Christian School

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Christian School



5913 AIRPORT ROAD Post Office Box 3297 Wise, Virginia 24293-3297

Train up a child in the way he should go... Proverbs 22:6

Table of Contents 1 Statement of Faith ………………………………………………………………….. 3 Mission Statement ………………………………………………………………….. 4 Philosophy ………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Governance ………………………………………………………………………….4 Spiritual Life & Emphasis ………………………………………………………….. 4 Admission Policy ……………………………………………………………………6 Chapel ……………………………………………………………………………….6 Dress Code …………………………………………………………………………..7 Discipline ……………………………………………………………………………9 Academics …………………………………………………………………………... 13 Curriculum …………………………………………………………………………..15 Graduation Requirements …………………………………………………………… 16 Standardized Testing …………………………………………………………………16 Awards……………………………………………………………………………….17 Extra Curricular Activities …………………………………………………………..18 Finances ……………………………………………………………………………..18 Parent/Teacher Fellowship ………………………………………………………….. 19 Miscellaneous ……………………………………………………………………….. 19 Parent/School Agreement …………………………………………………………… 20 Weather Plan ………………………………………………………………………...21 Biblical Morality Policy Statement …………………………………………………. 23


The basis of faith of this organization is as follows:

A. There is one God eternally existing in three persons--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

B. The Bible is the Word of God, verbally inspired; infallible and inerrant in all that it says. (II Tim. 3:16; I Thes. 2:13)

C. The Lord Jesus Christ is fully God (John 1:1); fully man (John 1:14); born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23); lived a sinless life (Hebrews 4:15); performed miracles (John 4:29); shed His blood and died a substitution death (Hebrews 10:10, 12, 19); arose bodily from the dead (I Cor. 15:12-20); ascended to and sits in glory at the Father's right hand (Hebrews 1:3); and is to return for His own (John 14:3).

D. Man is by nature and practice a sinner; separated from God and can become God's child only by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His work of redemption on Calvary. (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:8,9; and Romans 10:9,10).

E. Those who are born into God's family have eternal life and those who are not remain in spiritual death and will be separated from God forever in Hell. (John 3:18, 36; and Matthew 25:46)

F. The Holy Spirit lives in the believer and enables him to walk in purity of life and submission to the will of God. (Ephesians 1:13,14; and Galatians 4:22,23)

G. All believers are united together by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ for the purpose of causing the growth of the body and building itself up in love. (I Cor. 12:13; Ephesians 4:16)

H. The triune God created from nothing all that is in the span of six days. (Genesis 1)

I. The ministry of the local church is God's established instrument for carrying out the Great Commission. The body of Christ, the Church, is composed of all born again believers who have by faith accepted Christ as Lord.

J. In regards to human Sexuality

Whereas, Wise county Christian School is committed to preserve Scriptural morals in the face of outside societal influences seeking to degrade the Biblical family, pervert the moral values of our nation, and intimidate God’s people from speaking God’s truth in love, we adopt the following into our statement of Faith:

1. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one naturally-born man and one naturally-born woman. We believe that any form of sexual immorality; including homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are sinful perversions of God’s gift of sex. We believe that God disapproves of and forbids any attempt to alter one’s gender by surgery or appearance. (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5, 13; Gen. 26:8-9; Lev. 18:1-30; Rom. 1: 26-29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4) 3 2. We believe that the only Scriptural marriage is the joining of one naturally-born man and one n a t u r a l l y - b o r n woman for life. (Gen. 2:24; Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:10; Eph. 5:22-23) Since we are an inter-denominational body, this statement of faith constitutes the boundaries wherein we may be dogmatic. MISSION STATEMENT

To achieve academic excellence that glorifies Jesus Christ by providing a Biblical world view.


We have founded Wise County Christian School to promote the Christian world-view perspective in education. We have acted obediently!--Obedient to God's command to teach our children Truth. That we have founded Wise County Christian School for this reason brightly illuminates an awesome set of responsibilities, as we have purposed a school that in its academic work and activities will have a Biblical view of God, man, and the world. In doing this, our school must not only teach the Truth--we must live the Truth. We must teach Christianity according to Biblical principles.


The Board of Directors: Wise County Christian School is under the authority of a Board of Directors who must be born again believers and have a definite conviction for Christian School Education. Under God, the Board has the full authority to develop policy, recognize those called of God to this ministry and offer an education in keeping with Scripture. The self-appointing Board adds new members as needed. Serving God on the Christian School Board is a ministry in itself.


A unique advantage of the Christian School is the emphasis that can be placed upon a person's Spiritual nature. Wise County Christian School is an inter-denominational school which accepts the diversity of belief, not as a divisive force, but as a unifying one. The school's Statement of Faith serves to seek cooperation among fundamental, Bible believing Christians of many denominations, emphasizing those great truths we universally accept. It is our desire that each student confess Jesus Christ as Savior, that he seek His Lordship in his life, and that he make Biblical principles central in his own life and value system.

Bible Instruction: We believe the Bible to be the inerrant, inspired Word of God. It is taught at Wise County Christian School with authority and as a part of the curriculum for all grades. As an inter- denominational school, we agree on Bible basics and discuss, but do not argue, interpretive portions. We stress the need for personal salvation and the need for the Lordship of Christ in each individual life. We stress that the Bible teaches us how to live each day.

