Fly Spray Recipes

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Fly Spray Recipes

Fly Spray Recipes

1/4 cup of Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil (not the dry spray) 1/4 cup of Mouth Wash (ie Listerine however I use cheapest one I can buy) 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar 1 1/2 cups of water (or cold tea)

Mix together in spray bottle and use when needed, shake bottle before use as oil may seperate from water.

I have been using this recipe for 2 years now, works well, smells great and gives coat a nice shine.

New version of above that I have been using for 6 weeks now successfully, it requires one more ingredient but is more economical per made up bottle.

In 500ml bottle

5-10ml Pure Neem Oil (doesn’t smell great but apparently midges etc hate it) Good Squirt of Apple Cider Vinegar Good Squirt of Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil Some Mouth Wash (optional but makes spray smell nicer) Top up with water Shake well before and during use. ------

*25 drops of citronella oil 1/2 tbsp meths (mouth wash) 2 tbsp vinegar 2 mugs strong cold tea 1 tbsp washing up liquid

Mix well and make up to 1 litre with cold water.


Make a pot of strong tea, using 4 or 5 tea bags. *Add 15 drops of citronella. 10 drops of tee tree oil. 10 drops of white mint (or peppermint).

------Add 100 - 150 drops of essential oil to 500ml of carrier (incl water, cider vinegar, skin so soft etc).

Essential oils that are known to have fly repelling properties

Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Citriodora (lemon scented) Eucalyptus Dives (peppermint scented) *Citronella Tea Tree Lavender Lemon Lemongrass Patchouli Clove Bud Cedarwood Atlas and Himalyan Geranium Garlic Rosemary Peppermint Thyme

Neem oil is also very effective and can be added to blends, I generally add 5ml (teaspoon) to 500ml (I use this recipe, its works well and is cheap however smell isnt great, bit like old onions/garlic, but flies hate it).

------*15ml citronella 2 tbsp meths 1 tbsp washing up liquid 4 tbsp vinegar 1/2 pint strong tea

Make the above ingredients up to 2 litres and use daily.

------2 to 4 ounces of Avons' Skin So Soft Original Bath Oil 1 cup of vinegar (either white or apple cider vinegar will work) 1 squirt of liquid Ivory dish soap

Fill the bottle the rest of the way up with water


If your horse is allergic to fly bites try 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in their feed once a day. This raises the blood acid level just enough to bother flies, but is completely healthy for the horse. It takes about one week to start to see the effects. You can also add vinegar to your horse’s drinking water during the summer to repel flies and mosquitoes. ------Adding garlic to horses feed (fresh, dried or powdered) is meant to secrete oils into the skin which repels flies ------If anyone has problems with flies in the barn, try filling a jar with this mixture.

3 cups of water ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup white vinegar

Mix, punch holes in the lid, and set it where needed. It works great.

Also you can cut off the top of a empty bottle of water, make holes in it to secure the top (inverted into bottle to make an opening for flies to get in), then use above mixture, tie up in tree etc, but not too near the horses and not within their reach.

------FINALLY One for you - Avon skin so soft dry oil spray is brilliant at keeping flies and mosquitos at bay when you are outside or riding, just spray on exposed areas. ------NOTE

* When making homemade fly spray, if the recipe calls for citronella oil, you MUST BUY 100% PURE citronella oil. Check health food stores or online. DO NOT use the citronella oil you find at Wal-Mart or home improvement stores that goes into bug lanterns, torches and other products for outdoor pest control! It's petroleum based and it's a fuel meant for burning. Not only is it flammable and will absorb the heat from the sun, which will burn your horses skin, it is toxic to the body.

------My Sweet Itch Management

During the midge season, I bath my pony (who has sweet itch) once a week. I use polytar liquid shampoo (in dark brown bottle) on the mane and tail, its great at treating the itchiness and dandruff (this is what makes the horses rub). Or any antiseptic/antibacterial horse shampoo is also good.

On rest of her I use the antiseptic/anti bacterial horse shampoo (if they get sores on skin), otherwise any horse shampoo will do, or perhaps a fly repellant one would be also be good, or mild human one, (baby shampoo is cheap and good as it makes the coat feel lovely and soft and silky afterwards).

Once washed and dry, apply either aloe vera or tea tree gel/cream (have good healing soothing qualities) or your usual sweet itch lotion.

Use one of the above fly spray recipes to spray your horse when needed, I tend to have to spray mine 2- 3 times a day.

At night only ( as it’s an dry oil and can burn skin in sun) I spray a little Avon Skin So Soft DRY OIL along the mane and top of tail as it’s a great fly and mossy repellant.

Fly masks are excellent for keeping flies of face; use one with ears if midges tend to bite those areas.

Fly rugs are also good, but be careful if you have trees etc as if like my pony, she tore hers on a tree within minutes of putting it on.

If it’s possible, stabling your horse from early evening until after sun up in morning can greatly reduce the number of bites they get.

I use a castor oil and zinc cream with tea tree for any sores; it helps to heal them quickly and also acts as a barrier against the flies. Be careful about putting it on to thick during the day as it contains oil and could therefore burn the skin, I put a little on during the day and more on at night.

I add a good squirt of Apple cider vinegar to her feed, as well as flies not liking it, it’s a good all round tonic.


Bonus Recipe: Fruity Lollipops

Blend your horse’s favourite fruits and/or veg in a blender with some water and freeze until needed. Great for hot days.

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