Effective Date: February 1, 2007 s1

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Effective Date: February 1, 2007 s1

Effective Date: FEBRUARY 1, 2007 CHAPTER 17.78


17.78.010 – Definitions...... 2

17.78.050 – General Standards...... 6

17.78.100 – Hanging Signs...... 9

17.78.150 – Projecting Signs...... 10

17.78.200 – Awning and Canopy Signs...... 11

17.78.250 – Pole Signs...... 12

17.78.300 – Monument Signs ...... 13

17.78.350 – Multiple Tenant Signs...... 14

17.78.400 – Wall Signs...... 15

17.78.450 – Exceptions...... 16

17.78.500 – Federal and State Law Provisions...... 18

17.78.550 – Noncommercial Signs...... 19

17.78.600 – Sign Maintenance & Materials...... 20

17.78.650 – Comprehensive Sign Plan...... 21

17.78.700 – Prohibited Signs...... 23

17.78.750 – Exempt Signs...... 26 17.78.011 Generally As used in this title, the following words and CHAPTER 17.78.010 phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this chapter. DEFINITIONS Explanatory diagrams of some of the sign definitions set forth herein are provided at the end of this chapter. 17.78.011 – Generally 17.78.012 – Advertising surface (facing) 17.78.012 Advertising surface 17.78.013 – Appurtenant sign (facing) 17.78.014 – Awning/Canopy “ Advertising surface (facing)” means the 17.78.015 – Awning/Canopy sign entire surface on which any type of letter, 17.78.016 – Building figure, emblem, trademark, logo, picture, or 17.78.017 – Bulletin Boards other advertising material is placed, or may 17.78.018 – Corner Lot be placed. 17.78.019 – Curb line 17.78.020 – Electrical code 17.78.013 Appurtenant sign 17.78.021 – Electrical sign “Appurtenant sign” means a sign pertaining 17.78.022 – Embellishments to the business or activity carried on at the 17.78.023 – Erect premises upon which the sign is located, 17.78.024 – Face of building constructed or erected. 17.78.025 – Facing or surface 17.78.026 – Frontage 17.78.014 Awning/Canopy 17.78.027 – Hanging sign 17.78.028 – Marquee “Awning or canopy” includes any structure 17.78.029 – Monument sign made of cloth, metal or other suitable 17.78.030 – Multiple Tenant sign material with a metal frame attached to a 17.78.031 – Non-commercial sign building and projecting over a public or 17.78.032 – Off-site sign private pedestrian walk and supported by the 17.78.033 – On-site sign ground or building sidewall. 17.78.034 – Pole sign or post sign 17.78.015 Awning/canopy sign 17.78.035 – Portable sign 17.78.036 – Projecting sign “ Awning/canopy sign” means any 17.78.037 – Real estate sign advertising of any nature, which is painted, 17.78.038 – Roof sign printed, sewed or otherwise attached to an 17.78.039 – Sign awning or canopy. 17.78.040 – Sign business 17.78.041 – Sniping 17.78.016 Building 17.78.042 – Street “ Building” means any structure having a 17.78.043 – Structure roof supported by columns or by walls and 17.78.044 – Structural trim designed for the shelter and housing of any 17.78.045 – Temporary signs person, animal or chattel, including any 17.78.046 –Use permits or CUPs underground shelter, swimming pool, or any 17.78.047 – Wall commercial or industrial structure designed 17.78.048 – Wall sign for the sale, storage, or manufacture of 17.78.049 – Window sign anything of value.

2 17.78.017 Bulletin Boards all of any advertising message, and is A place where people can leave public generally located above the message portion messages, for example, to advertise things to of any sign and is constructed for aesthetic buy or sell, announce events, or provide purposes as part of the decorative trim of the information. design of the overall sign structure.

17.78.018 Corner Lot 17.78.023 Erect A lot located and being at the junction to “ Erect” means to build, construct, attach, two or more intersecting streets with a hang, place, suspend or affix to or upon any boundary line thereof bordering on each of surface. such streets and where such streets intersect at an interior angle of not more than 135 17.78.024 Face of building degrees. If the intersection angle is more “Face of building” means the general outer than 135 degrees the lot is considered an surface of a structure or wall of a building interior lot. The shortest such street frontage facing a street. shall constitute the front of a rectangular lot for purposes of determining front, side and 17.78.025 Facing or surface rear yards. Where the front of a lot differs by “Facing or surface” means the surface of the the reason of the prevailing custom of the sign upon, against, or through which the other buildings on the block, the planning copy or message is displayed or illustrated director may determine the front lot line on the sign. consistent with the orientation of other structures in the area. 17.78.026 Frontage The full length of a plot of land or a building 17.78.019 Curb line measured alongside the road on to which the “Curb line” means the line at the face of the plot or building fronts. curb nearest to the street or roadway. In the absence of a curb, the curb line shall be 17.78.027 Hanging sign established by the Director of Public Works. “Hanging sign” means a sign that is hanging from a permanent building canopy or 17.78.020 Electrical code marquee existing over a pedestrian walkway “Electrical Code” means the electrical code and is sized and located in a manner to of the City of Orland. service pedestrians using the walkway, advising them of the adjacent use. 17.78.021 Electrical Sign “ Electrical Sign” means any sign which is 17.78.028 Marquee wired to provide current employed in “ Marquee” means a permanent roofed illuminating or animating any part of the structure, attached to and supported wholly sign, except flood lighting. by the building and projecting over a pedestrian walkway. 17.78.022 Embellishments “Embellishments” mean that portion of any 17.78.029 Monument sign sign structure or sign which contains no “ Monument sign” is a freestanding ground moving parts, is not animated, nor mounted sign not exceeding eight feet (8’) illuminated, and which contains no above ground level. advertising copy, nor conveys any portion or

