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This questionnaire is part of a research project being undertaken through the University of Liverpool. Please note that your participation is anonymous. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this questionnaire or the research project, please contact Jennifer Lane Lee at [email protected]. Thank you very much for participating!

Instructions: Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Some of the following questions may not apply to you. Also, the questions only apply to items picked outside of your own garden. *Questions marked with a * are taken directly from the Interview Protocol for the Wild Harvest Report by the Forestry Commission. This has been done to enable a comparison with their findings.

Information about you:

Gender: Age: Nationality: Highest level of educational attainment: Would you describe your main residence as urban or rural? First three letters of your postcode:

Access Questions:

Do you know who owns the property where you pick?

Do you have permission to gather on it?

*What has your experience been like with people who own or manage the land where you pick?

*Do you pick locally? If not, how far do you travel?

Comments: Gathering Data:

Nuts Tick if you have What do you do with the Other information picked or nuts? E.g. freeze, bottle, collected in last: pickle, sell, give away, 5yrs 12 mo eat immediately, etc Pig Nut Sweet chestnut Horse Chestnut Beech Nuts Acorn Hazelnuts Cobnuts Walnuts Other:

Weed/Salad Tick if you have What do you do with Other information: plants picked or the plant? E.g. freeze, collected in last: bottle, pickle, sell, give away, eat 5 yrs 12 mo immediately, etc Dandelion Garlic Mustard Stinging Nettles Hawthorn Moss Marsh Samphire Burdock Ramsons, Wild Garlic Good King Henry Lamb’s Lettuce Rocket Wood Sorrell Common watercress Alexanders Fat Hen Horseradish Other: Herb Tick if you have What do you do with Other information picked or the plant? E.g. freeze, collected in last: bottle, pickle, sell, give away, eat 5yrs 12 mo immediately, etc Wild Thyme Camomile Elderflowers Sweet Cicely Mints Fennel Primrose Red Valerian Sweet Violet Meadowsweet Other:

Fungi Tick here if you What do you do with Other information have picked or the fungi? E.g. freeze, collected in last: bottle, pickle, sell, give away, eat 5 yrs 12 mo immediately, etc Morels St. George’s Mushroom Chanterelles Chicken of the Woods Summer Truffles Ceps Field Mushrooms Horse Mushrooms Oyster Mushrooms Puffballs Hedgehog Fungus Wood Blewits Shaggy Inkcaps Other: Fruit Tick if you have What do you do Other information picked or with the fruit? E.g. how much do you collected in last: E.g. freeze, bottle, usually pick? pickle, sell, give 5 yrs 12 mo away, eat immediately etc. Blackberries Bilberries Damsons Sloes Rose Hips Wild Cherry Elderberries Crab Apples Loganberries Wild Raspberries Bullace Juniper berries Rowan berries Dewberries/Cloudberries

Understanding of the Law:

Are you aware of Y/N Comments: the law concerning: Common law of trespass “Room to Roam” Countryside Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW) Theft (as it applies to the taking of plant-life) Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 National Trust, Woodland Trust or Local Bye-laws? Comments: Gathering Process:

Comments: *How do you know what to pick? *How do you know where to pick? Do you tend to forage whilst doing something else (e.g. walking the dog) or do you go out expressly to gather (e.g. blackberries)? When you pick, do you tend to pick as much as you can before moving on? Or do you leave some or a lot unpicked? *Do you have any rules for things to do and things not to do when picking? Do you “tend” the land in any way when not harvesting? Patrol the site, clear bracken or debris, notify the owners if there has been any damage? *Have you noticed any changes in your ability to find the things you pick? What kinds of changes? *Have the amounts that you pick changed through time? If so, why? *Are there any benefits that you get from gathering that you have not already mentioned? Do any of your friends or family forage? How do you think others view foragers? Comments:

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