Chapel/Special Emphasis: Students attend chapel weekly. This time affords the students an opportunity 4 for participation in testimony, music and drama, and hearing the Word.

Problem Solving -- the Matthew 18 Principle: This school is truly a place for us, as believers, to practice Christian principles. As a chosen people, we must act to initially be responsive to God's plan and, secondly, to serve as a model for the students. As problems arise we must handle them in a Godly way. God's Word declares the way to problem solving. We can find the formula to relationship problem solving in the 18th Chapter of Matthew. This principle can be exercised in the Christian School and can help maintain strong, serious-minded relationships. The Bible says: "Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou has gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church; but, if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican."

As the children of God, we need not be easily offended or overly sensitive. The awareness of the presence of the evil tempter himself should keep us from having rabbit ears---being overly sensitive and jumping to little provocations. When serious problems arise, however, we should be adequately prepared to follow the Matthew 18 principle. Prayerfully and confidentially, the two parties involved need to meet and earnestly seek the mind of the Lord. After an open and honest discussion, both must be willing to change as the Lord leads. Most problems are reconciled at this first level. God Himself gives this step first, and with it He issues the expectation of resolution. Only if this first step fails should a school problem be furthered to the school administration and ultimately the Board. Following this practice is a distinctive which establishes the Christian School as an ongoing spiritual exercise. Please pray for the willful exercise of this principle in this school, knowing that it works, for the spiritual is always practical.

Retreats/Camp: Wise County Christian School urges student and faculty participation in Christian retreats and summer camps. Two reasons are obvious for this urging: 1. Christian fellowship is vital. 2. The furtherance of retreats and camps as vibrant Christian ministries is dependent upon the active participating support of believers.

Staffing: All staff, faculty, administrators and Board of Directors are born again, committed Christians.

Position: Wise County Christian School recognizes fully its position as complimentary and supplementary to the Christian home and local Church. In this triangular position, the school will meet the major thrust of fundamental, evangelical Christianity.

Evangelism/Mission: Both evangelism and mission oriented programs are the primary responsibility of the local church. Wise County Christian School recognizes the need for revival, evangelism and mission programs both in our home community and all over the world and will become actively involved in augmenting the existing ministries of the local churches sharing the gospel to the lost, loving our neighbor and helping to meet need.


Non-Discriminatory Statement: Wise County Christian School admits students of any race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan program, athletic and other school- administered programs.

Academic Qualifications: Academically, students must be ready for the grade level/class for which application is made. Determining variables may include: testing of mental ability, reading level, math achievement, and review of grades in former school work.

Student Qualifications: Spiritually, the student and his parents must be in accord with the Christian purpose of the school. All students applying for grades 6-12 must sign an annual enrollment agreement indicating their desire to be in the Christian school.

Age Qualification: An applicant for day care must be 6 weeks old or older at time of registration. An applicant for Pre-K must be four years old prior to October 31. An applicant for K5 must be five years old prior to October 31. A request for exemption for preschool/kindergarten may be reviewed and recommended to the Board by the administrator.

Health Qualifications: Students entering daycare or K5 must have a doctor's examination within six months prior to entrance. A statement concerning the child's physical fitness and the vaccination certificate must be filed with the school.

Procedural Requirement:

1. Complete and submit application. 2. Parent/Administrator conference. 3. Parents and child agree with conditions set forth in the application form. 4. All other things being acceptable, admission is granted according to the date of application. 5. New students will be evaluated at the end of 9 weeks, and a parent/administrator conference will be scheduled.

Publicity: You can assist in this, the Lord's work, by telling friends and neighbors about Wise County Christian School. The school administration is available to speak to parent groups, churches, civic clubs or any gathering concerning the merits of Christian education.


Chapel will be held each Friday with at least one per month being a combined High School and

6 Elementary Chapel. DRESS CODE

We desire the best in education and character development for our students; therefore, we have established certain standards in the dress code which encourage development of the Christian traits of modesty and respect.

The purpose of a dress code is twofold. First, it must be one that is honoring to God. Secondly, it must be one that enhances the learning atmosphere. Evidence solidly confirms that the learning process is greatly influenced by how a student is dressed. Our goal at WCCS is to have a dress code that satisfies both requirements without exercising undue extremism. The WCCS dress code is as follows:

Dress Code: Faculty, staff and students. Faculty and staff please remember you set the example for the students. Dress code applies to all individuals. Dress code applies to ALL school sponsored events, such as sports practices, field trips and special events.

A. Clothes are to be neat, loose fitting and worn properly. 1. Shirts are to be tucked in when so designed 2. Shirt Policy A. No spaghetti straps are allowed for any age group. B. No under wear is to show at any time, nor during any motion. C. For males, the shirt shall hang no more than 2” under the arm. D. K-5th Grade girls, shirts must be at least 1” at the shoulder. E. 6th -12th Grade girls, shirts must be at least 2”at the shoulder. F. Shirts should have a MODEST neckline, both front and back, with no cleavage showing at any time. G. Shirts should not be tight fitting, nor show bare midriff or back in any position. H. Shirts may not be shear nor transparent. No undergarment is to show through. 3. No biker shorts or spandex – at anytime. 4. Belts are to be in loops. 5. There will be NO “gang-like” symbols allowed, no chains, etc., no gang look, no punk rock look. 6. No earrings nor visible body piercing for male students. 7. No visible body piercing jewelry other than earrings for girls. 8. There will be NO baseball type hats to be worn by students nor faculty or staff during school hours. 9. Pajamas are not to be worn to school, unless special permission is given. 10. Shoes that are designed to be laced are to be laced. 11. Clothing with Abercrombie & Fitch logos are Prohibited. The reason for the stand against this label is because this company promotes pornography in most all of their ads and we do not feel they are a company that we are Christians should be supporting. 12. Jeans/Pants policy: A. Hip huggers and low riders are prohibited if any bare skin shows at any time and/or during any motion.

7 B. Jeans with holes that allow skin to show are prohibited. C. Jeans and pants must be loose fitting enough that you can pinch 1”, at thumb-tip level of the wearer. D. Leggings are permitted, but NOT as pants. They are allowed to be worn under dresses and skirts that meet dress code. 13. Dresses and Skirts: A. Daycare – 1st grade girls, if wearing a dress or skirt must wear shorts underneath. The reason is that these little girls sometimes roll in the floor and pull their legs up in the air, etc. allowing their undies and bottoms to show. B. K-5th grade dresses and skirts can be no shorter than 2” above the knee. C. 6th – 12th grade dresses can be no shorter than knee length (top of knee). This includes the top of slits that may be designed in the dress or skirt. The length will apply to the material that is not see through. Example: you have a lace overlay that is below the knee, but the solid material under it is not, this would NOT comply with dress code: The solid part of the garment must be knee length. 14. Shorts: A. K-5th Grade shorts can be no shorter than 3” above the knee. B. 6th – 12th grades shorts can be no shorter than 2” above the knee. This applies to all school activities such as sports practices, field trips and special events. C. Shorts must be loose fitting enough that you can pinch 1” at thumb tip level of the wearer. 15. Boy’s hair must be no longer than collar length and above the ears. 16. Chapel Dress: A. Boys: Dress Pants – no cargo type pants or denim, regardless of the color. Dress shirts designed to and will be tucked in Ties to be worn up until lunch time Dress shoes, no sneakers, sports shoes etc. B. Girls: Dresses, skirts or dress pants – no cargo, nor denim regardless of the color Dress tops without logos Dress shoes, no sneakers, sports shoes, etc.

Teachers will check attire each morning. If attire is able to be fixed by the student so that it does comply with the dress code, then no further action is needed. If attire is questionable, student will be sent to the administration. Please address student discreetly, so as not to cause undue embarrassment. Under no circumstances should the dress of a student be discussed among faculty and/or staff. If it is questionable, the determination rests with the administration. The administration will make the final determination regarding appropriateness of attire when questionable. If a student is written up 3 times for a certain dress code offense, he/she will lose that privilege for the rest of the year, i.e., shorts too short 3 times – no more shorts for that individual. If a student wears inappropriate clothing to school, their parent will be called to bring them the appropriate clothing or they will wear clothing provided by the school for the remainder of the day.

Prom/Dances A. Spaghetti straps are allowed for special dances only, but no strapless B. Dresses must have a modest neckline. No cleavage is to show at anytime C. Length on all dresses and skirts will be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee, this includes

8 slits as well as any see through sheer materials or lace. D. The back of the dress may be open, but cannot drop below the middle of the back. E. Dress shoes are required, no sneakers, sports shoes, etc. F. Absolutely no denim regardless of color G. Dresses and skirts must be pre-approved by the Spring Formal Committee at least 2 weeks before the event. H. Formal suits or tuxedo is required for all young men.

Prom advisor committee and or the dance sponsor will make final determination on attire.


Discipline is defined as training that develops self-control, orderliness and efficiency; treatment that corrects. The twelfth chapter of Hebrews declares the need for discipline--proper discipline; a love-based discipline; a teaching discipline.

Discipline is necessary for the welfare of the students as well as the entire school. Teachers are placed in an authority role in each classroom and are given the liberty to make and enforce classroom regulations in accordance with the disciplinary standards of Wise County Christian School.

Wise County Christian School incorporates many disciplinary methods including: reprimand, suspension, and expulsion. Often, parent conferences are required by the administration to emphasize the seriousness of a problem and to seek problem-solving ideas. A full cooperative spirit between the home and school is a pre-requisite for student growth. Reprimand: At the discretion of the teacher, a student's negative behavior may be addressed in the following order: A. A private verbal reprimand B. Student sent to the office with a written explanation C. The parent will be notified in writing with a full explanation.

Detention/Suspension: The student is not allowed to attend classes or school functions for a specific period of time. A. Detention (In School) - A student will do the assignments and class work for the time period and receive 50% credit. B. Suspension (Out of School) A student will do the assignments and class work for the time period but will receive no credit for the work. If work is not satisfactory, the student will then finish work in Detention.

Expulsion: A student is expelled when he refuses to allow us to minister to him and does not respond to corrective action. A student who is expelled may not re-enter WCCS prior to a hearing with the Board and accompanied by a parent. Expulsion appeals are available for offenses not defined in Approved Discipline Policy.

