State of New Jersey s17

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State of New Jersey s17

State of New Jersey Statewide Voter Registration System Production System Changes Report Date: Monday SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on September 20th, 2008.

Bug Fixes: Item JIRA # Description of the Fix Issue Logged County

1. NJP-6131 Corrected the SVRS to print Poll Worker final Cape May assignment report in Landscape format by default. 2. NJP-6318 Corrected the SVRS to display the Training Dates Cumberland correctly on Poll Worker Final assignment report and Poll Worker Training History. 3. NJP-6398 Corrected the SVRS to generate correct number of Morris Labels when the selection criterion is for specific street. 4. NJP-6434 Corrected the SVRS to display all the assigned Poll Atlantic Workers who has attended the training class on Poll Worker Training History report 5. NJP-6476 Corrected the SVRS to perform search function as Mercer follows: On the “Inquiry Voter Registration screen, if the voter is being searched and if he resides in a different county, the state wide search radio button should be selected as there is no need to select a different county under “search address: street address. 6. NJP-6482 Corrected the SVRS to update the Latest Training Camden Class correctly on Maintain Poll Worker Module. 7. NJP-6503 Corrected the SVRS to process the Voter History Atlantic report successfully on submitting in Excel format. 8. NJP-6508 Issue: System is always picking by default printer 1 Statewide when printing the Print Label with MWD. Now after this fix the label prints on the printer that is provided on the pop up screen. 9. NJP-6513 Corrected the SVRS to display following changes: Statewide 1. removed brackets from [MVC] and use parentheses (MVC). 2. Separate text fields have been provided for English and Spanish. 10. NJP-6532 Corrected the SVRS to display all the requested Statewide Voter status’s on the Voter registration summary report.

Enhancements: Item Title Description

Page 1 1. CCR- 247 Absentee Ballot Report(NJP-5833) Report Change Part An option to view the Municipality name next to the Report Name on the -12 Report Status screen has been provided as part of enhancement.

1. Navigation: Reports – Absentee Ballot 2. Municipality name is displayed next to Report Name on the Report Status screen upon generating the Absentee Ballot Report for only one Municipality.

Absentee Ballot Summary Report – Add Report Generation Options( NJP-4722)

As part of enhancement standard report generation options have been provided for Absentee Ballot Summary Report.

1. Navigation – Activities- Reports – Absentee Ballot Summary Report. 2. Report Generation Options have been provided to the Absentee Ballot Summary Report.

Absentee Voter Report for PTD/UOCAVA/AGE – Add Ballot Type (NJP- 5017)

As part of enhancement “Absentee Ballot Type” has been added as a selection option on the Absentee Voter Report for PTD/UOCAVA/AGE.

1. Navigation- Activities- Reports – Absentee Voter Report for PTD/UOCAVA/AGE 2. Ballot Type header and column has been added to the output report of Absentee Voter Report for PTD/UCOAVA/AGE. 3. Added Ballot Type to the reports’ selection criteria page. 4. Legend for Ballot Type has been provided at the end of the output report. Date Export File- Add Sort Options (NJP-5034) As part of enhancement standard sort options are provided on Data Export file Report.

1. Navigation – Activities – Reports – Data Export File. 2. Sort options added to Data Export File are as follows  Municipality  Ward  District  Party  Name  Voting Districts by Name  Voting District by Municipality.

3. Sort option is Default to Municipality when “Generate for ward District” is selected and disabled voting districts sort options 4. Sort option is Default to “Voting Districts by Name” when “Generate for Voting District option is selected.

Times Voted in Label Report (NJP-4527)

As part of enhancement “Times Voted” option has been added to Labels report. 1. Election Drop down has been modified to multi select list. 2. Added “Times Voted” to the Label Report and is defaulted to 1.

Page 2 3. The two options have the same logic and functionality as on the Voter History Report. 4. Times Voted is enabled only when election is selected. 5. If election is not selected, the report generates as it currently does.

