How Can Advertisements Influence Or Persuade People to Make Purchases?

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How Can Advertisements Influence Or Persuade People to Make Purchases?

Ad Savvy Shoppers Grade: 3 Lesson # 5 How can advertisements influence or persuade people to make purchases? SS.4.FL.2.6: Predict how people’s spending choices are influenced by prices as well as many other factors, including advertising, the spending choices of others, and peer pressure.


Correlated Literacy Standards: LAFS.3.RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. LAFS.3.RL.2.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language. SS.4.FL.2.6: Predict how people’s spending choices are influenced by prices as well as many other factors, including advertising, the spending choices of others, and peer pressure.

Ad Savvy Shoppers

Lesson Number : 5

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)  LAFS.3.RI.1.1  LAFS.3.RL.2.4

Essential Question  Can you always trust advertisements (commercials)?  Why do companies spend millions of dollars each year on advertising?  How can advertisements influence or persuade people to make purchases?

Learning Goals/Objectives  Understand that not all advertisements are factual.  Learn that advertisers write commercials to persuade you to buy their product  Give examples of persuasive advertisement.  Create an advertisement that persuades classmates to buy a particular product

Overview  In this lesson, students will explore advertising. They will identify how advertisements persuade people to buy this and understand that not all advertisements are factual through interactive activities. Students will demonstrate the persuasiveness of advertisements by creating and presenting. their own commercial.

Materials  Smart Board or Promethian Board & Internet Access  Video: Buy Me That (3 minutes)  PBS Kids- Don’t Buy It! Interactive activity  Paper  Pencils  Computer

Time  30 minutes

Activity Sequence INTRODUCTION/HOOK (5 minutes) Ask students to think of a time they bought something because of an advertisement or commercial. Have students share answers. Ask if they were satisfied with their purchase. Was it as good as promised in the commercial? Explain that in today’s class they will be exploring advertising and that the class will begin with a video about advertising. View video, Buy Me That: v=2Hdm69hpO-E

ACTIVITY 1. Ask students why they think companies spend millions of dollars on advertising? Explain to students that advertisements are designed to inform, explain, and convince you to buy their product. Have students share some popular advertisements. Give examples like Nike, Burger King, McDonalds, Disney, Barbie, Capri Sun, etc. (1 minute). 2. Explain that the advertisements might exaggerate or “stretch the truth” in order to sell. Ask students to explain this line from the video they viewed earlier, “What you see is not always what you get.” (1 minute). 3. Tell students that they must also remember that packages are also a form of advertising and are designed to make you want the product inside. Tell students that when confronted with advertising, they must: a. carefully evaluate the product claims b. are the claims “Too good to be true?” c. is the claim fact or fiction? d. decide if they really need the product e. compare the cost and quality of the product. 4. Explain to the class that they are going to take an interactive quiz in which they will be analyzing different advertising claims. Either project on the Promethian/Smartboard, or if multiple computers are available, students may work in small groups to complete this activity. Go to PBS Kids- Don’t Buy It! Have students work through the interactive activity. (5 minutes) 5. Divide the class into groups. Tell students that each group is going to create a commercial to sell a particular item. Write the name of the following items on a slip of paper (folded). Have each group draw one of the slips and create their commercial. a. Square shoes made of wood b. Salty cereal with onions c. A toy that destroys homework d. A game that no one can ever win e. A pen that leaks ink all over you f. An iPod that only plays animal sounds g. Athletic shoes with concrete soles Their commercials must be creative, entertaining, persuasive and make their classmates want to buy their product.!!! Tell students that they will have 10 minutes to create their commercial and then be ready to present it to the class. (10 minutes) 6. Have groups present their commercials. (You may choose to have the class vote on which products they would want to buy, or which commercial was more persuasive, entertaining, etc.) (5 minutes).

CLOSURE Revisit and discuss the Lesson’s Essential Questions (3 minutes).

OPTIONAL EXTENSION SUGGESTION/HOME LEARNING  Students identify commercials that successfully persuade consumers to make a purchase.  Students identify commercials that they feel give misleading information.  Have the students to create posters or commercials promoting healthy eating or school breakfast/lunch.

Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson: EconEd Lesson: Believe it or Not!

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