Electronic Devices: Any and all electronic devices brought to the school must be turned off upon entering

9 the building and must remain off until 3:30 pm. The only exception to this rule would be if a teacher gives permission to the student for a particular purpose. Failure to abide by this ruling will result in the following disciplinary action:

1st Offense – Warning to student with parental notification 2nd Offense – Item will be confiscated until the end of the day along with parental notification 3rd Offense – Student will lose the privilege for the remainder of the school year

Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating is stealing (copying) someone else’s answers or homework. Stealing is sin. We desire the development of the Christ-like qualities of honesty and integrity; therefore, cheating will be dealt with seriously. Plagiarism is the willful copying of someone else's work and then submitting this work as your own. This is a serious violation. Violations are normally punishable by suspension or expulsion.

Physical Contact/Immorality Demonstrations of romantic involvement between students on school property are forbidden. Hand holding, embracing or any other contact that would contribute to undue familiarity will not be tolerated. Boys and girls must maintain a six-inch distance at all times. Behavior should be above reproach. In accordance with the School’s statement of faith and in recognition of Biblical commands, no immoral conduct will be tolerated. The Bible strictly forbids such conduct which includes immoral actions as well as advocating for sinful behavior. The following will not be tolerated in any form and will constitute grounds for expulsion: any actions or identifying statements concerning fornication, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, or pornography. (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5, 13; Gen. 26:8-9; Lev. 18:1-30; Rom. 1: 26-29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess. 4:1-8; Heb. 13:4). Definition of “immoral act”-Bodily contact, actively undertaken or passively permitted, between members of the opposite sex or members of the same sex for the purpose of satisfying sexual desires and any bodily contact that a reasonable person would understand to demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in an immoral or homosexual act. Definition of "identifying statement"-A statement that a student is a homosexual, bisexual, or otherwise immoral, or words to that effect or language or behavior that a reasonable person would believe is intended to convey the statement that a student engages in or has a propensity or intent to engage in immoral and/or homosexual acts.

Public Displays of Affection (PDA): Holding hands, hugging, etc., are unacceptable student behavior during the school day as attention is to be focused on school matters. This rule applies anytime a student is on school premises or at any school function. The following will be the consequences of PDA:

1st Offense – Detention as well as parental notification 2nd Offense – Parent/Student/Administration conference 3rd Offense – 1-3 day OSS

Hall pass: Students shall not leave class except in the case of an emergency. They must have a hall pass signed by the classroom teacher with a notation of the time student leaves class and the time he returns. The teacher shall be responsible for keeping track of the student.

10 Property Care: It is important that the grounds and property afford a neat and attractive appearance. To accomplish this, a unified effort is critical. Writing on desks or walls, for example, gives a terrible appearance and is unbecoming for Christians. The appearance of this school gives a loud testimony to the world. Persons who violate the intent of keeping our facilities attractive will be disciplined. The main consideration is that this is God's school, and we are His caretakers. Respect For and Obedience to Authority: In order to establish a proper school atmosphere, the teacher will be addressed as Mr., Mrs., or Ms. and given the respect fitting the position in which God has placed him/her (Romans 13:1). The administration, faculty and staff of WCCS are in authority during each school day. The authority is to be expressed with love and boldness, and the student is expected to follow this leadership obediently and without delay. Students, therefore, are expected to be quick to obey with a cooperative spirit.

Student Drivers: Legally licensed student drivers may receive permission to drive to school. When permission is granted, all conditions stated by the school administration must be met. All student drivers must register at the front office. This privilege may be revoked if the student driver behaves inappropriately on or near campus.

Tardiness: Tardy is defined as "not being in class when the tardy bell rings." Students shall be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings or they will be marked tardy for class. All doors except the front doors will be locked at 8:15


1. Possession of alcohol or other drugs (on or off campus) 1st Offense: 5 days suspension/no makeup 2nd Offense: expulsion

2. Use of tobacco on school grounds 1st Offense: 3 day suspension/no makeup 2nd Offense: expulsion

3. Fighting (Depending on the severity) 1st Offense: 1 to 3 days detention 2nd Offense: 1 to 3 days suspension/no makeup 3rd Offense: expulsion 4. Abusive language/behavior 1st Offense: discipline referral or suspension 2nd Offense: 3 day suspension/no makeup 3rd Offense: expulsion

5. Direct disobedience to teacher/authority 1st Offense: discipline referral or suspension 2nd Offense: 3 day suspension/no makeup 3rd Offense: expulsion

11 6. Bringing guns 1st Offense: expulsion

7. Leaving school without permission 1st Offense: teacher/parent/student conference 2nd Offense: 3 day suspension/no makeup 3rd Offense: expulsion Students will not be allowed to leave school for any reason other than medical, legal, or family emergency. (This includes lunch period).

8. Tardiness 1st Offense, 5 tardies – Administrator meets with parent/student 2nd Offense, 5 unexcused tardies – 1 day detention (K-3 grade, 1 day OSS) 3rd Offense, 10 unexcused tardies – 1 day suspension/ parent/administrator student conference 4th Offense, 15 unexcused tardies – Parents and student appear before Board

The WCCS must address the growing problem of absences, tardiness, and signing students out of school early. Therefore, the following policy has been adopted.

