2013 Legislative Bill Tracking Summary

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2013 Legislative Bill Tracking Summary


LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned HB1013 DPI appropriation bill which contains $200,000 in the 2/28 AMD adopted SUPPORT LG School for the Deaf for higher education interpreter 2/28 2nd reading passed interpreter grant grant program Emerg. clause carried funding 3/18 hearings 4/12 AMD,DP,POC 4/16 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/16 AMD dopted 4/16 returned to House 4/17 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Monson, Skarphol, Boe Holmberg, Krebsbach, and O’Connell HB1258 Removes the requirement that academic scholarship 1/25 2nd reading passed NEUTRAL LG students specifically complete 2 units of the same 3/25 hearing language and 1 CTE unit 4/19 AMD,DP,POC 4/22 2nd reading passed 4/22 AMD adoptedPOC 4/22 returned to House 4/23 refused to concur 4/23 Conf Committee appointed Dosch, Skarphol, and Nathe; Flakoll, Poolman, and Heckaman 4/23 House appoints Williams to replace Nathe on Conf Comm 4/26ConfCommhearing HB1452 Provides the option for all current state employees 2/12 AMD adopted, NEUTRAL LG and new employees to move to the PERS defined AMD permits only new contribution plan employees, not existing ones, to participate in the PERS defined contribution plan 2/21 2nd reading passed AMD: Increases employer and employee retirement contributions 1%/yr. 4/09 AMD adopted 4/09 2nd reading passed

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #1 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/09 returned to House 4/12 refused to concur 4/12 Conf Committee appointed Boehning, Louser,and Zaiser; Dever, Krebsbach, and Nelson 4/18 Senate appointed Schaible to replace Nelson on Conf Comm 4/25 House & Senate report back from Conf Committee,AMD,POC 4/25 House 2nd reading passed, Conf Comm report adopted 4/26ConfCommhearing HCR3047 Constitutional amendment to remove names and 3/15 2nd reading, OPPOSE HS missions of colleges and universities; and replace adopted SBHE with a Department of higher education, with 3/27 hearing the director appointed/removed by the Governor for 4/16 AMD,DP,POC an initial period of three years, with renewal option. 4/18 2nd reading failed The director would hire presidents and have full 4/18 AMD adopted executive responsibility for the management and 4/18 motion to operation of the NDUS. reconsider failed 4/19 reconsidered 4/22 2nd reading adopt 4/22 laid on table 4/22 returned to House 4/23 2nd reading adopt 4/23 concurred SB2003 NDUS Appropriation bill AMD: Adds carryover SUPPORT LG provision; Requires that within five years of completion of the IT facility all SITS staff be located in the new facility; Adds $854,520 for settlement payment; Authorizes UND to purchase, and enter into financing agreement, for the REAC Building, with report to Budget

2 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned Section; Total change to executive recommendation of $3,005,948: + $4,390,000 one-time and ($1,384,052) base funding. 2/26 AMD adopted 2/26 2nd reading passed 2/27 reconsidered 2/27 AMD adopted 2/27 2nd reading passed 3/18, 19, 20 hearings 4/17 AMD,DP AMD: $47 million reduction from the Senate budget. ($3.0 M) equity funding; ($45 M) inflation funding; + $1 M one-time to WSC; moves funding for audit/legal positions from UND/NDSU to NDUS; ($200,000) reduction for DSU Activities Ctr.; ($3 M) MiSU flood payment; ($250,000) VCSU Pres. Home; ($30,000) DCB software; +$750,000 SOMHS walkway; reduces campus budgets for capital projects by $167 M and creates $160 M pool in system office; removes contract buyout of $854,520; +$700,000 for NDUS Office governance; +$5 M LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #3 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned performance funding pool; Removes $4.9 M from campus budgets for security/mental health/nursing and pool $2.5 M in NDUS Office for security; +$1 M for systemwide master plan 4/17 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause failed 4/17 AMD adoptedPOC 4/23 return to Senate 4/23 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Holmberg, Krebsbach, & Robinson; Skarphol, Martinson, & Williams 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2011 Highway Patrol appropriation bill 2/11 2nd reading passed NEUTRAL LG AMD: Added $6.651 million for construction of a law enforcement training facility, contingent on ending general fund balance 4/10 AMD adopted 4/10 2nd reading passed 4/10 return to Senate 4/11 refused to concur 4/11 Conf. Committee appointed Krebsbach, Wanzek,and O’Connell; Kempenich, Branden- burg, and Guggisberg 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2013 Land Department appropriation bill. Includes $4.0 AMD: no impact NDUS SUPPORT, higher LG million in higher education energy impact grants and 2/25 AMD adopted education permanent trust fund appropriations to certain 2/25 2nd reading passed funding campuses Emerg. clause carried 3/19 hearing 4/12 AMD,DP,POC

4 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/16 return to Senate 4/17 refused to concur 4/17 Conf Committee appointed Krebsbach, Holmberg, & Warner; Kempenich, Thoreson, and Guggisberg SB2018 Department of Commerce appropriation bill. AMD: Up to $2 million SUPPORT, LG Includes one-time funding of $2 million for workforce of the $12 million, used workforce grants enhancement grants; $12 million for grants to to create a research ND and research research universities for research, development, and venture grants university grants commercialization activities to a private sector program to provide partner, with a required $1:1 match; $5 million in grants to a research child care facility grants, with a required $1 match: university for pursuing $3grant funds. commercialization of technology; provides $350,000 in general fund for DOC to contract with UGPTI for transportation infrastructure needs study. 2/26 AMD adopted 2/26 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 3/15, 25 hearing 4/17 AMD,DP AMD 4/17 2nd reading passed Reduces from $12 to $6 M the Research ND Biotechnology grants; removes $350,000 for UGPTI Study; adds $6 M general fund and $3 M other funds to DSU for construction of T. Roosevelt Ctr 4/18 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Grindberg, Holmberg, Robinson; Martinson, Skarphol, and Williams 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2019 Career and Tech Ed Appropriation bill-$3.0 million for AMD: Increases SUPPORT , LG