3 17.78.030 Multiple Tenant Sign 17.78.035 Portable sign A sign that includes as copy, only the names “ Portable sign” means any sign or sign of two (2) or more businesses, places, device which is designed to be set on the organizations, buildings or persons it ground without any substantial attachment identifies. thereto. Sandwich sign boards are considered a portable sign. 17.78.031 Non-commercial sign 17.78.036 Projecting sign “Non-commercial sign” means any sign not “Projecting sign” means any sign other than advertising or promoting a business entity, a wall sign, which is suspended from or commercial activity or product for sale and supported by any building, pole, post, or sets forth the ideas or beliefs of the owner or structure, which projects outward there occupant of the property upon which such from. sign is placed regarding political, sociological, religious, or economic subjects 17.78.037 Real estate sign of public interest or general concern. “ Real estate sign” means any sign advertising for sale or lease of the lot or 17.78.032 Off-site sign parcel of land upon which it is erected or A sign identifying a use, facility, service, or maintained. product that is not located, sold, or manufactured on the same premise as the 17.78.038 Roof sign sign. Off-site signs require an administrative “ Roof sign” means any sign of any nature, use permit to assure setbacks are met. together with all its parts and supports, which is erected, constructed, or maintained 17.78.033 On-site sign on or above the roof or parapet of any A sign identifying a use, facility, service, or building including wall signs which extend product that is located, sold, and/or above the roof or parapet of any building. manufactured on the same premise as the Roof signs are prohibited within the Orland sign. City Limits.

17.78.034 Pole sign or post 17.78.039 Sign sign “ Sign” means any medium including it’s “ Pole sign” or “post sign” means any structure and component parts, which is advertising of any nature which is wholly erected out of doors and which is used or supported by one or more pole or posts set intended to be used to attract attention of the in or attached to the ground. Pole or post general public to the subject matter for signs are allowed only in the “C-H” advertising purposes together with window (Highway Service Commercial), “C-2” signs as defined in Section 17.78.650. (Community Commercial), and “P-D” (Planned Development) Zoning Districts 17.78.040 Sign business within 600 feet of Interstate “5” with a “ Sign business” means the business of minimum distance of 330 feet between each selling, offering for sale, leasing or renting, sign. electric and non-electric signs and includes the business of painting, construction, erection, maintenance or repair of signs

4 upon buildings, fences, windows, posts, structures and surfaces.

5 17.78.041 Sniping “Sniping” means advertising by the pasting, 16.10.10 17.78.045 posting, sticking, tacking, hanging, affixing Temporary signs or placing of cloth, paper or cardboard bills, “Temporary signs” as regulated by this title cards or posters, or metal signs, to or upon includes any sign, banner, pennant, valance fences, posts, trees, buildings, structures or or advertising display constructed of cloth, surfaces other than outdoor advertising canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wall board, structures. This definition does not include or other light materials, with or without any sign or notice issued by any court or frames, intended to be displayed for three public office or posted by any public officer months or less only. An Administrative Use in performance of a public duty or by a Permit will be required for all temporary private person in giving a legal notice, or signs to ensure compliance with setbacks. any cloth, paper or cardboard sign advertising for sale or lease the property 17.78.046 Use Permits upon which it stands or any type of sign or Conditional Use Permits permitted elsewhere in this title. “ Use Permits or Conditional Use Permits” are Conditional Use Permits as provided in 17.78.042 Street Chapter 17.80 of Title 17 of the Zoning “ Street” means a public or private Ordinance, and shall comply with all thoroughfare which affords the principal procedures and requirements as provided means of access to abutting property, therein. including an avenue, place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road and any other 17.78.047 Wall thoroughfare except an alley as defined “ Wall” means any exterior surface of a herein. building or any part thereof excluding the roof. 17.78.043 Structure “ Structure” means anything constructed or 17.78.048 Wall sign erected, the use of which requires location “ Wall sign” means any sign of any nature on the ground or attachment to something which is attached to or supported by a wall having location on the ground or of a building, or painted directly on the wall underground. and shall include all parts and supports of such sign. Signs hanging from a porch or 17.78.044 Structural trim canopy and parallel to the face of the “ Structural trim” means the molding, building shall be considered wall signs. battens, cappings, nailing strips, latticing, platforms and letters, figures, characters or 17.78.049 Window sign representations in cut out or irregular form “ Window sign” shall mean a sign that is which are attached to the sign structure. applied or attached to a window or located within two and a half feet of the inside of a window and intended for view by the pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