9. Absence without excuse 1st Offense: Parents are called 2nd Offense: 2 days unexcused – parent/administrator student conference 3rd Offense: 3 days unexcused – 1 day detention 4th Offense: 5 days unexcused – parent and student appear before the Board for possible expulsion.

10. Absences – excused or unexcused 1st Offense: 10 – parent/administrator conference 2nd Offense: 15 – parent and student appear before the Board 3rd Offense: 15+ - student will stay after school for make-up work. Parents will be responsible for an hourly fee set by the Board. Only students with excused absences will be allowed to get credit for missed work.

Students will be allowed three notes from home each semester as excused absences. All other absences must be excused by a doctor or they will be counted as an unexcused absence. If a student does not bring a note from home the day they return to school, they will be given an unexcused admit slip and it will remain unexcused unless a note is brought in by the 3rd day after the absence.

In order for us to address the absenteeism and early sign-outs, WCCS has adopted the following procedure:

If a student has perfect attendance, an additional 100 points will be added to their nine weeks daily grade such as: An additional 100 points will be averaged with their daily grade in order to get their 9th week grade. Each class period that a student misses as an unexcused absence, four points will

12 be subtracted for each class period missed. A maximum of five days for each grading will be subtracted.

11. Having been found guilty of cheating 1st Offense: grade of 0 2nd Offense: 3 days suspension 3rd Offense: parents and student appear before the board

12. Destruction of property 1st Offense: pay for damage/clean up or suspension 2nd Offense: 3 days suspension 3rd Offense: expulsion

13. Inappropriate materials or conduct Possession or distribution of inappropriate material (music, pictures, discs, etc.) will be dealt with severely. Materials will be confiscated and consequences suffered. Dabbling in immoral issues of a sexual nature is unhealthy for a person’s mind, body, and spirit. We are here to guide toward a Godly walk and protect you. According to the severity of the offense, the consequences could be: 1st Offense 3 days suspension 2nd Offense expulsion

14. No knives are allowed at school. If found they must be turned into the office. Brandishing a knife will be treated as a weapon and will result in expulsion.

15. Stealing 1st Offense: parent/teacher/administrator conference 2nd Offense: expulsion

16. Threatening or attacking teacher or school personnel verbally or physically 1st Offense: immediate expulsion 17. Any action not covered by specific policy can be dealt with at administrator's discretion.

Telephone: Students are not permitted to use the school phones without permission. If a student becomes ill or there is an emergency, school personnel will call the student's parents. Cellular phones are not to be used in the school building.


Homework: Good homework assignments are critically important to augmenting daily instruction.

13 Homework offers reinforcement, practice, remediation and emphasis on special projects. Parents should frequently monitor homework time to assure quality conditions and attention. Television and homework do not mix well. A good meal, sufficient rest, quiet, and good lighting are essential to quality homework.

It is the student’s responsibility to get the daily homework assignments. When parents detect problems with homework, (lack of interest, sloppiness or too much time involvement) the teacher should be notified. Parents should not become too active in the homework effort. Coaching, encouragement and support is great, but completing the work for the child is out of order. When problems arise, parents need to contact the teacher before it is too late to remedy a bad situation. Homework is not to be assigned for completion on Wednesday night. Tests may be assigned for Thursday if three (3) day notice is given.

Neatness in Work: Work habits are so important and we must understand that habits learned at a young age stay with us, often throughout the adult life. Therefore, Wise County Christian School faculty expects neatness when work is submitted. Also, each student is to remain at workstation at all times. The Superintendent's Honor Roll will cite all students who have achieved a final grade of straight A's. Honor Roll will cite all students who have achieved a final grade of all A’s or B.

Grading/Evaluation: The grading scale is as follows:

Grading Scale Grade Points (1/2 Credit) A+ 99-100 A+ 4.25 2.125 A 95-98 A 4.0 2.0 A- 93-94 A- 3.75 1.875

B+ 91-92 B+ 3.25 1.625 B 88-90 B 3.0 1.5 B- 86-87 B- 2.75 1.375

C+ 84-85 C+ 2.25 1.125 C 80-83 C 2.0 1.0 C- 78-79 C- 1.75 .875

D+ 76-77 D+ 1.25 .625 D 72-75 D 1.0 0.5 D- 70-71 D- .75 .375

F 0-69 F 0 0

Student grades serve as the primary purpose of sharing with the parents the level of progress/achievement in a particular class. Many components are considered in the grading process. Some components are: test performance, projects, class work, homework, participation and attitude. During a grading period each major course grade should be the average of at least six grades including homework, tests, etc. Semester examinations are given in grades 8-12.

14 Parent-Teacher Conferences: Student report cards will be mailed home at the end of each grading period. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled throughout the year.

Make-Up Work after An Excused Absence: Appropriate make-up assignments will be given to the student in grades K-2. In grades 3 -12, the responsibility of seeking make-up work rests with the student. This responsibility should be exercised within three school days after returning from an absence. Always it should be understood that an absence will create a deficiency; perhaps not affecting a course grade, but certain classroom activities -- lectures, movies, debates, etc. -- cannot be made up. Missed tests will be made up within the 3 day period as scheduled by the teacher. Parents are encouraged to pick up makeup assignments at 3:20 p.m.