Poll Location Report Poll Location Report selection Criteria Page

1. Added the option, Include Poll Place Description option to the selection criteria page. 2. Added Poll Place description header and column when the option is selected. Poll Place Accessibility Report Selection Criteria Page

1. Added the option, Include Poll Place Description option to the selection criteria page. 2. Added Poll Place description header and column when the option is selected. Poll Place Report Selection Criteria Screen

1. Added the option, Include Poll Place Description option to the selection criteria page. 2. Added Poll Place description header and column when the option is selected. 3. Added legend for “ADA” at the end of the report.

Certified Polling Place Report Certified Polling Place Report Selection Criteria Screen

1. Added the option, Include Poll Place Description option to the selection criteria page. 2. Upon selecting “Include Poll Place Description” checkbox, Poll Place Description is displayed on the report output. 3. Stacked the Poll Place Description header and data field below the polling Place address.

Poll Worker Final Assignment Report (NJP-6136)

As part of enhancement Mailing Address has been added on Poll Worker Final Assignment report. 1. Navigation: Report – Poll Worker Final Assignment report. 2. Added an optional checkbox for “Include Mail Address” on Poll Worker Final Assignment Report. 3. Upon checking the “Include Mail Address” checkbox, the output report displays Poll Worker Mailing Address besides residence address. 4. Poll Worker mail address is stacked with residence address.

Poll Worker Payment Report (NJP-6135)

As part of enhancement Mailing Address has been added on Poll Worker Payment report. 1. Navigation: Reports – Poll Worker Payment report 2. Added an optional checkbox for “Include Mail Address” on the Poll Worker Payment report. 3. Upon selecting the “Include Mail Address” checkbox, the output report displays Poll worker mailing address besides residence address 4. Poll Worker mail address is stacked with residence address.

Page 3 Voter Registration Summary – Legislative District Order(NJP-4926) Voter Registration Summary report Output by Legislative Districts

Added Municipality sub totals to the Voter Registration Summary report.

Voter By Street List Report- Add Street Number(NJP-4305) As part of enhancement mailing address and house number option has been provided to voter by street list report Criteria screen

1. Included a “Street Number” option to further filter the results. 2. Included an option to print mailing address on the report.

Output Report

3. “Mailing Address” column has been added on the output report if Include Mailing Address, option is selected. Note: The mailing address only displays if the report run date falls in the mailing address start and end date range specified. 4. Legend is added at the end of the report for “Voter Status”.

2. CCR-250 Deleted Voters –Pre-Hava (NJP-6054) Application Changes Part An option to unselect the Pre-Hava flag by default when a deleted voter is 13 restored in the County has been provided as part of enhancement.

1. Navigation – Inquiries – Voter Registration –Change Voter. 2. Following Alert message has been added “Note: Clicking ok will uncheck the Pre-Hava flag of the Voter. 3. If the user clicks ok, Pre-Hava voter flag is unselected.

Batch Scanning History (NJP-6081)

When the administrator user role is logged in they can view all batch history on Batch scanning screen for user accounts in their office has been provided as part of enhancement. 1. Navigation : Activities – Batch scanning 2. Updated this screen so that when the administrator user role is logged in they can view all batch history for all user accounts in their office. I.e. the SOE administrator will view all scanning activity of all SOE users.

Poll Worker –Select All Pages( NJP-6211)

An option to select all pages from result set for processing across the Poll Worker Module has been provided as part of enhancement.

Maintain Poll Worker Payment

1. Navigation: Activities- Poll Worker –Maintain Poll Worker Payments. 2. “Select All Pages” button is added which will select all pages in the result set for further processing by the user. 3. Renamed “Select All “button as “select current page” on Poll Worker- Maintain Poll Worker Payments report.

Maintain Poll Worker Template

Page 4 1. Navigation: Activities- Poll Worker –Maintain Poll Worker Template. 2. “Select All Pages” button is added which will select all pages in the result set for further processing by the user. 3. Renamed “Select All “button as “select current page” on Poll Worker- Maintain Poll Worker Template.

