St. Bartholomew S Is an Inclusive and Affirming Faith Community, Welcoming All

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St. Bartholomew S Is an Inclusive and Affirming Faith Community, Welcoming All

ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER JULY, 2010 St. Bartholomew’s is an inclusive and affirming faith community, welcoming all.


Christ's entire message was about unconditional love. He came into the world the product of love, he lived a life that was exemplified by love, and he died fulfilling his destiny of love for all of us. I find that the sacred is all encompassing; it is all around us and we only need to look and be aware to find God in everything. That is to say, that love is everywhere.

This past January I found love and yes God in a tiny black kitten at the Humane Society. I named him Ian. It soon became clear that Ian was never to be a normal that would run and jump and play. He apparently had been handicapped from birth. However, what he lacked in physical ability, he more than made up for In his power to communicate love. His favorite activity was to simply be held. As his condition deteriorated all I could do for him was to hold him and listen to him purr. We would do this for hours and this is what we were doing when he died.

Ian reminded me of the extraordinary power of love and how it can present itself in the smallest of packages and in the most unlikely places. The sacred love of Christ surrounds us ...we just need to be aware to find it.

Amen. Steve

~ Submitted by Steve Schmit, TM sacramentalist & liturgist ~

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Some general items of business were approved at the June Most Anglican Churches in England and many Bishop’s Committee (BC) meeting. They included Episcopal Churches in the United States have one of payment for the following expenses: more chapels. A separate chapel space is useful for . Altar linens small gatherings such as Wednesday Evening Prayer, . Yard work to reseed area torn up by sacristy Anglican Prayer Bead meetings, and other special remodeling services that do not lend themselves to the larger . Dishwasher worship space. It is the worship committee’s intent We heard a report that the lawn and gardens are being to have worship services in the worship space. The tended this summer with volunteers from the congregation. gift of the “Bishop Whipple Lamp” was the catalyst Carol Bergstrom, Jr. Warden also reported that she is for the longer held dream of a chapel. In placing the th working on information to be framed in explanation of the pulpit from the 9 street St. Bartholomew’s below Bishop Whipple Lamp. There was some discussion about the lamp, it creates a showcase for the lamp and in the chapel and arrangement of furniture. the best Episcopal theology and tradition combines the Catholic and Protestant. Our Total Ministry (TM) representatives, Steve Schmit and In recent weeks the “Bishop Whipple Chapel” Jo Jordan, reported that TM members recently attended a has begun to take shape. It is not in final form, but summit meeting of all TM congregations in MN with the getting closer. As we experiment with various bishop which was very valuable. The next day our TM “designs” and ideas the worship committee is hoping committee met with the Standing Committee of the that people will move some things around as the Diocese, and were pleased with their reaction to TM’s committee has done or ask us to try something. We work on behalf of St. Bartholomew’s. Steve also reported have had some direct feedback and have “heard that the BC needed to sign forms giving our support for Jo some comments via the grape vine” and we have and he to become postulants………another step in the TM tried to respond to those. Please talk to any worship process. committee member with comments and suggestions. The committee supported the idea of having a celebration, We are proud of the fact that we have used as proposed by the Worship Committee, on St. recycled material from the 9th street St. Bartholomew’s Day, Sunday, August 22nd. We would like Bartholomew’s and sweat equity to create the to dedicate and bless the newly remodeled sacristy as well chapel. It is our intent to incorporate more of the as the chapel. It is a way to make a sacred day special, and original St. Bart’s into our worship space. When the to celebrate the good things that our happening in our original remodeling was done in 1994-95 it was the church. There will be more information about this, but intent to be as faithful to 9th street St. Bartholomew’s mark your calendars now!! in spirit and design as possible, while using the new space in the most artistic and functional way. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 13 at 6:00 PM in Because the chapel is worship space it is necessary the fireside room of the church. You are most welcome to that it be treated as such, therefore we are limited in ALTAR FLOWERS attend. amount and types of “decoration”. Because it is a Carol Carpenter, Sr. Warden small physical space and we are recycling, we are Many thanks go to Ron and Carol Carpenter, who limited to the furniture used and its placement. th gave flowers on June 6 to the Glory of God and in The committee has a commitment from Carrie thanksgiving for their parents, William & Mary Davidson Jessen to use her skills and talents to create a woven and Cleron & Ruth Carpenter . wall hanging for the rear of the chapel behind the If you would like to supply altar flowers on any altar. Due to her busy schedule, that will not be Sunday, please put your name on the flower chart and complete until next summer. A search is being made complete a dedication form (next to the office