Exams: First and second semester examinations will be administered in grades 8 - 12. The exam exemption policy is as follows: 1. Seniors with a semester average of A in a course will be exempt from taking the second semester exam in that course. 2. Any student who has been suspended or has had administrative disciplinary action taken against him/her during a semester shall not be allowed to participate in the exam exemptions of that semester. This includes Administrative action regarding Tardiness and Absenteeism per semester. 3. In order to claim exam exemption, the student must have an average of A for the semester with none of the grades being less than a B. 4. The student may claim exam exemption from up to three (3) exams if the required grade has been achieved. 1. Regardless of the class load and situation, at least one exam in a class being taken at WCCS must be taken. Example: If a student is carrying four (4) classes, one of which is Bible, and no Bible exam is given, the student must take at least one exam in the other classes. 2. The student shall take the initiative to obtain the Exam Exemption form from the office and have it filled out and signed by the teacher of the class in which he/she wishes to be exempt. This form must be turned into the office by Thursday of the week before exam week. 3. If a student should choose to take an exam, even though he/she could be exempt, in order to improve the grade, then he/she must accept the exam grade. 4. If a student has three unexcused tardies and/or three unexcused absences he/she cannot exempt from any classes. CURRICULUM

Wise County Christian School offers a daycare program for two through five year olds. The design of this program is toward the child who is ready to pursue readiness skills, both social and academic.

In grades K5 through 7th Wise County Christian School incorporates several published curriculums with modifications unique to WCCS. The curriculum design uses many proven methodologies. The following areas are included: Bible, Reading, Language, History, Science, Spelling, Writing, Mathematics, Physical Education, and Health.

15 The secondary program includes grades 8-12 and affords subjects designed for the college bound student. Instruction is offered in the following: Bible, English, Mathematics, History, Science, Art, Music, Foreign Language, Health, and Physical Education and possible other electives.


To be graduated from Wise County Christian School, the following credits must be earned in grades 9-12: General Diploma College Prep

Bible 2 credits 2 credits Humanities 1 credit 1 credit English 4 credits 4 credits Science 3 credits 4 credits Math 3 credits 4 credits Heritage Studies 3 credits 4 credits Health/Physical Education 2 credits 2 credits Foreign Language 2 credits 3 credits Electives 1 credit 1 credit Consumer Math 1 credit 1 credit TOTAL CREDITS 22 credits 26 credits

Each credit represents 150 hours in instruction.

College Classes: Students in grades 11 or 12 may take college classes if the following criteria are met:

1. Must be 16 years old and a junior or senior. 2. Must have maintained a minimum of a 3.0 GPA in subject area the previous year. 3. Must have scored in at least the 60th percentile in subject area on Stanford Achievement. 4. Must be able to fit college classes into high school schedule.

Students may receive dual credit with prior approval. Juniors may take one class per semester, and seniors may take two classes per semester. The administration will determine the time a student is not required to be on campus. Also, a letter to the college from the administration must be sent. One credit will be awarded for each college course passed. The grade will count the same as a class at WCCS. It will not be

16 weighted.

If a student transfers to WCCS and has not had the required Bible Classes, the credit for these classes will be satisfied by substituting an elective credit taken at the previous school.

All students must attend Bible Class. Dual-Enrollment scheduling will be adjusted accordingly.


Wise County Christian School presently incorporates a spring standardized testing program. Annually, students in 1st -11th are given at least one achievement test battery and ability tests are given intermittently at WCCS. All test scores are reported to parents with a full set of interpretive instructions. Furthermore, conferences are encouraged for a better understanding of scores and to study ways of remediation and/or enrichment.


Academic Awards: The following awards are presented annually to deserving students. The teacher who nominates all candidates for awards carefully considers achievement criteria. The administration finalizes all nominations.

I. Academics A. Secondary 1. Valedictorian (minimum 3.5 GPA College Prep. Credits) - certificate - plaque - diploma sticker 2. Salutatorian (minimum 3.5 GPA College Prep. Credits) - certificate - plaque - diploma sticker 3. Honor graduate - gold cord or stole & tassel (3.0 GPA 9-12) 3.0- Honors - diploma sticker 3.5 - High Honors - diploma sticker 4.0 - Highest Honors - diploma sticker 4. Honor Roll - certificate 5. All subject areas B. Elementary 1. Honor Roll - certificate 2. Other awards to be given in individual classrooms. C. K-12 1. Christian Character – Pre-K-7, 8-12 - plaque 2. Perfect attendance - certificate

II. Extra Curricular/Arts A. Newspaper - certificate B. Yearbook - certificate C. Forensics - certificate

17 Christian Character Awards: Students who have demonstrated exemplary Christian character traits are likewise recognized. One student, based upon teacher recommendations, is selected from each of the given student areas (Pre-K-7, 8-12). These students receive a plaque.

Student two year policy: A student must attend the last two years of high school at Wise County Christian School to be considered for valedictorian and salutatorian.