6 other components are mounted individually on a building surface, the area calculated by CHAPTER 17.78.050 enclosing the extreme limits of all writing, logo, representation, emblem, or other GENERAL STANDARDS display within no more than three (3) parallelograms or triangles. Sections: 17.78.051 Total advertising surface 17.78.053 Sphere limitations. calculations. 17.78.052 Advertising surface In the case of a sphere of any type, only one- calculation. half thereof shall be considered the 17.78.053 Sphere calculations. “advertising surface (facing)” unless the 17.78.054 Sign height. sphere may be observed on all sides by the 17.78.055 Sign height above public public, in which event the entire surface area property. of said sphere shall be considered the 17.78.056 Illumination of signs. “advertising surface (facing).” 17.78.057 Electric signs and outline lighting. 17.78.054 Sign height. 17.78.058 Quasi-public uses No sign shall exceed the building height identification. limits as set forth in each zone district as 17.78.059 Visibility Triangles. specified in Title 17 unless the proposed 17.78.060 Engineering Plans Required. sign qualifies for an exception by use permit 17.78.061 Building Code Compliance. pursuant to Section 17.80. 17.78.062 Sign Permits. 17.78.063 Permit Fees. 17.78.055 Sign height 17.78.064 Flashing Signs. above public property. 17.78.065 Moving Signs. Signs projecting over public property, if 17.78.066 Marquee Signs. permitted, shall comply with the minimum standard set forth in the latest edition of the 17.78.051 Total California Building Code and the California advertising surface Electrical Code. In no event shall the limitations. clearance be less than eight (8) feet unless a The maximum, total exterior advertising use permit is obtained. surface permitted for any one lot or parcel shall be one hundred (100) square feet for a 17.78.056 Illumination single use and two hundred fifty (250) of signs. square feet for multiple uses. A use permit Illumination of signs shall be permitted; may be granted by the Planning Commission provided, however, when reflectors, flood to exceed the maximum sign area as lights, or spotlights are used, they shall be provided in Chapter 17.80. installed, focused and maintained as to concentrate their illumination upon the sign 17.78.052 Advertising face or outdoor advertising structure face and surface calculation. shall not cause glare upon the street or The “advertising surface (facing)” of a sign adjacent private property or cause sky shall be either the area of the entire sign reflected glare. An Administrative Permit face, or where individual sign letters and/or shall be required for all illumination signs to

7 ensure compliance with City of Orland Municipal Code.

8 17.78.057 Electric signs and outline lighting. A. Canopy and marquee signs, when the All electric signs and outline lighting shall area of the face of one (1) sign or the comply with Article 600 of the current aggregate area of all signs exceeds edition of the California Building Code. A twenty-five (25) square feet. building permit and approval by the Building Official is required prior to the B. Wall signs exceeding fifty (50) installation of any such electrical sign or square feet in area, except: outline lighting. a. Wall signs constructed of cut- 17.78.058 Quasi-public out letters and insignia uses identification. attached directly to the In addition to any other allowed signing, building and for which no churches, schools, hospitals and other uses individual letter exceeds fifty of a quasi-public nature, as determined by (50) square feet in area. the Planning Director, shall be allowed one (1) monument sign and one (1) wall sign. b. Any signs painted directly However, the sign permit and the review and upon the wall of a building. approval process shall be required. Said monument sign shall not exceed eight (8) C. Ground or pole signs when the area feet in height and the advertising surface of the face of one (1) sign or the shall not exceed twenty-four (24) square feet aggregate area of all signs on the per side; the wall sign shall not exceed sign structure exceeds thirty-five twelve (12) square feet in area. Both types (35) square feet and the structure of signs may be internally or externally exceeds six (6) feet in height. illuminated. D. As otherwise required by the City 17.78.059 Visibility Triangles. Building Official. Signs shall maintain a minimum seventy- five (75) foot visibility triangle at street 17.78.061 Building Code Compliance. intersections, a minimum thirty-three (33) All signs shall be required to meet all foot visibility triangle at driveways, shall not stipulations of the Building Code. be located less than ten (10) feet behind the edge of pavement and shall not be located so 17.78.062 Sign Permits. as to create a traffic hazard as determined by All signs, except those exempted by Section City Staff. 17.78.750, will require an administrative use permit, to be processed by the City Planner, 17.78.060 Engineering Plans with appeal to the City Manager, on forms Required. as approved by the City of Orland. The following signs shall require engineered plans, and the building permit application 17.78.063 Permit Fees. shall include complete plans and A sign permit fee, to be established by calculations sealed by an engineer or resolution, shall be paid by the applicant architect registered in the State of upon application for a sign permit. California.

9 17.78.064 Flashing signs. All electrical signs intended to attract attention by any flashing on and off, or simulating any motion through a series of rapid light changes shall require an approved Administrative Use Permit. These signs shall be appropriate to the surrounding environment and shall not cause potential safety issues. Flashing signs shall be permitted by approval of a conditional use permit in the C-H zoning district in order to ensure that such an electronic sign will not have a negative effect on traffic safety or otherwise negatively affect the neighborhood.

17.78.064 Moving signs. Signs with movement or moving parts which is generated by electronic means shall be allowed with an approved Administrative Use Permit and engineered plans shall be required. Moving signs shall be evaluated prior to approval to ensure that they will not create a safety hazard.

17.78.066 Marquee signs. Marquee signs shall be prohibited except for theaters, religious facilities, schools, gasoline pricing signs, restaurants, and hotels/motels. These signs shall be allowed with an approved Administrative Use Permit and shall not be larger than 25 square feet. However, these signs may be a maximum of 100 square feet within 600 feet of Interstate 5.

