Faith Family Kids, Inc

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Faith Family Kids, Inc

Faith Family Kids, Inc.

dba FAITH FAMILY ACADEMY 300 West Kiest Blvd., Dallas Texas 75224 - ph. 214-375-7682 – fax 214 –375-7681 701 Ovilla Road, Waxahachie, Texas 75167 – ph. 972-937-3704 – fax 972-937-5806

Application for Admission (Elementary/Middle/High School) PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS BELOW AND SIGN AT THE BOTTOM

Student’s Last Name First Name Middle Name Generation (Jr. I, II, III) Social Security #

Date of Birth Age as of Sept 1, Grade Home Phone Other Phone #’s 2015

With whom does child reside?

Street Address Mailing Address (If different)

City State Zip City Stat Zip e

Father’s Name Mother’s name

Place of Employment Business Phone Place of Employment Business Phone

1. If your child has documented history, in reference to TEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A, has your child ever been expelled, dismissed, suspended or refused admission to another public, private or charter school? Yes__ No__ Explain: ______

2. If your child has documented history, in reference to TEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A, has child ever been assigned to an alternative program? Yes____ or No ____ Explain: ______

3. Does your child have any documented history of a Criminal offense? Explain: ______

4. If your child has documented history of a criminal offense has your child ever had disciplinary difficulties as defined by TEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A? Yes____ or No ____ Explain: ______

5. Has your child ever applied or been enrolled in Faith Family Academy? Yes ______No______If so, when? ______

By my signature, I certify that the foregoing information is correct. ______Date______Parent or Guardian Signature

Faith Family Kids, Inc. dba FAITH FAMILY ACADEMY 300 West Kiest Blvd. -- Dallas Texas 75224 – ph. 214-375-7682 – fax 214-375-7681 1 701 Ovilla Road, Waxahachie, Texas 75167 – ph. 972-937-3704 – fax 972-937-5806


Complete REQUIREMENTS * ALL STUDENTS Student Enrollment Application – COMPLETED IN FULL Parent Agreement – Enrollment Information – Medical Form Pick up List – Home Language Survey – Telecomputing Network Use Agreement – etc.

Certified Birth Certificate – not hospital issued (bring original to be copied and returned)

Complete Shot Records (bring original to be copied and returned)

Social Security Card (bring original to be copied and returned)

Most recent Report Card/Transcript

Withdrawal Form from school if student is transferring during school semesters

“YEAR END” report card for previous year (2014-2015)/ Summer School if applicable

Copy of IEP if student is in Special Education

Utility Bill showing current address of residence

If your child drives to school, a copy of current insurance, driver’s license, license plate, make, model and color of vehicle will be required to be on file with FFA campus security

Meal Program Application must be completed returned and processed (one for each family). This is not available until the 1st day the child attends school with the exception of Pre-K

If you are not the birth parent(s), you must provide documents showing you have custody

INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Student’s School Supplies (must bring the 1st day attending)

Uniforms MUST be worn from the 1st day attending school

All Pre-K-12 students are required to comply to State attendance laws

Pre-K students must qualify for state & Fed funded programs (income, language, other) ASK FOR FORM

All children must be completely toilet trained!

Pre-K must have turned age 4 by September 1 of school year

Kindergarten must have turned age 5 by September 1 of school year

Disclosure Statements: It is the policy of Faith Family Academy Charter School to comply with non-discrimination provisions of all federal and state laws. FFA admits students without regard to race, religion, color, gender, age, national origin, ethnicity, disability, academic, artistic, athletic ability, marital status, political belief, limited English proficiency or the district the child would otherwise attend. FFA will deny admission to students with documented histories of a criminal offense, juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under TEC Chapter 37, Subchapter A. If anyone believes that they have been discriminated against, they should write to the Secretary of Education, Washington D.C. 20250. Child Find - a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is provided to all individuals with disabilities, ages 4-21, who qualify for special education services. With the assistance of the Texas Education Agency, ESCs, and the Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) program, LEAs must ensure that early intervention services are made available for those children, ages 0-3, with an identified need.