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #5 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned workforce training workforce training workforce appropriation from $3 training funding; to $5.6 million; adds Oppose transfer $300,000 for STEM of WF Training program at secondary oversight from and post-secondary SBHE TO CTE level, requiring matching funds from private industry; adds $2.6 million in one- time funds for $650,000 to each of the four WF qaud further, makes campus WF Training subject to CTE Board instead of SBHE policies 2/25 AMD adopted 2/25 2nd reading passed 3/11 hearing AMD: Reduces WF training appropriation from $5.6 to original $3 million; removes $300,000 added by Senate for program at secondary and post- secondary level; removes Senate change related to governance for WF Training; adds $2.5 million in borrowing authority for WSC WF Training project. 4/10 AMD,DP,POC 4/11 2nd reading passed 4/11 AMD adopted 4/11 return to Senate 4/12 refused to concur 4/12 Conf Committee appointed Grindberg, Erbele, and O’Connell; Streyle, Martinson, and Williams SB2020 NDSU Agriculture Research and Extension AMD: Mandates the SUPPORT, at LG appropriation bill SBARE budget request original SBARE

6 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned be submitted to OMB operating budget and Legis. Council request without modification; Total change to executive recommendation of $2,677,300: + $2,075,000 one-time and +$602,300 base funding 2/22 AMD adopted 2/22 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried. 3/14 hearings AMD: Reduced compensation to 3/3%, added state agency salary increase intent; added accrued leave pool. House version= $109,395,053; Senate version=$110,993,612 and Exec Budget=$108,316,312 4/11 AMD,DP, 4/12 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/12 AMD adopted 4/16 return to Senate 4/17 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Bowman,Erbele,and O’Connell; Monson, Skarphol, and Boe SB2021 Information Technology Department appropriation 2/19 AMD proposed on SUPPORT, RT bill. Includes $1.87 million for statewide longitudinal floor, AMD adopted longitudinal data data system. Requires state agencies, excluding the AMD: Removes CJIS system funding NDUS, to include ITD in planning for projects costing funding $100,000 or more 2nd reading passed 3/15 hearing 4/10 AMD adopted 4/10 2nd reading passed 4/10 return to Senate 4/11 refused to concur 4/11 Conf Committee

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #7 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned appointed Wanzek, G Lee, and Robinson; Thoreson, Sanford, and Glassheim 4/18 House appointed Rep Streyle to replace Rep Sanford on Conf Committee 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2032 Adds four accountability measures related to AMD to add four SUPPORT, with JH retention, degrees awarded, and implementation of additional measures: suggestions for strategic plan. fall to fall retention improvement to within the NDUS; measures average GPA by term; six year graduation rate at two-year campuses; and six year graduation rate at four-year campuses 1/22 bill passed 3/28 AMD adopted AMD: Hoghouse amendment: fall and spring retention same campus; fall to spring retention within NDUS; number of degrees awarded compared to peers; progress toward strategic plan; graduation rates; Pell grant eligible students; with comparisons to national benchmarks and broken down by resident and non- resident student comparisons; requires SAO to conduct performance audit in 2013-14 of accountability measures 3/29 2nd reading passed 4/08 Senate not concur 4/08Conf Committee appointed Flakoll,

8 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned Poolman, and Heckaman; Rohr, B Koppelman, and Mock 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2094 Introduced by SBHE: Extends limitation through June 1/17 AMD to OPPOSE, as LG 30, 2015 of total mandatory fee increases to 1% of permanently codify; amended to average undergrad tuition with limited exceptions and limit exemptions to require campus- extraordinary wide election circumstances and campus-wide student election 1/18 2nd reading passed AMD: Restore bill to its original form, permitting action by student governing board; however, changed to require both documented extraordinary circumstance and student support 3/22 AMD adopted 3/27 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 3/28 return to Senate 4/02 refused to concur 4/02 Conference Committee appointed Schaible, Poolman, and Marcellais; Heilman, Meier, and Mock 4/22 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/23 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/23 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/23 Senate ConfCom report adopted 4/23 House ConfComm report rejected 4/24 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/25 House report back

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #9 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned fm ConfCommAMDPOC 4/25 Senate & House 2nd reading passed, Emerg. clause carried 4/25 Senate & House Conf Committee report adopted SB2160 Mandates repayment note for PSEP students, with 2/07 AMD adopted, NEUTRAL LG 1/3 forgiveness for each year of service in ND Required to repay if not return to state within three years of graduation. Shared admin with BND. 2/07 2nd reading passed 3/27 AMD,DP AMD: Hoghouse, replaced with interim study of PSEP program 3/28 2nd reading passed 3/29 return to Senate 4/02 refused to concur 4/02 Conference Committee appointed Schaible, Luick, and Heckaman; Wall, Kelsh, and Schatz 4/23 Senate & House report back from Conf Committee,AMD,POC 4/23 2nd reading passed 4/23 ConfCommittee report adopted 4/24 2nd reading passed 4/24 Conf Committee report adopted SB2200 Governor’s higher education funding model 2/21 2nd reading passed SUPPORT HS 3/06 request return from committee 3/06 rereferred to Appr 3/11, 20 hearings 4/17 AMD adopted AMD: Reduces the SCH funding consistent with the House budget plan; adds language limiting tuition rate increases in the 13-15 biennium as

10 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned follows: 3% At DCB and LRSC; 4% at BSC, DSU, MaSU, NDSCS, VCSU; 4.5% at MiSU, NDSU, UND; 5% at WSC and SOMHS; 4/17 2nd reading passed 4/17 AMD adoptedPOC 4/23 return to Senate 4/23 refused to concur 4/23 Conf Committee appointed Flakoll, Holmberg, Heckaman; Skarphol, Dosch, and Williams 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2222 Increases the aca/CTE scholarship from $1,500 per AMD: To permit 12 SUPPORT LG year (max $6,000) to $2,500 per year (max $10,000) instead of 15 credit hours last two semesters for original 2010 and 2011 class cohort. 2/22 AMD adopted 2/22 2nd reading passed AMD: for students with less than 15 hrs required to graduation, may take less than 15, but at least 12 during the semester 3/22 AMD adopted 3/22 rereferred to Appr 4/11 AMD,DP,POC AMD: for 2012-13 high school grads, reduce ACT score from 24 to 23, and increase award from $1500 to $2000 per year. 4/12 2nd reading passed 4/12 AMD adopted 4/16 return to Senate 4/19 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Flakoll, Poolman, and

