AP English 11 Honors

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AP English 11 Honors

AP English 11 Honors Mr. Tyler, F-215 April 2005 Vocabulary Development Lesson #11 Instructions: Using the core root definition, try to find the definition of at least two of the words per root without using a dictionary. Then, seek out the definition of any word that you do not currently know. This is the eleventh of a series of 17 lists we will be drawing from this year. (This list used with permission by Susan van Druten, AP English teacher)

-i (plural) alumni, bacilli, fungi, Gemini, homunculi, literati, magi nuclei, octopi Latin -a bacteria, Cephalopoda, data, effluvia, Nematoda, phenomena, phyla, trivia jus (law) injustice, judge, judgement, judgemental, judicial, judicious, just, justice, justify Latin luc/lum (light) elucidate, lucent, lucid, lucidity, Lucifer, translucent, pellucid Latin illumination, illustration, illustrious, luminary, luminous, luminiferous, luster Latin ann (year) annals, annual, annalist, anniversary, annual, annuity, perennial superannuated Latin apo (away or up) apotheosis, apogee, apoplexy, apology, aphelion, apostasy Greek sen (old) senator, senile, senior, seniority, senescent Latin sol (alone) desolate, sole, solifidian, soliloquy, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solo Latin bas (low) abase, bas-relief, basal, base, basic, bass, basset, bassoon, bouillabaisse, contrabase, debase Latin rogat (ask) abrogate, arrogance, derogatory, interrogation, prerogative, supererogatory, surrogate Latin parl (speak) parlance, parlay, parley, parliament, parlor, parlando, parole Latin potent (power) impotent, omnipotent, plenipotentiary, possible, potent, potentate, potential Latin surg (rise) insurgence, insurrection, resurgent, resurrection, source, surge Latin log (word or reason) analogy, apology, catalogue, chronology, dialogue, doxology, epilogue, etymology, eulogy, homologous, illogical, logic, logo, neologism, philologist, prologue, syllogism, trilogy Greek gram (writing) anagram, deprogram, diagram, grammar, hologram, monogram, pentagram, program, telegram Greek cant (sing) accent, cant, cantata, chant, charm, concert, enchantment, incantation, recant Latin reg (rule) interregnum, real, realm, regal, regalia, regicide, regime, regimen, reign, royal Latin pro (forward) impromptu, proceed, proclaim, proclivity, procrastination, procreation, procure, prognosis, prognosticate, program, prolix, prolegomenon, pronounce, prospect, provide Greek gyn (woman) androgynous, gynecologist, gynephobia, misogynist, polygyny, queen Greek ag/act (to do) agency, agent, aggression, aggrade, agile, agitate, agree Latin abreact, action, activate, counteract, interact , react, transact Latin mob (move) automobile, demobilize, immobile, mob, mobile, mobility, mobilize Latin

sed/sid (sit) séance, sedan, sedate, sedentary, sediment, siege, subside, subsidy, supersede, assiduous, dissident, Latin sess insidious, preside, president, resident, residue, residual; assess, obsess, possess, repossess, session fic/fy (make) artifical, beneficial, deficit, difficult, efficient, efficacious, edifice, magnificence, office, officious, orifice, pontificate, proficient, prolific, sacrifice, specific, soporific, suffice, superficial (many more) amplify, certify, clarify, deify, edify, fortify, horrify, pacify, sanctify, signify, solidfy, specify Latin nounce (tell) announce, annunciation, denounce, enunciate, pronounce, renounce Latin andro (man) androgens, androgynous, android (droid), Andromeda, philanthropy, polyandry Greek

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