Faith Family Academy Charter

2 6th Grade Course Selection Sheet for the 2015-2016 School Year

Student Last Name: ______Student First Name:______

Circle one: Male Female

Required Courses for 6th Grade:

• Reading

• English

• Math

• Math Lab

• Social Studies

• Science

• Physical Education or Dance


Students in 6th grade receive one elective. Place a (1) by your first choice, a (2) by your second choice, and a (3) by your third choice. We will do our best to honor your first choice but due to scheduling conflicts and staffing it may be necessary to place students in a different elective class.

____ 6th Grade Art

_____ 6th Grade Choir

_____ 6th Grade Theatre Arts

_____ 6th Grade Technical Applications

_____ 6th Grade PE

_____ 6th Grade Dance

Please note that after a schedule is created and given to the student any schedule change would require campus principal signature.

3 Parent Signature: ______

Student Signature: ______

Faith Family Academy Charter

Hoja de selección de cursos del 6to grado

Para el año escolar 2015-2016

Apellido del estudiante: ______Nombre del estudiante:______

Marque uno: Masculino Femenino

Cursos requeridos para el 6to grado: • Lectura

• Ingles

• Matemáticas

• Laboratorio de matemáticas

• Estudios Sociales

• Ciencias

• Educación física o Baile


Los estudiantes en el 6to grado reciben una material electiva. Marque (1) en su primera opción, un (2) en su segunda opción, y un (3) en su tercera opción. Nosotros haremos lo posible por respetar su decisión, Pero debido al continuo problema con los horarios y la cantidad de maestros, puede ser el caso de que el estudiante sea colocado en cualquiera de las diferentes opciones e las clases electivas.

_____ Arte 6to grado _____ Coro 6to grado _____ Teatro y Arte 6to grado _____ Aplicaciones en Tecnología 6to grado

4 _____ Baile 6to grado _____ Educación física 6to grado

Por favor recuerde que una vez elaborado el horario de clases y entregado al estudiante, no se podrán hacer cambios a menos que se autorizado y tenga la firma del Director.

Firma del Padre: ______

Firma del estudiante: ______

Faith Family Academy Charter 7th Grade Course Selection Sheet for the 2015-2016 School Year

Student Last Name: ______Student First Name: ______

Circle one: Male Female

Required Courses for 7th Grade:

• Reading

• English or Advanced English*

• Math or Advanced Math *

• Math Lab

• Social Studies

• Science

• Physical Education (or athletics/dance if chosen as an elective)

***Advanced classes require parent contract and passing STAAR scores

5 Electives: Below are the choices for 7th grade electives. Place a (1) by your first choice, (2) by your second choice, (3) by your third choice, and (4) by your fourth choice. We will do our best to honor your first choice but due to scheduling conflicts and staffing it may be necessary to place students in a different elective class.

_____ 7th Grade Art ______7th Grade Choir ______7th Grade Theatre Arts ______7th Grade Technical Applications ______*7th Grade Athletics _____ 7th Grade Dance _____ 7th Grade PE

Please note that after a schedule is created and given to the student any schedule change would require campus principal signature. *If athletics is chosen as an elective a physical from a doctor is a requirement and needs to be turned into the athletic director by August 12th. Failure to do so may result in Athletics being dropped from the students schedule or result in the student remaining in the class for the year but unable to participate in athletics outside of the class period.

Parent Signature: ______

Student Signature:______

Faith Family Academy Charter

Hoja de selección de cursos del 7vo grado

Para el año escolar 2015-2016

Apellido del estudiante : ______Nombre del estudiante: ______

Marque uno: Masculino Femenino

Cursos requeridos para el 7mo grado:

• Lectura

• Ingles o Avanzado Ingles

• Matemáticas o Matemáticas avanzadas

• Laboratorio de matemáticas

• Estudios Sociales

6 • Ciencias

• Educación física( o atletismo/ baile si la escoge como electiva)

*** Las clases avanzadas requieren contrato de los padres y los puntajes de aprobación STAAR

Electivas: Opciones para los estudiantes en el 7to grado. Marque (1) en su primera opción, un (2) en su segunda opción, un (3) en su tercera opción y un (4) en su cuarta opcion. Nosotros haremos lo posible por respetar su decisión, Pero debido al continuo problema con los horarios y la cantidad de maestros, puede ser el caso de que el estudiante sea colocado en cualquiera de las diferentes opciones en las clases electivas.

