Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra s1

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Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra s1


Sr. No. Description Page No. 1. Tender Notice 1

2. Instructions for the tenderers, which are to be observed while filling the Tender 2-3 Form 3. Technical Bid for Misc. Paper 4

4. Performa "I-a" : Financial Bid for supply of Miscellaneous Papers 5-7

5. Technical Bid for Handmade Paper 8

6. Performa "I-b" : Financial Bid for the supply of Handmade Paper 9-10

7. Technical Bid for Envelopes 11

8. Performa "I-c" : Financial bid for the supply of Envelopes 12-14

9. Technical Bid for Inks and Chemicals 15

10. Performa "I-d" : Financial Bid for rates for the supply of Inks and Chemicals 16-19

11. Technical Bid for Printing of Lesson of DDE 20

12. Performa "I-e" : Financial Bid for the printing of lessons of Directorate of 21-22 Distance Education for the financial year 2015-2016

13. Technical Bid for Printing of Multicolour Printing Jobs 23

14. Performa "I-f" : Financial Bid for rates for Multicolor Printing Jobs (Placement 24-26 Brochures/Title Cover, Card etc. for the financial year 2015-2016

15. Technical Bid for Answer Book 27

16. Performa "I-g" : Financial Bid for the Preparation of Answer-Books and 28-30 Binding Charging for the financial year 2015-2016

17. Technical Bid Supply of Consumables 31

18. Performa "I-h”: Financial Bid for rates for the Supply of Consumables/Annual 32-34 Maintenance Contract for Copy Printers Model (Gestetner) & Riso EZ-570- A/5700 with interface and Colour Copier Model Xerox WorkCenter 7120 for the financial year 2015-2016 2 3 PRINTING AND PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY KURUKSHETRA (Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956) (“A” Grade, NAAC Accredited)


Sealed tenders, on the prescribed forms are invited through Post/authorized courier service, superscribed on the envelope "Tender for ______due on 26-05-2015" in the name of Sh. M.K. Moudgil, Manager (P&P), Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra -136119 for the following items, for the financial year 2015-2016 so as to reach on or before 26-05-2015 by 1:00 p.m. The tenders will be opened at 3:00 p.m. on the same day in the office of the Dean, Faculty of Sciences. Name of Items Estimated Cost of Blank I. Supply of : Cost Tender Form i) Miscellaneous Papers Rs. 20 Lac 2000/- ii) Handmade Paper Rs. 02 Lacs No Cost iii) Different kinds of Khaki/White envelope (Plain Rs. 20 Lacs 2000/- and clothlined with New Jali : 20" x 20" iv) Printing Inks/plates, Chemicals and other materials for Rs. 06 Lacs 500/- Letter Press/Offset Presses/Stitching wire. v) Printing of lessons of Directorate of Distance Education Rs. 80 Lacs 3000/- with using own paper vi) Multi -Colour printing jobs, Printing of Placement Rs. 10 Lacs 1000/- Brouchers/Title Covers/Cards etc. vii) Preparation of Answer Books with or without OMR Sheets ……………. 4000/- with using own paper Rate Contract for the following (For the year 2015-2016) viii) Supply of Consumable (Ink and Master Rolls) for Copy Printers Rs.7.5 Lacs 500/- Models Riso EZ570A/5700 with interface and Colour Copier Model Xerox WorkCenter 7120 & their Annual Maintenance Contract (A.M.C)

The prescribed Tender Form along with other relevant terms and conditions etc. may either be had, on cash payment from the office of undersigned on any working day, or by post by remitting cost of tender form plus Rs. 50/- (postage charges) through D.D only in favour of Registrar, K.U.K payable at Kurukshetra. While sending request, the item for which tender form is required should be mentioned. The tenderers may be present at the time of opening of tenders, if they so desire.

Note :- Tender Forms can also be downloaded from Website: http//www.kuk.ac.in and Govt. of India Website: http//www.tenders.gov.in such Tender Forms must be accompanied with D.D in favour of Registrar, K.U.K. payable at Kurukshetra as the price of the Tender Form mentioned against each item above.

Manager (P&P)

No.KUP/S-I/2015/ Dated :...... 4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TENDERERS, WHICH ARE TO BE OBSERVED WHILE FILLING THE TENDER FORM 1. The tender should be sent by post. The envelope containing tender should super-scribe "Tender for ...... "due on ...... and addressed to Sh. M.K.MOUDGIL, MANAGER(P&P) KURUKSHETRA UNIVERSITY, KURUKSHETRA-136119. Tenders by hand will not be accepted.

2. The tenderer should quote rates in the prescribed form only available with the Manager (P&P) and not in other form/pad etc. Rates should be quoted only for size/quality as given in proforma.

3. The sample for each item wherever necessary/demanded should be supplied with the offer. The offer without samples/specification will be rejected. The sample should be labeled, stamped and signed with full specifications. The samples should bear the Sr. No. of item as given in Performa.

4. The rates should be quoted F.O.R. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra i.e. inclusive of all charges like Taxes, Loading, Unloading, Packaging, Forwarding, and octroi etc. Discount, if any applicable on any item, should be specified clearly.

5. In case of date of opening of tender falls on a holiday, tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time.

6. No bidder shall be allowed to withdraw his tender after its opening.

7. Rates should be quoted on the prescribed Performa and should not be over written.

8. All the columns of the tender form should be properly filled in.

9. The bidder should serially number, stamp and sign all the bid documents and attachments other than drafts.

10. The successful tenderer is required to furnish the following within 15 days of issue of work or supply order :- Performance security @ 10% of total value of work/supply order with validity of one year from the date of work order in shape of Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee/Fixed Deposit Receipt in favour of "Registrar, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra" payable at "Kurukshetra". In case of failure to do so within 15 days of issuance of work/supply order then Earnest Money of the successful tenderer would be forfeited and the work will be allotted to other party. (for Preparation of Answer Books with paper, Printing of lessons of DDE with paper & Envelopes)

11. The Technical Bid should be filled in original and should be sealed in separate cover. The technical bid should be super scribed as "Technical Bid". The Bidder should put his seal and sign on all pages of Technical Bid.

12. The Financial Bid in the prescribed format should be filled in original in a separate cover. The Financial bid should be super scribed as "Financial Bid". The Bidder should put his seal and sign on all pages of the Financial Bid. Financial bid will only be opened if the tenderer qualifies the technical bid.

