Learning Outcomes and Performance Indicators

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Learning Outcomes and Performance Indicators


Learning Outcomes are statements that describe what students are expected to know and do by a specified time (e.g., by sophomore year, or by graduation).

Performance Indicators are statements specifying the measurable evidence of performance(s) required to meet the learning outcome.

LEARNING OUTCOMES PERFORMANCE IN THIS NOTES INDICATORS COURSE COMMUNICATION Write and speak effectively Communication skills are prerequisite for PI 1. Speak using language YES Obviously. all Ethics and Philosophy courses. I’ll appropriate to the audience teach you how to communicate with PI 2 Write using language YES Obviously. philosophers. appropriate to the audience PI 3 Document sources properly NO This is not a research- based course. PI 4 Construct a message that is YES Obviously. relevant to its purpose CRITICAL THINKING Develop an appropriate response to a problem or question Philosophers think critically about “critical PI 1 Describe the ambiguous YES Ambiguity is itself thinking.” I am a skeptic. Together, P11- nature of an issue ambiguous. 13 implies that there is a set of universally PI 2 Distinguish between relevant YES The term “relevancy” is applicable rules that constitute critical and irrelevant information convoluted and thinking. I doubt it. Ambiguity, relevance, philosophically data, and evidence are all subject to serious problematic. philosophical inquiry. PI 3 Utilize data to evaluate a YES The term “data” is problem or question convoluted and philosophically problematic. PI 4 Support a position with YES The concept of appropriate evidence “appropriate evidence” is convoluted and philosophically problematic. SOCIOCULTURAL RELATIONSHIPS Understand the nature of human cultures I am also skeptical of the use of the term PI 1 Describe the influence of YES This obviously depends “sociocultural relationships.” It’s a cultural diversity within a society on how you define notoriously vague term that masks more “culture.” than it elucidates. It can mean virtually PI 2 Identify bias within a culture YES The term “bias” has a anything. In my courses I try to put some negative connotation. meat on the concept. Some biases are more justified than others. PI 3 Explain how religious values YES For better or for worse. influence a society PI 4 Describe causes of cultural YES Change relative to what? change ETHICS Understand ethical responsibility from the perspective of duty, consequences, or virtue Here there is too much emphasis on the PI 1 Define your personal ethical YES If you have any. . . concept of responsibility. I take a much responsibilities larger view of ethics than this. You have to PI 2 Describe your professional YES If you have any. . . know what’s right and be able to do what’s ethical responsibilities right, whatever “right” means. PI 3 Explain how Catholic NO I let Religious Studies do teaching emphasizes social justice this. and social responsibility PI 4 Illustrate how values inform YES Obviously. your ethical decisions INTERDISCIPLINARITY Solve a problem by integrating the perspectives of multiple disciplines I am an interdisciplinary scholar. But I PI 1 State the views of multiple YES If there are multiple think this whole concept of disciplines on an issue disciplines that explore “interdisciplinarity” is woefully muddled. EXACTLY the same I’m more interested in understanding the issue. process of asking questions and posing PI 2 Compare views from YES Compare and contrast! answers, than merely solving problems. multiple disciplines Interdisciplinarity is a “means” to solving PI 3 Create a solution to a YES I prefer “questions and problems, but it is not an “end.” It should problem by integrating the answers” to “problems not be an LO. perspectives of multiple and solutions.” Not all disciplines questions are problems.

CITIZENSHIP Recognize your responsibility to the community and the world This is a good LO! But I don’t know what PI 1 Define your responsibilities YES Obviously. But I a “good citizen” knows or does. as a citizen of the local wouldn’t use the term Unfortunately, the citizenship LO overlaps community “responsibility.” I’d at at with the Ethics LO, and the Sociocultural least distinguish between LO. It also over-emphasizes the concept legal and moral responsibility. responsibility. PI 2 Define your responsibilities YES If there are any. . . as a citizen of the global community PI 3 Describe the relationship YES If there are any. . . between community and world issues PI 4 Evaluate your own YES Also evaluate your non- involvement as a citizen involvement and explain why.

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