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #11 LEGISLATION IN WHICH THE SBHE HAS TAKEN A POSITION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned Marcellais; Dosch, Skarphol, & Williams

OTHER LEGISLATION BEING MONITORED Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned HB1015 OMB appropriation bill: Includes $2 million GF 2/27 divided LG appropriation for temporary health insurance pool, to committee report ,DP be allocated to state agencies, including NDUS, 2/27divided committee consistent with Affordable Care Act; provides report, amended guidelines concerning state employee compensation 2/28 majority report adjustments for state agencies adopted 2/28 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause failed 3/13 hearing 4/22 AMD,DP,POC 4/22 AMD proposed on floor, AMD adopted 4/22 2nd reading passed 4/22 AMD adoptedPOC 4/22 returned to House HB1016 Adjutant General appropriation bill: Provides 2/26 AMD adopted LG $110,000 increase for total of $2,517,500 GF to 2/27 2nd reading passed continue providing tuition reimbursement to eligible Emerg. clause carried guard members 3/15 hearing 4/10 AMD adopted AMD: $375,000 general fund appropriated to provide tuition assistance for Nat’l Guard, contingent upon new assignment in association with GF air force base. 4/10 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/10 returned to House 4/17 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Thoreson, Branden- burg, and Glassheim; Grindberg, Holmberg, and Robinson SB2014 Industrial Commission appropriation bill: Includes 2/25 AMD adopted LG $10.9 million appropriation for NDUS general fund 2/25 2nd reading passed 12 OTHER LEGISLATION BEING MONITORED Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned bond obligations; $4.5 million in grants for lignite Emerg. clause carried research, development and marketing programs 3/07, 20 hearing 4/16 AMD,DP,POC 4/17 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/17 AMD adoptedPOC 4/17 return to Senate 4/18 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Carlisle, Erbele,Warner; Thoreson, Hawken, and Glassheim 4/26ConfCommhearing SB2187 Creates a $150,000,000 medical facility infrastructure 2/21 AMD adopted SOM fund to provide loans to medical facilities for 2/21 2nd reading passed HS construction to improve health care infrastructure 3/12 hearing and access to nonprofit health care providers 4/09 AMD adopted AMD; reduces amount from $150 to $100 M 4/09 2nd reading passed 4/09 return to Senate 4/10 refused to concur 4/10 Conf Committee appointed Anderson, Larsen, and Axness; Weisz, Anderson, and Muscha SB2354 Provides $180,000 to Dept of Health for loan 2/08 2nd reading passed LG repayment program for dentists who practice in a Reconsidered public health or nonprofit clinic. 2/27 2nd reading passed 3/12 hearing 3/27 rereferred to Appr 4/10 AMD adopted AMD: reduced from $180,000 to $120,000 4/10 2nd reading passed 4/10 return to Senate 4/12 refused to concur 4/12 Conf Committee appointed J Lee, Larsen Axness; Hofstad, Fehr, and Mooney 4/23 report back from Conf Committee,POC (House recede)

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #13 OTHER LEGISLATION BEING MONITORED Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/23 Conf Committee report adopted 4/23 report back from Conf Committee, POC (House recede) 4/24return to ConfCom 4/25 2nd reading passed 4/25 request return from Conf Committee, report adopted

PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned HB1023 Deficiency appropriation bill includes $52,745 for 2/25 AMD adopted SUPPORT MiSU LG MiSU 2/25 2nd reading passed funding Emerg. clause carried 3/29 AMD adopted 3/29 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/01 returned to House 4/16 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/16 concurred 4/17 President signed 4/18 signed by Speaker HB1033 Creates central state aircraft management system; AMD, requires NEUTRAL LG excludes NDUS legislative approval of purchase or lease of aircraft, except UND Aerospace; requires DOT to provide air transportation; prohibits NDSU to use any appropriated funds to lease plane after 6/30/2014; requires DOT to appoint an airplane replacement advisory committee. 2/27 AMD adopted 2/27 2nd reading passed 4/01 AMD adopted Re-referred to Approp 14 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned AMD: Removes section limiting NDSU’s use of funds for lease of plane 4/10 AMD,DP,POC 4/11 2nd reading passed 4/11 AMD adopted 4/11 returned to House 4/16 refused to concur 4/16 Conf Committee appointed Kempenich, Porter, Boe; Schaible, Dever, and Marcellais 4/22 House & Senate report back from Conf Committee, AMD,POC AMD: Before 6/30/17 NDSU discontinue lease of plane 4/22 2nd reading passed 4/22 Conf Committee report adopted 4/23 2nd reading passed 4/23 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 President signed 4/24 signed by Speaker HB1034 Interim study of health care reform 1/15 2nd reading passed UND 3/07 2nd reading passed SOM 3/27 signed by Gov’nor HS HB 1051 Interim study of worker’s compensation preferred 1/14 2nd reading passed LG provider program 3/07 2nd reading passed 3/26 signed by Gov’nor HB1052 Strengthens employer’s duty to inform employees of 1/18 AMD adopted LG the employer’s decision to participate in the worker’s 1/22 2nd reading passed compensation preferred provider program 2/13 hearing 4/02 AMD adopted 4/02 2nd reading passed 4/08 House concurred 4/08 2nd reading passed 4/15 signed by Gov’nor HB1058 Allows the retiree health insurance credit to be used 1/23 2nd reading passed LG towards any health insurance product and PERS 3/11 2nd reading passed dental, vision, or long term care insurance products. 3/27 signed by Gov’nor Also provides for discontinuing pre-Medicare health LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #15 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned insurance to retirees contingent on the establishment of the health exchanges. HB1059 Changes the definition of temporary employee under 1/28 AMD,DP LG the PERS health insurance plan to match that in the 2/27 2nd reading passed Affordable Care Act (ACA) and sets the premium level 4/01 2nd reading passed to that in the ACA. For shared responsibility rule, full- 4/10 signed by Gov’nor time employee for any month is anyone who is employed on average at least 30 hours of service per week during that month. HB1091 Provides more comprehensive oversight of the 1/24 AMD adopted, JH nursing profession 1/28 2nd reading passed 3/07 AMD adopted 3/08 2nd reading passed 4/08 House concurred 4/08 2nd reading passed 4/16 signed by Gov’nor HB1092 Changes licensure requirement for an audiologist or 1/25 AMD adopted JH speech-language pathologist from a master’s degree 1/28 2nd reading passed to doctorate degree 3/07 2nd reading passed 3/27 signed by Gov’nor HB1094 Prohibits licensure of temporary respiratory 1/17 AMD adopted JH therapist, including graduate respiratory therapist 1/21 2nd reading passed 3/07 2nd reading passed 3/27 signed by Gov’nor HB1097 Requires entities with annual taxable sales of 1/17 2nd reading passed LG $333,000 or more to file the monthly sales tax return 3/27 2nd reading passed electronically. 4/08 signed by Gov’nor HB1099 Requires new FTE budget requests to include 2/14 AMD adopted, LG documentation justifying the need for the position, AMD to remove Budget including number of hours for specific activities and Section authority to anticipated outcomes; OMB budget information must approve new FTE include previous, current and proposed FTE count by positions in the interim agency. (Note: does not apply to NDUS based on language in SB2003) 2/19 2nd reading passed 3/15 hearing 4/11 AMD adopted AMD: Removes temporary employee, only report on permanent position changes 4/11 2nd reading passed 4/11 returned to House 4/16 refused to concur 16 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/16 Conf Committee Kempenich, Dosch, and Guggisburg; Poolman, Schaible, and Nelson 4/18 Senate appointed Sen Barry to replace Sen Nelson on Conf Committee 4/19 report back from Conf Committee,POC (House accede) 4/22 2nd reading passed 4/22 Conf Committee report adopted 4/22 report back from Conf Committee,POC (House accede) 4/22 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 President signed 4/24 signed by Speaker HB1102 Introduced by the SBHE: Removes language that has 1/16 2nd reading passed SUPPORT LG been deemed unconstitutional by the AG’s Office 2/19 hearing prescribing a fixed percentage allocation of state 4/18 DP,POC grant funds to private institutions. 4/19 2nd reading passed 4/19 returned to House 4/24 signed by Gov’nor HB1103 SBHE authorize out-of-state post-secondary 1/24 2nd reading passed SUPPORT JH educational providers, at associate level or higher, to AMD: Adds reporting operate in ND; authorizes the assessment of an requirement to application fee to support programmatic legislature administrative costs. 3/06 AMD adopted 3/07 2nd reading passed 4/03 concurred 4/03 2nd reading passed 4/10 signed by Gov’nor HB1104 Introduced by SBHE: Expands definition of resident 1/18 AMD to reformat, SUPPORT LG for tuition purposes to include NDUS employee, no substantive change. which is in addition to existing reference to NDUS 1/22 2nd reading passed spouse and dependent. 3/06 2nd reading passed 3/27 signed by Gov’nor HB1138 Permits denial of licensure of peace officer for certain 2/07 AMD adopted LRSC offenses 2/08 2nd reading passed LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #17 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/03 AMD adopted 4/03 2nd reading passed 4/04 returned to House 4/16 refused to concur 4/16 Conf Committee appointed Koppelman, Boehning, and Karls 4/17 Conf Committee appoint Rep Delmore to replace Rep Karls on Conf Committee 4/17 Conf Committee appointed Armstrong, Lyson, and Grabinger 4/19 2nd reading passed 4/19 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate recede) 4/19 Conf Committee report adopted 4/19 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate recede) 4/19 Conf Committee report adopted 4/23 President signed 4/23 signed by Speaker HB1149 Related to notification and investigations of 2/25 AMD adopted LG hazardous materials incidents 2/26 2nd reading passed 3/15 requested return from Committee 4/01 AMD adopted 4/01 2nd reading passed 4/02 returned to House 4/04 concurred 4/04 2nd reading passed 4/10 signed by Gov’nor HB1186 Exempts from open records any record maintained in 1/17 signed by CH a legislative bill tracking system by a public entity Governor

