Course Number and Name

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Course Number and Name

C ou rs e numb e r and name

MTSE 4900 – Special Topics in Materials Science and Engineering

Cr e dits and c onta c t hou r s 1-3 Credit hours. Contact hours set by appointment May be repeated as topics vary. Maximum of 8 credits allowed.

I n s t r u c to r ’ s or c ou r s e c oo r dinato r ’ s name Any faculty in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

T ex t boo k , t i tl e , autho r , and ye ar None specific text book required. a. Oth e r s uppl e m e ntal mat e r ials To be provided by individual faculty to support the special topic content. Supplemental materials may include, but is not limited to, books, papers in journals or proceedings, data from handbooks/databases, web-based media, course notes, computer codes, and software.

Specific Course Information a. B r i e f d e s c r iption o f the c ont e nt o f the c ou rs e ( c atalog d e s c r iption) Lectures, laboratory or other experiences covering specially selected topics in materials science and engineering. b. P r e r e qu i s it e s o r c o - r e qui s it e s Prerequisite(s): MATH 1710, CHEM 1410/CHEM 1430. c. I nd i ca t e w h et h e r a r equ i r ed , e l ec ti ve , o r s e l ec t e d e l ec ti v e cou r s e in t h e prog r am Elective

Sp ec i f ic goals for the c ou rs e a. Specific outcomes of instruction b. Explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes that are addressed by the course.

Program/ABET a b c d e f g h i j k Outcome Specific Course Learning Outcome x x x x 1. Students will use modern analytical x x x or computation techniques to solve independently a problem identified by the instructor of record. 2. Students will make and communicate x x assessments of the “state-of-the-art” in the specific content area of the special problems . 3. Students will communicate x x knowledge gained through reports or final papers.

B r i e f li s t o f topi c s to be c o ve r e d

Dependent upon the precise nature of the special problem topic. At a minimum, the student is expected to be exposed to:  Theoretical background related to the specific content of the special problems  Analytical and/or computational methods  Modern approaches related to experimental methods, testing or analysis  For special problems involving laboratory experiences: Safety training and proper laboratory techniques.

Recommended publications