Athletic Awards: Awards will be given to deserving participants in each sport sponsored by Wise County Christian School. Each award, except the certificate of participation, will be an earned award. The following awards will be used:

Monograms - These will be awarded the student athlete who participated in at least 50% of the scheduled events during the given sport season. The elementary (Little Eagles) will get trophies. The junior varsity (4" chenille) and varsity (6” chenille), monogram (W) is a one time award. Each additionally earned monogram will be substituted with a metal insert depicting the specific sport in which the award was earned.

Metal Inserts - For simple participation in a given sport, the student athlete will be awarded a metal insert depicting the specific sport.

Most Improved Athlete - The athlete who, in the opinion of the student athletes and coaches, has improved the most during the year will receive this award.

Understood with each award is that the student is in good standing as a student, and that his attitude and behavior have not detracted from the Christian testimony of the school.


Several extra curricular programs are sponsored by Wise County Christian School. The philosophy of WCCS regarding athletics and other activities is that the programs are an integral part of the student's total education. Many skills are developed, and potential life oriented situations are often experienced through such involvement. The inter-scholastic athletic program has the distinct advantage of offering fellowship with boys and girls in other Christian Schools. Future plans call for a comprehensive athletic/activities program. The following activities are offered based on availability: Boy's Basketball Girl's Cheerleading Girl's Basketball Track Yearbook

18 Boy’s Tennis Girl's Tennis Girl’s Volleyball

Students whose GPA falls below 2.0 will be removed immediately from any extra-curricular activity until desired progress is accomplished. In some cases, the GPA requirement may be waived if the student has a known learning problem.

The National Beta Club and the Student Council Association will be offered. Membership is by election.

FINANCES Tuition Payments: Payments of tuition are assessed annually and collected monthly. A variety of payment plans are available. Parents may opt to pre-pay tuition in any way they deem desirable, subject to administrative approval. When a tuition account is in arrears forty (40) days, the student(s) may not continue to be enrolled. Accounts must be current for re-enrollment. Annually a Tuition Payment Agreement will be signed by the parents. PARENT/TEACHER FELLOWSHIP

Parent/Teacher Fellowship: The PTF of Wise County Christian School meets the third Tuesday of every month, September through May and is purposed to promote the school in Wise County. It also aids in the operation of Wise County Christian School in the following ways:

1. By promoting a prayer support for the school. 2. By promoting a program designed to inform Christian parents in our region of the Scriptural basis of Christian education and the theory and practice of Wise County Christian School. 3. To encourage parents into active membership in the Parent Teacher Fellowship of Wise County Christian School. 4. To act as a liaison for explaining and interpreting decisions of the Board of Directors, other than decisions pertaining to specific disciplinary cases. 5. To act as a liaison for revealing parent interest as a source of information and encouragement to teachers. 6. To act as a course of procuring certain equipment, teaching aids, and building requirements, subject to approval of the Board of Directors. 7. To provide a liaison for spiritual and social fellowship for the parents, teachers and children.

Membership in the organization is open to all parents, guardians, and teachers of children enrolled in Wise County Christian School. Grandparents and friends may be non-voting associate members.


Parking: Student drivers should park in the spaces nearest Airport Road. Teachers and staff park in the middle lot and near the gym.

19 Waiting Room: Parents are asked to leave their children in the waiting room each morning and wait for them in the waiting room each afternoon. Parents are not to go to the classrooms or lunch area any time during the day without checking in through the office first. Parents may bring their child's lunch to the office.

Holiday Schedule: On the last day of scheduled classes before Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, classes will be dismissed at 12:00 a.m. to help with family travel plans.

Daily Schedule: Classes begin each day at 8:15 a.m. Kindergarten through 5th grade will dismiss at 3:15 p.m. and grades 6-12 will dismiss at 3:20 p.m.

Students will be dismissed at 12:00 on the last day of each nine weeks to provide a teacher work day.

Early Checkout: Early checkouts should be planned as much in advance as possible. A note should be presented to the teacher before the checkout and the parent should come to the school office to pick up the student. Never, should the parent go to the classroom and risk disruption. Make-up work should be secured before departure and submitted when the student returns to school.

Departure Time: All students remaining on school premises after 3:30 p.m. must report to after school care.

Fire Drills: Monthly fire drills are conducted throughout the school year so that, in the event of an emergency, our students will be trained and know how to respond. A very serious attitude is to be a part of each drill. During a drill, there is to be no talking and attention is to be fixed on the teacher who will give all instructions in the event of an emergency.

Medicine: Any student on prescribed medication needs to bring a note from home advising the school of the particulars. Medicine is to be secured in the office and disbursement is to be under the supervision of school personnel.

Lunch: 1. A student from each class will pray before the class is dismissed for lunch. 2. Parents may occasionally eat lunch with their children during lunch period, but are asked to please respect the teacher's lunch time. 3. According to Health Department regulations, students and faculty may not serve lunch.

The WCCS buildings and grounds will be CLOSED all day and evening on Sunday. The building and grounds will close at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday. NO EXCEPTIONS! There will be no practice or extra curricular activities at these times.