10 CHAPTER 17.78.100 17.78.102 Standards A hanging sign is a sign hanging over a HANGING SIGNS covered pedestrian walkway. It shall be at Sections: least eight (8) feet above the walkway. Such 17.78.101 Permitting sign shall not be internally lighted and shall 17.78.102 Standards not exceed eight (8) square feet in area per face. No more than one (1) such sign shall be 17.78.101 Permitting allowed per use per frontage. Such sign shall only identify the name and/or logo of the Permits for a hanging sign shall be adjacent use. considered as part of the administrative use permit process defined in Section 17.80.




u t o m i o n F i - 8 M


AREA Maximum eight (8) square feet per face.

11 CHAPTER 17.78.150 17.78.154 Projection over public property. PROJECTING SIGNS Signs projecting over public property shall comply with the minimum standard set Sections: forth in the latest edition of the California 17.78.151 Permitting. Building Code and the California Electrical 17.78.152 General standards. Code. In no event shall the clearance be 17.78.153 Area limitations. less than eight (8) feet unless a use permit is 17.78.154 Projection over public obtained. property. 17.78.155 Extension from pole, wall or 17.78.155 Extension buildings. from pole, wall or 17.78.156 Wind pressure requirements. buildings. No projecting sign shall be erected with the nearest portion of the sign face extending a 17.78.151 Permitting. greater distance than eighteen (18) inches Permits for a projecting sign shall be from the pole or wall or building to which it is considered as part of the administrative attached. permit process defined in Section 17.80. 17.78.156 Wind 17.78.152 General Standards. pressure requirements. A. Projecting signs shall be permitted as All projecting signs shall be constructed in secondary identification signs (in accordance with wind pressure requirements addition to wall signs) for sites with a set forth by the Building Code. high degree of pedestrian traffic and where the view of the primary sign by pedestrians is limited. PROJECTING SIGN

B. Projecting signs may be used as primary signs for buildings that do not possess adequate areas with proper visibility for the location of other types of identification signs.

C. Projecting signs shall be placed perpendicular to the building frontage and shall not extend above the level of 18” MAXIMUM the building eave of a sloped roof or highest point on a flat roof.

17.78.153 Area limitations. Projecting signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet each side. Only one (1) such sign shall be allowed per each street Projecting sign area not to exceed 6 frontage. Square feet per face.

12 17.78.202 Awning Signs CHAPTER 17.78.200 Awning signs shall be placed upon the hanging border of an awning. The AWNING AND CANOPY SIGNS advertising surface of an awning sign shall not extend above or below the hanging Sections: border of the awning. The allowable area of 17.78.201 Permitting. the awning sign shall be limited to ten 17.78.202 Awning signs. percent of the awning surface or 25 square 17.78.203 Canopy signs. feet, whichever is less. In no case shall an awning project beyond the back edge of a curb. 17.78.201 Permitting Permits for an awning or canopy sign shall 17.78.203 Canopy signs be considered as part of the administrative The advertising surface of a canopy sign permit process. Engineering plans may be shall not extend above or below the canopy required in accordance with Section border. The area of the canopy sign shall be 17.78.060. limited to ten percent of the canopy surface or 25 square feet, whichever is less.


13 CHAPTER 17.78.250 POLE SIGNS D. No pole sign(s) shall be allowed to be Sections: constructed within 330 feet of any existing 17.78.251 Permitting. pole sign. This applies only within 600 17.78.252 Design and construction. feet of Interstate “5” in the “C-2” (Community Commercial), “C-H” 17.78.251 Permitting. (Highway Service Commercial) and the Permits for a pole sign shall be considered “PD” (Planned Development) Zoning as part of the administrative permit process Districts only if the proposed use has been defined in Chapter 17.80, if the land is to be permitted by the City, subject to developed simultaneously with the pole administrative review (Section 17.78.251). sign, or is already developed. A Conditional Use Permit, as defined in Chapter 17.80, E. No pole or post sign shall project over any shall be required for all pole signs that are to public right-of-way or sidewalk. Pole be located on land with no development. signs erected over a private vehicular drive shall be erected so as to provide not less 17.78.252 Design and than fifteen feet (15’) vertical clearance. construction. A. Maximum total sign area for pole or F. All such signs shall be required to provide post signs shall be 100 square feet for a an architecturally enhanced treatment for single (one use) sign and 250 square the sign base, pole and supports feet for a multi-use sign. compatible with the individual business or B. Maximum height of the pole or post for the complex/center. Pole covers and sign the sign shall not exceed 70 feet above base shall be a minimum of 25 percent of the finished grade, not including the the full sign width. sign. The sign area shall be limited to 100 FOODsquare feet for a single use and 250 G. Engineering plans shall be required in square feet for multi-use. accordance with Section 17.78.060 for all C. Pole signs shall only be allowed within pole signs. 70’ 600 feet of Interstate “5” in the “C-2”

(Community Commercial), “C-H” H. The ground area surrounding the pole base (Highway Service Commercial) or “PD” shall be clear of all brush, vegetation, weeds and debris within a 15-foot (Planned Development) Zoning Districts, only if the proposed use has been perimeter at all times. permitted by the City, subject to administrative review (Section 17.78.251).

