Reference Standard (Specify Revision, Year):______
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FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 1/8
Audit Report
Company: Address: ZIP code, City: Audit dates: Auditors:
Reference standard (specify revision, year):______
Company’s participants: a) Welding coordinators ______
Other participants: a) ______b) ______c) ______d) ______
Audit type:
First certification Amendments: reasons______ Surveillance Renewal Reaudit Other ______FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 2/8
Description of the scope: ______
Is design included in the certification: yes no
Welding coordinators: The following welding coordinators have been evaluated:
Responsible Welding Coordinator:
Name Surname Date of birth Qualification If the Responsible Welding Coordinator is external, specify a company employee in the production site the Welding Coordinator refers to.
Substitute with equal responsibilities:
Name Surname Date of birth Qualification
Any other substitutes:
Name Surname Date of birth Qualification
Name Surname Date of birth Qualification
Name Surname Date of birth Qualification
Name Surname Date of birth Qualification
Integration of welding coordinators in the Organization:
Objectives and competence areas of responsible welding coordinators:
. Implementation of UNI EN ISO 14731 (evidence): yes no
. Does the organisation chart provide evidences of the independence of welding coordinators? yes no
. Implementation of UNI EN ISO 3834 Part 2 , 3 , 4
. Implementation of other applicable standards (specify the codes)______FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 3/8
Welders/operators and procedures:
Is the list of qualification test certificates for welding operators/welders available: yes no
Is the list of instructions and procedures for welding qualification tests available : yes no
Internal personnel certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9712: yes no
Weld production tests performed and documented: yes no
Instruments: - Basic instruments: requirements are satisfied/partially satisfied/unsatisfied - Additional instruments (e.g.: calibration systems, current clamps, various equipment,etc): requirements are satisfied/partially satisfied/unsatisfied
Additional requirements: - Conformity of filler material with EN 15085-4: yes no - Conformity of parent material with EN 15085-4: yes no - Self-inspection of the welding operator or welder in accordance with EN 15085-5: yes no FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 4/8
Technical knowledge of welding coordinators (if applicable):
Scope Contents (terms and definitions, examples of Responsible 1st substitute Other other applicable standards) welding of welding substitute coordinator coordinator General: Amendments, applications, terms and definitions, EN 15085-1 requirements Quality and Quality requirements, technical requirements, test certification laboratories: EN 3834, EN ISO/IEC 17025 requirements: Personnel, organisational requirements: EN ISO EN 15085-2 9606-1, EN ISO 9606-2/EN ISO 14732, EN ISO 14731, EN 473/ISO 9712 Welding procedures: EN ISO 14555, EN ISO 15607, EN ISO 15609, EN ISO 15620, EN ISO 15614 Design Design requirements, drawing data, tolerances: requirements: EN 2553, EN ISO 13920 EN 15085-3 Classes of performances and classes of welding inspections, quality levels: EN ISO 5817, EN ISO 10042 Material selection: UNI CEN ISO/TR 15608, requirements of welded joints, preparation of joints: EN ISO 9692-1, 2 Production Planning documentation: see section 4.1 requirements: Evidences of specifications and welding procedures EN 15085-4 (WPQR): EN ISO 15610, EN ISO 15611, EN ISO 15612, EN ISO 15613, EN ISO 15614, EN ISO 15620, EN ISO 14555 Weld production test: EN ISO 14555, EN ISO 15613, EN ISO 15614-13 Welding requirements: EN1011, EN ISO 13916, EN ISO 9013 Repair: as per §6 of EN 15085-4 FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 5/8
Inspection, test and Inspection and test, before during and after documentation: welding, test plan, documentation: EN ISO 3834- EN 15085-5 2, 3, 4, EN 473/ISO 9712 Conformity: EN ISO/IEC 17050-1, -2 Specific issues External welding coordinators: EN 15085-2, section 5.1.3 Certification: EN 15085-2, section 6 Audits: EN 15085-2, section 7 Allocation of parts: EN 15085-2, Annex A Raw materials: EN 15085-4, section 5.4 Self-inspection of welders/welding operators: EN 15085-5, section 4.4.2 Subcontracting: EN 15085-5, section 8 Traceability: EN 15085-5, section 10 Inspection and test of welded joints: EN 15085-5, Annex A Final results
Evaluation: s = satisfactory, ns = not satisfactory, n.a .= not applicable, a = evaluated during the audit
- The reference standard(s) is(are) available in a language that responsible welding coordinators understand: yes no - The interview has been made in a detailed manner (welding coordinator without any qualifications in accordance with the IIW/EWF guidelines): yes no - In case of ‘yes’ answer in the previous question indicate the Level reached (A,B,C)______FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 6/8
Certification range
Welding Set of materials in Certification range process in Certification range accordance with UNI Welders/Welding accordance Type of joint (thicknesses) WPQR CEN ISO/TR 15608 operators with EN ISO and other materials tmin – tmax 4063 tmin – tmax
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General evaluation The Certificate issue requirements are satisfied/partially satisfied/unsatisfied.
Certification Level (CL):
Welding performance class (CP)
Welding inspection class (CT)
Main suppliers
Any subcontractors
Next surveillance audit:
Observations (see annexed forms):
Place, Date:
Auditors, name and signature
Responsible welding coordinator of audited site, name and signature: FORM-CRT-RVI-15085 Rev. 0 EN 15085 Audit Report RINA Page 8/8
FINDING No......
Organisation’s documents Area involved Classification
Paragraph of reference standard Description of finding
Signature of Team Leader Signature of Organisation’s representative for acceptance
To be filled in by the Organisation Analysis of causes
Corrective Action proposed
Planned implementation deadline Signature of Organisation’s Signature of Team Representative Leader
To be filled in by the audit team Audit of corrective actions
Site audited Date Signature of Team Leader