PARENT/SCHOOL AGREEMENT P A R E N T AL S UPP O RT The staff desires a harmonious relationship with parents. If parents have a question about a school policy or an event that involves their child, they are to notify their child's teacher. An effort will be

20 made to resolve any differences and maintain excellent communication between parents and ministry staff. Parental support is an essential part of the educational process. If, in the sole discretion of the administration, a parent has failed to support the Administrator or ministry staff or the standards articulated in the ministry’s Statement of Faith, School handbook, or biblical morality policy, the administration reserves the right to deny the student continued enrollment in the school. WCCS stands firmly upon the historical truth claims and moral foundations of Christianity. This includes, but is not limited to, the biblical definition of marriage, the attendant boundaries of sexuality and moral conduct, and the clear biblical teaching that gender is both sacred and established by God’s design. Parent’s or the legal guardians, who choose to enroll their child/children at WCCS, are agreeing to support these and other basic biblical values derived from historical Christianity. Parent’s understand and agree that WCCS will teach these principles and biblical values. In addition, the Board of Directors urges parents to recognize their scriptural responsibility (Deuteronomy 6: 1-9; Psalm 78: 5, 6; Proverbs 22:6) to provide their children with a Christian education and to understand that the primary responsibility for this task rests with the parents (Ephesians 6:4). WCCS was founded and continues to operate upon biblical values and the desire and commitment for Bible-believing Christian parents to enroll their children in an intentionally Christian environment. WCCS will consider admission for students from any family who, despite their religious background or beliefs, is willing to support WCCS’s philosophy of Christian education, Statement of faith, School handbook, Biblical morality statement, and who is willing to allow their children to be educated and influenced in an intentionally Christian environment. Continued enrollment at WCCS is contingent upon this same understanding and support.

1. Students are to show due respect in relations to the faculty and in speaking to faculty members. The first rule of conduct should at all times be consideration of others.

2. The use of profanity, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, illegal or unauthorized drugs on campus or off campus at any time of the year are serious violations of the standards of Wise County Christian School. See Discipline Policy.

3. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during the school hours without permission from parents and proper school authorities.

4. The school is not responsible for the loss of personal property whether the loss occurs by theft, fire, or any other cause.

5. Wise County Christian School reserves the right of dismissal of any student who persistently and willfully neglects his academic work, exercises poor citizenship, reflects adversely on the Christian principles of the school or generally fails to cooperate with instructors or administration.

6. Attire and appearance appropriate to the occasion is expected of all students at all times, and students are expected to adhere to guidelines as described in the student handbook.

7. Many individuals have, through their prayers and gifts, made this campus and program possible. Students should consider it a privilege to attend Wise County Christian School, and therefore, do 21 all in their power to keep the building attractive and make the utmost use of all facilities. Any student known to deface or destroy school property will be assessed the full cost of repairs and be subject to possible disciplinary action including dismissal.

8. Wise County Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or make available to students at the school. Nor does it discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarships, athletic, and other school administrative programs.

9. A student handbook will be furnished to each student so they will be knowledgeable of general regulations.

10. I authorize the Wise County Christian School to take my child on approved school field trips. Field trips are listed on the monthly school calendar. As parents, we sincerely pledge our loyalty to the aims and ideals of the school.

11. As parents, we hereby invest authority in the faculty and administration concerning the discipline of our child as necessary. We further agree that we will support the faculty and administration in discipline at home as needed.

12. As parents, we agree, in accordance with the principle of Matthew 18:15-17, to bring any and all questions and criticisms to the person most directly involved. If we have a question about a specific classroom action or procedure, then we will contact the appropriate teacher. If a satisfactory conclusion is not reached, then we will contact the administrator.

13. It is understood that all students are accepted on a trial basis for the first grading period before grade placement becomes final. As parents, we agree to be in regular attendance at scheduled PTF meetings.

14. I agree that the continued enrollment of my child in this school is dependent on my parental support of the school, its staff, and its policies.


In the event of snow or inclement weather necessitating the closing of school the following procedures will be in effect:

1. Wise County Christian School will be closed or will open late when inclement weather dictates. 2. Closings or late openings will be announced by the following by 7:00 a.m.: WCYB Channel 5 TV Call-em-all automated phone message 3. Please do not call school officials or media stations. 4. Late Opening Arrival Schedule: All late openings will begin at 10:15 a.m. with teachers reporting at 9:55 a.m. This means a 2 hour delay.

22 5. In the event school is closed, all activities scheduled for that day may be postponed.


WCCS’ biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christ like. Of necessity, this involves the school’s understanding and belief of what qualifies or characteristics exemplify a Christ like life. The school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student if the atmosphere within a particular home or the activities of the student are counter to or are in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches, is out of harmony with the Statement of Faith, the spirit, or the policies of the school on or off school property. Readmission considerations following dismissal will be determined on a case- by-case basis. This includes, but not necessarily limited to, participating in, supporting, or condoning sexual immorality, homosexual activity, or bisexual activity, promoting such practice, or being unable to support the moral principles of the school. (Leviticus 20:13 and Romans 1:27)

I have read and am in agreement with the Wise County Christian School’s biblical morality policy, Statement of Faith and student handbook. I agree to abide by all rules and regulation set forth there in.

______(Parent signature) Date

23 ______(Student signature in grades 6-12) Date

This form must be signed and returned to school


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