Dear Parents and Caregivers
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Year 5 Canberra Camp 25th to 27th October, 2017
30 August 2017
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This October, Year 5 will be travelling to Canberra for our annual 3 day (2 night) camp. This camp will be a busy and exciting three days participating in a range of activities to support our current History unit. Students will visit:
Parliament House Government House Electoral Education Office
Old Parliament House National Capital Exhibition Centre National Gallery of Australia
Questacon National Film and Sound Archives Australian War Memorial
Royal Australian Mint Australian Institute of Sport
This note contains all the information you will need about the camp, permission note and medical forms. Please keep this part of the note close at hand and only return the permission and medical forms by Friday 15 September 2017.
Year 5 Camp Timeline
Friday 15 September Medical and permission forms due to classroom teacher
Wednesday 20 September Final payment due to the office
Wednesday 25 October 5:45am – Students are required to meet at class lines. If wet weather, students will assemble in the school hall.
6:00am – Roll call, commence loading luggage onto buses at Bay Road. Please be on time. Late students will miss the bus.
6:30am – Buses depart NSDS
Friday 27 October 6:00pm (approx.) – Arrive at North Sydney Demonstration School, Bay Road. Any delays to arrival time will be posted on the school website and School Stream on Friday on advice from travelling teachers. Students will need to be met by a parent/carer. Students will not be allowed to walk home unaccompanied at this hour with heavy bags.
General Information
If your child has not stayed away from home before or suffers from home sickness we suggest a few small sleepovers at friend’s houses or with relatives leading up to the camp. We understand that some students may experience anxiety and homesickness. All teachers are sensitive to this and will ensure that each student feels supported, safe and comfortable for the duration of the camp. Camp is an important experience for students to share and the sense of independence students achieve during and after camp is a fantastic outcome. Behaviour/Night Time
Students will be representing our school while on camp. They are expected to follow our school rules of ‘Care for and respect yourself, others and the environment’. Students who do not follow our school rules while on camp may miss out on activities. Students will be required to, listen to and follow instructions to ensure the safety of themselves and others during activities. Students must stay in rooms after ‘lights out’. Teachers will visit each room after ‘lights out’ to ensure that each student is accounted for. If a child becomes sick/upset during the night they can leave their room with a buddy to knock on the door of the closest teacher’s room for assistance.
Cost The total cost for the Year 5 camp is $370. This cost covers accommodation, meals, all activities and bus travel to and from school. Students must provide their own recess and lunch on the first day of camp.
The cost of camp has been invoiced as 3 separate line items on your Statement of Account in Terms 1 and 2. To check the amount owing, please contact your child’s teacher or Ms Tracy at [email protected]. Students will be unable to attend camp if payment is not received before departure.
If your child is not attending camp, we will ensure they are provided with work and an alternative class to attend on the camp days.
Travel We are travelling with Murrays Coaches. The bus company has prepared our itinerary and will be taking our students to the different Canberra sites. Each bus group will be operating off a different itinerary but will visit the same sites overall. There will be three coaches each fitted with seatbelts. All students are required to wear the seatbelt for the duration of the trip. If your child suffers from travel sickness please ensure they have sick bags, wet wipes, bottled water and mints or Minties. Please tick the appropriate box on the permission form and your child will be seated towards the front of the bus.
Accommodation Accommodation will be at the Eaglehawk Holiday Park. Arrangements for student preferences for room buddies will be organised closer to the date.
Food On the day of departure please ensure your child has had a good breakfast as they will not be allowed to eat on the bus. There will be stops on route for morning tea and lunch breaks, so please make sure your child has a packed recess, lunch, afternoon tea and has a refillable drink bottle with their name clearly marked. When in Canberra, this excursion will be fully catered and students will be amply fed. Any food allergies/special diet requirements are to be written on the medical form attached. Special arrangements for food will be made where necessary. No extra food is to be brought and food is not permitted in the motel rooms by request of the motel operator.
Medication All medication (except for asthma puffers and epipens) is to be placed in a clear plastic zip lock bag, clearly labelled and with clear instructions and handed to your child’s class teacher as the students arrive at school on Wednesday morning. Students should keep their asthma puffers with them in their day bag. Epipens will be held by the accompanying teacher at all times. Mobile Devices Students are NOT to bring any mobile phones, music players or electronic games. Mobile phone contact is not required during the duration of the camp, however in the case of an emergency Melissa Tracy can be contacted on the number listed below. E-readers and/or cameras are allowed, however the school will not be held responsible for any theft, loss or breakage of these devices. We thank you in advance for your support and assistance in this matter.
Contact and First Aid Information Teachers attending the Year 5 Camp are: Karin Sundic, Stephanie de Belin, Jodie Alvaro, Jeff Mesina and Ashley Grimmond. All teachers attending have Emergency Care certificates.
The teacher with mobile phone contact is: Ashley Grimmond 0418 462 449 In case of emergency please contact Ashley Grimmond.
Forms Required Attached to this note are forms which need to be filled in, signed and returned to school. Please read them carefully and fill them in accurately.
1. Please sign the Permission to Travel and Participation Consent Form. 2. Please carefully read and fill out the Current Medication/Dietary Requirements Form.
We are looking forward to an exciting camp for Year 5 and hope your child will be able to join us. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at school via email, [email protected]
If your child is NOT attending the camp please email Ms Tracy ASAP.
Kind regards
______Melissa Tracy Myra Wearne Year 5 Camp Coordinator Principal What to pack?
Gear Checklist: Please read this carefully and discuss with your child. Please make sure the students have all of the required gear packed.
Students MUST be able to carry their own luggage. Large suitcases are not appropriate. Please ensure that all items of clothing and toiletries are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please also have students pack their own bag so that they are able to pack independently for their return journey.
Example of what to wear and pack- EVERYTHING must be labelled with your child’s name. o 3 pairs of warm pants (jeans, tracksuit pants, cargo pants/Leggings) o 4 warm shirts/tops o 2 Jumpers/Sweaters/Pullovers o Hat o 4 pairs of underwear o Solid walking shoes (eg joggers or runners) o 4 pairs of socks o Warm pyjamas o Raincoat o Scarf, Beanie & Gloves o Hairbrush o Toothbrush and toothpaste o Soap o Bath towel o Plastic bag to store dirty clothes o Water bottle o Roll-on or stick deodorant (Aerosol sprays are not permitted due to safety regulations)
Canberra is cold most of the year, especially at night! Please pack appropriately. Year 5 Canberra Camp 25th to 27th October, 2017
Dear Parent/Caregiver,
Please complete the following three pages and return to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday 15 September 2017.
I consent to my child ______of class ______to attend the Year 5, two night excursion to Canberra.
I acknowledge that my child will be at school at the required time (5:45am on Wednesday 25 October) and I have made suitable arrangements for my child to be picked up from school on return from camp (6:00pm Friday 27 October, 2017).
I have declared the following information on this permission note: All food allergies Other allergies Any medical issues/medication details that supervising staff should be aware of
My child suffers from travel sickness and should be seated towards the front of the bus. (Please note that students seated at the front of the bus will not be able to choose the person they sit with).
PAYMENT DETAILS-Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your payment option of the $370.00 fee required to attend this camp. Already Paid Enclosing the correct amount of cash or paying by EFTPOS/Credit Card Parent Online Payment (POP): Receipt Number:______Date: ______
DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE MEDICAL NEEDS? YES – and I have provided all relevant information on the reverse side of this note NO – I acknowledge my child does not have any medical requirements I give permission for my child to receive medical treatment in case of emergency.
Parent/Carer signature______Date______
Parent contact details:______(mobile) Parent contact details:______(home)