13. Both the bids should be enclosed in a single envelope which should bear the name of the bidder and should be super scribed as "Technical and Financial Bid for the year 2015-2016" for the Kurukshetra University Press, Kurukshetra (Haryana).

14. Conditional tenders are liable to be rejected without assigning any reason.

15. The acceptance of the rates shall be conveyed by the University to the tenderer (whose rates will be accepted) by post.

16. The tenderer should sign & stamp "terms and conditions" appended with the Tender Form and send with the filled up Tender Form (Technical bid). 5

17. If any of your items is in the approved list of Director General of supplies and disposal (DGS&D) or any State Government, give full particulars with documentary proof.

18. The tenders should be posted well in time so as to reach its destination before the last date and time. No delay will be condoned, whether postal or otherwise. Do not insist for acceptance of tender "By Hand". The bid received late after the last date and time for receipt of bids prescribed in the tender document shall be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder.

19. The tenderer should enclose earnest money in the shape of Bank Draft (not in any other form) in the name of Registrar, Kurukshetra University, payable at Kurukshetra @ 2% of the following estimated value except Raddi : (Rs. 10,000/- earnest money), as mentioned against each item:- Name of Items Estimated Amount of I. Supply of : Cost Earnest Money

i) Miscellaneous Paper Rs. 10 Lac Rs. 20,000 ii) Handmade Paper Rs. 02 Lacs Rs. 4,000/- iii) Different kinds of Khaki/White envelope (Plain Rs. 20 Lacs. Rs. 40,000/- and clothlined) with new jali 20"x20" iv) Printing Inks/plates, chemicals and other materials for Rs. 6.0 Lacs Rs. 12,000/- Letter Press/Offset Presses/Stitching wire.

v) Printing of lessons of Directorate of Distance Education Rs. 80 Lac Rs. 1,60,000 vi) Multi -Colour printing jobs, Printing of Placement Rs. 10 Lacs Rs. 20,000/- Brouchers/Title Covers/Cards etc. Rate Contract for the following (For the year 2015-2016) vii) Supply of Consumable (Ink and Master Rolls) for Copy Printers Rs.7.5 Lacs Rs. 15,000/- Models: Riso EZ570A/5700 with interface & their Annual Maintenance Contract (A.M.C) viii) Preparation of Answer Books with or without OMR Sheets …………… Rs. 7,00,000

Note: - The tenderer, who have already deposited earnest money in previous year, can deposit the amount falling short to the present earnest money. But the earnest money deposited for one work cannot be treated for another work. The tenders, without earnest money will be rejected.

Manager (P&P) 6 Technical Bid for Miscellaneous Paper

Sr. Description No. 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3 Address 4 Phone No. and Fax No. 5 E-mail ID 6 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 7 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 8 Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 9 Whether sample attached write Yes/No

10 Whether Tender is conditional

11 Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 12 Payment Term 13 Validity of rates 14 Taxes if any 15 Delivery Period 16 F.O.R 17 Terms accepted or not 18 Discount if any 19 Material as per specification

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 7 Proforma-"I-a" FINANCIAL BID FOR RATES FOR THE SUPPLY OF MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS

Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited To be filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Security Register in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 20 Lacs Sr. No…………… Earnest Money : Rs. 40,000 Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Page No………….

Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : -

……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Pin Code…………………………………………… Bank’s Name …………………………………………….. Contact No………………………………………….

Cost of Tender Form deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount......

Important: Quote rates only for specification/Brands/Mills as demanded. Attach full samples against each quoted items and given Sr. No. on the sample

Sr Specification in Cms. Brand/Mill Approx. Rate quoted Terms and Conditions No. Required Requirements Per Unit 1. White Printing Paper Maplitho Paper 1. Delivery F.O.R University 58.5 x 91/70GSM/18.6 Kg Maplitho 2000 Ream Paper 43 x 69/70GSM/10.4 Kg Maplitho 2000 Ream 2. Other Taxes:...... Paper 51x76/70GSM/13.6 Kg Maplitho 2000 Ream Paper 3. Packaging/Forwarding/Cartage 2. Lucky Parchment Loading/Unloading/Octroi etc. 58.5x91/80 GSM/21.3 Kg Ballarpur 500 Reams

3 Azurlaid (Ledger) 4. Rates are valid upto...... a) 43x69/80 GSM/11.9 Kg Ballarpur 200 Reams 5. Time required for delivery of b) 51x76/80 GSM/15.5 Kg. Ballarpur 200 Reams order

...... 4 Sunlit/Sunshine Cartridge (Not more than 30 days) 58.5x91/149 GSM/39.7 Kg Ballarpur 100 Reams

5 Cover Paper (In Diff. Colours) 6. Any other condition a) 43x69/100 GSM/14.8 Kg. West 50 Reams (Use your letter pad for Coast/Star Additional condition) b) 51x76/130 GSM/25.2 Kg. West Coast 50 Reams Star c) 58.5x45.5/130 GSM/17.3 Kg West 100 Coast/Star Reams . d) 58.5x45.5/200 GSM/26.7 Kg West 100 Coast/Star Reams 8 Proforma-"I-a" Sr Brand/Mill Approx. Rate quoted Specification in Cms. No Required Requirements Per Unit 6 Art Paper a) 58.5x91/130 GSM/34.6 Kg. Specialty 25 Reams b) 58.5x91/200 GSM/53.4 Kg Specialty 25 Reams c) 51x76/130 GSM/21.3 Kg Specialty 25 Reams

d) 51x76/170 GSM/32.9 Kg Specialty 50 Reams

e) 51x76/200 GSM/38.7 Kg Specialty 50 Reams

7 Executive Bond Paper a) 45.5x58.5/ 9.3 Kg Ballarpur 250 Reams

8 Pulp Board (Pkt. = 150 Sheets) a) 56x71/200 GSM/11.9 Kg (White) West Coast/Star 25 Gross

b) 56x71/200 GSM/11.9 Kg -do- 25 Gross In five different colours

9 Art Card 58.5x91/250GSM/66.6 Kg Specialty 20 Pkt.

10 Printing Paper-Coloured 45.5x56/9.0 Kg. Sirpur / Ballarpur 100 Reams Red, Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue 11. Super Lucky-Ivory Card Ballarpur 100 Pkt. (Pkt. of 100 sheets) 56x70/300 GSM/11.9 Kg 12. Kraft Paper Star 100 Reams ( Ream = 480 Sheets) 73.5x112/80 GSM/31.6 Kg

13. Straw Board- Best Quality 100 Bundles 18 oz, 24 oz and 32 oz Size 25.5x30.5/25 Kg 14. Photo Copier Paper Size A-4: (21.0x29.5 cms) J.K/Ballarpur 4000 Reams 75 GSM/ 2.3 Kg Century/TNPL Legal Size: (21.5x34.5cms) -do- 500 Reams 75 GSM/2.8 Kg


1. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited.

2. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding.

3. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which it has quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material. 9 Proforma-"I-a"

4. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University.

5. Maximum one month will be allowed for the delivery of material from the date of order. Therefore period of delivery of material beyond 30 days is not acceptable.

6. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final.

7. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University.

8. The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalization of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted, will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. The full Earnest money of the tenderer will be retained, if a single item is accepted.

9. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed.

10. All the payments will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State.

11. Conditional tenders shall not be considered. Any tender containing addition/alternation in the above terms and conditions and the specifications of items/material will also not be considered except where Tender Committee of the University, recommends so in the interest of University.

12. The negotiations will be held with L-1 to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer.

13. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document.

14. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction.

I/We have carefully read the above Terms & Conditions of supply and shall be abide by

Date...... (Signature of the party with stamp) 10 Technical Bid for Handmade Paper

Sr. Description No. 1. Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2. Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3. Address 4. Phone No. and Fax No. 5. E-mail ID 6. Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 7. Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 8. Whether sample attached write Yes/No

9. Whether Tender is conditional

10. Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 11. Payment Term 12. Validity of rates 13. Taxes if any 14. Delivery Period 15. F.O.R 16. Terms accepted or not 17. Discount if any 18. Material as per specification

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 11 Proforma-"I-b" FINANCIAL BID FOR RATES FOR THE SUPPLY OF HANDMADE PAPER

Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited To be filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Security Register in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 2 Lacs Sr. No…………… Earnest Money : Rs. 4,000/- Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Page No………….

Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : -

……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Pin Code…………………………………………… Bank’s Name …………………………………………….. Contact No………………………………………….

Cost of Tender Form deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... ______Important: Attach full samples against each quoted items and give Sr.No. on the sample

Specification in Cms. Approx. Requirements Rate quoted Per Unit Cover paper i) 43x69/20 Kg 100 Reams ii) 51x76/20 Kg 100 Reams

iii) 58.5x45.5/14.5 Kg 100 Reams

Terms and Conditions :- 1. Delivery : F.O.R University

2. Other Taxes:......

3. Packaging/Forwarding/Cartage Loading/Unloading/Octroi etc. ………………………………………..

4. Rates are valid upto......

5. Time required for delivery of order ......

6. Any other condition/payment: (Use your letter pad for additional condition)…………………………


Date:...... Authorised Signatory (with office stamp) 12 Proforma-"I-b"


1. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited. 2. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding. 3. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which it has quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material. 4. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University. 5. Maximum one month will be allowed for the delivery of material from the date of order. Therefore period of delivery of material beyond 30 days is not acceptable. 6. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final. 7 In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. . 8. The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalisation of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. The full Earnest money of the tenderer will be retained, if a single item is accepted. 9. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed. 10. All the payments will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State. 11. Conditional tenders shall not be considered. Any tender containing addition/alternation in the above terms and conditions and the specifications of items/material will also not be considered except where Tender Committee of the University, recommends so in the interest of University. 12. The negotiations will be held with L-1 to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer. 13. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document. 14. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction.

I/We have carefully read the above Terms and conditions of supply and shall be abide by

Date...... (Signature of the party with stamp) 13 Technical Bid for Envelopes

Sr. Description No. 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3 Address 4 Phone No. and Fax No. 5 E-mail ID 6 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 7 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 8 Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 9 Whether sample attached write Yes/No

10 Whether Tender is conditional

11 Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 12 Payment Term 13 Validity of rates 14 Taxes if any 15 Delivery Period 16 F.O.R 17 Terms accepted or not 18 Discount if any 19 Material as per specification

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 14 Proforma – “I-c” FINANCIAL BID FOR RATES FOR THE SUPPLY OF ENVELOPES

Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited To be filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Security Register in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 20 Lacs Sr. No…………… Earnest Money : Rs. 40,000/- Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Page No………….

Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : -

……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Pin Code…………………………………………… Bank’s Name …………………………………………….. Contact No………………………………………….

Cost of Tender deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... ______Important: Quote rates only for specification/Brands/Mills as demanded Attach full samples against each quoted items and give Sr.No. on the sample I. Plain Envelope : Specification : Colour : Khaki, Kraft Paper, 80 GSM of Star Paper Mill only ______Sr. Size of Approx. Rate quoted per 1000 Terms & Conditions :- No Envelope in Requirement With Printing Without Printing inches 1. Delivery F.O.R University 1. 5"x 4" 2,00,000 2. Other Taxes:...... 2. 9"x 4" 5,00,000 3. Packing/Forwarding/Cartage 3. 5"x 10" 10,00,000 Loading/Inloading/octroi etc.

4. 8"x 12" 2,00,000 4. Rates are valid upto...... 5. Time required for delivery of 5. 10"x 12" 50,000 order

6. 12" x 15" 50,000 ...... (Not more than 30 days) II. CLOTHLINED ENVELOPES Specifications: Colour Khaki,Paper, 100GSM of Star Paper Mill with New Jali (Mesh Size: 20x20) 6. Any other condition ( Use your letter pad for Sr. Size of Simple(without fold) 2" fold additional condition) No. Envelopes Approx. Rate quoted per 1000 Approx. Rate quoted per 1000 in inch requiremen With Without requirement With Without 7. Printing on the outer portion t Printing Printing Printing Printing of the Envelopes the quantity may differ from hundred(s) 1 7"x12" 15000 15000 to thousand(s) as per Requirement. 2 8"x12" 50000 50000

3 10"x12" 50000 50000

4 15"x12" 50000 50000 Proforma-"I-c" III. White D.O. Envelopes: 15 III. White D.O. Envelopes : Specification: Superior Sunshine Maplitho 90GSM (Papers of Best Quality)

Sr. Size: in inches Approximate Rate Quoted per 1000 No. Requirement 1. Plain With Printing Without Printing i) 10"x 4.5" 10,000

ii) 9"x4" 10,000 with Window

iii) 5.25"x 7.25" 10,000

iv) 5.25"x 8.25" 5,000

2. Clothlined with new Jali (Mesh Size : 20x20) Size : 10” x 12” i) without fold 5000

ii) with 2" fold 5000

3. Inland Letter (Good Quality) 4. Coloured 5000 Envelopes Size : 9.25"x5" Plain)


1. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited.

2. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding.

3. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which its has quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material.

4. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University.

5. Maximum one month will be allowed for the delivery of material from the date of order. Therefore period of delivery of material beyond 30 days is not acceptable.

6. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final.

Proforma-"I-c" 16

7. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document.

8 The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalization of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. The full Earnest money of the tenderer will be retained, if a single item is accepted.

9. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed.

10. All the payment will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State.

11. Conditional tenders shall not be considered. Any tender containing addition/alternation in the above terms and conditions and the specifications of items/material will also not be considered except where Tender Committee of the University, recommends so in the interest of University.

12. The negotiations will be held with L-1 to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer

13. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction.

I/We have carefully read the above Terms & Conditions of supply and shall be abide by

Date...... (Signature of the party with stamp) 17 Technical Bid for Inks and Chemicals

Sr. Description No. 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3 Address 4 Phone No. and Fax No. 5 E-mail ID 6 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 7 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 8 Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 9 Whether sample are attached (if samples can not be attached please bring with you at the time of opening of tender) 10 Whether Tender is conditional

11 Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 12 Payment Term 13 Validity of rates 14 Taxes if any 15 Delivery Period 16 F.O.R 17 Terms accepted or not 18 Discount if any 19 Material as per specification

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 18 Proforma-“I-d” FINANCIAL BID FOR RATES FOR THE SUPPLY OF INKS AND CHEMICALS

Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited To be filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Security Register in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 6 Lacs Sr. No…………… Earnest Money : Rs. 12,000/- Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Page No………….

Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : -

……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Pin Code…………………………………………… Contact No…………………………………………. Bank’s Name ……………………………………………..

Cost of Tender deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... Important: Quote rates only for specification/Brands as demanded (4) FOR LETTER PRESS Sr. Name of the Item Brand Name Packing Rate Quoted per Terms & Conditions No. Unit 1. Jobbing Black Delivery : FOR University 2. Gloria Red (SG) Other Taxes if any: 3. Royal Blue (SG) …………………………………………. 4. Yellow(SG) Packaging/Forwarding/Cartage Loading/Unloading/Octroi etc.

Rates are valid upto...... II For Offset Press (A) Process Inks 1. Yellow Delivery Period (Not more than 30 2. Magenta days) 3. Blue 4. Black ………………………………………..

……………………………………….. B. For Baby Offset Machine Any other condition :- 1. Baby Black 2. Baby Blue 3. Baby Red 4. Baby Yellow 19 Proforma-“I-d”

III. CHEMICAL AND OTHER ITEMS ETC. Sr. Item Name Brand Name Rate Quoted per Unit No. 1. Liquor Ammonia 2. Ammonium Dichromate (STC) 3. Benzine Pure (STC)/Vardhman 4. Cotton Bundle 5. Finisher (Technova) 6. Fevicol (Pidilite) 7. Litho Developer (for Film) Polith 8. Nova Delete (PS) Technova (100ml.) Long Run (LR) Short Run (SR) 9 P.S. Developer (Technova) 10. Ortho Phosphoric Acid (STC) 11. Linsed Oil 12. Sponge (Viscosity) 13. Turpentine Oil 14. White Tap Cellulose (.5x72 Yards) width of Panfix 15. Tape Red (Non Transparent .5x72 yard width of Panfix 16. Lacqur Developer (Nova Flash) (For Wipe on Plate) Technova only 17 Sensitizer A+B (Nova Flash) (For Wipe on Plate (Technova only) 18. Wash up solution Technova 19. Blue Font (Fountain Sol.) (Technova) IV OTHER MATERIALS 1. Damping Hose No. 70 (per meter/yard) (for Baby Offset Machine) 2. Damping Hose No. 140 (per meter/yard) (for Baby Offset Machine) 3. Damping Hose No. 150 (per meter/yard) 4. Damping Hose No. 190 (per meter/yard) 20


Sr. Item Name Brand Name Rate Quoted per Unit No. 5. Damping Hose No. 210 (per meter/yard) 6. Litho Film (Size: 20”x100’) (Fuzi/Konika) 7. Numbering Machine Max only (Imported 8 Digit Japan) 10 Digit 8. Micrograin Aluminium Plates Size: 31”x27”x3mm (Nulith/Technova) 9. PS Plates Size: 31”x27”x3mm (Nulith/Technova) 10. Rubber Blanket Gripper side= 33”,Width=33”(four ply) 11. Stitching Wire 22 No. (Weight 500g/Coil) (Duco/Huco) 12. Stitching Wire 24 No. (Weight 500g/Coil) (Duco/Huco) 13. Stitching Wire 26 No. (Weight 500g/Coil) (Duco/Huco)

TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SUPPLY OF VARIOUS ITEMS TO UNIVERSITY PRESS 1. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited. 2. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding. 3. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which have quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material. 4. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University.

5. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final.

6. The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalization of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted, will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. 7. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed. 8. All the payment will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State. 9. Conditional tenders shall not be considered. 10. The negotiations will be held with L-1 to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer 21 Proforma-“I-d”

11. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document. 12. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction.

