Record of Decisions

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Record of Decisions

Record of decisions (Final Draft)

RAF Regiment Association NMC Meeting- 09:30 28 Mar 15 WOs & SNCOs Mess RAFC Cranwell

No Item Action

H&S / Admin & Welcome 01 Apologies- Steve Horton, Declaration – conflict of interest - None 02 RoDs of the last NMC- 06 Sep 2014 (draft emailed to all- attached) a. Matters arising not covered in agenda items

Chairman has written to Tom Feeley regarding the returns of Chairman the Branch Standards – No response received. Nat Sec

b. Correspondences not covered in agenda items- NONE 03 2014 Assoc Events updates Reports circulated (i) Field of Remembrance - None

(ii) Whitehall Cenotaph Parade including St Clement Danes Tri-fold to be amended by MH with bank details for standing order payments. Memb Sec

Local parades info could be published on Facebook for information. NMA - Nat Sec to Co- More information to be put on media sites. ordinate P Field of Remembrance Crossed-Riffles: RAF Regt Fund would look favourably on funding the wooden device, subject to costings etc’. Birmingham Branch to get Nat Treasurer estimates.

Compare Cenotaph attendees with members list and contact those who are Memb Sec not yet members. DG will supply the list of attendees.

(iii) AGM 2014 Minutes- Reports circulated - None 04 2014 Business Plan Objectives/Action Plans/ Risk Monitor Overview /updates (circulated)

Members to look at Business Plan to make suggested updates. BE to update VC/ Nat Sec and make a simpler Business Plan. 05 2015 AGM Confirmation /Plans/ Tasks

IoW Tours organise, administer bookings and co-ordinate AGM reunions- Chairman / Vice- Flyer to be revised as advised by Regtl Sec (Corps logo/ RHC) Chairman

Regtl Sec to be notified of timings for HON, Lunch requirement, day visitors Nat Sec details nearer time.

Reunion will hold a Muster Service on Sunday, mindful of the balance Chairman / Vice- between recent decline in muster attendance, and the high value of tasking a Chairman 1 service Chaplain. The Muster Event to be advertised and promoted.

06 Corps updates,

Provisional plans for 2017 celebrations. 30 Jan - Corps Operational Review Advance notice 01 Feb - Commemorative Cathedral Service Bury St Edmunds for all 01 Feb - Corps Formation Lunch / Dinner ? May - Annual Regt Chapel Commemoration , Catterick ? Jun - Annual Officer Reception Venue tbc 24 Jun - Annual Corps Memorial Commemoration NMA. ? Jul - Corps Living History , Belton Park 27 Oct - RAF Regt Officers’ Dinner Club Annual Dinner

*Other Commemorative Themed projects are under consideration/planning tbd

Association to assist with costs of the plaque at Belton Park – tbc. Chairman To be taken forward to AGM. 07 Admin /AoB (i) Calendar Forward Planning

Meeting time table to be changed. 1st meeting after AGM should be December. Dates to be arranged to suit the Business Plan better Chairman/ Nat Sec (ii) Membership Report / Life Membership issues

Chairman is to draft a generic letter (printed in bulk by Regtl Sec) to be issued by Memb Sec as a reminder to all Branches that subs are due and Memb Sec cut off dates for payments.

Memb Sec to confirm up-to-date Life-member numbers.

(iii) Snap shot on Finance status Nat Treasurer

Adjust Accounts to reflect accruals £2K for 75th Celebrations project Nat Sec Stock to be taken back from Pete Langthorne

(iv) Canada subscription/ value analysis

Write to Iain Purves re membership/Flash etc. Chairman (v) RBL VE70 London Events - None

BE suggested looking at Aux Sqns/Sqn Association with a view to offering VC Chapter status. BE will contact 2623 Aux Sqn.

(vi) National Standard - Refurbishment cost £964:10p

2 Chairman All agreed the National Standard has been refurbished to near original quality. Chairman will send Tam Fowler a thank-you note. Regtl Sec Ac The Standard may be lodged in the Colour Room at RAF Honington and a soft cover should be available.

(viii) HMP Ashfield – Circular-letter received from former RAF Regt Personnel. Chairman Assoc will send some past copies of the Flash to HMP Ashfield

08 Next NMC Mtg – TBC Chairman Post- Chairman of NCC raised concerns on various elements of the Business Plan Chairman – mtg – he agreed to copy his notes to the NMC members’ NMC/NCC

In attendance;

Peter Lawrence – Chairman Bill Espie – Vice Chairman Tom Magee – Treasurer Linda Taylor - Memb Sec Dave Gooding – Remb Cordr Martin Hooker – Regtl Sec Frank Xavier – Nat Sec


Steve Horton – Remb Cordr


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