door in the for a Fair Linen for the chapel altar and altar linen narthex) and give it to Julia. Most Sundays are ‘open’ from the main altar will be recycled for use in the over the summer and this is a great chance for you to chapel area. A small chest with locking doors and share the beautiful bounty of your garden! shelves is being searched for to fit under the credence table. Under discussion is the commissioning of a Eucharist set in pottery, a votive candle area, and Holy Water container. It is the committee’s intent to recycle or use donated items in the chapel and have it be no or minimal cost to the congregation, while creating a spirit filled, lovely worship space. TOTAL MINISTRY SUMMIT SUCCESSFUL Your Total Ministry Team attended our third Summit held at the Franciscan Center in Little Falls on June 4th & 5th. Nine of our ten team members plus our mentor, the Reverend Gretchen Pickeral, were in attendance. Jo Jordan came late due to her attending the Stanley Cup games 3 & 4 in Philadelphia. Total Ministry continues to grow in the Minnesota Episcopal Diocese with nearly 40 teams formed or in the process of formation. It is our hope and belief that by next year’s Summit we will be a commissioned and ordained team. There was at least 20 teams in attendance at this years Summit. The Summit was led again by Canon Missioner the Reverend Sandi Holmgren. The Summit began after a shared meal on Friday evening with a discussion of our team’s vision, hopes and dreams. This was a good discussion and helped us realize the need for such a discussion within our own church so that vision and mission statements can be updated. The evening ended with the service of Compline led by the team from Chatfield. Saturday morning, after a shared breakfast, we had a Holy Eucharist with Baptismal Vows and Renewal of vows by those ordained and/or commissioned for ministry teams. Those teams were from Chatfield, Sauk Centre, Paynesville, Little Falls, St. James/Marshall, Hermantown, Cloquet, Hinkley, International Falls, Detroit Lakes, Grand Rapids, and Hastings. The service was led by our new Bishop Brian Prior. Following the Eucharist was a discussion with the Bishop. He emphasized his support and belief in the concept of Total Ministry. He asked us three questions: 1. How do we go about transforming our community? 2. How do we develop followers of Jesus? 3. How do we prepare for the future? He stressed the importance of living our Baptismal vows, especially “proclaiming by word and example the good news of God in Christ” and “strive for justice among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” He called this our Baptismal ministry. The Bishop was very energetic and had a wonderful and warm sense of humor. The afternoon was highlighted by a educational talk by the Reverend Devon Anderson on a discussion of new liturgical resources from a series on “Enriching our Worship”. She told us about new services for those experiencing loss in their life. She explained how special services are adopted by the National Church. It was a very interesting and enlightening presentation. Finally, after all the Summit business was concluded your team met with four members from the Diocese Standing Committee. Those members included, Bob Carmack (Duluth), Gail Sheddy (Ely), the Reverend Neysa Ellgren and the Reverend Devon Anderson from the cities. This meeting is a requirement of the commissioning process. They interviewed us and will send a letter to the Bishop on our progress and hopefully recommend us for admission to candidacy status. In all, I believe all our attending members felt this was a very good and spirit led Summit and all were pleased with our meeting with the members of the Standing Committee. Following this meeting we all met in a Little Seated: Rev. Devon Anderson, Jo Jordan, Don Conner Falls restaurant and had our evening meal together. Standing: Steve Schmit, Kathy Schmit, Patricia Conner, Diane Hull, Gail Sheddy, Respectfully submitted, Julia Plum, Rodney Austin, Rev. Neysa Ellgren, Charlie Champlin Bob Carmack, Charlie Champlin HARRY ADAM KRAMER, COMMITTAL OF ASHES Some of you knew Harry Kramer, a former parishioner of St. Bartholomew’s from 1970 to the mid- nineties. Harry died in February of this year at age 91. He wanted a portion of his ashes to be placed beside the grave marker of his wife Margaret. On June 10th, five long-time members of St. Bart’s who had known Harry attended a committal service at Greenwood Cemetery. Fran and Dale McKenzie, who helped plan the memorial service, were there, along with Rodney Austin, Millie Olafson, and Helen Winge. Also present were Harry’s daughter Carole Keys of Kirkoven MN, two grand- sons, Christopher and William, from Thief River Falls, and other close friends and relatives---about twenty of us in all. I was honored to read the committal service from our book of Common Prayer. The VFW began and concluded the service with their military honor guard, ending with their traditional rifle volley, and solemn taps by a trumpeter. A large American flag, first unfurled over Harry’s urn, which was resting on a draped pedestal, was re-folded into a triangle and presented to his daughter, Carole. Harry was a veteran of WW II; he survived the dive bombing of a mess hall in the building where 35 others were killed at Hickam Field, Hawaii, on December 7th, 1941. Harry served throughout the Pacific theatre, achieved the rank of Master Sergeant, and later spent 21 years in the Air Force Reserves, prior to moving to Bemidji. Harry and his wife Margaret will long be remembered by the parishioners of St. Bartholomew’s who knew them prior to our move to 1800 Irvine. Let light perpetual shine upon them. ~ Don Conner ~

