The City Council Met in Regular Session in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M
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May 1, 2017
The city council met in regular session in the council chambers at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Mayor Olson.
Present: Olson, Varilek, Stoebner, Hale, Sandau, Schreiner, Friman and Friederich
Also in attendance: Dana Horn, Harold Vis, Dale Wormstadt, Robert Hoff, Brenda Ziegler and Scott Schelske
The minutes of the regular City Council meeting April 3, 2017, April 11, 2017 and April 24, 2017 were read. The minutes then were approved.
The bills were audited. Motion by Varilek, seconded by Stoebner to approve the bills, motion carried.
A&B Business Inc Supplies 74.66 AFLAC Accident Insurance 346.96 AmeriPride Rugs 27.01 BankWest Social Security/Withholding 3,019.30 Banyon Data Software Support 1,590.00 Bender's Sewer & Drain Camera and jet sewer lines 5,522.50 City Council and Mayor April Salary 1,092.76 City Employees April Salary 9,114.83 City of Mitchell Landfill fees 929.76 City of Sioux Falls Water Testing 43.50 Gall's Auto Repair Repairs 167.48 Joyce Mann Librarian 184.70 JV'S Supplies 700.53 Klaudt Service Supplies 247.98 Mehlhaff Trucking Inc Gravel 999.00 Northwestern Electricity 2,668.25 Santel Communications Phone service/internet 305.27 Scheetz Implement Mower 5,540.00 SD Dept of Revenue Water Testing-Lagoon 300.00 SD Federal Property Agency Supplies 54.75 SD One Call Locates 2.24 SD Retirement System Contribution 1,546.32 SD State Treasurer Sales Tax 276.09 Southeastern Electric Coop Inc Lagoon Power 402.14 Tripp Farmers Lumber Supplies 326.22 Tripp Star Ledger Publishing 405.42 Verizon Wireless Cell Phone Service 77.46 Wellmark Blue Cross Health Ins 5,312.31
Dana Horn reported that Hutchinson County Hwy Dept has completed crack sealing and Bender Sewer and Drain was here to jet and camera 4,418 feet of sewer line. They will be flushing hydrants May 10 and 11 and flushing sewers May 17 and 18.
Harold gave the council the police report and the May schedule. Moved and seconded to adjourn, carried
Victor Olson Mayor
Jennifer Friederich Finance Officer
The new city council met at 7:46 pm.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson.
Present: Mayor Olson, Varilek, Stoebner, Hale, Sandau, Schreiner, Friman and Friederich
Absent: None
Also in attendance: Dana Horn, Harold Vis, Dale Wormstadt, Robert Hoff, Brenda Ziegler and Scott Schelske
Finance Officer Jennifer Friederich now administered the oath of office to the following: Marie Sandau Alderman Ward I-2 year term, John Friman Alderman Ward II-2 year term, Dean Varilek Alderman Ward III-2 year term.
Motion by Varilek to elect John Friman as President of the council, seconded by Schreiner, motion carried.
Motion by Stoebner to elect Marie Sandau as Vice President of the council, seconded by Schreiner, motion carried.
Mayor Olson made the following committee appointments:
Law and Order: Hale, Stoebner, Friman Street and Alleys: Friman, Sandau, Hale Water and Sewer: Hale, Schreiner, Friman Health, City Hall and Lights: Schreiner, Stoebner, Varilek Rubble Site, Cemetery, and Garbage: Varilek, Friman, Sandau Park, Pool and Fair Grounds: Stoebner, Schreiner, Varilek Library Board: Sandau Planning/Zoning: Sandau, Hale, Stoebner Emergency/Disaster: Sandau, Schreiner, Olson, Dana Horn, Jennifer Friederich
Commissioner of Streets and Public Utilities Dana Horn Finance Officer Jennifer Friederich City Attorney James R Haar Librarian Joyce Mann Chief of Police Harold Vis Health Officer Dr Teri Kramer
At 7:50 pm the hearing for a temporary malt beverage permit for the Tripp Fire Department for June 3, 2017 at the Fairland Ballroom was conducted. No one appeared to either recommend the approval or the rejection of the application. Moved by Varilek, seconded by Sandau to approve the application, motion carried. Motion by Schreiner, seconded by Friman to send Finance Officer Jennifer Friederich to Finance Officer’s School in June, motion carried.
The council members will survey their ward district areas and report at the June meeting a list of nuisance properties that need to be addressed.
At 7:55 pm the hearing for the transfer of the Package Off Sale Liquor License, and On/Off Sale Malt Beverage License from Ramp Plus LLC dba Corner Grocery to GF Buche Co dba CashSmart . No one appeared to either recommend the approval or the rejection of the Package Off Sale Liquor License, and On/Off Sale Malt Beverage License transfer. Moved by Schreiner, seconded by Sandau to approve the transfer, motion carried.
Now the time being 8:00 pm the Hearing for Retail On/Off Sale Malt Beverage license applications was conducted. No residents appeared to either recommend the approval or the rejection of any of the applications. Moved by Hale seconded by Friman to approve the following applications, motion carried.
Double Trouble Inc dba Tripp In, On/Off Sale, Lot 13 and Lot 14 Block 8, Orig. Plat Mary L Schuh, Dugout, On/Off Sale, Lot 8A Sub, Block 12, Orig. Plat. GF Buche Co dba CashSmart Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7 Block 12, Orig. Plat Jorge J Vargas dba JV’S, On/Off Sale, Lots 3 and 4 and W ½ of Lot 2 and N 35ft of E ½ of Lot 5 Block 1 Chas P Hirsh’s Addition and Lot 5 of NE ¼ of NE ¼ of S18T97NR60W
Dana Horn reported to the council the new Grasshopper mower is here and is working well. The council agreed to leave the rubble site open every day, until further notice, unless weather permits it to be closed or nonacceptable items are dumped. They will begin working on the pool as weather permits in the coming weeks. Dana also reported to the council concerns as a city employee and fire chief the issues with burn pits. The council agreed to have Finance Officer Jennifer Friederich draft an ordinance to present at the June meeting. On behalf of a city resident, Dana Horn, asked the council for permission to do a training burn of a house located on the city limits boarder at 301 W Zeno St. The council agreed, contingent on the Fire District’s approval as well, due to the location of the property.
Harold Vis told the council he had to send in one handheld radio for repair and will be ordering 4 new batteries for radios.
Finance Officer Jennifer Friederich presented to the council the petitions for the Main Street project that were filed. After review of the petitions, Friman made a motion seconded by Hale to not accept the petitions due to not being correct as required by State of South Dakota law, motion carried.
Scott Schelske asked the council if bids for the project were let. The council answered no that it is on hold. Brenda Ziegler asked for clarification on the funding of the project. The council explained to her that the curb, gutter and sidewalks were the expense of the landowner and the rest will come out of the general fund with no increase in taxes to the residents.
Motion Hale, seconded by Friman to enter into executive session for personnel matters at 8:29 pm, motion carried.
Mayor Olson called the meeting back to regular session at 8:45 pm.
Motion by Hale to hire the following: Malorie Fischer Street/Mowing $8.90 Kelsey Buchmann Head Lifeguard $8.05 Ripley Schaefer Lifeguard $7.65 Jackie Nuss Lifeguard $7.45 April Will pool front counter $7.25
Seconded by Sandau, motion carried.
Moved and seconded to adjourn, carried
Victor Olson Mayor Jennifer Friederich Finance Officer