The Rights View: Service as a right!
All residents shall have access to banking and financial services even if they happen/choose to live in rural areas. Urban areas and rural areas support each other. Now more than ever, service shall reach out to them, because technology makes it possible and viable.
10.6. Broadbase the system and make it universal and ubiquitous:
The services can be made accessible to residents through multiple agents across banks, multiple establishments, multiple channels like biometric ATMs, through Rupay Cards, mobile banking, etc. It can cover as many services as possible. Rural biometric ATMs with solar modules may be positioned on site at all rural branches. Rupay debit cards may be issued to all customers. No risk of delayed payment, no need to compensate for delayed payments; if it is visualized, it can be realized!
10.7. Jobs for a million functionaries:
There is need for at least one Customer Service Providers with a handheld micro-ATM to render last mile service in each of the 6 lakh villages; bigger villages may require more CSPs. We shall add a few lakhs to cover the urban poor: over a million customer service providers would be required in the country for DBT and for FI services.
11. The Great Leadership Question:
Have we not men with us royal, Men the masters of things! -Swinburne
Now more than ever, there is political will; there is a robust system and delivery mechanism built on aadhaar platform and an awareness of its value. Hope India will make it!
It is an “eleven trillion rupee per annum” question: all real, nothing imaginary about it!
Let Policy, Planning and Management join hands.
A brave new financial revolution is in the making!
The importance of adopting right strategy cannot be overemphasized.
Leadership sets the goals and Strategy shows the way!
IT IS AT THE HEART OF ENTERPRISE TO ENSURE SUCCESS. Let us do it! Strategy Paper on DBT: Executive Summary:
1. Dedicated officers for FI at all rural branches to promote FI as an important line of business.
2. Financial Inclusion to be based on Aadhaar Platform. It should be led by DBT. DBT should include obligation to make available payment of cash at habitation level. Build volumes with active campaign for DBT led FI.
3. Customer Service Provider: CSP to be a resident of the village and every village to have a CSP. CSP to act as Business Correspondent and Business Facilitator. BC-BF should be tagged to the branch not to Corporate BC.
4. ICT to provide end-to-end solution with online transactions and visibility to the FI Officer/Branch Manager.
5. Inter-operable FI Solutions to work across bank, place and agent.
6. Multiple platform access: Rupay Card, Biometric-enabled Rural ATM in every Village, Establishments, Mobile money, etc.
7. Aadhaar as proof of identity and proof of address for the residents facilitates instantaneous opening of bank account and delivery of services.
8. CIDR as sole custodian of biometric data of residents.
9. CIDR to provide biometric authentication services as a public utility on not for profit basis.
10. NPCI-APB-AEPS as backbone for hassle free FI Platform.
11. Trigger the Gold Rush. Penetration pricing to cut across barriers & inhibitions.
12. Service as Right. Ensure mobile connectivity in all villages; roll out FI services in all connected villages. Let telecom providers connect remaining villages as per market share or let BSNL do it.
13. Keep it simple and stupid. Reengineer processes and Redesign Financial Inclusion Products and services. 14. Start NOW & right away delivering services. Wait for nothing or no one. Fast track the FI Campaign.
15. Bring SBI Group, Nationalized banks and RRBs fully on board.
16. Solar modules for charging micro ATMs.
17. Trigger the Gold Rush: Adopt a Strategic Approach:
18. Neutralize First-mover disadvantages & promote First-mover advantage.
19. The first bank to seed the account and make payment on AEPS retains the seeding for a period of one year as the default banker. It will retain customer, if continues to serve better as per annual performance. &
20. Identify Stakeholders & reward value chain activities attractively.
21. Identify risks like wrong seeding and false acceptance and create a fund to neutralize them.
22. Provide a Law for Aadhaar, DBT and FI covering UIDAI, CIDR, protection against abuse of data, profiling, breach of privacy, protection of actions done in good faith, recovery of amounts credited/paid wrongly, etc.
23. Post Office as Bank on CBS.
24. No service tax on financial inclusion services for ten years.
25. Exception Handling Procedures for residents failing authentication: One Time Password, Authorized Messenger, Joint Account, etc.
26. Customer Protection: Provide for Mini-statement, SMS alerts, transaction print out, pass book entries, voice over in vernacular.
