Meeting Minutes 5: January 8, 2013; Roland S
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Meeting Minutes 5: January 8, 2013; Roland’s
1. Call to Order / Waive Roberts Rules / Welcome & Intro. 6:01 pm
Welcome Jason Fronzak from Baltimore, with Shaw.
Welcome Patrick Miner from Philly via Pittsburgh. Bridge Engineer at HNTB.
2. Attaboys/Girls
a. Greg Rumbaugh, recognized as ERYMC Outstanding Awardee in Public sector
b. Linda Kaplan / Karen Mueser, ACE Sessions complete for 2012-2013. Two full sessions were held, as well as one with the Carpenters Union to build a bridge.
3. Past-President’s Report
a. Call for CYM Awards due on 2/1/13, Collingwood (published article); Daniel Meade (ethics), Edmund Friedman, Younger Member Group, Younger Member Group Website.This information must be sent via Coreen Cassidy, so it actually needs to be turned in prior to the 2.1.13 deadline. Check with Matt Pierce to see if he has anything published with ASHE.
4. President’s Report
a. “Just because it’s always been done this way, doesn’t mean we continue to do it this way:”
b. Calendar Conflicts – Check the calendar An example is Girls Hope vs. Winterfest occurring on the same day. This is the only one so far, but care must be taken to check with the Section as well.
c. ERYMC (2/8-2/9 Warwick, RI) There will be a separate discussion tomorrow (1.9.13) to get the status.
d. Anything That Floats – 3 Rivers Regatta (July 2013) The entry fee is $100 and goes towards a local non-profit. There are 4 people on the raft. Interest in this activity was a resounding yes. A chair will need to be appointed at the April Meeting.
d.i. Also, explore St. Patrick’s Day Float for next year (2014). Have discussion in November of 2013, as this will take some time to prepare. Keep in mind that the entry does not have to be an actual float, and can be a banner or something small.
e. Section News: Awards Dinner (2/16/13); SAF applicants; Carnegie Science Center E-week (2/22-2/23); legislative fly-in (May?); Future Cities Competition (need volunteer judge) Contact Matt Kusic for information on Future Cities.
e.i. contact B. Gross: Keystone Transportation Funding Coalition; Seeking Program Chair, Architectural Engineering Institute Chair; Newsletter Editor PSPE is also holding a mini PE review course (it’s a 3 week course for $170).
1 f. 2013-18 Strategic Plan – Awaiting info from JBR; Matt Kusic/Lauren Terpak to assist.
g. Elections! – Nominations due 2/26/13; Voting: 3/6 – 3/15 Nominations are only handled by Jim and Angela. Goal is to try to use the website for elections since the current method has nearly reached capacity. Talk with Missy to check on conflict of interest and discuss further at the February meeting.
h. Northwest Branch – Interest in going north for an activity? If so, how far? They don’t seem very interested in coming to Cranberry (too far). Any further is too far for us.
5. Vice-President’s Report
a. Newsletter Articles: published locally. CYM Newsletter published w/o YMF article? The newsletters were getting too long, so they published online links to submitted articles.
b. LDI Update
b.i. Meeting with LDI on 1/9 to discuss future scholarship. b.ii. Community Impact Project 5/11/13 – Mt. Washington 5k; YMF Team?? Running is optional. Walking is allowed. b.iii. 1/17/13 LDI Invitation to prospective members. Bill Confair representing. b.iv. A. Mayer on “Events” committee in LDI. c. LDI presentation by A. Mayer. Tuesday 3/19/13. Details TBD.
6. Secretary’s Report – reminder to submit info by C.O.B. Friday for Monday publishing Current method of sending only one email weekly is working.
7. Treasurer’s Report
a. Current Balance: $3297.99 (payment made to Atria’s / Fasano) Once Jesse, Lauren, and Jim are paid balance will be ~$1500 prior to allocated funds from the Section.
b. Outstanding Collections / Disbursements
b.i. December Dinner (1,172.79 Fresch, $62.42, Dziagwa, $ Radion)
c. Work on setting up card reader app for the next Treasurer.
Committee Reports
8. Fundraising (Pens Raffle potential raffle)
a. Goal: $1800, previous status: $140 + $229 (prize raffle) = $369
a.i. $73.00 (50/50 Pirate revenue + $67 (50/50 at Oktoberfest)
b. T-Shirt Sales. Final logo made up, Shirt Price is $10. To order: contact Mike Panzitta
2 9. Dodgeball 3/2/13; $60/team. Advertised via weekly update. Section emails going out date: ____?
a. Planning session on ______
10. Employment
a. Resume Book: Resumes due 1/18/13 (release date of 1/31/13)
11. Student Affairs
a. CMU:
b. Geneva:
c. Pitt: Nominated students for SAF, good response to speaker request.
d. UPJ: Regional Competition information (April 2013); seeking judges.
e. Point Park: Liaison/contact needed
12. Outreach
a. 10 individuals at 1st outreach training. Interest in a second training? Location?
b. Video. Disclosure form for distribution with video
c. HS Outreach - Seneca Valley HS, others beginning in January.
d. JBR reached out to contact who works with Pgh Public Schools for ASCE opportunity.
e. E-week at Science Center 2/22 and 2/23. Look for Section email for volunteer opportunity.
13. Winterfest – Bill Confair, Kristin Smith, and Lauren Terpak are coordinators
a. Dates: 1/26/13, 7Springs, RSVP by 1/23/13
b. Overnight: little response, day-trip only
14. Action Item: By Feb 2013 meeting: Summer Activity – Champion Needed
15. Social
a. December Dinner (12/6/12, Aviary). 82 attendees; 3 non-payments (2 received, 1 pending)
b. February event – seeking suggestions for things to do
c. Spring Social – Seeking Venue Suggestions. 4/5/13 tentative date.
c.i. ASHE/PSPE/SAME tentatively onboard. No response from ESWP.
16. Technical 3 a. YMF Leadership Discussion, 3/19/12 seminar. Start of Leadership Series (continuing through summer)
b. Potential Graduate School Seminar
17. Membership
a. Membership Database, Tim Tritch; Action Item: next meeting: ______
a.i. Will update database with attendees of dec dinner.
b. Cranberry Happy Hour – in partnership with Northwest Branch
c. Membership Drive – last call!
d. Office Champions – responsible for hanging up flyers. (including membership drive)
18. Community Service / Team Building
a. Girl’s Hope Dinner/Presentation. 1/26/13; Coordinating with Sandra McVeigh. Cost event (~$100), also showcasing outreach video and toolkit. Coordinate with L. Kaplan for mat’l.
b. Blood Drive – not happening this year.
c. Camp KOK – made contact to determine spring work dates.
19. Mentorship – Vacant
20. Adjourn (Next YMF Gen Body Mtg: 2/5/13) 8:00 pm