NOTE: There will be no ECW meeting in July or August. REPORT FROM WORSHIP COMMITTEE

As part of the Worship Committee’s ongoing effort to keep everyone informed, our monthly minutes have been placed in a red folder in the middle book case. Have you browsed these yet? Highlights of the talk at these meetings will be appearing in our newsletters, as a summary update. Liturgy and Special Services is always the core topic of the Worship Committee’s deliberations. Thanks were expressed for our flaming Pentecost, especially to the Bishop’s Committee for treating us to ice cream and toppings; to Jo Jordan, for the celebration cake, and to Kathy Schmit for bringing audacious red flowers. And, thank you, Holy Spirit! Looking ahead to our patronal day, St. Bartholomew’s, to be celebrated on Sunday, August 22nd, Jo sent an invitation to Bishop Prior, but he will be on vacation. We are hoping to corral the Reverend Sandi Holmberg, our Canon Missioner, instead. She ‘owes’ us at least one Eucharist a year as Celebrant. On Thursday morning, June 10th, Don Conner led a grave site service for committal of Harry Kramer’s ashes in Greenwood Cemetery. Five long-time members of St. Bartholomew’s attended (see detailed story). The hymn selection committee has made their choices of music for July and August. Our liturgists, Steve and Jo, will review these hymns for appropriate number of verses to be sung as the altar party processes and recesses. Under the heading of Evangelical Opportunities (Occasions to be advertised and guests to be enticed) During the next few months of Pentecost Season(or Ordinary Time), several events are coming up: First is Beverly Everett’s Summer Organ Concert on Wednesday, July 7th. Then follows our patronal, Saint Bartholomew’s Day, listed as August 24th, but celebrated here on Sunday, August 22nd, featuring another ice cream social. Looking ahead, a Blessing of the Animals service could be planned for October 3rd, the Feast Day of Saint Francis, with Jo as Celebrant. Some churches have held this service outdoors, so that larger animals (horses, goats, llamas) could be included. Anybody want to volunteer? The Worship Committee is open to ideas. Our youth program is being revived with the help of Rob Warmboe, whose experience as youth pastor in other churches is heartily welcomed. The Lunds and Loxtercamps will also lead. When our youth program gathers momentum, drawing in the few youth of St. Bart’s, it is possible that other youth from the community might be attracted. The next Worship Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 9th, at 2:30 in the Fireside Room. Any and all are welcome to attend. ~ Patricia Conner ~ JULY 2010 JULY 4 JULY 11 JULY 18 JULY 25