I. Multiple tenant signs may be added to and are allowed on existing pole signs as GROUND part of the administrative use permit Property Line process. Added multiple tenant signs may not exceed 250 square feet per side. Maximum Area of Sign Face: 100 square feet. All requirements of the Orland Municipal Code shall apply. Maximum Height: 65 feet above the grade.

14 CHAPTER 17.78.300 17.78.302 Standards. MONUMENT SIGNS A. Monument signs shall not exceed a height of eight (8) feet, including the Sections: base. The advertising surface of any 17.78.301 Permitting. sign face shall not exceed twenty-four 17.78.302 Standards. (24) square feet per side. When practical, landscaping shall be provided around the base of the sign. Only one 17.78.301 Permitting. (1) such sign is permitted for each street Permits for a monument sign shall be frontage. Provided that parcels with considered as part of the administrative permit frontage exceeding two hundred (200) process defined in Section 17.80. feet may have a maximum of two (2) monument signs. The distance between monument signs on any one (1) parcel shall not be less than fifty (50) feet.

B. All such signs shall have monument-type

bases of masonry construction. A comparable alternate basic material may be used upon approval by the City.




15 CHAPTER 17.78.350


Sections: 17.78.351 Permitting. 17.78.352 Multiple Tenant identification signs.

17.78.351 Permitting. Permits for commercial center signs pursuant to this chapter shall be considered as part of the administrative use permit process defined in Section 17.80.

17.78.352 Multiple Tenant identification signs. A. A multi-tenant identification sign, which may include tenant directional signs, are permitted upon obtaining an administrative use permit (as defined in Chapter 17.80) pursuant to the following standards:

1. Multi-tenant signs shall not be more than twelve (12) square feet in total area.

2. Multi-tenant signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height above the finished grade.

3. Exception: Pole or post signs in compliance with Chapter 17.78.250 and this Title.

16 CHAPTER 17.78.400

WALL SIGNS Sections: 17.78.401 Permitting. 17.78.402 Location and height. 17.78.403 Area limit. WALL SIGN

17.78.401 Permitting. LIGHT AND SUPPORT Permits for a wall sign shall be considered as part of the administrative use permit process, as defined in Chapter 17.80.

17.78.402 Location and height.

A wall sign shall not project more than fifteen A 15” MAXIMUM (15) inches from the surface of the building to PROJECTION which it is attached. The face of any wall sign M M which extends over public property must be U U M M I N

eight feet or more above the surface of the I N I M I M ’ 0 adjoining ground, sidewalk or pavement. Wall ’ 1 8 signs shall not extend above the roof line.

17.78.403 Area limit. The advertising surface of a wall sign or a combination of wall signs shall not exceed one WALK hundred (100) square feet. Signs painted directly on the wall shall be included in the calculation of the one hundred (100) square foot AREA: 100 Square feet maximum maximum area. This includes any existing signs Not to exceed 20% of building wall painted on the wall. In no event shall the area of the sign exceed twenty (20) percent of the area of the building wall upon which the sign is to be placed.

CHAPTER 17.78.450

17 EXCEPTIONS B. Under such conditional use permit sign Sections: request, the Planning Commission may increase 17.78.451 Signs urgently needed. each allowed sign area by up to fifteen (15) 17.78.452 Additional signing allowed by percent for any such sign. conditional use permit. 17.78.453 Height and size exceptions- 17.78.453 Height and size conditions for granting. exceptions-conditions for 17.78.454 Public service or directional signs. granting. A. The Planning Commission, through a 17.78.451 Signs Urgently Needed. conditional use permit, may grant exceptions upon the verified application of any property Any sign deemed by the City Manager to be owner as to the maximum overall height of any urgently needed due to undue economic hardship sign above natural ground level or as to the upon the applicant may be allowed temporarily maximum square feet of advertising surface, by the City Manager, upon submittal of an whenever one or more of the conditions administrative use permit application for the sign, hereinafter set forth exist. until such time as the appropriate approving authority approves or denies the application. In 1. The proposed sign location is the event such application is ultimately denied, located within freeway interchange any such sign erected pursuant to this subsection properties designated by resolution of the shall be removed within fifteen (15) days from City Council and is a dining, lodging, the date of such denial. vehicle fueling, vehicle service business, or unique tourist attraction whose primary 17.78.452 Additional signing clientele are the motoring public on allowed by conditional use Interstate 5. permit. 2. The proposed sign identifies a retail A. The Planning Commission, by way of a shopping center or industrial park or similar Conditional Use Permit, may allow additional complex, involving a total of at least one sign types, number of signs, size of signs, and hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of number of locations. The applicant must gross floor area, or an individual business submit a statement with the application with a gross floor area exceeding fifty supporting the request for the additional thousand (50,000) square feet. signing. Criteria for additional signing may 3. The grade of the nearest adjacent include large parcel size, unusual street or highway, excluding the interstate configuration or location, size of buildings, freeway, to the proposed sign location is of multiple street frontages, number of an elevation ten (10) feet or more above the independent businesses, location of the natural ground level of the sign site. buildings on the parcel or unique qualities of the use of the parcel, any of which must relate B. In the exercise of the power herein to the finding which shall be required of the delegated, the Planning Commission shall Planning Commission that the additional impose such conditions upon exceptions so signing will not be contrary to the intent of granted as in its judgment may be necessary to this chapter or the public interest, safety, assure compliance with the spirit and purpose health and welfare. of this title.