Assign Poll Workers

1. Navigation: Activities- Poll Worker –Assign Poll Workers. 2. “Select All Pages” button is added which will select all pages in the result set for further processing by the user. 3. Renamed “Select All “button as “select current page” on Poll Worker- Assign Poll Worker to Election. 4. If “Generate Letter” or “Generate Certificate” or “Generate Certificate without DOB” is clicked, the output is generated in PDF format instead of HTML format. If more than 10 items are selected, the output is submitted to the Print Status Queue similar to reports.

Assign Poll Worker Training Class

1. Navigation: Activities- Poll Worker –Assign Poll Worker Training Class. 2. “Select All Pages” button is added which will select all pages in the result set for further processing by the user. 3. Renamed “Select All “button as “select current page” on Poll Worker- Assign Poll Worker Training Class. 4. If “Generate Letter” or “Generate Certificate” or “Generate Certificate without DOB” is clicked, the output is generated in PDF format instead of HTML format. If more than 10 items are selected, the output is submitted to the Print Status Queue similar to reports.

Poll Worker Training Attendance

1. Navigation: Activities- Poll Worker –Assign Poll Worker Training Attendance. 2. “Select All Pages” button is added which will select all pages in the result set for further processing by the user. 3. Renamed “Select All “button as “select current page” on Poll Worker- Assign Poll Worker Training Attendance. 4. If “Generate Letter” or “Generate Certificate” or “Generate Certificate without DOB” is clicked, the output is generated in PDF format instead of HTML format. If more than 10 items are selected, the output is submitted to the Print Status Queue similar to reports.

Print Queue Status

A new link “Print Queue Status” has been added under Poll Worker Module and the status of all those requested are submitted to queue.

Print Queue status screen

1. Print Queue status screen functions similar to report status and absentee label status screens. 2. Following labels and buttons are displays on Print Queue status screen  Select  Letter id  Letter Name

Page 5  Date /Time Created  Date/Time Scheduled  Created By  File Size  Status  Delete (Button)  Reprocess (Button) Moved Out of County Reminders (NJP- 6197,NJP-6215)

As part of enhancement Previous name and Voter Status columns are added on the “Voter who have moved “screen.

1. Navigation: Activities –System – Reminders- Moved out of County tickler 2. Two new columns “Previous Name” and “Voter Status” have been added on Moved out of County reminder screen. 3. Previous Name and Voter Status is also displayed while printing the list.

Alert for Rejected Absentee Voter (NJP-6264)

As part of enhancement an alert is displayed to let the user know that a request has already been processed (rejected) for an absentee voter.

1. Navigation : Activities – Absente Module – Absentee Ballot Request 2. The system displays the “PTD/UOCAVA Request already exists for the Selected Voter” alert message if the selected voter already has a rejected ballot request.

Provisional Disposition Letter(NJP-6165)

As part of enhancement display “Other” rejected reason on the Provisional Ballot Disposition Letter when selecting “other” as reject reason on the Provisional Ballot Information screen.

Add/Maintain Provisional Ballot screen

1. Navigation: Activities – Election – Provisional Ballot-Select Voter – Add New Ballot – Provisional Ballot Information screen. 2. A new text box (English and Spanish) is added on the Provisional Ballot Information screen to type in the Rejection Reason when selecting “Other” as Rejection Reason. 3. The text boxes are enabled only if the “Other” Rejection reason is selected. Spanish text box is enabled only if Bilingual option is set to “Yes” on Maintain Countywide Data screen. 4. The reasons as typed in the provided text boxes are displayed on the Provisional Ballot Disposition Letter.

Search by Voter ID on Search Signers( NJP-6207)

As part of enhancement an option to search by “Voter ID” has been provided on Petition Module. 1. Navigation: Active- Petitions – Maintain Petitions – Select Petition – Add Signature. 2. A new “Voter Id” search field is added and the ability to search by Voter id has been provided on search singer’s screen.

Late Notice Change of Address Letter (NJP-4600)

Page 6 As part of enhancement contact name and contact number information are provided for Late Notice change of Address Letter.