HB1200 Requires Budget Section approval of capital 2/12 AMD adopted, OPPOSE LG improvements financed from gifts, grants or bequests Permits Budget Section costing more than $385,000 and any changes in to authorize change in projects, during the three months following the close project scope within 6 of the session. This is in addition to the current months preceding the limitation of six months preceding the session. In session & 3 months 18 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned addition, following , if due to unforeseen emergency 2/13 2nd reading passed 4/02 2nd reading passed 4/10 signed by Gov’nor HB1202 Exempts governmental entities providing emergency 2/11 AMD adopted RT communication services from use of the statewide 2/15 2nd reading passed area network 3/26 AMD adopted 3/27 2nd reading passed 3/28 returned to House 4/16 2nd reading passed 4/16 concurred 4/17 President signed HB1211 Provides $600,000 in matching fund appropriation to 2/26 AMD adopted SOM Dept. of Commerce to assist in recruitment, AMD: Funding reduced HS distribution, supply, quality and efficiency of from $600,000 to personnel providing health services in rural areas $400,000 2/26 2nd reading passed 3/18, 25 hearing 3/25 rereferred to Appr 4/10 DP,POC 4/12 2nd reading passed 4/12 returned to House 4/18 signed by Gov’nor HB1219 Expands definition of veteran for veteran spouse and 2/14 AMD adopted, NEUTRAL LG dependent tuition waiver who at time of death had a Hoghouse amendment, 50-100% service related disability; currently 100% replaced with only requirement that tuition waiver for a dependent of a disabled vet continues at the time of death if the dependent was accepted for enrollment at the time of death. 2/19 2nd reading passed AMD: Waiver for dependent who at time of death had a 100% service connected disability. 3/22 AMD adopted 3/25 2nd reading passed LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #19 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 3/26 returned to House 4/16 2nd reading passed 4/16 concurred 4/17 President signed HB1228 Appropriates $400,000 to Career and Tech Ed for a AMD: Reduces general SUPPORT JH STEM advancement grant, to strengthen educational fund appropriation fm opportunities with economic development and $400,000 to $160,000; workforce needs CTE can accept gifts. 2/25 AMD adopted 2/25 2nd reading passed 3/21 2nd reading passed 4/11 signed by Gov’nor HB1253 Permits reimbursement of costs associated with 2/14 AMD adopted LG compliance of non-smoking in public places from the 2/19 2nd reading passed tobacco prevention and control advisory committee 3/25 2nd reading passed 4/08 signed by Gov’nor HB1270 Governmental construction project contract may not 1/31 AMD adopted, LG prohibit use of labor organizations 2/04 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 3/21 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/08 signed by Gov’nor HB1272 Expands the definition of veteran dependent for 2/13 AMD, adopted NEUTRAL LG resident tuition purposes from only active duty AMD adds armed military and members of ND National Guard to forces reserve include all honorably discharged /wartime veterans, stationed in ND, and regardless of residency (similar to current veteran further clarifies that and spouse) veteran eligibility to transfer GI bill 2/15 2nd reading passed AMD: Merges HB1104 related to NDUS employees 3/22 AMD adopted 3/29 2nd reading passed 4/01 returned to House 4/12 refused to concur 4/12 Conf Committee appointed Meier,Rohr, and Mock; Luick, Schaible, & Marcellais 4/19 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/19 2nd reading passed 4/19 Conf Committee report adopted 20 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/22 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/23 2nd reading passed 4/23 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 President signed 4/24 signed by Speaker HB1281 Prohibits use of resources appropriated to campuses AMD: Hoghouse OPPOSE HS for personnel directly under the authority or amendment. Requires supervision of the Chancellor Budget Section approval of any campus assessment for goods or services provided through the NDUS Office; does not apply to assessments currently in effect. Includes 6/30/15 expiration date. 2/21 AMD adopted 2/25 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause failed 3/18 hearing 4/18 2nd reading passed 4/18 DP,POC 4/18 returned to House 4/19 President signed 4/19 signed by Speaker HB1285 Requires a physical therapy aide be under direct 2/08 2nd reading passed JH supervision of a physical therapist, but removes Emerg. clause carried requirement that therapist be onsite and present in 3/08 2nd reading passed the facility. Emerg. clause carried 3/12 Signed by Gov HB1289 Provides $450,000 general fund appropriation to AMD: Reduces SUPPORT LG SBHE to provide assistance to veterans at UND and appropriation to NDSU $274,000 to NDUS for assistance to vets enrolled in ND or surrounding state higher education, matched dollar-for- dollar from inst’l resources. 2/27 AMD adopted LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #21 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 2/27 2nd reading passed AMD: Hoghouse amendment; Provides $400,000 general fund appropriation to Vets. Affairs for vets assist. 3/22 AMD adopted 3/29 2nd reading passed 4/01 returned to House 4/16 refused to concur 4/16 Conf Committee appoint Brandenburg, Grande, & Boe;Schaible Luick, and Marcellais 4/22 House & Senate report back from Conf Committee,AMD, Appropriates $325,000 GF to NDUS for assistance to veterans 4/22 2nd reading passed 4/22 Conf Committee report adopted 4/23 2nd reading passed 4/23 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 President signed 4/24 signed by Speaker HB1291 Expands eligibility for Aca/CTE scholarship to include 2/15 AMD adopted, NEUTRAL LG home school students AMD: Effective for students graduating after the 2013-14 AY, and requires some courses to be dual credit or AP 2/19 2nd reading passed AMD: Provides scholarship to home school students & appropriates $250,000 from DPI grants-state school aid line item; permits completion of two units of foreign or native American or American sign language 22 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 4/03 AMD adopted 4/03 rereferred to Appr 4/08 hearing,DP,POC 4/11 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/11 returned to House 4/12 refused to concur 4/12 Conf Committee appointed Heller, Heilman, and J Kelsh; Schaible, Poolman, and Heckaman 4/22 House & Senate report back from Conf Committee, AMD AMD: Provides scholarship to home school students; permits completion of two units of foreign or native American or American sign language 4/22 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/22 Conf Committee report adopted 4/23 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/23 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 President signed 4/24 signed by Speaker HB1292 For purposes of posting non-smoking notice in public 2/15 AMD adopted LG places, defines entrance and removes posting 2/19 2nd reading passed requirement in vehicles. 3/25 2nd reading passed 4/08 signed by Gov’nor HB1296 Relates to licensure of out-of-state teachers 2/15 2nd reading passed JH 3/29 hearing 4/10 DP,POC 4/12 2nd reading passed 4/12 returned to House 4/18 signed by Gov’nor HB1309 Removes state agency reporting requirement to OMB 2/11 AMD adopted LG concerning service awards, employer paid tuition and 2/13 2nd reading passed LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #23 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned employer paid dues and memberships 3/19 AMD adopted AMD: reduces, but does not eliminate state agency reporting requirements 3/21 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 3/22 returned to House 4/12 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/12 concurred 4/18 signed by Gov’nor HB1368 Removes specific state employee per diem meal rates AMD limits in-state and SUPPORT, seek LG and establishes a maximum not to exceed the GSA out-of-state meal per 100% of GSA rate rate; also increases in-state lodging from the current diem to 80% GSA rate 90% of the GSA rate $69.30 to the standard GSA rate 2/26 AMD adopted of $77 per night. 2/26 2nd reading passed AMD: increase in-state meal rate from $6 to $7; $9 to $10.50 and $15 to $17.50; out-of- state meals at GSA rate; in-state lodging at 90% of GSA rate, and out-of-state at actual rate. 3/25 AMD adopted 3/29 2nd reading passed 4/01 returned to House 4/16 2nd reading passed 4/16 concurred 4/17 President signed HB1392 Transfer approval process for correctional officer 2/08 2nd reading passed SUPPORT JH training from Dept. of Corrections to the POST Board 3/22 2nd reading passed 4/12 signed by Gov’nor HB1454 Regulation of dental therapists 2/08 AMD adopted JH 2/12 2nd reading passed 3/28 2nd reading passed 4/18 signed by Gov’nor HCR3009 Legislative study of use of open textbooks in the 2/21 2nd reading, adopt NEUTRAL JH NDUS 3/08 2nd reading, adopt 3/22 SecOfState signed HCR3013 Urges NDUS to increase use of open textbooks 2/21 2nd reading, adopt NEUTRAL JH 3/08 2nd reading ,adopt 3/22 SecOfState signed HCR3025 Commend NDSU for football championship 2/21 2ndreading, SUPPORT NDS 24 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 3/26 2nd reading, adopt U 4/08 SecOfState signed SB2026 Establishes new section of law related to State Seed 2/04 AMD adopted SUPPORT NDS Department, including NDSU Ag Experiment AMD n/a to NDUS U representation on the commission. 2/05 2ndreading passed 3/25 2nd reading passed 4/01 signed by Gov’nor SB2033 Changes the definition of NDUS large IT start-up 1/22 2nd reading passed SUPPORT RT project reporting to ITD from $250,000/biennium or 3/13 2nd reading passed $500,000 total to only $500,000 total 3/19 signed by Gov SB2034 Mandates major IT project procurement and contract AMD adopted to NEUTRAL RT oversight by OMB and AG’s Office; mandates creation exempt the NDUS. of a project executive steering committee, as 1/22 2nd reading passed introduced not exempt NDUS. 3/13 2nd reading passed 3/19 signed by Gov SB2045 Move the regulation of commercial driver training 1/18 2nd reading passed JH schools from the Highway Patrol to the Department 3/19 2nd reading passed of Transportation. 3/26 signed by Gov’nor SB2060 Various administrative changes to PERS hybrid and 1/17 rereferred to Appr LG defined contribution plan. 1/30 2nd reading passed 4/03 DP,POC 4/04 2nd reading passed 4/11 signed by Gov’nor SB2084 Related to practice and license of dentists and dental 1/14 2nd reading passed JH hygienists; expands licensure to include Canadian 3/13 2nd reading passed dental exam 3/19 signed by Gov SB2088 Relating to licensure of athletic trainers 2/20 AMD adopted UND 2/25 2nd reading passed 3/13 2nd reading passed 3/19 signed by Gov SB2095 Introduced by SBHE: Repeals outdated section 1/18 AMD adopted to SUPPORT LG related to state grant and scholar’s program continue deposit in payments through OMB. special funds 1/22 2nd reading passed AMD: Restores bill to its original form, repeal of entire section. 3/22 AMD adopted 3/27 2nd reading passed 3/28 return to Senate 4/02 refused to concur 4/02 Conference Committee appointed Schaible, Luick, and LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #25 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned Marcellais; Rust, Heller, and Mock 4/12 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate accede) 4/16 2nd reading passed 4/16 Conf Committee report adopted. 4/16 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate accede) 4/17 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 signed by Gov’nor SB2096 Requires BND to administer federal student loan 1/14 2nd reading passed LG program under Health Care and Education 3/13 hearing Reconciliation Act of 2010 3/25 rereferred to Appr 4/05 DP,POC 4/08 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/08 return to Senate 4/12 signed by Gov’nor SB2102 Changes administration of final K-12 state academic 1/22 2nd reading passed JH achievement test from grade 11 to grade 10-11 3/15 2nd reading passed 3/27 signed by Gov’nor SB2113 Exempts from public access state employee personal 1/31 AMD adopted, KF information related to persons engaged in public 2/05 2nd reading passed safety peer counseling or debriefing 3/27 AMD adopted 3/28 2nd reading passed 3/29 return to Senate 4/05 refused to concur 4/05 Conf Committee appointed Berry, Armstrong, Grabinger; and Klemin, Maragos, Hogan 4/11 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate accede) 4/12 2nd reading passed 4/12 Conf Committee report adopted 4/12 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate accede) 4/16 Conf Committee 26 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned report adopted 4/19 signed by Gov’nor

