Comfort Band Boosters

October 19, 2015

6:00 p.m

CHS Band Hall

In Attendance:

Mr. Evans (Band Instructor), Mr. Mulliniks (Band Instructor), Farren Basse,

David Aldrich, Tammy Aldrich, Kim Ochoa, Laura Lagomarsino, Yvonne

Bunch, Debbie & Art Galindo, Arthur Castro, Rosie & Juan Contreras

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Farren Basse

Approve September 2015 Meeting Minutes (Kim w notes from Tammy)

Minutes were read by Kim Ochoa and approved by the Band Boosters

Treasurer’s Report

Account Balance $1484.56

Two outstanding checks:

$63 Comfort Flower Shop for Band Beau & Sweetheart

$38 Post Office for PO Box payment for October 2015-October 2016

Colorguard portion from raffles is $876.00

Account balance after all deductions: $484.56

It was decided there will be a detailed Treasury Report beginning with the

November 2015 Band Booster meeting. The report will itemize the account with

current and upcoming deductions.

Old Business

Officer Elections (Secretary)

Kim Ochoa volunteered to serve as Secretary for the 2015-2016 school year. Rosie Contreras seconded the position. Voting ceased. Kim Ochoa

was elected Secretary for the 2015-2016 school year.

By Laws (Farren)

Farren Basse had a copy of the By Laws for people to look at if they

wanted to. Discussed a couple of the By Laws.

Vice President is also in charge of fundraising.

Vice President of Uniforms position is filled by Aide

Taylor and Kim Ochoa.

Mr. Evans received a copy of the By Laws which will be posted on the

Band Booster website.

Membership Roster

Updated rosters were emailed out to instructors and cabinet.

Reaching Out

(Web page and Facebook)


Juan Contreras presented a CD he made from the Hondo

Competition. Going to show the CD at the Christmas

Concert. Discussed photos that will be placed on the

Band Boosters server can only be added by Mr. Evans or

Mr. Mulliniks.

Server space

Mr. Evans will be obtaining access to the Band Booster

web page. It is located under Organizations on the Comfort

High School web page. On this server the meeting minutes,

CD, and other important Band Booster information will be posted.

Revisit Show and Shine Car Show

Will be addressed at the November meeting by Laura Contreras

Hamburger Social Success

Huge success. Would like to eventually get to the point where the Band

Boosters will sponsor more social gatherings before football games. An

idea was given by David Aldrich for a tailgate theme for home games. It

was also discussed to organize a Hamburger Social at the MS in the future.

New Business

Association / 501c3 (Farren)

Farren Basse information gathering is ongoing at this point. A full report

on requirements and dates will be ready at the November meeting.

Mission Statement

Will be posted on the Band Booster site by Mr. Evans.

Defining Roles

Will be posted on the Band Booster site by Mr. Evans.

UIL Marching Contest, Hondo


December Dinner

The Christmas Concert will be held on December 10, 2015 @

6:00. Meal will consist of grilled chicken, scalloped potatoes,

green beans, rolls, salad, and a dessert. Food (except chicken) will

be purchased through Sysco. Farren is going to look into getting

donations of chicken from area stores. Also looking into the cost

of purchasing chicken from Sysco as well. Desserts are donated by parents. Meal will be prepared by Tammy’s Aunt and Uncle or

the Band Boosters. This will be determined soon. David Aldrich

is going to speak with Gaddis Methodist Church about the date and

time. Tickets will be sold as pledges like last year. Kim Ochoa

will update the Pledge ticket from last year. Needs a copy from

Tammy in order to update. At the Christmas Concert there will be

a sign language performance, One Act Play (waiting to hear from

Ms. Web), percussion ensemble, and silent auction. Farren asked

David to head the silent auction. It was determined the best way to

handle the silent auction is to divide out the tasks between

everyone. David will be creating a form to use when people talk to

businesses about donations. This form will be emailed out. Mr.

Mulliniks is going to compose a list to show what the donation

money is spent on within the band. For example, scholarship and

items on the wish list. This list can be used when talking with

business owners. Invitations must go out before Thanksgiving



Would need an adult volunteer to be there at 3:00. Mr. Evans will

speak with the principal to see if there are any open games the

band can be in charge of.

Out Reach

CMS Playing for elders

Mr. Mulliniks will be taking the MS band to the Trinity

Mission Health & Rehabilitation Center in November around Veteran’s Day to perform patriotic songs. Date will

be known soon. Other suggested places were Herman Sons

Retirement Center and Comfort Golden Age Center. He is

Also looking at a winter program and possibly Christmas

carols in December. Long term goal is for the MS students

to do a tour between locations on a selected day.

Other Topics Addressed

Penny Wars

Kim Ochoa will compose an information sheet for Mr. Evans

about how it works and announcements for students. Penny

Wars will be completed through the tutorial classes. Pennies

are positive and silver/dollars are negatives in the class total.

Class with the highest amount of overall money will when a prize.

Suggested donuts and OJ. Dates TBA. Runs for one week.

Christmas in Comfort Parade

Parade is on November 28, 2015. Students are to be at the HS at 5:30.

Middle School students can walk in the parade with the High School

Students. Students will wear full uniform for the parade. Ms. Taylor &

Mrs. Ochoa will assist MS students with getting a uniform for the parade.

In need of volunteers to walk the parade route. Farren Basse, David

Aldrich, Kim Ochoa, and possible Lauren Lagomarsino have volunteered.

It was discussed for future years to operate a stall during the day time

portion of Christmas in Comfort. For example, a hamburger stall. Parent

volunteers would meet at the parade site on the corner of 87 and High St

at 6:30. They will park down by the nus barn if possible. Upcoming Games and Times:

Friday, October 23- Leave school at 3:45pm. Eat at Mr. Gattis

Friday, November 6- Ingram- Leave school at 5:30 pm

Items for November meeting

New Location:

Location will be changed to the Middle School. It was motioned

and approved by Debbie Galindo and David Aldrich. Next meeting

is on November 16, 2015 @ 6:00pm.

Christmas Concert Updates on food and silent auction (Tammy & David)

Show and Shine Car Show (Lauren)

Close Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm