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COLLECTION DATE: December 16 & 17, 2017
SPEAKERS’ PRESENTATION: December 9 & 10, 2017
Give to Those Who Have Given a Lifetime
(859) 392-1500 Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious Give to Those Who Have Given a Lifetime
Appeal Calendar
Bishop Foys Appeal Letter (Messenger – December 8, 2017)
Questions and Answers
December 9 and 10, 2017 - Education Weekend Pulpit Announcement Bulletin Insert Prayers of the Faithful Press Release
December 16 and 17, 2017 - Collection Weekend Pulpit Announcement Bulletin Insert Prayers of the Faithful
Follow-up after Collection Accounting Procedures Parish Remittance Form (Due January 31, 2018) Thank You Letter to Donors
Additional Prayers of the Faithful
2016 Collection Fund Report
Call the Stewardship and Missions Office at (859) 392-1500 for assistance.
Visit the National Religious Retirement website for additional information: WWW.USCCB.ORG/NRRO Diocese of Covington Retirement Fund for Religious
2017 Calendar
October 13, 2017 Speaker request letter e-mailed to all parishes
October 31, 2017 Parish deadline to return Request for Speaker forms
November 7, 2017 Volunteer recruitment letters e-mailed to Motherhouses
November 17, 2017 Deadline for volunteer responses
November 21, 2017 Volunteer presenters assigned and Speakers’ Handbooks e-mailed
November 21, 2017 Parish Collection Handbooks e-mailed to parishes
December 8, 2017 Bishop Foys’ Appeal letter appears in Messenger
December 9 and 10, 2017 PARISH EDUCATION WEEKEND . Posters displayed in Parishes Fact Sheets displayed or inserted into Bulletins Pulpit Announcement Bulletin Insert Prayers of the Faithful Appeal Talk presented by Clergy/Religious
December 16 and 17, 2017 COLLECTION WEEKEND Pulpit Announcement Bulletin Insert Prayers of the Faithful Collection
Bishop’s Letter to appear in Messenger, December 8, 2017 My Dear Friends in Christ,
On the weekend of December 16 and 17, our parishes will be conducting the appeal for the
Retirement Fund for Religious, an annual collection that benefits more than 32,000 elderly Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests.
Our senior religious are a treasure. Their dedication and hard work laid the foundation for Catholic schools, hospitals, and numerous social service organizations. Many continue in volunteer ministry today. Their ongoing prayer and witness enrich our faith in countless ways. I am grateful for the service of religious, past and present. I hope you, too, recall a sister or brother who made a positive difference in your life.
Most elder religious worked for years for small stipends, leaving a substantial gap in retirement savings. Rising health-care costs and decreased income compound the challenge to meet such day- to-day needs as medications and nursing assistance. The Retirement Fund for Religious offers financial support that helps religious communities provide loving care for older members while ensuring younger ones can continue the good works of their elders.
I understand you are asked to support many worthy causes. I invite you only to give what you can.
Most importantly, please pray for God’s continued blessing on all our women and men religious.
Rest assured they are praying for you! Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Give to Those Who Have Given a Lifetime
Why do those in vowed religious life receive smaller Social Security benefits than other U.S. citizens?
The FICA (Social Security) payments that religious institutes began to submit in the early 1970’s were based on their members’ low cost of living allowances compatible with their vows of poverty.
Does the Diocese or Catholic Church pay for health care costs of women and men religious?
No. In the United States, religious institutes are managed/incorporated separately from Diocesan structures.
How do I know that my donations actually assist elderly religious?
Dioceses must submit a portion of donations to the National Religious Retirement Office, which applies approximately 94 cents of every dollar donated to grants that assist with the costs of elderly care at religious institutes. Dioceses also have the option of distributing a portion of their collections to help retired religious living in religious communities in their Dioceses. In the Diocese of Covington, 75% of the Collection is distributed to religious communities in our Diocese, and 25% is forwarded to the National Religious Retirement Office. The total collected within our Diocese for the 2016 appeal was $215,345.34. Communities in our Diocese that receive grants from this collection are the, Congregation of Sisters of Divine Providence of Kentucky (C.D.P.), Sisters of Notre Dame of Covington (S.N.D.), Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg Monastery, (O.S.B.) and the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (C.P.). The total amount distributed to our communities from this collection was $161,508.91. The formula for distribution is based upon the number of retired sisters and number of working sisters in the Diocese.
If religious institutes are separate, why does the Church co-sponsor this campaign? Even though they were established separately from the Diocesan structures, religious institutes have given and still give incalculable service to the Church. They educated millions, founded hospitals, and reinvested what they earned in their ministries. They expected that new members would care for aging members. However, during the 1960’s, membership began to decline, and it became evident that elderly members would soon far outnumber young, wage-earning members. In gratitude and justice for what religious have so selflessly given, the Bishops in the United States approved the RFR collection so the care of these men and women would be handled with dignity and respect. Please visit www.usccb.org for more information.
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Give to Those Who Have Given a Lifetime
EDUCATION WEEKEND - December 9 and 10, 2017
Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have spent years ministering to others, often for little, if any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement and health care. Your gift to the Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious supports the day-to-day care of roughly 32,000 senior religious, providing necessities such as prescription medications and nursing care. Please give generously next week to those who have given a lifetime.
Support elderly religious. A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K-12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious.
For our frail and elderly religious and for all who serve you with selfless hearts…Let us pray to the Lord. For senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests, that they may enjoy dignified care in their elder years as they continue to devote their lives to prayer and service… Let us pray to the Lord.
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Collection Helps Aging Sisters, Brothers and Priests in Religious Orders
Catholics in the Diocese of Covington will have the opportunity to “give to those who have given a lifetime” as part of the collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, to be held in parishes Dec. 16-17. Coordinated by the National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) in Washington, D.C., the annual appeal benefits 32,000 elderly Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests whose religious congregations lack adequate retirement funding.
Last year, the Diocese of Covington contributed $54,367.94 to the collection. In 2017, St. Walburg Monastery received financial assistance made possible by the Retirement Fund for Religious. In addition, the diocese also distributes funding to local religious communities to support retirement needs.
The 2016 collection raised almost $30.7 million. Roughly 94 cents of every dollar aids senior religious. In June, the NRRO distributed $25 million to 390 religious communities across the country. Communities utilize these funds to bolster retirement savings and subsidize expenses, such as prescription medications and nursing care. Throughout the year, additional funding is allocated to assist religious communities with the greatest needs and to promote ongoing education in retirement planning and eldercare delivery.
“We are humbled and profoundly grateful for the love and support of Catholics across the nation,” said Presentation Sister Stephanie Still, the NRRO’s executive director.
Despite this generosity, many religious communities still struggle to provide for aging members. Only 41 of the 539 communities submitting data to the NRRO in 2016 were adequately funded for retirement. Traditionally, Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests—known collectively as religious—served for small stipends that did not include retirement benefits. Today, hundreds of religious communities lack sufficient retirement savings. Compounding the funding shortage are the rising cost of care and the decrease in income that has resulted from the declining number of religious able to serve in compensated ministry. In addition to providing assistance for day-to-day needs, collection proceeds underwrite initiatives to help religious communities address the factors underlying their retirement shortfalls. These efforts have facilitated solutions such as collaborative care facilities, strategic partnerships with health-care providers and numerous cost-saving measures.
“I visit many religious communities and see the good works that members young and old provide,” said Sister Still. “Generosity to the annual collection ensures our office can furnish support to help these communities care for older members while continuing their ministries and witness.”
Visit retiredreligious.org to learn more.
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Give to Those Who Have Given a Lifetime
COLLECTION WEEKEND - December 16 and 17, 2017
Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have spent years ministering to others, often for little, if any, pay. Their sacrifices now leave their religious communities without adequate savings for retirement and health care. Your gift to the Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious supports the day-to-day care of roughly 32,000 senior religious, providing necessities such as prescription medications and nursing care. Please give generously to those who have given a lifetime.
Aging religious need your help. In the United States today, there are more than 32,000 senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. These religious worked tirelessly in Catholic schools, hospitals, and agencies, usually for little to no pay. As a result, many religious communities lack adequate savings for retirement and eldercare. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide medications, nursing care, and more. Please be generous.
PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL We pray for senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests, that they may enjoy comfort and security in their elder years as they continue to devote their lives to prayer and service…Let us pray to the Lord. That religious order sisters, brothers, and priests who have long been beacons of hope in our Church will benefit from our prayers and generosities which we offer in sacrifice and in hope…Let us pray to the Lord.
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
1. Each parish performs accounting procedures for all gifts made directly at the parish for the benefit of the collection. (cash and checks)
2. Parishes open all collection envelopes and record ALL GIFTS.
3. Do not send unopened envelopes to the Diocese. Discard all opened envelopes.
4. The IRS requires a letter of documentation for gifts of $250 or more. A sample letter can be found in the Handbook.
5. Parish completes the attached Retirement Fund for Religious form and forwards it with a parish check representing the amount received in the collection to the Office of Stewardship and Mission Services by January 31, 2018.
6. Make parish checks payable to the 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious.
COLLECTION ENVELOPES ARE NOT SENT BY THE DIOCESE TO ALL REGISTERED HOUSEHOLDS for this Collection. Donations will be made at the parish level through cash, your Parish RFR Collection envelopes, and/or through the promo-envelopes supplied to your parish by the National Office of the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Thank you for your assistance!
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Please Return this form and parish check by January 31, 2018.
Make check payable to: Retirement Fund for Religious 2017
Mail to: Diocesan Stewardship and Mission Services Office 1125 Madison Avenue Covington, Kentucky 41011-3115
Thank You!
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Give to Those Who Have Given a Lifetime
Date Name Address City/State/Zip
Dear (Personalized)
Thank you so very much for your very generous gift of $______to the 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious.
Your gift will help to ensure the well-being of our retired women and men religious who have served and continue to serve others with a generous spirit and unflagging devotion to their faith and to the people of God. Your prayerful donation will help to give to those have given a lifetime by remembering their selfless acts of service, and will express your gratitude for the gifts they have given us.
In the name of all of these devoted servants of the Lord, thank you for your generosity. You can be assured that you will be remembered in their prayers. Please remember them in yours.
May God bless you for your generous stewardship. Sincerely yours,
P.S. For your tax records, we verify that you have not received any goods or services in exchange for this gift.
Diocese of Covington 2017 Retirement Fund for Religious
Give to those who have given a lifetime
For women and men religious, that they might continue to teach, serve and inspire others…Let us pray to the Lord. For the sick and all those who care for them, that they might find strength and comfort through the love and compassion of others…Let us pray to the Lord. For all who have died that they might rest in the peace of Christ, and for those who mourn that the darkness of grief might be illuminated by the light of the world…Let us pray to the Lord. For our Holy Father, and all Bishops and priests that they might continue to point the way to Christ…Let us pray to the Lord. For all government leaders, especially our president, that they might be instruments of peace for all…Let us pray to the Lord.