SB2115 Indicates technical records that are not subject to 2/01 AMD adopted KF open records law must be designated private upon 2/05 2nd reading passed submission 3/27 AMD adopted 3/28 2nd reading passed 3/29 return to Senate 4/05 refused to concur 4/05 Conf Committee appointed Berry Hogue Nelson; Boehning, Steiner, and Hanson 4/16 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/18 report back from Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/18 2nd reading passed 4/18 Conf Committee report adopted 4/19 2nd reading passed 4/19 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 signed by Gov’nor SB2127 Permits private employers to provide voluntary vets. 1/28 2nd reading passed KF preference 3/13 2nd reading passed 3/19 signed by Gov SB2129 Requires educational buildings, as required by state 2/19 AMD adopted LG building code, to have an exterior automatic or 2/26 2nd reading passed power assisted ADA door 3/21 AMD adopted AMD: New Bldg, in excess of 7,500 sq. ft. must have a power assisted primary entrance 3/26 2nd reading passed 3/27 return to Senate 4/02 refused to concur 4/02 Conference Committee appointed Klein, Andrist, Murphy; Sukut, Louser, and M Nelson 4/16 report back from LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #27 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned Conf Comm,AMD,POC 4/17 report back from Conf Comm AMD,POC 4/17 2nd reading passed 4/17 Conf Committee report adopted 4/18 2nd reading passed 4/18 Conf Committee report adopted 4/24 signed by Gov’nor SB2134 Expands the definition of law enforcement officer for 1/28 AMD adopted, LG workforce safety purposes 1/29 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 3/26 2nd reading passed Emerg. clause carried 4/01 signed by Gov’nor SB2135 Creates a physician health program, under the State 1/29 2nd reading passed UND Board of Medical Examiners for detection, 3/26 2nd reading passed SOM intervention and monitoring of licensees 4/02 signed by Gov’nor HS SB2188 Modifies the state employee suggestion incentive 1/28 2nd reading passed LG program targeted at reducing expenditures, to 3/19 2nd reading passed increase the maximum employee award from $2,000 3/27 signed by Gov’nor to $4,000 SB2218 Provides $10 million to the Department of Commerce 2/07 AMD,DP SUPPORT JH for workforce development grants for tribally Reduce appropriation controlled community colleges from $10 to $ 5 million 2/19 2nd reading passed 3/06 request return from committee 3/06 rereferred to Industry,Bus,& Labor AMD: removes limitation that no more than 50% of funds can be spend in first year. 3/25 AMD adopted 3/25 rereferred to Appr 4/12 AMD,DP,POC 4/16 2nd reading passed 4/16 Division of AMD’S Div A lost, Div B adopt 4/16 AMD adoptedPOC 4/17 return to Senate 4/18 2nd reading passed 4/18 concurred 4/24 signed by Gov’nor 28 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned SB2234 Makes Voice over Internet Protocol unregulated 2/18 AMD adopted, RT 2/18 2nd reading passed 3/27 2nd reading passed 4/03 signed by Gov’nor SB2270 Expands the types of advertising medium for public 2/04 2nd reading passed LG improvement bids for projects in excess of $100,000 3/18 2nd reading passed 3/26 signed by Gov’nor SB2352 Permits a conveyance of land for the NC and Williston 2/18 AMD adopted, NEUTRAL LG Research Centers in Ward and Williams County, for AMD: To permit sale relocation, if approved by SBARE & NDSU VP for Ag. or trade of equivalent land& require approval of the Budget Section 2/21 2nd reading passed AMD: Adds specific legal land description 4/02 AMD adopted 4/02 2nd reading passed 4/03 return to Senate 4/05 refused to concur 4/05 Conf Committee appointed Andrist Sorvaag Dotzenrod, Klein, Meier, Muscha 4/11 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate accede) 4/12 2nd reading passed 4/12 Conf Committee report adopted 4/12 report back from Conf Committee,POC (Senate accede) 4/16 Conf Committee report adopted 4/19 signed by Gov’nor SB2368 Limitations on and penalties for performing an AMD: Would prohibit OPPOSE HS abortion use of government AMENDMENT funds to contract with or provide financial or other support to those inducing, referring or counseling in favor of abortions 3/21 AMD adopted LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #29 PASSED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned 3/22 2nd reading passed 3/25 return to Senate 3/27 refused to concur 3/27ConfCommappoint Berry Lyson Grabinger, Weisz, Silbernagel, and Oversen 4/05Senate ConfComm report adopted. 4/08 report back fm Conf Committee,POC (House recede) 4/12 2nd reading passed ConfCom report,adopt 4/16 signed by Gov’nor SCR4015 Directs CTE to identify meritorious programs in STEM 2/27 2nd reading, adopt JH for integrated opportunities and activities, and 3/29 2nd reading adopt increased access 4/03 SecOfState signed

