Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting Held at the Parish Hall, Wrangle
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WRANGLE PARISH COUNCIL NOTES The Parish Council Meeting held on 04 November 2014 attended by Cllrs Wright, Addelsee, Ingham, Ashton, Dickens, Garwood, Bowles and Danby (Chairman). Also present: Borough Cllrs Dennis and Pickett Apologies were accepted from Cllr Featherstone Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies The PCSO reported by email incidents for October: 4 incidents of anti-social behaviour at Sea Lane. Church Close and 2 at Main Road and 1 suspicious circumstance at Church Close. The Borough Councillors had nothing to report Approve Minutes of Last Meeting Notes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 07 October 2014, previously circulated, were approved and signed as minutes. Repairs Pot holes at Mill Lane, Church Lane, Craigmere Lane, Chapel Lane, Broadgate and the A52 will be reported to LCC. Standing water at Lockhamgate and on the A52 in various places will be reported to LCC. There are some loose grates and low roadsides that will also be reported for repair. Residents are reminded that grass verges and roadsides need to be kept as clear as possible. Please report potholes, street lights that are not working and street lights that are on all day to the Parish Council Clerk on 01205 270352. Recreation Field £500.00 has been donated to replace the trees that were spreading over towards the roofs on the properties on Mel Marshall Way. It was suggested that a Christmas tree be purchased and planted by the Recycling Area. A Christmas tree was offered free of charge if it can be moved safely, this will be looked into by the Parish Council. Update Regarding Cockle Alley The Countryside Access Manager has advised the Parish Council that notices regarding the removal of the obstructions from the path will be put out in the next week or two. Community Orchard The grant for the footbridge will not be considered until April 2015. It was resolved to order the bridge now and apply for a Community Wildlife grant towards a sign for the orchard. The sign will have the planting plan for the fruit trees, pictures and names of the wild flowers that grow around the trees and will also invite residents to pick the fruit when it is ready. Planning Applications Received B/14/0345 - TDB Developments - Substitution of plots 2, 3 and 22 to 3 bungalows rather than 3 dormer bungalows as approved under planning application B/02/0381 at Mel Marshall Way. Planning Decisions There were no planning decisions to report. The Appeal made regarding application No B/13/0406 has been dismissed. Draft Budget 2015/2016 The budget notes and a draft budget were presented to Councillors. Following discussion some amendments were made and these will be presented at the December meeting for approval. It is expected that the precept will remain the same as last year - £16,000.00 Wrangle Maps The maps of Wrangle are available for purchase at a cost of £5.00 each, if you would like a Wrangle map please contact the Parish Council Clerk by e-mail or phone. There will be a map on display at the back of the notice board at the Parish Hall after the tarmac has been laid. Awards for Services to the Community The Borough Council are doing the Awards for Services to the Community, nominations need to be sent by 02 January 2015. Anyone can send in a nomination, please ask the Clerk for details. 4 x 12 foot pews Date and Time of Next Meeting 2 x 8 foot pews 2 x 6 foot pews The next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 02 December 2014, starting at 7.30, there will be a Public ForumViewing from 13 December7.15pm 2014 Sale of Pews Between 10.00am & 12 noon The Parish Council have the old pews that At Brickyard Farm were used in the pavilion at the recreation Gold Fen Bank Sealed bids can then be left field. The pews originally came from the Chapel at Wrangle Bank, needless to say some are in better condition than others. The Parish Council considered sending them to a local auction, but thought it better if the pews remained in the village. With this in mind all residents will be given the opportunity to give a sealed bid for the pews, individually, any remaining pews will be sent to the auction. The money raised will be spent at the recreation field. COMMUNITY CONVENANT GRANT
To obtain a Community Covenant Grant towards the well- being/exercise equipment in the recreation field the Parish Council need information regarding those residents with a military connection. Those currently serving, ex service personnel and any veterans who live in Wrangle together with the number of family members who live in the same property is information needed. If you could fill in the form below and take it to the Post Office and place it in the box, complete a form at the Post Office for the box, telephone or e-mail Mrs Arnold with the information required on the form, it would be appreciated by everyone!
This grant is dependent on the ratio of residents who have a connection with the Military to those who have no connection.
If you have a friend or neighbour who may not have seen the notices or read the Parish Magazine could you please tell them about this grant. If you are unable to get to the Post Office please ask a friend or neighbour to complete a form for you.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………… First line of address: ………………………………………………………………………
No of family members: ……………………………………………………………………… (at this address)
This information is for use by the Parish Council for the sole use of obtaining a Community Covenant Grant. Thank you