1. Navigation: Voter Registration – Final Activity screen – Print Later Notice Change of Address within County or Inquiries – Voter Registration – Scan/Print – Print Late Notice Change of Address within County. 2. Contact Name and Number fields are added on Select Election – Late Notice Change of Address screen. 3. Entered contact name and number information is displayed on Late Notice Change of Address Letter. 4. Content of the letter has been slightly modified to display as follows.  If you have any questions, please contact at the 3. CCR-252 Application MVC Online (NJP-6299) Changes Part 14 System Reminders As part of enhancement a new reminder has been added for processing MVC online Voter address changes. 1. Navigation- Activities – Reminders – There are <#> changes voters in the MVC- Online file to process. 2. Motor Voter- Online who are matched with SVRS voter records are displayed under the new link. 3. Clicking on the “Review” button the list of Motor Voter records that were uploaded by backend process are displayed.

Motor Voter- Online List Review Screen

1. The MVC online changes screen is similar to the change voters list and will have the change code column. Change Codes:  A = Address Change,  N= Name Change and  B = Both Address and Name Change.

2. Select the record and click on the “Select” button to navigate to next screen and view more details and compare with SVRS record if it is matched with the SVRS Voter. 3. Delete the rejected Motor Voter records by clicking on the “Delete Rejected” button. System displays an alert message of “Are you sure you want to delete this Motor Voter Record? This record will be removed from the list” .Click ok to confirm the deletion or click on the cancel button.  An option to delete only the rejected record has been provided. Rejected records will have an “R” in the status column. An alert message “You can only delete the rejected records” is displayed on deleting the records other than the rejected status.

4. An option to re-assign and send the record to another county by selecting the respective county in the “Re-assign to County” dropdown and clicking on the “send” button. Record is removed from the list and appears in the new County that was set to on re-assigning the record. 5. Clicking on the select button, Compare MVC online screen is displayed where matched records can be reviewed if any.

Page 7 Motor Voter Online and SVRS Voter Review and Comparison Screen

1. If the Motor Voter record matches with the SVRS record, then click on the “select” button to continue to “Change Voter” or “Transfer Voter” process accordingly. 2. If the matched record or duplicate record is not found then click on “Add” button to continue the “Add Voter” Process. 3. To reject Motor Voter record, select the rejected checkbox on the screen. On selecting this checkbox, English and Spanish memo fields and reject button are enabled. Rejected letter is generated on rejecting the record and is sent to reminders page. 4. Pagination provision is provided in this screen if there are more than 10 matched records. 5. During matching, Voter with deleted and rejected status are included and Voters with 01/01/1800 DOB. 6. If there is a Motor Voter Online record that does not have a matching SVRS record, then the system displays a message in the SVRS match voter section which is read as below  “No matching records found. You can Add or Reject this Motor Voter by Clicking on the respective buttons below”

Add/Change/Add Existing (Transfer) Motor Voter Screen:

1. New section called “Data from MVC” is added and the data that came from MVC Data is displayed under this section is grouped as below  Name  Residence Address  Mail Address  Driver License Number  Date of Birth  Previous Address 2. Data for the following groups is automatically populated into the respective fields on Add/change Voter screens.  Name  Driver License Number  DOB  Mail Address  Previous Address

3. Residence address is populated in a text area and can be manually copied from the text area selectively. 4. For the new registrations,” Registration Type dropdown field is automatically selected as “Agency with Identification” 5. Added a new change reason “MVC Online Transfer, to indicate that this record came from Motor Voter online file. 6. Verification Card is generated to verify the address received from the MVC on selecting this option.

Military Overseas Exemption (NJP-6278)

As a follow on to the CCR-134, the scenario where a military and overseas voter who is having Military and Overseas drop down selected (non blank) and a registration type of “Mail-In with ID” and DMV/SSN# is not validated has been covered. In this case the voter changes to Active as opposed to Active need with ID.

Page 8 System Reminders Enhancement(NJP-6298) To access the “System Reminders” more efficient and timely manner grouping for the reminders has been created as part of enhancement.

1. Created new grouping for the reminders and the grouping are labeled as below  Letters & Cards  External Interface  Absentee  MVC  Other 2. By default on initial load reminders screen with above mentioned labels are displayed and each group expands one after the other.

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