_____ Arte 7mo grado _____ Coro 7mo grado _____ Teatro 7mo grado _____ Aplicaciones en Tecnología 7mo grado _____ *Atletismo 7mo grado _____ Baile 7mo grado _____ Educación física 7mo grado

Por favor recuerde que una vez elaborado el horario de clases y entregado al estudiante, no se podrán hacer cambios a menos que se autorizado y tenga la firma del Director *Si escogió atletismo se requiere un examen general médico y necesita ser entregado al consejero antes del 12 de agosto. En caso de no entregar el examen médico la clase de atletismo será retirada del horario del estudiante o permanecerá en la clase pero no podrá participar en ninguna de las actividades fuera del horario de la clase

Firma del padre: ______

Firma del estudiante:______

Faith Family Academy Charter

8th Grade Course Selection Sheet for the 2015-2016 School Year

Student Last Name: ______Student First Name:______

Circle one: Male Female

7 Required Courses for 8th Grade:

• Reading

• English or Advanced English

• Math or Advanced Math

• Math Lab

• Social Studies

• Science

• Physical Education (or athletics/dance if chosen as an elective)

***Advanced classes require parent contract and passing STAAR scores

Electives: Below are the choices for 8th grade electives. Place a (1) by your first choice, (2) by your second choice, (3) by your third choice, (4) by your fourth choice, and a (5) by your fifth choice. We will do our best to honor your first choice but due to scheduling conflicts and staffing it may be necessary to place students in a different elective class.

______8th Grade Art ______8th Grade Choir ______8th Grade Theatre Arts ______*8th Grade Athletics ______8th Grade PE ______8th Grade Dance ______Spanish I ______French I

Please note that after a schedule is created and given to the student any schedule change would require campus principal signature. *If athletics is chosen as an elective a physical from a doctor is a requirement and needs to be turned into the counselor by August 12th. Failure to do so may result in athletics being dropped from the students schedule or result in the student remaining in the class for the year but unable to participate in athletics outside of the class period.

Parent Signature: ______

Student Signature:______

8 Faith Family Academy Charter

8th Grade Course Selection Sheet for the 2015-2016 School Year

Apellido del estudiante: ______Nombre del estudiante: ______

Marque uno: Masculino Femenino

Cursos requeridos para el 8vo grado:

• Lectura

• Ingles o Avanzado Ingles

• Matemáticas o Matemáticas avanzadas

• Laboratorio de matemáticas

• Estudios Sociales

• Ciencias

• Educación física( o atletismo/ baile si la escoge como electiva)

*** Las clases avanzadas requieren contrato de los padres y los puntajes de aprobación STAAR

Electivas: Opciones para los estudiantes en el 8vo grado. Marque (1) en su primera opción, un (2) en su segunda opción, un (3) en su tercera opción, un (4) en su cuarta opción y un (5) en su quinta opción. Nosotros haremos lo posible por respetar su decisión, Pero debido al continuo problema con los horarios y la cantidad de maestros, puede ser el caso de que el estudiante sea colocado en cualquiera de las diferentes opciones en las clases electivas. ______Arte 8vo grado ______Coro 8vo grado ______Teatro 8vo grado ______*Atletismo 8vo grado ______Educación física 8vo grado ______Baile 8vo grado ______Español 1 ______Francés 1

Por favor recuerde que una vez elaborado el horario de clases y entregado al estudiante, no se podrán hacer cambios a menos que se autorizado y tenga la firma del Director *Si escogió atletismo se requiere un examen general médico y necesita ser entregado al consejero antes del 12 de agosto. En caso de no

9 entregar el examen médico la clase de atletismo será retirada del horario del estudiante o permanecerá en la clase pero no podrá participar en ninguna de las actividades fuera del horario de la clase

Firma del padre: ______Firma del estudiante: ______

Faith Family Kids, Inc. dba FAITH FAMILY ACADEMY 300 West Kiest Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75224 – ph. 214-375-7682 – fax 214-375-7681 701 Ovilla Road, Waxahachie, Texas 75167 – ph. 972-937-3704 – fax 972-937-5806

ENROLLMENT STUDENT PERSONAL INFORMATION School year: ______Date:______Last Name (As on Birth Certificate.) Social Sec. No.

