Request for Quotation (Rfq) s3

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Request for Quotation (Rfq) s3

United Nations Development Programme


NAME & ADDRESS OF FIRM: 23 June 2011 REFERENCE: TYPE: (please mark one) RFQ-SS-VSATBROADCAST-SoPP-60-2011 Individual Partnership Corporation


Dear Sir / Madam:

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office in Juba, Southern Sudan seeks quotations for supply and installation of Broadcaster - 1.2 Meter Mobile VSAT Satellite System on a Toyota land cruiser as per the specifications and features stipulated in Annex I.


i. Technical Specifications & quote submission format (Annex I) ii. General Conditions of Contract (Annex II) iii. Special Conditions (Annex III) iv. Evaluation Criteria (Annex IV)

Quotations; submitted by hand/mail should be in sealed envelopes and sent to the following address::

Address: UNDP Southern Sudan Procurement Unit ATT: Alfonso Ortega UNDP Office Compound, Southern Sudan –Juba


Quotations submitted by email should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]

Quotations should reach the above address no later than 8 July 2011 at 5:00PM.

Late quotes will not be accepted.

Each page of the offer must be dated, signed and stamped with company stamp

Alfonso Ortega Head of Procurement Unit UNDP, Juba, Southern Sudan

1 United Nations Development Programme

Specifications/features/description of the Broadcaster.

Broadcaster - 1.2 Meter Mobile VSAT Satellite System

The Broadcaster's unique design with one button connectivity and the ability to acquire satellite in less than 4 minutes, the Broadcaster is a flexible and affordable solution to demanding on-site media requirements.

Cost Effective The Broadcaster can meet the transmitting specifications of much larger (and more expensive) systems. Stowed Size is 73" length x 48" width x 14.5" height. (185cm x 122cm x 37cm).

2 United Nations Development Programme

Networking & Video Streaming Services

The Broadcaster is bundled with our optimized iDirect Services of 5Mb down by 2Mb up as well as capable of using our dedicated video streaming services CIR 1:1 unshared channels for up to 2Mb x 2Mb guaranteed speeds.

Broadcaster Features

Small footprint on roof Connects in less than 4 minutes Azimuth/Elevation dual compound gear drive for zero backlash Able to track inclined orbiting satellites Operates in winds up to 50 MPH when deployed Temperature operational from minus -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Bundled with broadband Internet with 5Mb Down x 2Mb Up speeds using our iDirect service. 2Mbps x 2Mbps Video Streaming with 1:1 CIR with Streaming Services from Ground Control. Browser Interface for configuration and operation Front panel one-button search and stow (to default satellite) Configurable satellite table to hold up to 6 different satellites Telnet for remote diagnostic and troubleshooting Locks on any KU Band satellite Stowed Size 73" L x 48" W x 14.5" H. (185cm x 122cm x 37cm) Weight 200 lbs (90.72 kg) (does not include BUC weight) Uses 100 to 240 VAC with 2.5 amp max draw Full 360°+ azimuth rotation Elevation from 0° (horizon) to 78° standard (0° to 90° optional) Skew rotation ±103° DVB S2 satellite identification Precision peaking and cross-pol for superior connectivity

1RU Controller

The Broadcaster 1RU controller allows for easy front panel operation with Power, Search and Stow making the task of satellite acquisition to a default satellite care free. LED's on the front panel show status of LNB, LAN, GPS, System Operation, System Busy, and System Stowed. Firmware upgrades are one-button easy as well and always free.

3 United Nations Development Programme

ANNEX II General Terms and Conditions for invoice must indicate the Purchase Order's identification number. Goods & Services 2.1.4 The prices shown in this Purchase Order may not be increased except by express written agreement of UNDP. ACCEPTANCE OF THE PURCHASE ORDER 3. TAX EXEMPTION

This Purchase Order may only be accepted by the 3.1 Section 7 of the Convention on the Supplier's signing and returning an Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations acknowledgement copy of it or by timely delivery provides, inter alia, that the United Nations, of the goods in accordance with the terms of this including its subsidiary organs, is exempt from Purchase Order, as herein specified. Acceptance all direct taxes, except charges for utilities of this Purchase Order shall effect a contract services, and is exempt from customs duties and between the Parties under which the rights and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles obligations of the Parties shall be governed solely imported or exported for its official use. In the by the terms and conditions of this Purchase event any governmental authority refuses to Order, including these General Conditions. No recognize UNDP's exemption from such taxes, additional or inconsistent provisions proposed by duties or charges, the Supplier shall immediately the Supplier shall bind UNDP unless agreed to in consult with UNDP to determine a mutually writing by a duly authorized official of UNDP. acceptable procedure.