I/We have carefully read the Terms & Conditions of supply and shall be abide by

Date...... (Signature of the party with stamp) 22 Technical Bid for Printing of DDE Lessons Sr. Description No. 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3 Address 4 Phone No. and Fax No. 5 E-mail ID 6 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 7 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 8 Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 9 Whether sample attached write Yes/No (Please attach 10 Sheets of A4 size of stamped paper as sample with its Test report duly tested from the Govt. approved Laboratory 10 Whether Tender is conditional

11 Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 12 Whether the firm is an ISO write Yes/No, if yes then documentary evidence attached 13 Payment Term 14 Validity of rates 15 Taxes if any 16 Delivery Period 17 F.O.R 18 Terms accepted or not 19 Discount if any 20 Material as per specification and quality

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 23 Proforma-"I-e" FIANANCIAL BID FOR RATES FOR THE PRINTING OF LESSONS WITH PAPER OF DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2015-2016 Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited To be filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Security Register in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 80 Lacs Sr. No…………… Earnest Money : Rs. 1.6 Lac Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Page No…………. Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : - ……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. Pin Code…………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Contact No…………………………………………. Bank’s Name …………………………………………….. Cost of Tender deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... Description of jobs Rates quoted per page for the year 2015-2016 including cost of paper Composing with printing upto Printing of additional first 1000 copies with cost of paper 1000 copies with cost of paper 20 x 30/8 20x30/16 18x22-23/8 18x22-23/4 20 x 30/8 20x30/16 18x22-23/8 18x22-23/4 Paper Size 10”x 7.5” 5”x 7.5” 5.5”x 9” 9”x 11” 10”x 7.5” 5”x 7.5” 5.5”x 9” 9”x 11” English (11 Pt. type) Normal Size (there may be 34-36 line in each page) Hindi & Economics (12 Pt. type) (there may be 34-36 line in each page) Sanskrit & Punjabi (12 Pt. type)(there may be 34-36 line in each page) Mathematics (12 Pt. type) (there may be 34-36 line in each page) Re-Prints (from printed lessons)

Composing per Page :- (English, Hindi, Economics, Sanskrit, Punjabi & Mathematics) for all sizes mentioned above

(B) Printing of Title Cover of Lessons on Indian Art Paper of 210 GSM (including cost of Paper) with pasting Size:- 20 x 30/8(10”x15”) 20x30/16 (7.5”x10”) 18x22-23/8 (9”x11”) 18x22-23/4 (11”x18”) Rate per Title Cover (C) Binding Rate for 64 Additional 8 Page Pages form or Part thereof Folding, Gathering, Wire-Stitching (at two places per100 copies of 64 pages and rate of 8 pages form or part thereof)

(D) Folding, Gathering with Thread Sewing, Hard Bound/ Full/Half Cloth Bdg., 100 copies of 100 Pages ______

(E) Page Setting from C.D (CD will be provided by D.D.E) ______Per Page Note:- (i) Payment of additional copies (which do not cover under the above Performa) will be made proportionately on the Basis/ charges in the proforma. (ii) The work will be distributed among all the printers who will give acceptance as per their capacity. (iii) Please quote rates of Maplitho paper as per given specification if willing to accept rates with paper As per IS : 1848/2007 specifications (upto fourth revision) pH =Not less than 5.0 Mechanical Pulp%= Not more than 20 Brightness = 85.0 min. Opacity = 80.0 min. Cobb = 25.0 Max. Double fold= MD-15, CD-10 Aash : less than 14%


Date:...... Authorised Signature (with office stamp) 24 Proforma-"I-e" Terms and Conditions

1. The University on the basis of tender may determine flat rates and the parties interested to do the work out of those who will send their tenders, would give its acceptance in writing to the Directorate of Distance Education, K.U.K within specified time given by the Directorate of Distance Education. 2. Your acceptance will be subject to abiding by terms and conditions as contained in agreement form, on Non-Judicial stamp paper, contents of which are available from the Directorate of Distance Education, K.U.K. The Agreement, duly signed by the First Class Magistrate of the District Concerned, shall be furnished by intending party, before the allotment of work. 3. The printer should be use his own paper, quality and weight as specified by the University. 4. Every printer intending to do the work, will have to furnish a security of Rs.1,00,000/- in the shape of Bank Draft, in favour of Registrar, K.U.K which will be returned to the party after the expiry of the agreement period. No interest will be paid on this security. 5. The allotment of work will be subject to inspection of the premises of the printers including machines, material, quality, capacity and manpower. 6. The agreement will be for one year from the date of approval of rates; however the same may be extended with mutual consent of party and university authorities. 7. The work will be allotted to party keeping in view of its execution potential and already pending work of Distance Education, with it. 8. The Printer will adhere to the following Printing requirements strictly: - (a) Will use only specified type size (normal type face) (b) Space between lines should not exceed three points. (c) Space between two paras should not exceed 2 ems pica (d) Finished size of lesson should be 7.25" x 9. 5". 9. Tender of any Printer can be rejected on the following grounds at any time: - (a) For not supplying the lesson within specified period. (b) Printing quality of printer is not good (c) For not using material of specified quality and specification. 10. All subsequent requests for change in the rates for one reason or the other, after submission of the tender, shall not be entertained in any case and the tenderer shall have to supply material on the rate approved and conveyed to him. 11. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document. 12. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed.

13. The negotiations will be held to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer 14. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final. 15. All the payments will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State.

Manager (P&P) 25 Technical Bid for Printing of Multicolour Jobs

Sr. Description No. 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3 Address 4 Phone No. and Fax No. 5 E-mail ID 6 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 7 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 8 Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 9 Whether Tender is conditional

10 Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 11 Payment Term 12 Validity of rates 13 Taxes if any 14 Delivery Period 15 F.O.R 16 Terms accepted or not 17 Discount if any

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 26 Proforma-"I-f" PROFORMA FOR RATES FOR MULTICOLOUR PRINTING JOBS (Placement Brochures/Title Cover, Card etc. For the year 2015-2016 Important Particulars of Earnest Money To be filled by office Deposited Last date of Receipt of Tender Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 10 Lacs Security Register in the University ………………. up to 1:00 p.m. Earnest Money : Rs. 20,000/- Sr. No…………… Date of opening ………………… at 3:00 p.m. Page No…………. Name and Full Address of Tenderer : - Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : - ……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. Pin Code…………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Contact No…………………………………………. Bank’s Name …………………………………………….. Cost of Tender deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... A. Title Cover Printing (All four pages) in four colour on 300 GSM Art Card of Gloss/MATT (with Lamination )including the cost of scanning, plate making etc. Size of 1st lot of copies Additional copies Paper 100 200 300 500 1000 100 200 300 500 1000 11.5”x18” 10”x 15” 13”x 17” B. Inner Pages Printing (four pages form and Part thereof ) in Four colours on 130 GSM art paper Gloss/MATT including composing, scanning, plate making and other allied jobs. Size of 1st lot of copies Additional copies Paper 100 200 300 500 1000 100 200 300 500 1000 11.5”x18” 10”x15” 13”x 17” C. Inner Pages Printing (four pages form and Part thereof ) in Two colours on 130 GSM art paper Gloss/MATT including composing, scanning, plate making and other allied jobs. Size of 1st lot of copies Additional copies Paper 100 200 300 500 1000 100 200 300 500 1000 11.5”x18” 10”x15” 13”x 17” D. Printing of form on 2 pages (two colour printing) on 80 GSM Maplitho paper (including composing and Pasting) Size of 1st lot of copies Additional copies Paper 100 200 300 500 1000 100 200 300 500 1000 11.5”x9” 10”x7.5” 13”x 17” 27 Proforma-"I-f"