27. Trigger the Gold Rush: Provide an Attractive Reward System: to all Stakeholders; settle the dues at day end. Sponsored Bank, Beneficiary Bank, Paying Bank, Technology Service Provider, Business Correspondent, Customer Service Provider, APBS, AEPS, Risk Fund. Total Cost of DBT for User Agency: 2.55%. 28. Special FI accounts which can be credited with their share of remuneration instantly or on day-end settlement basis.
29. Cash Management for Financial Inclusion: Supply of cash in inter- operable scenario: BC-CSP can be allowed to draw cash from any bank branch or ATM to make DBT Payments upto Rs. One lakh per day.
30. Create Demand Pull: Availability of service will make the resident demand for more! They will volunteer for enrollment, opening up of villages for services, cutting across feudal barriers & vested interests and inhibitions against change.
31. AP experience shows universal acceptance & customer satisfaction.
32. Work in Mission Mode: Enrolments for AADHAAR on campaign mode on saturation basis.
33. Expedite generation, issue & delivery of UIDs.
34. Permanent Enrolment Centers for residual enrolments and for updating existing records.
35. Now there is a Mission Director for DBT at the Centre; every State may have a State Mission Director to lead the roll out locally.
36. If it is so BIG, give it What It Takes (WIT):
A. Build on Strengths: Public Sector Banks to recruit, train & deploy 35000 new rural bank officers on Service Area Approach with private banks to offer competition and choice to customer.
B. Broadbase the system and make it universal, inter-operable and ubiquitous: The services can be made accessible to residents through multiple agents across banks, multiple establishments, multiple channels like biometric ATMs, through Rupay Cards, mobile banking, etc.
C. Jobs for a million functionaries: CSPs in 6 lakh villages supported by FI officers, ultra small branches Reasons for Slow Progress of FI-DBT:
1. Absence of Business Case for any Stakeholder; Bank-TSP-BC-CSP.
2. FI-EBT taken up to satisfy Govt & RBI; Corporate Social Responsibility.
3. Private databases for biometrics: inability to saturate enrollments.
4. Unreliable mechanism for service delivery.
5. Poor connectivity for GPRS in villages.
6. Shortage of Electric Power to charge POTD.
7. Absence of adequate number of reliable Corporate BCs and Technology Service Providers.
8. Failure of common RFP to appoint Business Correspondents.
Reasons for slow progress on AADHAAR Platform:
1. Enrollments are not completed; large number of poor people still left out.
2. Delays in issue of UID, in communicating UIDs issued.
3. Delay in seeding databases of User departments.
4. Delay in seeding Bank accounts and in mapping them on NPCI-APB.
5. CSPs yet to be positioned in many villages.
6. Procurement and positioning of micro ATMs to be done.
7. Inter-operability among banks, still not achieved.
8. SBI Group and some Nationalized banks are still not on board.
9. Remuneration of stakeholders is not yet defined. Banks gain nothing by doing FI-DBT. No clarity on remuneration of TSP-BC-CSP.
10. Professions of faith in FI-DBT do not result in service availability. 11. Statistics on FI speak of BCs positioned and accounts opened, but are silent about services rendered and volumes achieved.
12. Absence of dedicated officers for FI.
13. CSPs are poorly paid and have no motivation.
14. Technology is in place; Policy and Strategy are found wanting.
1. Aadhaar Based Financial Inclusion: Instant opening of account on eKYC.
2. DBT-Led FI.
3. Service as Right.
4. Branch-led FI: Dedicated FI Officer.
5. BC-BF tied to branch, No corporate BC.
6. Resident of village as BC-BF.
7. Day End Settlement of Account for BC-BF Commissions.
8. Penetration pricing for 5 years at double the rates.
9. Create First Mover Advantage
10. Service portable across bank, agent and place.
11. Cash Management in Inter-operable setting:
Cash drawl upto Rs. One lakh per CSP per day from ATM.
12. Biometric ATMs, ATM in villages over 2000 population. 13. Multi-agent architecture: establishments, mobile money,
Rupay Card.
14. Transparency: Transaction print-out, Vernacular Voice Over,
Pass Book, Mini Statement.
15. Comprehensive Law for FI, AADHAAR and DBT.
16. Permanent Enrollment Centre for incremental enrollment for UID
& updating record.
17. BPR: Redesign products & services for FI.