2. PAYMENT 3.2 Accordingly, the Supplier authorizes UNDP to deduct from the Supplier's invoice any 2.1.1 UNDP shall, on fulfillment of the amount representing such taxes, duties or Delivery Terms, unless otherwise charges, unless the Supplier has consulted with provided in this Purchase Order, make UNDP before the payment thereof and UNDP payment within 30 days of receipt of the has, in each instance, specifically authorized the Supplier's invoice for the goods and Supplier to pay such taxes, duties or charges copies of the shipping documents under protest. specified in this Purchase Order where applicable. In that event, the Supplier shall provide UNDP 2.1.2 Payment against the invoice referred to with written evidence that payment of such taxes, above will reflect any discount shown duties or charges has been made and under the payment terms of this appropriately authorized. Purchase Order, provided payment is made within the period required by such payment terms. 4. RISK OF LOSS 2.1.3 Unless authorized by UNDP, the Supplier shall submit one invoice in Risk of loss, damage to or destruction of the respect of this Purchase Order, and such goods shall be governed in accordance with DDU 4 United Nations Development Programme Incoterms 2000, unless otherwise agreed upon by In case of failure by the Supplier to fulfil its the Parties on the front side of this Purchase obligations under the terms and conditions of this Order. Purchase Order, including but not limited to failure to obtain necessary export licences where applicable, or to make delivery of all or part of the 5. EXPORT LICENCES goods by the agreed delivery date or dates, UNDP may, after giving the Supplier reasonable notice to Notwithstanding any INCOTERM 2000 used in perform and without prejudice to any other rights this Purchase Order, where applicable, the or remedies, exercise one or more of the following Supplier shall obtain any export licences that may rights: be required for the goods. a) Procure all or part of the goods from other 6. FITNESS OF GOODS/PACKAGING sources, in which event UNDP may hold the Supplier responsible for any excess cost The Supplier warrants that the goods, including occasioned thereby. packaging, conform to the specifications for the b) Refuse to accept delivery of all or part of the goods ordered under this Purchase Order and are goods. fit for the purposes for which such goods are c) Cancel this Purchase Order without any ordinarily used and for purposes expressly made liability for termination charges or any other known to the Supplier by UNDP, and are free liability of any kind of UNDP. from defects in workmanship and materials. The Supplier also warrants that the goods are contained or packaged adequately to protect the 10. LATE DELIVERY goods. Without limiting any other rights or obligations of 7. INSPECTION the parties hereunder, if the Supplier will be unable to deliver the goods by the delivery date(s) 1. UNDP shall have a reasonable time after delivery stipulated in this Purchase Order, the Supplier of the goods to inspect them and to reject and refuse shall (i) immediately consult with UNDP to acceptance of goods not conforming to this Purchase determine the most expeditious means for Order; payment for goods pursuant to this Purchase delivering the goods and (ii) use an expedited Order shall not be deemed an acceptance of the means of delivery, at the Supplier's cost (unless goods. the delay is due to Force Majeure), if reasonably so requested by UNDP. 2. Inspection prior to shipment does not relieve the Supplier from any of its contractual obligations. 11. ASSIGNMENT AND INSOLVENCY

8. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 11.1. The Supplier shall not, except after obtaining INFRINGEMENT the written consent of UNDP, assign, transfer, pledge or make other disposition of this The Supplier warrants that the use or supply by Purchase Order, or any part thereof, or any of UNDP of the goods sold under this Purchase the Supplier's rights or obligations under this Order does not infringe any patent, design, trade- Purchase Order. name or trade-mark. In addition, the Supplier 11.2. Should the Supplier become insolvent or shall, pursuant to this warranty, indemnify, defend should control of the Supplier change by virtue and hold UNDP and the United Nations harmless of insolvency, UNDP may, without prejudice from any actions or claims brought against UNDP to any other rights or remedies, immediately or the United Nations pertaining to the alleged terminate this Purchase Order by giving the infringement of a patent, design, trade-name or Supplier written notice of termination. trade-mark arising in connection with the goods sold under this Purchase Order. 12. USE OF UNDP OR UNITED NATIONS NAME OR EMBLEM 9. RIGHTS OF UNDP