E. Printing of Letter Head in Multicolour on 85 GSM Executive Bond Paper Size of 1st lot of copies Additional copies Paper 100 200 300 500 1000 100 200 300 500 1000 A4 9”x7.5” 9”x5.5”

F. Printing of Certificate on 300GSM imported Art Card/Ivory Card Certificates (Size : 9"x 11") Single Colour Double Colour Four Colour

G. Other Allied jobs Sr. No. Name of Jobs Finish Size (8.5” x 10.5”) Finish Size (7” x 9.5”) 1. Binding Charges per copy upto 48 pages 2. Envelope (white) each 9” x 12” 8” x 10”

Note:- Payment of additional copies (which do not cover under the above proforma) will be made Proportionately on the basis/ charges in the proforma. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: - 1. The rates should be inclusive of Sales Tax Etc. F.O.R Department in K.U.K. 2. Any kind of Tax/Levi if applied is to be born by the Printer. 3. Delivery : 15 days after final print order. 4. Rs. 200/- per day penalty will be imposed if the job is not executed within the stipulated period. 5. Printers will get checked proofs from the department concerned before final printing at their own cost. 6. The Bill should be prepared in the following format, which will help in releasing the payment Expeditiously. (a) Number of Copies printed. (b) Size of Job (c) No. of inner pages in the job ______Total Form______(d) Full description of jobs executed. (f) Rate Charged.


Date:...... Authorised Signature (with office stamp) 28 Proforma-"I-f"


1. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited.

2. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding.

3. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which it has quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material.

4. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University.

5. Maximum one month will be allowed for the delivery of material from the date of order. Therefore period of delivery of material beyond 30 days is not acceptable.

6. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final.

7. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document.

8. The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalisation of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted, will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. The full Earnest money of the tenderer will be retained, if a single item is accepted.

9. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed.

10. All the payments will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State.

11. Conditional tenders shall not be considered. Any tender containing addition/alternation in the above terms and conditions and the specifications of items/material will also not be considered except where Tender Committee of the University, recommends so in the interest of University.

12. The negotiations will be held to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer

13. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction.

I/We have carefully read the above Terms and conditions of supply and shall be abide by

Date...... (Signature of the party with stamp) 29 Technical Bid for Answer Book Description 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Full Address of the firm along with the name of contact Person Phone No. and Fax No. with E-mail address: 3 Photo copies of work orders and successful completion certificate for printing of answer books with & without OMR sheets in preceding last 3 financial years in Universities/State Level Education Boards in India (Enclose Self attested photo copies) 4 Trade Tax/Sales Tax Registration No., PAN No. and TIN no. with place of registration (Attach Self attested photo copies) 5 The firm should attach notarized affidavit on following points: 1. No. of Printing machines available with bidder 2. Printing and manufacturing capacity per day for Answer Books with & without OMR cover page 3. Printing and manufacturing capacity per day for OMR sheet 4. Details of Security arrangements in Printing premises 5. The bidder s having own printing Press having Registration with statutory bodies/Government/Director Printing Press of any state and is capable of supplying the Tendered consignment (Name of statutory bodies with whom printing press is registered should be written clearly along with registration no. and date) 6 Notarized Affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- on the prescribed format that the bidder’s firm has not been black listed or debarred or prohibited from any University/Institution/Body/any Government in India/Government of Haryana since inception of the bidding firm/company(Format for affidavit is enclosed) 7 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 8 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 9 10 (Ten) sample sheets of paper to be used in manufacturing inner pages as per specification given in tender of Answer books along with technical details. Manufacturers details, IS Code etc. shall be enclosed with the technical bid. It should be free from ink spreading and writing impressions on the back/other side of the page 10 10(Ten) sample sheets of OMR sheets to be used as per specification given in the tender documents in cover page of answer books, in award sheet. Paper manufacturers details, IS Code etc. shall be enclosed with the technical bid 11 Payment Term 12 Validity of rates 13 Taxes if any 14 Delivery Period 15 F.O.R 16 Terms accepted or not 17 Discount if any 18 Material as per specification and quality (Please attach certificate that paper is as per specification) 19 All the page must be numbered and index be added

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 30 Proforma-"I-g" Financial Bid for the preparation of Answer Books with Paper for the year 2015-2016 Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited To be filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Estimated Cost : ……………………. Security Register: in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Sr. No…………… Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Earnest Money : Rs. 07 Lac Page No…………. Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particular of Draft deposited by Tenderer : - ……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. Pin Code…………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Contact No…………………………………………. Bank’s Name ……………………………………………..

