Appropriate & Acceptable Computer, Network and Internet Use

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Appropriate & Acceptable Computer, Network and Internet Use


Access to the District’s computer systems (DCS) and the Internet are provided for school district purposes for students as an educational resource. For students, parent’ permission is required to use the District’s computer resources. Internet access is a privilege, not a right, and that access requires students to use them in a courteous responsible and adult manner. Computer data files and other electronic storage areas will be treated like school lockers. This means that such areas will be considered to be School District property subject to control and inspection. Students should have no expectation of privacy. Administrators, teachers/staff may review files and communications to insure that students are using the system responsibly. Inappropriate use of the DCS may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or cancellation of access to the DCS as determined in accordance with appropriate due process procedures. Students should also be aware that their activity on the Internet and network may be monitored and recorded. If a student has knowledge of an inappropriate Internet site, it is that student’s responsibility to report the nature of the content and URL (Internet address) to a teacher, administrator or staff member. This policy does not attempt to articulate all required and/or acceptable uses of the DCS; nor is it the intention of this policy to define all inappropriate usage. Administrative regulations will further define general guidelines of inappropriate student conduct (for example, plagiarism). Students must adhere to all laws, including copyright. Activities prohibited by students using the DCS include, but are not limited to the following: I WILL NOT  Use the DCS to obtain, view, download, print, and broadcast or otherwise gain access to anything that is unlawful, obscene, pornographic, abusive or objectionable.  Load or run any personal software without the consent of the teacher or IT Dept.  Share my login or password with any other person  Using digital devices such as cellphone or camera phones or other electronic technology and/ or media to facilitate cheating, plagiarism, etc.  Use another person’s work as my own (plagiarizing or violating copyright law).  Accessing personal, interactive sites (such as Facebook or other social blogs) unless under the direct supervision of a staff member. This includes the use of a student’s personal cellphone or digital device to access social networking sites.  Tamper with wires or parts, damage, disable or otherwise interfere with the operation of computers, the DCS, software or related equipment through physical action or by electronic means.  Change desktop/network settings, or modify the operation of software and equipment.  Surf the Internet without an educational purpose or use the equipment for anything other than school related work unless authorized by a teacher.  Change, copy, rename, delete, read or otherwise access files which are not my own.  Send or display offensive messages or pictures.  Use obscene language, harass, insult or attack or cyber-bully others.  Without express permission from a teacher or administrator, load files or software that has been modified outside the district and may threaten the DCS (for example, files brought in on a USB drive introduce a virus).  Use the DCS for anything other than school related work or activities.  Intentionally waste limited resources (e.g. repeatedly printing large documents).  Download files, including MP-3 files, video clips, etc., for non-school work.  Allow my curiosity to lead me to inappropriate material. If there is a clue that a web link might lead to unacceptable information, I will avoid that location. I understand that if I do accidentally come across something unacceptable on the Internet, it is my responsibility to write down the URL (web address and submit/report it to a staff member.)

MEDIA RELEASE (Publication of Photographs and Student Work) As part of school activities, students may create work that teachers would like to share. Students may also have an opportunity to have their pictures taken or participate in a videotaped program demonstrating school experiences, training programs and classroom activities.

Unless parents “opt out” by indicating in writing that they do not give media release permission, their child’s work may be published in newsletters, print, on the Internet, CD-ROM and/or other electronic media. Published work may include art work, video, written documents or web pages created by the students and may include the student’s name. There will be no monetary compensation for use of student work. Parents and students should understand that this work may be viewed via the school district’s web site. The district has no control over who views the web site.

Pictures or images of a student may be taken and used for appropriate educational purposes such as, but not limited to, school records, publications, extra-curricular activities, news releases, training videotapes, district and/or web site and video teleconferencing. I understand that, except in the print version (not Internet version) of the district newsletter and yearbook, only the student’s first name may accompany his/her picture when published. A student’s full name may only be used with an image when a parent and student authorize such by signing a release form.

If parents do not wish the Holland School district to publish their child’s work, take and use still photos, videotape, digital and/or audio recordings of their child, they must check the “No” box on the Annual Emergency Data Form.

I have read and understand the Holland Jr. /Sr. High School appropriate & acceptable computer and internet use policy and the Media Release information.

Print name of student: ______

Signature of student: ______

Signature of parent: ______

Date: ______

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