18 C. As to the existence of any of the herein above set forth conditions and the necessity for exception from the provisions of this title, the burden of proof shall be upon the applicant.

17.78.454 Public service or directional signs.

A. Permits for public services or directional signs shall be considered as part of the administrative use permit process defined in Section 17.80. Any such sign will provide only directional information as to the location of services or goods and shall contain no advertising content identifying a particular brand name or product or a particular business.

B. Public service or traffic signs erected by the city are exempt from the provisions of this title.

C. Exempt parking and directional signs are set forth in Section 17.78.650.

19 CHAPTER 17.78.500


Sections: 17.78.501 Federal law. 17.78.502 State law.

17.78.501 Federal law. Nothing in this title, either by inclusion or omission, shall be deemed to be in conflict with Public Law 89-285, 89th Congress, S. 2084, October 22, 1965, known as the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, 79 Stat. 1028, or the State Scenic Highway Act of 1963, as such laws apply or may apply to the portions of the interstate system and the primary system of the Federal and state highways now within or which may come within the limits of the city.

17.78.502 State law. Nothing in this title, either by inclusion or omission, shall be deemed to be in conflict with any of the laws of the state of California, as such laws apply or may apply to the portions of the interstate system and the primary system of federal and state highways now within or which may come within the limits of the city.

20 CHAPTER 17.78.550


Sections: 17.78.551 Noncommercial signs.

17.78.551 Noncommercial signs. Noncommercial signs shall be allowed under the same conditions in which a commercial sign is allowed pursuant to this title. The city shall have the right to review, approve or disapprove the contents or copy of any such signs. The permit procedures shall otherwise be the same as for commercial signs.

21 E. All signs erected within the City limits shall be kept weed free.

CHAPTER 17.78.600


Sections: 17.78.601 Sign Materials. 17.78.602 Prohibited Sign Materials. 17.78.603 Sign Maintenance.

17.78.601 Sign Materials. All signs shall be comprised of materials that are not considered hazardous to public safety, as approved by the Planning Department.

17.78.602 Prohibited Sign Materials. Signs of the following materials shall be prohibited within the City of Orland:

A. Cardboard B. Roof Tin C. Spray Paint

17.78.603 Sign Maintenance. A. All signage within the City of Orland shall be maintained by the owner or person in possession of the property on which the sign is located. Maintenance shall be such that the signage continues to conform to all conditions stated in this Ordinance.

B. Any damaged sign or sign base shall be repaired within thirty (30) days of notice to repair, issued by the Building Department.

C. Any metal pole covers and sign cabinets shall be kept free of rust and rust stains.

D. Any internally-illuminated sign cabinets or sign panels which have been damaged shall remain un-illuminated until repaired.

22 CHAPTER 17.78.650 17.78.653 Submittal

COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN The applicant shall submit all of the documents, information, data, and other requirements for Sections: Comprehensive Sign Plan approval to the City at 17.78.651 Purpose the time of application. The applicant shall be 17.78.652 Conditions responsible for furnishing any additional 17.78.653 Submittal information and materials relevant to the 17.78.654 Review application that the City may require. 17.78.655 Evaluation Criteria 17.78.656 Amendments 17.78.654 Review 17.78.651 Purpose A. Application for the review and approval A comprehensive sign plan shall be provided for of a Comprehensive Sign Plan shall be groups of businesses or for the whole of a submitted and reviewed concurrently with shopping center development. Such a plan shall a site plan or preliminary subdivision plat regulate the location, size, height, color, and shall be acted upon by the City orientation, lighting, and types of signs included Council following review and in the area. recommendation by the Planning Commission. 17.78.652 Contents B. Applications submitted for existing The Comprehensive Sign Plan: developments shall be submitted to and reviewed by the City and acted upon by A. Shall propose signage which in height and the City Council following review and area is no more than twenty (20) percent recommendation by the Planning greater than is permitted in the Zoning Commission. The City Council may District in which the use is located. approve the Comprehensive Sign Plan subject to any modifications, conditions, B. Shall not propose signage of a type that is requirements, or standards that may be otherwise prohibited by this Code. appropriate.

C. Shall be limited to those projects which C. Fees for the submittal and review of individually or collectively exceed ten Comprehensive Sign Plans shall be as set (10) gross acres in size for non-residential forth by the City Council. and one hundred (100) gross acres in size for residential, and/or are located 17.78.655 Evaluation Criteria immediately adjacent to, or within 250 feet, of Interstate 5. A. Size and Height: All proposed signage shall be no larger than allowed in that Zoning District. Factors to be considered in determining appropriate size and height

23 include topography, traffic volumes, traffic speeds, visibility ranges, impact on adjacent properties, and copy size.

24 B. Location and Orientation: All proposed signage shall respect both the developed B. Major Amendments: Major Amendments and undeveloped surrounding shall be defined as those amendments not environment. Signs shall be located and meeting the criteria set forth above to oriented appropriately to allow sufficient qualify as a Minor Comprehensive Sign visibility and legibility. Factors that may Plan Amendment. Major Amendments be considered in reviewing the shall be processed and approved in the appropriateness of the sign location and same manner as the initial orientation may include: location relative Comprehensive Sign Plan submittal. to the surrounding streets, traffic volumes and access points, visibility angles and topographic features.