Cost of Tender deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... Sr. Description of Paper for Answer-Book and OMR Sheet Terms and Condition No. Answer Books is to be used by the supplier as per given 1. Delivery F.O.R. University Store with Thread specifications 2. Any Other Taxes Stitching and Rate Quoted per 1000 Approx. With OMR Sheet Without OMR Sheet /Charges : ...... Requirement (with cover paper printing) (With cover paper printing) ...... 40 Pages 1. (35 Lac) 3. Rates valid upto...... 16 Pages 4. Time required for first delivery of 2. (02 Lac) order ...... (will not exceed 30 days for Ist lot total supply will be 08 Pages made with in two months) 3. (11 Lac ) 5. Total capacity per day ………………… Any other Conditions (Use your letter pad for additional Condition) Specification of OMR Sheet with Flap:- Specification for Creamwove Paper used for preparation (i) Size : 210 mm x 350 mm (with Flap) of Answer Book :- (ii) Three Bar Codes with two vertical perforations As per IS: 1848/2007 specifications (upto fourth revision) (iii) Double-sided tape of 9 mm should be struck on allpH the =Not less than 5.0 three sides of the Flap of OMR. Mechanical Pulp%= Not more than 20 (iv) Numbering at two places at Part A & D Brightness = 85.0 min. (v) Paper 100 GSM Maplitho of good quality “A” Grade. Opacity = 80.0 min. (vi) OMR should be properly scanable. Cobb = 25.0 Max. (vii) Finished Size of Answer Book without and with Double fold= MD-15, CD-10 OMR Sheet = 8.25”x10.5” Aash : less than 14%

Note:- The Vender to whom work of Answer Book with OMR sheets will be allotted have to make arrangement for scanning of OMR in the premises of KUK and have to quote rates for final work. The space and electricity, etc. will be provided by University for the following jobs: 1. Receiving the packets of torn slips under signature. [No. of Torn Slips: approximately 8 lacs (part C + part D)] 2. Scanning of OMR TORN SLIPS of Answer Books i.e. Part-D in one lot and Part-C is to be scanned separately identity wise. 3. Editing of the Part-C and Part-D separately and finding out in one exception from the scanned data viz., matching and combining of Part-C and Part-D with the help of Barcodes. 4. Implementing corrections pointed out by the University and provide another soft copy and hard copy identity wise. 5. Provide soft copy in specified format in MS-Excel, CSV, DBF etc. 6. Handing over the torn slips. 7. Image scanning of the OMR torn slips will be preferred as : 1. It eases the search of soft copies of OMR torn slips images through the link/path in the specified format in MS-Excel (refer point 5 of Table) 2. Corrections are made for easily and effectively. 3. Data gets preserved for future references. Tracking of torn slips is easy. I, hereby declare that I have carefully read all the terms and conditions etc. of the tender document for printing and the supply of Answer Books and other related works, for which I have signed and submitted the tender. I undertake that I will faithfully comply with all the terms and conditions of the tender document and they are fully acceptable to me and I shall abide by the terms and conditions of the tender.

Date:…………. Authorized Signature (With office stamp) 31 Proforma-"I-g"


(A) 1. 10% payment will be made after final supply & submission of this undertaking on Stamp Paper that no watermark paper is left with the tenderer or it has been returned to the University. All the plates used for printing have been destroyed.

2. i) The Tenderer should have experience of 6 years in manufacturing of Answer-Books. ii) Copies of orders placed by different clients be added. iii) List of machinery & infrastructure including provision of storage capacity along with authentic proofs be added. iv) Registration Certificate with Industry Department and Central Excise Department be added. i) Tenderer will have to submit an undertaking after supply that Central Excise Duty on Printing of Answer Books (if any) for the University has been paid by the Printer. And in case any liability of Central Excise arises later on it will be borne by the Printer. Other Conditions : -

(B) 1. The rate should be quoted for the year 2015-2016 2. The work will be executed in the premises of the Contractor.

3. The job will be executed as per instructions given by the Manager (P&P) from time to time during the period of contract.

4. Answer Books would be stitched (with thread) numbered and packed in bags with slips showing descriptions of the Answer Books, on each bundle (full instruction will be issued at the time of allotment).

5. The Contractor's Security/Earnest Money will liable to be forfeited in case of misuse of paper and other materials, delay in the execution of job, wrong packaging and numbering and misappropriation of Answer Books, besides other action that is – Civil/Criminal as warranted keeping in view of the quantum of fault involved.

6. Payment/part-payment may be made after execution of job, and subject to entering into an agreement.

7. Attach list of other Universities/Institutions for those you had been working.

8. Please attach 4-5 copies of samples of Answer-Books you have already prepared.

9. Tender without earnest money will be rejected.

10. Tenderer has to give agreement deed on Stamp Papers after finalization of Terms & Conditions.

11. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited.

12. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding.

13. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which it has quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material.

14. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University.

15. All subsequent requests for change in the rates for one reason or the other, after submission of the tender, shall not be entertained in any case and the tenderer shall have to supply material on the rate approved and conveyed to him.

32 Proforma-"I-g"

16. In case the Contractor/Supplier backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited and the order will be placed with next higher rates and the difference will be recovered from the tenderer besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University. The bidder is required to submit notarized affidavit on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- only on the prescribed format enclosed herewith this tender document.

17. The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalization of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted, will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. The full Earnest money of the tenderer will be retained, if a single item is accepted.

18. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed.

19. All the payments will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State.

20. The tenderer have to arrange the storage, security and insurance to avoid any kind of damage. If there is any kind of damage or discrepancy the tenderer/contractor will have to bear the penalty as impose by the University Authority and an affidavit to this effect has to be submitted by the Tenderer on Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-.

21. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final

22. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction.

23. The successful tenderer is required to furnish the following within 15 days of issue of work or supply order :-

Performance security @ 10% of total value of work/supply order with validity of one year from the date of work order in shape of Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee in favour of "Registrar, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra" payable at "Kurukshetra". In case of failure to do so within 15 days of issuance of work/supply order then Earnest Money of the successful tenderer would be forfeited and the work will be allotted to other party.

I/We have carefully read the above conditions of supply and shall be abide by

Date...... (Signature of the party with stamp) 33 Technical Bid for Supply of Consumables for Copy Printers

Sr. Description No. 1 Name of the Company/Firm/Organization 2 Nature of the Company/Firm/Organization Govt./Public/Private/Partnership/Proprietorship 3 Address 4 Phone No. and Fax No. 5 E-mail ID 6 Whether Demand Draft for tender cost attached write Yes/No 7 Whether Demand Draft of Earnest Money attached write Yes/No (if ‘yes’ give full particular as D.D. No., date, Bank and amount) 8 Whether copy of PAN Card/Tin No. attached 9 Whether Tender is conditional

10 Whether all the pages are serially numbered write Yes/No 11 Whether the firm is an ISO write Yes/No, if yes then documentary evidence attached 12 Payment Term 13 Validity of rates 14 Taxes if any 15 Delivery Period 16 F.O.R 17 Terms accepted or not 18 Discount if any