FAILED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned HB1050 Provides $500,000 general fund appropriation to DPI 1/21 failed JH for creating a pilot program for at risk American Indian students and for support of community based services HB1082 Expands the definition of law enforcement officer for PREFILE WITHDRAWN, LG workforce safety purposes to include parks and replaced by SB2134 recreation department HB1093 Expands the definition of social work licensure to 4/03 2nd reading, failed JH include experience HB1159 Provides $150,000 GF appropriation to State 2/18 2nd reading, failed RT Auditor’s Office for contracting for annual testing of to pass vulnerability of state computer networks. HB1174 Appropriates $15,000,000 to Department of 2/22 2nd reading, failed LG Commerce for a corporate headquarters relocation program; limited to energy-related business with at least 10 employees working in ND HB1204 Challenge Fund provides $30 million matching ($2 2/27 2nd reading ,failed SUPPORT, with HS private/$1 state), with up to $10 million each to UND amendment and NDSU ($50,000 min.); and, up to $10 million to all other campuses ($25,000 min), up to $1 million per campus for advancement of academics including

30 FAILED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned educational infrastructure. Creates grant review committee consisting of: Governor, two members from House, two from Senate, and two Gubernatorial appointments. Project requires grant review committee before SBHE can allocate funds. HB1240 Exempts from sales tax, gross receipts from sales to 2/12 2nd reading, failed LG an organization that maintains a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status HB1248 Establishes the first day of school district calendar as 1/25 2nd reading failed LG no earlier than the Monday of the fifth week in August HB1262 Requires annual legislative sessions, with odd-year 1/30 2nd reading, failed LG sessions limited to 45 days and even-year sessions limited to 35 days HB1287 For the Aca/CTE scholarship, permits the high school 4/03 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL LG 3.0 minimum GPA eligibility requirement to be measured based on either all courses taken or only those core courses required for the scholarship; in addition, to the existing ACT/WorkKeys score and at least “C” HB1303 Provides $600,000 general fund appropriation to 2/08 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT, with JH SBHE for grants to create college preparatory amendment for academies for low-income students administrative overhead component HB1307 Requires description and disclosure of K-12 class 2/07 2nd reading, failed JH content HB1317 Provides $100,000 to SBHE to buydown student loans 2/04 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT, with LG for individuals who are graduates of early childhood amendment for education and are employed in early childhood administrative education or in early childhood care; provides $1,000 overhead per year of employment, up to five years component HB1328 Freezes tuition rates at 2012-13 level 2/12 2nd reading, failed OPPOSE HS HB1331 Requires that a STEM loan forgiveness recipient be a 2/12 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL LG graduate of a ND college; also removes requirement that degree be in STEM field HB1374 Provides $26,000,000 from strategic investment & 2/11 2nd reading, failed LG improvements fund to provide grants to cities, with a to pass four-year campus, impacted by oil development HB1386 Requires NDUS Office to “record the acceptance of 1/29 withdrawn from OPPOSE LG the moneys (gifts, grants and bequests) and deposit further consideration the moneys” in the individual campus special revenue fund. HB1408 Provides $500,000 general fund appropriation to be 2/06 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT JH prorated among campuses based on FTE students to