C. Color, Materials and Types of Illumination: Signs proposed under the Comprehensive Sign Plan shall be compatible with the architecture and theme of the specific development in which the signs are located. Compatibility with the specific development shall include color, materials and architectural style. Signage shall compliment and enhance the character of the project.

17.78.656 Amendments All amendments to an approved Comprehensive Sign Plan shall be processed in accordance with the following procedures. Fees for the submittal and review of Comprehensive Sign Plan amendments shall be as set forth by the City Council.

A. Minor Amendments: Minor Amendments shall include any change which does not increase the number of signs nor increase the size or height of any sign beyond what was approved under the original Comprehensive Sign Plan Approval. All changes processed under the Minor Amendment procedures shall comply with all provisions of this Section and shall not deviate from the information provided in the original approval. Minor amendments shall be approved administratively by staff.

25 conformance with regulations set forth in this CHAPTER 17.78.700 Ordinance.

PROHIBITED SIGNS D. Any nonconforming sign cannot be expanded Sections: or enlarged. 17.78.701 Nonconforming signs. 17.78.702 Signs which may confuse traffic. 17.78.702 Signs which may 17.78.703 Roof signs. confuse traffic. 17.78.704 Portable signs. A. No sign shall be erected, constructed or 17.78.705 Obscene signs. maintained if which sign displays or makes 17.78.706 Parking of advertising vehicles use of the words “stop”, “danger”, or any prohibited. other word, phrase, symbol or character, in 17.78.707 Unsafe signs. such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or 17.78.708 Clearance from electric power and confuse traffic. communication lines. 17.78.709 Obstruction of fire escapes, stairways, or exterior doors. B. Signs having red, green or amber lights that 17.78.710 Removal of certain advertising. could be confused with traffic signals shall not 17.78.711 Obstruction to traffic signs. be permitted if designed or located to be seen 17.78.712 Liability for damages. primarily by vehicular traffic. Such colors are not prohibited where, by the design of the sign 17.78.701 Nonconforming signs. or lights used, it is extremely unlikely that such A. Any existing sign which was in compliance lights could be confused with traffic signals by with all signage requirements when erected, the driving public. but no longer complies with the provisions of 17.78.703 Roof signs. this title shall not be substantially altered or reconstructed unless the sign, when so Roof signs are prohibited. reconstructed or altered, complies with the 17.78.704 Portable Signs. applicable requirements of this title. Permitted in all commercial and industrial zoning B. Reasonable repairs and alterations may be districts. Prohibited in public right of way, except made to nonconforming signs. However, in in downtown district. Portable signs may not the event any such sign is hereafter damaged exceed 16 square feet. exceeding fifty percent (50%) of the reproduction cost, according to appraisal 17.78.705 Obscene signs. thereof by competent appraisers, or is Obscene signs containing statements, words, removed by any means whatsoever, including pictures, or other representations, which are an act of God, such sign may be restored, obscene as defined in Penal Code Section 311 are reconstructed, altered, or repaired only to prohibited. conform with the provisions set forth in this Ordinance.

C. Whenever the business conducted on premises changes, the subsequent sign-modifications to reflect that change, whether it is in copy, size, or shape of signage, must bring the sign into

26 17.78.706 Parking of advertising vehicles Public Utilities Commission, and the orders of the prohibited. Division of Industrial Safety, State of California. No person shall park any vehicle or trailer in a public right-of-way, or on private property so as 17.78.709 Obstruction of fire to be visible from a public right-of-way, which escapes, stairways, or exterior has attached thereto or located thereon any sign or doors. advertising device for the basic purpose of A. No portion of any sign, providing advertisement of products or directing or the supports thereof, shall be placed so as people to a business. This section is not intended to obstruct any fire escape, stairway, exterior to apply to standard advertising or identification door or standpipe, nor shall any such practices where such signs or advertising devices outdoor advertising structure or sign or any are painted on or permanently attached to a of the supports thereof, be attached to or business or commercial vehicle and are used in supported by any fire escape. conjunction with the business that it identifies or advertises including vehicles utilized for the B. No portion of any sign delivery of business products. or the supports thereof shall be placed so as to interfere with human exit through any 17.78.707 Unsafe signs. window of any room.

The owner of any sign as defined and regulated by 17.78.710 Removal of this title, including supporting structures, shall certain advertising. keep the same in a safe condition at all times. If Any advertising copy or message now or the Building Official finds that any sign regulated hereafter existing which advertises a business no herein is unsafe or insecure, or is a menace to the longer in operation under the same name, a public, he or she may give written notice to the product or service which is no longer available, sign owner and to the property owner. If such sign a public or private event which has already owner fails to remove or alter the sign so as to occurred, or a candidate for public office, the comply with the standards herein set forth within election for which has already taken place, shall thirty (30) days after such notice, the Building be removed by the owner, agent or person Official may cause such sign to be removed or having the beneficial use of the building, or altered to comply at the expense of the sign owner structure or premises upon which such copy or or owner of the property upon which it is located. message may be found, within thirty (30) days after written notice from Planning Director. The Building Official may cause any sign, which Upon failure to comply with such notice within is an immediate danger to persons or property to the time specified in such order, the Planning be removed summarily and without notice. Director is authorized to cause the removal of the advertising copy or message, and the 17.78.708 Clearance from expense incident to such removal shall be the electric power and obligation of the owner of the building, or communication lines. structure or premises on which the advertising No sign shall be constructed, installed or erected, copy or message is displayed. which has less horizontal or vertical clearance from energized electric power lines and communication lines than prescribed by the California Penal Code, Section 385, the regulations of the California

27 17.78.711 Obstruction to traffic responsibility or liability of any person erecting or signs. owning any sign from person injury or property No sign shall be erected at any location where, by damage resulting from the placing of such sign, or reason of its position, it will obstruct or interfere resulting from the negligence or willful acts of with the view of any authorized traffic sign, signal such person, his agents, employees or workmen, or device.