Authorized Signatory (with office stamp) 34 Proforma-"I-h" Proforma for Rates for supply of Consumable/Annual Maintenance contract for copy printer Model Riso EZ-570A/5700 with interface & colour copier Model Xerox WorkCentre 7120 for the year 2015-2016 Important Particulars of Earnest Money Deposited filled by office Last date of Receipt of Tender Estimated Cost of Items : Rs. 7.5 Lacs Security Register in the University 26-05-2015 up to 1:00 p.m. Sr. No…………… Earnest Money : Rs. 15,000/- Date of opening 26-05-2015 at 3:00 p.m. Page No…………. Name and Full Address of Tenderer :- Particulars of Draft deposited by Tenderer : - ……………………………………………………… Amount…………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… Draft No. ………………………………………………………………. Pin Code…………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………………………… Contact No…………………………………………. Bank’s Name …………………………………………….. Cost of Tender deposited vide Receipt No...... Dated...... Amount...... Name of item/Brand Rate per Unit for the year 2015-2016 Terms & Conditions Riso 570A/5700 with interface (Consumable) Consumables 1. Delivery F.O.R University 1000 cc 2. Taxes/Packaging/Octroi etc. Ink (Black) 3. Validity : upto Master Rolls 4. Time required for delivery of order :- No. of master in one Roll (Not more than 30 days will be allowed) 5. Discount (if any): Spare Part Spare Parts Thermal Head 1. Delivery F.O.R University Electric Motor 2. Taxes/Packaging/Octroi etc. Drum 3. Validity : upto 4. Time required for delivery of order :- (Not more than 30 days will be allowed) Discount (if any): Sr. No. Specification of the Material : Colour Copier Rate quoted Terms & Conditions Model (Xerox Work Center 7120) per Toner 1. Black toner 2. Yellow toner 3. Magenta toner 4. Cyan toner Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) per Year with all Spare-Parts except Thermal Head, Electric Motor and Drum Printer No. Rates quoted by Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) Party Riso 570A/5700 with 1. Repair/Service : At K.U. Press* interface 2. Service Tax : 3. Other Taxes (if any) : 4. Discount (if any) : 5. Any other Condition (From Party) Colour Copier Model 1. Repair/Service : At K.U. Press* (Xerox Work Center 2. Service Tax : 7120) 3. Other Taxes (if any) : 4. Discount (if any) : 5. Any other Condition (From Party) *For major repair please refer clause 3 of terms and condition printed overleaf.


Date:...... Authorised Signature (with office stamp) 35 Proforma-"I-h"


1. The tenderer will provide maintenance/comprehensive maintenance service at the premises of the University in respect of its copy-printer (Riso 570A/5700 with interface) installed in the University Press.

2. The tenderer shall provide services from the date of commencement of the agreement i.e including preventive and corrective maintenance, replacement of the defective parts free of cost except Drum, Thermal Head and Electric Motor. In addition to the above, any reported break down of the machines shall be promptly attended to by the tenderer's technical staff within 48 hours failing which the tenderer will have to pay Rs. 200/- per day as penalty.

3. If the machine(s) are taken to tenderer's office, the tenderer will have to return the machine(s) after due repair within 7 days failing which the party shall provide another machine to avoid the work loss of the University.

4. If the party fails to give satisfactory services to the University by not attending to the complaints, the University may impose penalty of Rs.1000/- on the party and withheld next installment of A.M.C. payment .The University shall also be at liberty to cancel the contract with 15 day's notice.

5. The A.M.C fee will be paid in two equal installments after every six months, subject to entering into agreement with the University on the non-judicial stamp paper.

6. The required quantity of item (s) as given in the tender form is tentative for the whole year. The University reserves the right to increase/decrease any item without assigning any reason and shall not be bound to place order for all the items for which the tenders have been invited.

7. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason. In case of dispute, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor/Registrar of the University shall be final/binding.

8. Any condition relating to advance payment of the ordered material will not be entertained. The University is not bound to purchase all the items from the tenderer for which it has quoted rates. The rates will be accepted on the basis of competitive rates and quality of material.

9. The rates accepted shall be operative till the close of the financial year for which tenders are invited or such date as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University and no revision of rates will be allowed in between. The validity of rates can be extended further by mutual consent between the supplier and the University authorities. The party, whose rates are approved, will be bound to supply material on approved rates, to other branches/offices of University.

10. All subsequent requests for change in the rates for one reason or the other, after submission of the tender, shall not be entertained in any case and the tenderer shall have to supply material on the rate approved and conveyed to him. 11. Maximum one month will be allowed for the delivery of material from the date of order. Therefore period of delivery of material beyond 30 days is not acceptable.

12. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time, the Registrar may impose penalty, condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty, however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final.

13. In case the Contractor/Supplier, backs out the supply on approved rates, the earnest money deposited by him shall be forfeited besides any other action as may be decided by the Registrar/Vice-Chancellor of University.

14. The Earnest money of parties, whose rates are not approved, will be returned immediately after the finalisation of tenders. However, the Earnest Money of the parties, whose rates are accepted, will be returned only after the expiry of the financial year on request. No interest will be paid on the amount of the earnest money. The full Earnest money of the tenderer will be retained, if a single item is accepted.

15. Payment will be made only after the materials have been received in the University in satisfactory condition and according to approved quality/specifications/samples or testing wherever needed.

16. All the payments will be subject to deduction of all taxes as imposed by Centre/State.

17. Conditional tenders shall not be considered. Any tender containing addition/alternation in the above terms and conditions and the specifications of items/material will also not be considered except where Tender Committee of the University, recommends so in the interest of University. 36 Proforma-"I-h"

18. The negotiations will be held to reduce the rates. Increase in the rates after negotiations will not be entertained and in that case the rates quoted by it in original tender will be considered. However, the decision of tender committee in such cases would be final and binding on tenderer

19. In case of delivery of material beyond permissible time Penalty @ 2% to 10% will be imposed, the Registrar may condone delay or extend delivery period (on reasonable grounds given by party). An appeal against imposition of penalty however can be made to the Vice-Chancellor of the University, whose decision shall be final.

20. All disputes shall be subject to Kurukshetra jurisdiction. I/We have carefully read the Terms & conditions of A.M.C. and shall be abide by.

Signature of the Party with stamp

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