5 United Nations Development Programme The Supplier shall not use the name, emblem or official seal of UNDP or the United Nations for 16. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES any purpose. 16.1 Amicable Settlement 13. PROHIBITION ON ADVERTISING The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle The Supplier shall not advertise or otherwise amicably any dispute, controversy or claim arising make public that it is furnishing goods or services out of, or relating to this Purchase Order or the to UNDP without specific permission of UNDP in breach, termination or invalidity thereof. Where each instance. the Parties wish to seek such an amicable settlement through conciliation, the conciliation 14. CHILD LABOUR shall take place in accordance with the UNCITRAL Conciliation Rules then obtaining, or The Supplier represents and warrants that neither according to such other procedure as may be it nor any of its affiliates is engaged in any agreed between the Parties. practice inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including 16.2 Arbitration Article 32 thereof, which, inter alia, requires that a child shall be protected from performing any work Unless, any such dispute, controversy or claim that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with between the Parties arising out of or relating to the child's education, or to be harmful to the this Purchase Order or the breach, termination or child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral invalidity thereof is settled amicably under the or social development. preceding paragraph of this Section within sixty (60) days after receipt by one Party of the other Any breach of this representation and warranty Party's request for such amicable settlement, such shall entitle UNDP to terminate this Purchase dispute, controversy or claim shall be referred by Order immediately upon notice to the Supplier, either Party to arbitration in accordance with the without any liability for termination charges or UNCITRAL Arbitration any other liability of any kind of UNDP.

15. MINES Rules then obtaining, including its provisions on applicable law. The arbitral tribunal shall have no The Supplier represents and warrants that neither authority to award punitive damages. The Parties it nor any of its affiliates is actively and directly shall be bound by any arbitration award rendered engaged in patent activities, development, as a result of such arbitration as the final assembly, production, trade or manufacture of adjudication of any such controversy, claim or mines or in such activities in respect of dispute. components primarily utilized in the manufacture of Mines. The term "Mines" means those devices defined in Article 2, Paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of Protocol II annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions and Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects of 1980. 17. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES

Any breach of this representation and warranty Nothing in or related to these General Terms and shall entitle UNDP to terminate this Purchase Conditions or this Purchase Order shall be Order immediately upon notice to the Supplier, deemed a waiver of any of the privileges and without any liability for termination charges or immunities of the United Nations, including its any other liability of any kind of UNDP. subsidiary organs.

6 United Nations Development Programme


SPECIAL CONDITIONS Warrany One Year Preliminary Examination Partial offers are not permitted Completeness of Quotations Language The quotations shall be in English

Currency of quotations/offers Offers might be submitted in USD for foreign companies and in SDG for local companies DELIVERY UNDP – DDU Juba DELIVERY PERIOD Not more than 3 weeks Payment Terms Payment shall be made within 30 days by direct bank transfer to the Supplier’s nominated Bank account, which must be in the name of the Supplier (Company) and not in the name of any individual (even the owners of the Company). Award criteria for award of a) Price and Delivery will be considered in evaluation. Offers offering shorter contract delivery time may be given preferences if in interest of UNDP. The overall compliance of the offer will be considered.

b) Proof of after sales offices in Juba. The bidder must provide technical and contact information of the service provider in Juba.

c) Compliance with qualification criteria indicated in Annex IV.

Validity of Quotation 30 days from closing date

Submission of Quotes By Hand to UNDP Juba Office ATT :Alfonso Ortega By Email: [email protected] VAT or Taxes Purchases by the UNDP are not subject to any VAT. Do not include any VAT/taxes when bidding or invoicing. Request for clarification Bidders requesting clarification of any of the items, technical requirements or conditions stipulated in this RFQ shall communicate in writing with UNDP office to [email protected]

7 United Nations Development Programme General Terms and Conditions Annex 1I

8 United Nations Development Programme


Qualification/Eligibility Criteria

1. The bidder must demonstrate that they have had at least two to three years acceptable prior experience in supply and installation of metal detectors or security related equipments. This qualification will be satisfied by listing at least 3 clients to whom similar requirements have been provided, in the table below: Failure to provide this information will result in your offer being non-responsive.

Name of Company Contact e-mail & telephone No. Year

2. Provide the profile of your company. .

9 United Nations Development Programme



1.1 Compliance with pricing conditions set in the RFQ 1.2 Compliance with requirements relating to technical specifications and features and the product’s ability to satisfy functional requirements. 1.3 Compliance with the Special and General Conditions specified in this Solicitation Documents. 1.4 Compliance with start-up, delivery or installation deadlines set by the procuring entity. 1.5 Demonstrated ability to comply with critical provisions such as execution of the Purchase Order by honoring the tax-free status of the UN. 1.6 Demonstrated ability to honor important responsibilities and liabilities allocated to Supplier in this RFQ ( warranties, or insurance coverage, etc). 1.7 Total Aggregate Price

Your offer should indicate agreement to the Conditions stipulated in Annexes II and III

10 United Nations Development Programme


Quote Submission Format Provide your quote in the following format: List additional costs separately below. All scope of supply.

DESCRIPTION Qty Unit Cost Total Cost (USD/SDG) (USD/SDG) Broadcaster - 1.2 Meter Mobile VSAT Satellite 1 System

Installation to be done in Juba, South Sudan 1

Ship Via*: Total Freight Cost: Insurance Cost Total Item + Freight: Delivery Time (in weeks):


Company Stamp: Signature


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