17.78.712 Liability for damages. The provision of this title shall not be construed as relieving, or limiting in any way, the in the construction, maintenance, repair or removal of any sign erected in accordance with a permit issued hereunder. Nor shall this title be construed as imposing upon the city, or its officers or employees, any responsibility or liability by reason of the approval of any signs, materials, or devices under the provisions of this title.

28 d) The residential signs shall not exceed six (6) feet in height above the ground, and the non-residential signs eight (8) feet above the ground.

2) Window signs, the combined total of which do not exceed twenty (20) percent of the window area; CHAPTER 17.78.750

3) Bulletin boards not over twelve (12) EXEMPT SIGNS square feet in area for public, charitable or religious institutions when the same Sections: are located on the premises of such 17.78.751 General compliance requirements. institutions, as part of an approved 17.78.752 Exempt signs. monument sign; 17.78.753 Fee exempt signs. 17.78.754 Exempt parking and directional 4) Signs denoting the architect, engineer signs. contractor, or financing institution when placed upon work under construction, and not exceeding twelve (12) square 17.78.751 General feet in area; compliance requirements. All signs not expressly exempted by a provision 5) Signs placed flat against the façade of a of Section 17.78.650 shall be subject to the building that identifies the history and provisions of this code and shall comply with all name of a building or historic events not applicable provisions thereof. exceeding three (3) square feet in area and constructed of bronze, brass, or 17.78.752 Exempt signs. other like incombustible material; A. The provisions and regulations of this title shall not apply to the following signs: 6) Traffic or other municipal signs, legal notices or railroad crossing signs; 1) One real estate sign, which advertises the sale, rental or lease of the premises is 7) Signs of public service companies permitted on each parcel frontage as indicating danger, and aids to service or follows: safety;

a) Single family residential zoned 8) Signs placed on the interior of a property parcels, six (6) square foot maximum and not seen from the public right of area per sign. way; b) Multi-family residential zoned parcels, twelve (12) 9) Gasoline price signs not exceeding square foot maximum area per sign. twenty (20) square feet per side; with no c) Non-residential zoned parcels, eight more than two (2) separate signs per (8) square foot maximum area per parcel; sign.

29 10) California and United States flags; area of the open sign is not included in the total allowed window sign area. 11) Signs placed in parking lots to direct traffic and inform users of parking D. Temporary signs promoting short-term retail requirements; sales programs, special products, activities, or events are exempt provided they comply 12) Warning signs to indicate danger or to with the following standards: serve as an aid to public safety or to show the location of public utilities’ 1. The sign shall not be displayed for more underground facilities. than ninety (90) days.

13) Political signs. These signs shall be 2. No more than one (1) such sign is removed within the time frame allowed for each street frontage. allowed by State and Federal law. 3. Maximum sign area not to exceed fifty 14) Yard sale/Rummage sale signs. These (50) square feet. The area of an signs shall be removed 48 hours after inflatable device shall be measured like the sale. a sphere as described in Section 17.78.020 and shall not exceed one B. Ordinary maintenance and repair of an hundred (100) square feet with an existing conforming advertising structure aggregate maximum of two hundred provided there is no structural modification (200) square feet. including repainting with the same colors. 4. If temporary signs are placed in C. Informational window signs shall be exempt windows, they shall not exceed fifty as follows: (50) square feet or twenty (20) percent of the total window and glass door area, 1. Small non-illuminated informational whichever is the most restrictive signs related to the operation of the requirement. business located on the windows or glass doors are exempt from these provisions 5. Portable signs are not permitted as a and are not included in the total allowed temporary sign. sign area. Examples of such signs are “open/closed” signs, credit card signs, 17.78.753 Fee exempt signs. rating or professional signs, and signs of a similar nature. Only one (1) of each type of sign is allowed, not to exceed All temporary signs and signs erected by one (1) square foot in area per sign with nonprofit or volunteer organizations are exempt no more than four (4) in number at any from the requirement of paying application and individual business. sign permit fees. An application and sign permit for any such sign is required in the same manner 2. One neon or other “open” sign is as otherwise provided in this title. These signs permitted in the window per each street shall not be displayed for more than ninety (90) frontage as a sign exempt from the days. An extension may be granted upon provisions of this title and shall not authorization by the City of Orland Planning exceed four (4) square feet in area. The Department.

30 17.78.754 Exempt parking and directional signs. A. Parking directional signs not exceeding eight (8) square feet per side located in close proximity to driveway entrances are exempt.

B. Directional signs located within a non-residentially zoned parcel for the purpose of directing vehicular traffic or pedestrians to specific entrances or services at the business facility shall be exempt provided that the face of any such sign shall not exceed eight (8) square feet.


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