OFFICIANT Johannas Jordan Rev. Pickeral Charlie Champlin Rev. Pickeral PREACHER Patricia Conner Carol Milowski Don Conner Charlie Champlin EM/AM Patricia Conner Carol Milowski Don Conner Charlie Champlin ACOLYTE Rodney Austin Charlie Champlin Anna Lund Dave Kjos LECTOR Gretchen Hazard Dave Kjos Bea Knodel Eric Lund INTERCESSOR Eric Lund Gretchen Hazard Eric Lund Bea Knodel CANTOR Julie Loxtercamp Tracy Johnson Julie Loxtercamp Diane Hull MUSICIAN Julie Loxtercamp Julie Loxtercamp Julie Loxtercamp Gretchen Hazard GREETERS Peter Bohn Bob & Sally Susan & Larry Tom & Carrie Suzanne Loftus Montebello Stember Jessen USHERS Susan & Larry Vern & Shirley Tom & Carrie Bob & Sally Stember Nelson Jessen Montebello ALTAR GUILD Johannas Jordan Johannas Jordan Ila Olson Carol Carpenter COFFEE HR Susan Stember Tracy Johnson Bea Knodel Kathy LaBatte Carrie Jessen Sally Montebello Penny Olson Tiffany King

ST BARTS PEOPLE’S CHURCH SUPPER SCHEDULE ------7/6 Carol Priest --??-- 7/13 Julia Plum Diane Hull 2010 7/20 Dave Kjos Charlie Champlin 7/27 Donna Weir Patricia Conner

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 JULIAN GATHERING 6:00 pm 10-4 office 10-4 office 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ** ORGAN RECITAL ** Morning Prayer Theology for & LUNCHEON 2:30 pm Worship 9am – 1pm [Johannas Jordan] Breakfast 8am Noon 10 am ------Committee Total Ministry 5:30 pm - Eve Prayer (11:30 am – Rosary) & Anglican Rosary 10-4 office 10-4 office 10-4 office 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Theology for 5:30 pm - Eve Prayer Holy Eucharist Breakfast 8am [Rev. G. Pickeral] & Anglican Rosary 10 am ECW 10 am 6PM BISHOP’S COMMITTEE 10-4 office 10-4 office 10-4 office 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Theology for 1pm – 5pm Morning Prayer Breakfast 8am 5:30 pm - Eve Prayer ------Total Ministry [Charlie Champlin] & Anglican Rosary 10 am *Youth Night* (Putt-n-Go) 6:30 – 7:30 pm 10-4 office 10-4 office 10-4 office 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Theology for JULIAN Holy Eucharist Breakfast 8am 5:30 pm - Eve Prayer GATHERING 12:30 PM [Rev. G. Pickeral] ------& Anglican Rosary 6:00 pm FOOD SHELF 10 am NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 10-4 office 10-4 office 10-4 office St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 1800 Irvine Avenue NW Bemidji MN 56601


WEDS, JULY 7, NOON ~ At St. Bart’s ~ YOUTH PROGRAM!! Luncheon to follow! Youth, grades 6 and up, are invited to join ****** rd ECW needs salads, bars, and together on Youth Night, held on the 3 willing workers for set-up, serving, and clean-up for the luncheon. Tuesday of the month. PLEASE SIGN UP *** Join us on July 20 th - 6:30pm - at IN THE NARTHEX! Putt-n-Go! ***

T hanks to everyone who helped make this year’s Pentecost celebration so wonderful, including Kathy Schmit, Jo Jordan, Kathy LaBatte, and our Bishop’s Committee members!!

ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rector, The Bishop of Minnesota The Right Rev. Brian N. Pryor Total Ministry Team Ministers People of St. Bartholomew’s Bishop’s Committee Deacon & Evangelist Charlie Champlin Senior Warden Carol Carpenter Don Conner Junior Warden Carol Bergstrom Pastoral Care Rodney Austin Clerk Bob Montebello Patricia Conner Treasurer Diane Hull Kathy Schmit Members Liz Horlick Preaching Carol Milowski Kathy Schmit Sacramentalist Johannas Jordan, AOJN Larry Stember Steve Schmit Stewardship Diane Hull Musician Julie Loxtercamp Coordinator Julia Plum Artist in Residence Gretchen Hazard Mentor The Rev. Gretchen Pickeral

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