First Name (As on Birth Certificate) Gender(male-female)

Middle Name (As on Birth Certificate) Home Language

Preferred Name Grade (2014-2015)

Generation (Jr,I,II) Foster Child? YES NO Birth date Birth place Home Phone #

Ethnicity (circle one): Black Hispanic Anglo Asian Native American

Student lives with (Name): Relationship:

Street Address:

City State Zip

Mailing Address (if differs)

City State Zip

Name of Local Public School Campus/District this student would attend if not attending any Charter School or private school:

10 List last 3 schools attended (at least list the last 3 years) and dates/grades while attending the school. (If more than 3 please use back of sheet). School Name School District City Grades/Dates of Attendance

Please list all siblings that are/will be attending Faith Family Academy:





Student’s Name ______Grade 2015-2016 ______

1st CONTACT (Parent, Guardian, Other) Last Name E-mail address

First Name Parent ID/Driver’s License #

Relationship Employer & Address

Custody (circle one) yes no

Street Address

City/State/Zip Work E-mail

Mailing Address Home Phone

City/State/Zip Mobile Phone

2ND CONTACT (Parent, Guardian, Other) Last Name E-mail address

First Name Parent ID/Driver’s License #

Relationship Employer Name and Address

11 Custody (circle one) yes no

Street Address

City/State/Zip Work E-mail

Mailing Address Home Phone

City/State/Zip Mobile Phone

Please indicate academic level of child’s previous work: 90-100______80-90______70-80______below 70______

Has child ever failed in school? Yes______No______When? ______Where? ______Explain: ______

Has your child attended Summer School? Yes______No______When? ______Where? ______Explain: ______

Has your child ever been in Special Education or Section 504? Yes_____ No_____ When? ______Explain:______

What was the last school your child was in a Special Education Program? ______

Has your child ever been in a Gifted and Talented Program? Yes_____ No______When? ______

Has child ever been eligible for a public education grant (PEGS)? Yes______No______When? ______Explain: ______

Faith Family Academy Home Language Survey

Student’s Name______Nombre del estudiante Last/Apellido First/Nombre Middle/Segundo Nombre Date of Birth______IDS______12 Fecha de nacimiento Month/Mes Day/Dia Yeat/Aho School______Grade______Date Enrolled______Escuela Grado Fecha de entrada

Home Language Survey (informacion sobre el idioma quo se habla en casa) a.i.1.a.i.1. What language is spoken in your home most of the time? ______Cual es el idioma que mas se habla en su hogar? a.i.1.a.i.2. What language does your child (do you) speak most of the time? ______Cual es el idioma que su Nino(a) habla mas? a.i.1.a.i.3. What language did your child learn to speak first? ______Cual es el idioma que hijo(a) aprendio primero? a.i.1.a.i.4. Where is your child’s place of Birth? (Country) ______Pals natal de nacimento? a.i.1.a.i.5. Has your child lived outside the U.S. for two (2) or more consecutive years? Yes/Si ______No______Ha residido su hijo(a) fuera de los Estados Unidos por mas de dos (2) anos consecutivos?

6. Did your child attend school when residing outside the U.S.? Yes/Si ______No ______Asistio su hijo(a) a la escuela mientras estuvo fuera de Los Estados Unidos?

7. Has your family moved during the last three years from one school district to another in the state of Texas or across states? Yes/Si ______No ______Se ha movido su familia durante los ultimos tres anos de un distrito escolar para otro en el estado de Tejas 6 a traves de todos los Estados Unidos?

8. Was this move due to the need to find temporary or seasonal work in agriculture or related areas such as packing, processing, harvesting, crop, dairy produce, fishing, forest work, etc.? Yes/Si ______No ______fue la razon de su movimiento para buscar trabajo temporal de estacion en agricultura, o en areas relacionadas para empacar, procesar, recoger producto de cosecha, productos lacteos, de pescaderia, O de trabajos forestales?

Date of FIRST entry into ANY school in the U.S.A. ______Fecha de PRIMER ingreso en CUALQUIER escuela en los Estados Unidos.

13 Grade/Grado ______Month/Mes ______Year/Aho______

Signature of Parent ______Date ______Firma del Padre/Guardian Fecha

White-Cumulative Folder ALL Yellow-ESL/Bilingual Department SST-130 2/13/2006


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