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #31 FAILED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned create a permanent endowment fund. Interest earnings can be used if matched one-to-one from non-public sources and used to fund endowed chairs HB1412 Specifically calls for the SBHE to adopt a standard to 2/08 AMD adopted JH provide that there may not be any disciplinary action Amended to remove against a student who witnesses an individual in need requirement SBHE of medical attention due to alcohol or drugs, if the adopt standard students remains and cooperates with authorities preventing disciplinary action. 2/12 2nd reading passed 3/13 hearing 4/04 2nd reading passed 4/04 AMD adoptedPOC 4/04 returned to House 4/16 refused to concur Conf Comm appointed Larson, Steiner, and Delmore; Sitte, Lyson, and Grabinger 4/19 2nd reading, failed 4/19 report back from Conf Committee, POC (House accede) 4/19 Conf Committee report adopted 4/22 motion to reconsider failed HB1414 Mandates annual inflationary increase in the 2/05 2nd reading, failed LG minimum wage HB1448 NDUS must provide an electronic version of any 2/13 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL JH research paper that results from a grant with a state agency or political subdivision, if published in a peer- review journal. HB1466 Requires school district to pay nonpublic school up to 2/27 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL JH 25% of the school district’s educational cost per student HCR3003 Constitutional amendment to set aside part of oil 3/20 AMD adopted LG extraction taxes to common schools trust fund, state 3/21 2nd reading adopt retirement stabilization fund, and foundation aid 4/03 DNP,POC stabilization fund. 4/04 2nd reading, failed HCR3007 Constitutional amendment to repeal the one mill levy 3/21 2nd reading, failed OPPOSE SOM statewide property tax assessment in support of the HS UND SOMHS. HCR3008 Constitutional amendment to remove the names and 3/15 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL HS locations of all campuses HCR3018 Beginning 1/1/18, requires $10 million of earnings 3/26 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL LG from the ND legacy fund to be transferred to the 32 FAILED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned legacy scholarship fund for academic based scholarships to ND high school graduates, as defined by the legislature. HCR3042 Constitutional amendment to eliminate the SBHE; 3/15 2nd reading, failed OPPOSE HS create the “HE commissioner” as an elected official; eliminate campus mission from constitution; provides authority to elected commissioner to appoint and remove presidents; creates HE Advisory Council, appointed by the Governor, to advise commissioner; effective 1/1/16 if adopted by electors. HCR3044 Constitutional amendment to make formal actions of 3/18 2nd reading, failed OPPOSE HS the SBHE subject to voter referral. SB2059 Increase employer and employee PERS contribution 3/25 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT LG by one percent each on 1/14 and 1/15. SB2130 Reduces notice to terminate lease from 60 days to 30 1/18 failed LG days after one year occupancy. SB2148 Mandates a $750 per semester “scholarship” for 3/27 2nd reading , failed OPPOSE, unless LG individuals who volunteer to remain in the foster care amended to system and attend higher education full time. provide general Provides no funding for the scholarship. fund appropriation SB2149 Provides that in addition to LAFRC, the legislative 1/29 2nd reading, failed LG assembly and appropriations committees may direct performance audits, to be conducted by the SAO. SB2150 Notwithstanding other laws, Board per diem 1/29 2nd reading ,failed LG compensation cannot exceed legislative management compensation. SB2155 Changes the high school graduation requirements to 1/25 2ND reading failed JH substitute world history for social studies SB2186 For the aca/CTE scholarship, provides students 2/11 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL LG scoring a 22-23 on the ACT to receive 2/3 of the scholarship amount, up to $4,000, if they meet all other scholarship criteria SB2189 For the Ac/CTE scholarship, requires that in addition 2/11 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL LG to other current eligibility requirements, students must receive a rating of proficient on all 11th grade state assessments; and, changes the requirement that academic scholarship students specifically complete 3 units of a language, fine art or CTE instead of 2 units of the same language and 1 unit of a language, fine art or CTE SB2201 School district employment preferences for veterans AMD: makes currently OPPOSE CH exempted NDUS AMENDMENT positions (chanc, pres., v. pres, faculty,

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #33 FAILED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned coaches, etc.)subject to employment vets. Preference laws 3/29 AMD adopted 4/01 2nd reading passed 4/02 return to Senate 4/05 refused to concur 4/05 Conf Committee appointed Dever Poolman, and Nelson; Schatz, Rohr, & J Kelsh 4/12 report back from Conf Committee, POC (Senate accede) 4/16 2nd reading, failed 4/16 Conf Committee report adopted SB2208 Mandates state payment for advanced placement 1/31 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT, if JH and dual credit adequately funded SB2269 Provides $50,000 appropriation to Department of 2/08 AMD adopted, SOM Commerce to hire a consultant to work a 2/13 AMD adopted, HS gubernatorial appointed committee to study the 2/20 AMD adopted state’s health care system. 2/25 2nd reading passed 3/28 AMD adopted 3/28 rereferred to Appr 4/10 DNP,POC 4/11 2nd reading, failed SB2283 Creates an infrastructure audit task force, appointed 2/05 2nd reading, failed NEUTRAL, amend LG by Governor, for audits of state facilities, making to exempt NDUS recommendations to the Governor for budget purposes SB2328 Provides $350,000 appropriation to the UGPTI for 2/27 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT LG maintaining transportation infrastructure records on country and township roads and bridges SB2333 Provides an additional $55.7 million to the SOMHS for 2/27 2nd reading passed SUPPORT LG construction; contingent upon initial appropriation of 3/20 hearing $68.3 million as proposed by Governor. 4/17 2nd reading failed SCR4025 Interim study of NDUS student disciplinary hearings 3/06 withdrawn from OPPOSE JH further consideration SCR4026 After June 30, 2017 requires $450 million of the ND 3/15 2nd reading, failed SUPPORT LG legacy fund be set aside for the interest earnings to be used for granting academic scholarships to students who attend colleges in ND. SCR4028 Constitutional amendment to remove 3/13 2nd reading, failed OPPOSE HS names/locations of colleges and universities; replaces SBHE with an appointed “council of regents” 34 FAILED LEGISLATION Staff Assig Bill No. Description Status SBHE Position ned comprised of the following voting members-- Governor, DPI Superintendent, Ag Commissioner and non-voting members—two appointed by Governor, and six legislators. The council of regents appoints the Chancellor, who has the authority to hire/fire presidents, and administration of the NDUS; if approved by electors, effective January 1, 2015. D:\Docs\2017-12-14\08b4c2e1ca898c0b9a55b2b1023f7deb.docx

LEGEND: Amd-Amendment, DNP-Do Not Pass, POC-Placed on Calendar, DP-Do Pass Page #35

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